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[1.3] [Kopernicus] 34Tauri(2020) – Firefly's The Verse [Alpha Dev]

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The Verse - Calling All Browncoats

For all those Browncoats (Firefly Fans) out there that like to Travel.


**The Setup**


A new System has been found, and has now been named 34Tauri(2020).

Located approximately 20 Light Years from Kerbol, a small collection of stars have been identified.

Telescope detection methods have determined that there are the following: -

  • A White Sun (A0) with what appears to be 2x smaller Suns and the Anchor Star.
  • A Red Sun (G5) with what appears to be 2x smaller Suns.
  • First Yellow Sun (G0) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 3 large Gas Giants.
  • Second Yellow Sun (F5) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 2 large Gas Giants.
  • A Blue Sun (F0) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 2 large Gas Giants.

[Images to be released SoonTM]

We have been unable to determine if any Planets and/or Moons are present orbiting any of the Stars. Investigations are ongoing however, which brings us to our next point on the agenda.


PAX Expeditionary Services Ltd

(A wholly owned Subsidiary of Pretorian Aerospace Exploration Limited)

PAX Expeditionary Services Ltd is going to be exploring this System, however with the possible number of objects (19 confirmed), we feel that putting some of the exploration to tender will help.

We at PAX are looking for volunteer organisations to undertake Scientific Expeditions to investigate this small star cluster and ascertain if this System is inhabited, and if so initiate First Contact, but if not to begin the collection of Science to determine if any Planets and/or Moons found could be Kolonised.

The Expeditions will be initiated in stages: -

  • Alpha – 4-10 Companies   (Obj1)
  • Beta – 10-25 Companies   (Obj2)
  • Gamma – Open, but controlled contract launches   (Obj3)

Objectives: -

One: to establish the state of the System and determine if populated.   [Alpha Dev]

Two: either Initiate First Contact or Collect SCIENCE!!!!!!!   [Beta Dev]

Three: after SCIENCE!!!!!! is collected begin work towards Kolonisation. (dependant on outcome of Two), at which point the project will be handed to PAX Kolonisation Services Ltd.   [Gamma]



So I have made The Verse from Firefly with Kopernicus. And so far it seems to work correctly, however I am new to Modding and am fully aware that I have likely missed something.

 Ok, so that is the premise for why I wanted to build this system, now I need to Test it.

So first I would require Testers to help with this.

# 'Companies' above is a guide [and a bit of a setup for a possible Mission report thread]


****Testers Required*****

**** Alpha Phase****

Firstly to ensure that the System is working in general

Secondly to ensure that all bodies work as expected,

  • Suns cook you if you get too close
  • Gas Giants will not be your friend if you get too close
  • Planets and Moons get upset if you hit them too hard
  • ETC…

And finally to ensure I have not missed something and tweak things. Also I need advice on the parameters for each body.

Once this has been/mostly done then we move on to the Beta Phase.


****Beta Phase****

In no particular order

  • Sorting the Terrain for the Planets and Moons.
  • Add Atmospheres
  • Providing different textures.
  • Others to be added as discovered

Once this has been/mostly done then we move on to the Gamma Phase.


****Gamma Phase****

‘General’ Release



****Download & Change Log****



**Required Mods** Not Included **

Kopernicus [Link]

Module Manager [included in Kopernicus]

Some form of FTL is advised



Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

All copyrights are acknowledged and respected.



The Kopernicus Team – if it were not for you Guys (and Gals?) then this would not be possible.

Joss Whedon – for Firefly

J. Chris Bourdier – for The Verse in Numbers v2.1 [http://pics.fireflyprops.net/TVIN-2.1.pdf or http://firefly.wikia.com/wiki/The_Verse_in_Numbers]

@daniel l. – for To Boldly Go as I have stolen borrowed the Coronae and Gas Giant Textures

@CaptRobau – for OPM as I used it for inspiration

@OhioBob - for his 'How to Make Atmospheres' Thread

For putting up with my questions: -


@The White Guardian 



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Things To Do, Notes and Requests.


To Do/Fix

Figure how to get textures for the Planets [getting there]

Check the Rings [don't thing they worked]

Figure out Atmospheres [might have now]

Showcase Pictures



Listed in CKAN/NETKAN [still need confirmation it works though?]

.cfg and 'art' pass for Stars and Gas Giants 


Community Requests

Make Main System (e.g. Gael System/KSS) [very very TBC]


Requests of the Community

If you can please Feedback regarding the System

If Someone anyone? can confirm that this is on CKAN and works?


All help is appreciated, and Thanks in Advance.

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  On 5/23/2017 at 3:20 PM, snkiz said:

love firefly, bless you good sir!


