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[1.12.x] SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts


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Reviving some old but good mods here.

(missing intro image here)

SpaceTux Industries is happy to announce that it has acquired the assets of a number of defunct manufacturers.  This eclectic collection consists of the following:

  • PorkWorks
    • LV-RTG "KANDL" SKALOU.v2 Radioisotope Rocket
    • LV-Nx "LANTRN" Atomic Engine
    • CCGC-7.2 "Lightbulb" Atomic Engine
    • Wrap-Around Radiator (3.75m)
    • Wrap-Around Radiator (2.5m)
    • Wrap-Around Radiator (1.25m)
    • LV-Tx "Torch" Skalou-v5 Atomic Turbojet
  • Bahamuto Dynamics
    • MK2 Lightning Cockpit
  • Clockwork Industries
    • CW-AT40 5-Degree FuelTank (1.25m)
    • CW-AT64 15 Degree FuelTank (1.25m)
    • CW-AT512 15 Degree FuelTank (2.5m)
    • OX-C100 Oxidizer Tank
    • CW-RAI-003 AirRam & Compressor Intake MK3
  • NAU Aerospace
    • KAL9000
  • IASA
    • Farscape Hetch Drive Engine
    • Farscape Engine
    • Farscape Fuselage
    • Farscape Landing Gear (by Nasai, left, right, & nose)
    • Farscape Wings (left and right)
  • C7 Aerospace Division
    • Mk2 KIS Container 4000L
    • Mk2 KIS Container 8000L
  • Zaltonic Electronics
    • Mk2 Battery (two variants)
    • Mk2 Solar Battery 1k
    • Mk2 Solar Battery 2k
  • STEADLER Engineering Corps
    • Mk2 Stack Decoupler
    • Mk2 Advanced Reaction Wheel Module
  • O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
    • Mk2 Stack Separator
  • Nucleonics Ltd (from @Kommitz)
    • FTmN Atomic Rockets
      • FTmN-40
      • FTmN-160
      • FTmN-280
      • LtBY 18K
    • FTmN Atomic Rockets Improved
      • BL-40n
      • FTmN-80
      • FTmN-180
      • FTmN-400
    • LVN Clusters
      • LV-2N
      • LV-4N
  • R&S Capsuledyne
    • Taurus Orbital Engine
    • Taurus Nuclear Engine
    • SAS & Battery 
    • Taurus HitchHiker
    • Taurus Science Bay
    • Taurus HCV
  • Orgami Foldable Assets
    • NAU ORI69GM antenna
    • NAU ORI350GM antenna
    • Has RemoteTech configs for both of these


Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1507/Recycled Parts
Source:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RecycledParts
License: See below, each of the included mods is covered by it's individual license

This is a revivial of the following mods, with the licenses each are covered by and  a link to the original threads:


Each of these mods is a folder inside the SpaceTuxIndustries/RecycledParts folder.  They are standalone, meaning that each can be removed without any impact to any of the other mods


There are a few ships packaged along with the mod,these are in the Ships/SPH folder

To install, copy the GameData AND Ships folders into the main KSP folder.  The files in the GameData should be merged with the current GameData folder, and the files in the Ships folder will be merged with the files in the stock Ships folder

Regarding CKAN, there will be an overall RecycledPart entry which will install everything, and then there will be individual entries for each of them, so you will be able to install each by itself without all the others


  • Mk2 Lightning Cockpit
    • B9 Aerospace Props
  • Farscape
    • KSPWheels
    • PatchManager
  • Atomic Age
    • CommunityTechTree (recommended)
    • ModuleManager
  • Taurus HCV
    • Either BahaSP or Deployable Engines (from @Nertea)

Known Issues


Future Plans

Any parts mod that I adopt in the future will most likely be added to this collection.  When I do, the OP title will be updated as well as the new data added to the OP.  Regarding any of the parts in these mods, please let me know if you have any issues with them

Special Note regarding the Farscape Mod

This mod is highly OP, especially with the hetch drive installed.  I've toned down the rocket engine to make it more stock-alike, in that it's isp is mostly inline with stock.  So you can use it as a reentry rescue vehicle.

If you install the optional patch, the rocket becomes hugely efficient, to the point that you can go interplanetary with it and return.

Always fly in atmosphere with SAS on!!!!

I am aware of the odd behaviour when climbing the outside of the ship.  If someone would like to take a look, I'd be happy to accept an updated model.  But it doesn't affect the craft itself.



