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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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3 hours ago, Taaaa said:

I have a problem with the NFLV engine.
The thrust of the NFLV engine becomes low from around 2000m, and the thrust continues to be insufficient until it exceeds 25000m. (Almost no acceleration) When it exceeds 25000m, it returns to the original thrust.

I'm using RSS.
Can anyone help me?

I think that`s no problem with NFLV because I use them too (in JNSQ) and they works. I think it`s a problem with the RO-configs. You should ask in the RO/RSS thread.

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8 hours ago, Friznit said:

Yes you got it.  Clearly that'll only fix the craft files.  For anything already launched you'll need to edit the save file itself

Ho boy… new can of worms. How would I go about doing that?

i have a large number of crafts and Kerbal deployed on those ships and would realllly suck to lose them all. 

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On 2/20/2022 at 9:56 AM, MidasMulligan said:


I just upgraded my computer and went from a stable 1.7.3 version with mods (including NF Solar) to 1.12.1 and am running into an issue with a couple of crafts no loading due to a missing "solarpanel-deploying-2x3-1" part. 

I have tried advice earlier in this thread about finding the 1.0.5 version of NF Solar and loading the deprecated part folder to my GameData folder and this did not work. 

This issue impacts my ability to load craft files in the VAB as well as crafts I've already launched/landed/orbited with this part, as well. Those crafts are not available to fly in the tracking station. 

Any advice would be most appreciated!


PS: first time poster but long-time lurker. This community has bailed me out many times before but I'm stumped now. 

This should work. What happened?

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On 2/25/2022 at 5:47 PM, MidasMulligan said:

Beats me! I’ve found other posts where they said it did. No idea why it doesn’t work. I’ve checked the exact spelling and file name in the deprecated files but it just doesn’t. 

A log of the event would really help. 

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I'm sure it's not actually out-and-out deleting the part from the Squad folder (as that's impossible with the way KSP mods work, you virtually never modify anything in a GameData sub-directory that isn't related to the mod or another mod the mod interacts with, and you literally never distribute a mod that permanently changes or deletes files in the Squad GameData sub-directory (because the TOS disallows modifying the actual Squad-created KSP files)).

It's probably just failing to replace it with it's own version (which it does in fact do), almost certainly caused by some malfunctioning ModuleManager patch.

And that's almost always caused by the mod not being installed correctly, somehow. Give your GameData folder a good look-over, make sure that everything's where it should be, and that you're not missing any mod dependencies.

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Love the hard work as always!

Wanted to give a heads-up that the mods all currently come bundled with B9 Part Switch version 2.18.0 when the latest version is 2.19.0 (even that one wasn't made for KSP 1.12.3 explicitly, but is more likely to work with it without issues than 2.18.0 at least...)


EDIT: Other dependencies with NearFuture...

- Packaged Module Manager versions with all the mods are outdated, EXCEPT for with NF Spacecraft for some reason.  They are version  4.1.4 when there's a MM version 4.2.1 except, again, in NF Spacecraft, which carries MM 4.2.1 as is the latest.

- Dynamic Battery Storage (with NF Electrical) is outdated version 2.2.4 when there's a version 2.2.5 .  The update has a few feature fixes beyond simple bugfixes (should have been called 2.3.x instead)

- Kerbal Actuators (with NF Aeronautics) is outdated.  It has version 1.8.3 when the mod was recompiled for KSP 1.12.2 with mod version 1.8.4 (the latest version).

-The Deployable Engines Plugin in NearFuture Aeronautics (but NOT Launch Vehicles) is outdated.  It has version 1.2.2 instead of version 1.3.1

- Community Resource Pack is up-to-date as far as I can tell (can't locate versions past 1.4.1/1.4.2, with some nonsense about them possible being identical...)


Edited by Northstar1989
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31 minutes ago, Northstar1989 said:

Question: what does the "OrbitalLFOEngines" extra with NearFuture Spacecraft do?  It's not explained anywhere easily accessible, like on the original post or the SpaceDock info page.

It changes the monopropellant burning engines in Near Future Spacecraft to burn LFO.

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1 hour ago, Northstar1989 said:

-The Deployable Engines Plugin in NearFuture Aeronautics (but NOT Launch Vehicles) is outdated.  It has version 1.2.2 instead of version 1.3.1

When I first read this I read it as "The Deplorable Engines Plugin" and I immediately thought  Nice!  I'd like to try those!  Sounds fun!  It was disappointing to read it more closely and realize I'd have no new deplorable engines here

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8 hours ago, SciMan said:

I'm sure it's not actually out-and-out deleting the part from the Squad folder (as that's impossible with the way KSP mods work, you virtually never modify anything in a GameData sub-directory that isn't related to the mod or another mod the mod interacts with, and you literally never distribute a mod that permanently changes or deletes files in the Squad GameData sub-directory (because the TOS disallows modifying the actual Squad-created KSP files)).