Thank you, thought this was missing from the Systems available, most are based on real ones, or completely made up.

So thought I would try to make a known one that is not either, plus I need somewhere to go in my next KSP career, once I start it (when Real Life gets out of the way).

If you've DL'd it let me know, need some feed back, and definitely some help.

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Still doesn't work - did you hit the release button (or something along those lines). If memory serves after you upload the mod it requires you to release it to the public - until then only you can see it

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  On 5/23/2017 at 8:03 PM, Pretorian28715 said:

If you've DL'd it let me know, need some feed back, and definitely some help.


running a USI game atm, no more horsepower left unfortunately. It will be in my next game, maybe with OPM. I may get board and run two games, may get frustrated with USI and wipe it, wouldn't be the first time.

Edit: OK, so FAR is finally out. Need a new game to try that, so we shall see what's going on in the verse.

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I think @wasml is correct. I got a 401 error,

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  On 5/24/2017 at 2:08 AM, snkiz said:

Need a new game to try that, so we shall see what's going on in the verse.



  On 5/24/2017 at 4:30 AM, snkiz said:

I think @wasml is correct. I got a 401 error,



It Works, it works...  it's alive [oh wait, what]

[should have clicked the 'publish' button D'oh]

So learned something new today, bet nobody can guess what?

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@Sigma88 I'm bringing my question over here, to the mod thread.

So did some testing, and found that the local version, as in below altitude of 100-120km some of the textures show up, but the height map does not appear to be in use. Tylo is the template.

I think the first problem is to do with something in scaledspace, and the second the resolution of the maps, what size would you recommend  (I'm currently using 1024 maps of Earth from Space Engine as place holders) 

Also can i use one set of maps for all the planets Or do I need to have individual sets for each one? As this may explain why I am having trouble with it.

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Well I didn't read the readme until I figured something was wrong. I loaded everything, OPM, FAR, and a small selection of my favourite mods. That was an hour ago. It's not done yet! According to the log everything including OPM and FAR loaded in about 15 min. (Using a turnip laptop so that's normal.) Except the verse. Getting this in the log for just about every body in the pack

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But its still chugging

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  On 5/24/2017 at 10:36 PM, snkiz said:

But its still chugging


check the ksp\logs\Kopernicus folder, with stock and OPM, and theVerse you will probably have about 300+ files in there.

when I release 0.20 I will pulling the moons out to an optional folder (there 170ish of them), but I think I need to check the zip files cfg's, might have made a rookie mistake when I pulled them together.


Merged posts !!??!!??!!??


@Sigma88 the files as requested.

Clean Install of KSP 1.2.2, with only Kopernicus, ModuleManager and TheVerse installed


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  On 5/24/2017 at 10:50 PM, snkiz said:

Name a planet I'll post it


Sorry, not sure what you mean, and it might be worth terminating KSP, remove the Planet and Moon folders from each Sun folder and try again.

Sorry this is very WIP, so will try to reshuffle the loading in the next release.

Also the 1 Minute for 30 bodies, quoted in the ReadMe is on my PC, FX8350, 16GB ram from an SSD

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  On 5/24/2017 at 10:53 PM, Pretorian28715 said:

Sorry, not sure what you mean, and it might be worth terminating KSP, remove the Planet and Moon folders from each Sun folder and try again.

Sorry this is very WIP, so will try to reshuffle the loading in the next release.


I don't know what any of Kopernicus logs mean, so I can't analyze them. Didn't see any warnings though in the few I looked at.

 I'm curious to see if it loads.

Edited by snkiz
forgot a sentence.
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  On 5/24/2017 at 10:56 PM, Sigma88 said:

if you put the textures in PluginData you need to add the extension in the cfg


Guess I didn't for the 0.19, but I am fairly sure I have for the 0.20.

@Sigma88 do you know what @snkiz log errors are?

  On 5/24/2017 at 10:36 PM, snkiz said:

[WRN 18:02:31.179] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Regina(Clone)'
[WRN 18:02:31.180] CelestialBodyTransform: Cannot find CelestialBody.
[WRN 18:02:44.646] WARNING: Color entry is not formatted properly! Proper format for Colors is r,g,b{,a}


Think it might be that I have incorrectly set the referenceBody? Nope just checked the cfg, not that

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  On 5/24/2017 at 10:59 PM, Pretorian28715 said:

Guess I didn't for the 0.19, but I am fairly sure I have for the 0.20.

@Sigma88 do you know what @snkiz log errors are?

Think it might be that I have incorrectly set the referenceBody? Nope just checked the cfg, not that


I read somewhere that can cause kerbin to be all black. I have that and space center won't load. Everything else does. I'm going to have to load this by itself get you some clean logs my friend.

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