I am extremely grateful to the following people who provided invaluable assistance in updating some of the parts:

Forum user  @Skalou
    Skalou redid the models for the Atomic Age engines, to fix both the gimboling AND the nozzel on
    the end of the Nuclear Jet engine.  I don't know what he did, but it works now.  He also added some new emissions to the jet

@Skalou did it again for me with the Quadpoodle engine, it's now working properly

Forum user @theonegalen
    Theonegalen looked at one of the IVAs to assure me that it was working well, and pointed out a dependency which I was not aware of

Forum user @Shadowmage
    Shadowmage redid the wheels for the Farscape mod

Forum user @Mecripp for converting a number of images to DDS format

If I missed anyone, please let me know and I'll get this updated ASAP


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Great news, congrats for this teamwork!  :cool:






    Skalou redid the models for the Atomic Age engines, to fix both the gimboling AND the nozzel on
    the end of the Nuclear Jet engine.  I don't know what he did, but it works now.  He also added some new emissions to the jet


After importing the model to blender, i reworked the whole model and rebuilt the animations specially for the tricky nozzle with gimbal.  for interested people, you can find the reworked blender's models in the sources link given in the 1st post. :wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/1/2017 at 1:17 AM, kerbalfreak said:

Thanks for the mod!

I'm only having problem with two engines:

  • LV-Nx "LANTRN" Atomic Engine
  • CCGC-7.2 "Lightbulb" Atomic Engine

The first don't have a flame animation on the afterburn mode, and both of them don't overheat or glow red.


your are right for the 1st bug, easy to fix: @linuxgurugamer it's a typo in the config (LANTR.cfg):

line 87:


                modelName = SpaceTuxIndustries/RecycledParts//AtomicAge/FX/LANTR_small


should be: (remove 1 / before AtomicAge)


                modelName = SpaceTuxIndustries/RecycledParts/AtomicAge/FX/LANTR_small


for the 2nd bug, i just tested it and don't have it myself (on KSP version 1.3.0):

for the LANTR:


I haven't reworked this model ( only converted the textures to .dds)

and for the Lightbulb:



i reworked it with 2 independent thermal animation: (and many other things :P )
- the 1st linked to the throttle: more throttle/ time of burn = more glow
- the 2nd linked to the internal part's temperature: hotter = more glow

Edited by Skalou
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Hey @linuxgurugamer, thank you for reviving these parts!!

There is something weird about the node on the MK2 Lightning Cockpit, I believe it is rotated 180° It will only accept connections from the reverse side.

Is there a way to fix this in the cfg? I tried, but node definitions baffle me :P

BTW this was reported in the original thread, but never addressed. 

Edited by TheKurgan
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  On 10/2/2017 at 11:51 PM, TheKurgan said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer, thank you for reviving these parts!!

There is something weird about the node on the MK2 Lightning Cockpit, I believe it is rotated 180° It will only accept connections from the reverse side.

Is there a way to fix this in the cfg? I tried, but node definitions baffle me :P

BTW this was reported in the original thread, but never addressed. 


It's a cfg setting, I'll take a look at it.

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  On 10/2/2017 at 11:51 PM, TheKurgan said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer, thank you for reviving these parts!!

There is something weird about the node on the MK2 Lightning Cockpit, I believe it is rotated 180° It will only accept connections from the reverse side.

Is there a way to fix this in the cfg? I tried, but node definitions baffle me :P

BTW this was reported in the original thread, but never addressed. 



New release,

  • Fixed node direction in Lightning cockpit
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@Skalou, @linuxgurugamer First, a grateful thanks for the work on Atomic Age. I don't use much from it, but I abuse the crap out of the KANDL for small probes and commsats.

That said, something I want to ask @Skalou regarding the KANDL: Have you looked at the shroud set-up for it? Most other engine fairings/shrouds I've seen in KSP either stick with the decoupler/separator or split and eject sideways. The KANDL's seems to be a single separate physical entity that kinda gets flung off due to collision on staging. I bring this up because in prior versions, it would get explosively ejected when staged. I wound up always having to disable the shroud. (Otherwise I'd risk damaging my vessel or shifting the orbit a bit. I've lost solar panels to this a couple of times, at least.) I just checked this version with KSP 1.3.0 and the same issue seems to persist. Though I admit, it doesn't seem as bad as before.

This was tested with zero ejection force on the decoupler (to rule that out). No shroud = safe and gentle (no shifting), as expected. With shroud = forceful ejection, causing a spin and orbital shifting. This was a very small test vessel with low mass. Something about the size and mass you'd expect for use with the KANDL, if not a little lighter.

This mostly a minor thing with a workaround I know about (I think I defaulted the config file to disable/hide the shroud), so it's not something I expect to be addressed quickly. Just something you might want to be aware of. (The lack of a shroud kinda kills the immersion when I go for practicality over aesthetics.)

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