It's probably just failing to replace it with it's own version (which it does in fact do), almost certainly caused by some malfunctioning ModuleManager patch.

And that's almost always caused by the mod not being installed correctly, somehow. Give your GameData folder a good look-over, make sure that everything's where it should be, and that you're not missing any mod dependencies.

ok fair but it make the part invalid, unusable, and unseeable. Also module manger is up to date pls help me


edit: could you please maybe provide a version that works? Thanks so much if you do

Edited by tremonthedgehog
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7 hours ago, SkyFall2489 said:

It changes the monopropellant burning engines in Near Future Spacecraft to burn LFO.

Ahh, ok, thank you.  I might go back and grab that.

Does anyone, or @Nertea know why the Aviation Fuel Cylinders from NearFuture Aeronautics, which say they can be filled with jet fuel, rocket fuel, or nothing; actually cannot be filled with anything and are completely empty for me?

Other parts from, for instance, B9 Procedural Wings (the only non-NF parts mod I currently have installed)- though I will eventually add others once I get NF working right) can be swapped between LF, LF0, and even Monoprop at will.  But the Aviation Fuel cylinders have no toggleable, high weight (for a structural cylinder with no fuel), and only modestly higher tmperature resistance than the stock rocket fuel tanks (which they weigh more than).  I need these parts to be able to hold fuels if possible in a non-RealFuels game (in case that's what it is expecting to be toggleable).


EDIT: Also, don't forget what I said jsut a few posts back about the outdated dependencies shipping with some of the NearFuture mods.

Edited by Northstar1989
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10 hours ago, tremonthedgehog said:

ok fair but it make the part invalid, unusable, and unseeable. Also module manger is up to date pls help me


edit: could you please maybe provide a version that works? Thanks so much if you do

Hi @tremonthedgehog! I see you've been around the forums for only a relatively short time. There are *a lot* of people here that are willing to help you, and the community is pretty amazing overall. But if you're having problems, you need to make it possible for others to help you find and fix them. You've actually made a good start by specifically mentioning the behavior you are seeing (i.e., you are unable to find a part). But to figure out what's going on, we need logs. Follow this link:

and then upload your logs to a hosting service (like dropbox, onedrive, or google drive). Post the link to the log, not the log itself. And don't just take a snippet of the log, as that doesn't help as much as you might think.

There really are only four categories of possible reasons for what's happening in your game:

  1. A bug in the mod
  2. A bug in KSP
  3. Another mod is actually causing the issue (for example, by moving items in the tech tree)
  4. User error (looking for the item in the wrong place, failing to install dependencies, etc)

In my experience, #4 is the most likely reason, followed by #3. While some mods *do* have bugs, big ones (like major parts missing in popular mods) are usually reported and verified pretty quickly after a mod update. As far as I know, you are the only person that is experiencing this, which makes #3 and #4 even more likely, especially because I saw that you've posted that parts from other mods are also not showing up in your game. But if you post a link to your logs, it's *very* likely that someone knowledgeable will try to help......

However, one thing to always keep in mind. Mod authors owe us, the KSP community, nothing. They don't have to share their labor with us, they don't have to fix things we think are wrong, and they don't have to respond to us on the forums. Most of the mod devs here do all those things, but they don't *have* to. When you post in a forum making claims about a mod without any proof, you aren't really helping. So, my advice is, again, follow the link I included, post a link to your logs, and don't forget to thank Nertea and any other mod author you come across for helping make KSP the fantastic game it is. 

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30 minutes ago, eightiesboi said:

Hi @tremonthedgehog! I see you've been around the forums for only a relatively short time. There are *a lot* of people here that are willing to help you, and the community is pretty amazing overall. But if you're having problems, you need to make it possible for others to help you find and fix them. You've actually made a good start by specifically mentioning the behavior you are seeing (i.e., you are unable to find a part). But to figure out what's going on, we need logs. Follow this link:

and then upload your logs to a hosting service (like dropbox, onedrive, or google drive). Post the link to the log, not the log itself. And don't just take a snippet of the log, as that doesn't help as much as you might think.

There really are only four categories of possible reasons for what's happening in your game:

  1. A bug in the mod
  2. A bug in KSP
  3. Another mod is actually causing the issue (for example, by moving items in the tech tree)
  4. User error (looking for the item in the wrong place, failing to install dependencies, etc)

In my experience, #4 is the most likely reason, followed by #3. While some mods *do* have bugs, big ones (like major parts missing in popular mods) are usually reported and verified pretty quickly after a mod update. As far as I know, you are the only person that is experiencing this, which makes #3 and #4 even more likely, especially because I saw that you've posted that parts from other mods are also not showing up in your game. But if you post a link to your logs, it's *very* likely that someone knowledgeable will try to help......

However, one thing to always keep in mind. Mod authors owe us, the KSP community, nothing. They don't have to share their labor with us, they don't have to fix things we think are wrong, and they don't have to respond to us on the forums. Most of the mod devs here do all those things, but they don't *have* to. When you post in a forum making claims about a mod without any proof, you aren't really helping. So, my advice is, again, follow the link I included, post a link to your logs, and don't forget to thank Nertea and any other mod author you come across for helping make KSP the fantastic game it is. 

thank you so much!

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1 hour ago, MidasMulligan said:

Not sure how to provide this since it isn’t an event. What would I need to do?

If you haven't read it yet, the link (How To Get Support) in the post two above your last one points to a thread which describes how to provide the information.  Include in any upload the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file.

Run KSP for the minimum necessary to exhibit the problem, save the logs to a file sharing site and post the link(s) here.

Edit:  Oh, and the ModuleManager.log would be a nice addition.

Edited by Brigadier
Added .log file advice
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In addition to the Aviation Fuel Cylinders not swapping between fuels as they should (might be an issue with the B9 PartSwitch dependency that ships with the latest versions not being updated fully, and possibly my attempts to manually install the updated one- or even the more updated B9PartSwitch not being updated for the very latest version of KSP). I am having a more basic issue with the balancing/configs of the parts themselves that definitely needs to be fixed...

The "Heavy Engine Nacelles" from NearFuture Aeronautics are not capable of supporting a reasonable amount of weight in surface (radial) attachment mode to the underside of wings, like they should be able to.

With even a very modest load attached to them: an appropriate-sized and weight 2.5 meter BROADSWORD engine (also from the mod) attached to their rear, and stock 2.5-->1.875--->1.25 meter fueled diameter-tapering parts (two parts, in that order) plus a 1.25 meter nosecone, and a single stock ExtraLarge landing gear, the Heavy Nacelles are ripping off the bottom of the plane soon after it lifts off the runway- both immediately after, and a few after pulling the nose further up out over the ocean.

This even occurs when I reinforce both the nacelles and the tapered fuel tanks attached to the front with manual struts, as well as turning on auto-strut for all parts.  In fact, it takes 3-4 struts to even have a decent chance of the nacelles not ripping off in the first minute of flight, and more still to keep them on for an entire spaceplane ascent.

TLDR: The strength of surface attachment for the Heavy Engine Nacelle part grossly inadequate to support the weight it is clearly designed for.  It barely hangs onto the underside of a wing when stationary on the runway without any landing gear directly underneath (or that particular gear retracted), and even the *slight* additional stress of nosing a plane up 4-5 degrees at low speed (120-150 m/s) is enough to rip them right most "heavy nacelles" off the bottom of a wing.  The "Heavy Engine Nacelles" desperately need stronger surface attachment to actually be remotely useful.

EDIT: May be possible both this, and the Aviation Fuel Cylinders issue were due to a mistake made in installing an updated version of B9 Part Switch dependency (since the version shipped with the NearFuture mods is outdated, not the post 1.12.2 recompile one).  Among other things, that dependency allows both swapping resources AND adjusting part/node sizes, which can affect the strength of attachments (the latter of which, if it occurs automatically, as a scale-up of a smaller reference config, rather than Nertea having created a config with the correct part/node sizes initially, can cause issues like this.  I encountered something similar myself with rescaling and attachment sizes having issues when first making my Netherdyne Mass Driver Mod configs usable, before eventually handing the mod off to another maintainer...)

EDIT #2: Fixing B9 Part Switch fixed the Aviation Fuel Cylinder issue, but did absolutely nothing for the pathetic attachment strength of the Heavy Engine Nacelles.  They still fall apart with barely any stress placed on them.

Edited by Northstar1989
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3 hours ago, llamaskywalker said:

Can you make something where i can download all of these at once?

"CKAN" is an external program to assist with installing mods. Check it out. You can click all the Near Future mods and CKAN will install them all at the same time.

(Note that some mods are not available CKAN, either because the mod owner specifically wants to be excluded, or just that no one's gotten around to adding it. That's not an issue for Near Future just a helpful FYI if you do start using CKAN.)


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