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Air Superiority Fighter Competition

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17 minutes ago, exbyde said:

Link is bad, and we are not accepting or testing new entries at this moment to catch up on the current list. I would advise testing your aircraft against others on the list with AI on for the time being, to iron out any deficiencies.

Fixed link https://kerbalx.com/l0kki/WunderWaffle-III-Ausf-F

Also the WunderWaffle III is not the same (single engine, better wings etc.)


Edited by l0kki
wanted to add more info
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Annnd good afternoon everyone. We're still trying to knock out a few dogfights around here, so today we're putting the Fighter 2 MKII through its paces. So what makes @53miner53's creation new and exciting? And undercamber wing, better flight charachteristics, and repulsor landing gear, which, fun fact, i thought turned on automatically. Needless to say several aircraft dragged themselves to death. But are these changes enough to keep up with @SuicidalInsanity's Taisch X-02?

No, unfortunately. The MKII appears to have some deficiencies in radar tracking, and while this aircraft is more than capable of outpacing itself, its heavy, twin-seat cockpit and MKII Fuselage design makes it underwhelming compared to the Taisch's acceleration and maneuverability.

Looks like its back to the drawing board...


1 hour ago, l0kki said:

Fixed link https://kerbalx.com/l0kki/WunderWaffle-III-Ausf-F

Also the WunderWaffle III is not the same (single engine, better wings etc.)


Since people seem to be under the impression i'm talking out of my snack extruder today...

Your aircraft has fundamental flaws that will prevent it from succeeding. It is too heavy, owing to its fuel tanks and powerplant, designed primarily for hypersonic flight and not maneuverability. Your CHAFF/ECM systems are not up to par enough to defend your aircraft from any sort of missile. Your choice in powerplant is also exceedingly sluggish, note how after the initial turn, your aircraft struggles to claw out of the 100m/s mark?  Topping it off, your maneuverability is very low, notice how by the time your aircraft has turned 90 degrees, the opposing Taisch (our current number 5) already has missiles away? You have a great bomber interceptor, this is a competition for air superiority,. We are not accepting submissions at this time, please use your time to refine a different design, test it in an AI duel against something (i'd recomend at least the taisch), and come back when we are.

Edited by exbyde
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And for our second official fight of the night, we have @Mukita12's T-50, a heavy interceptor packing AIM-120s on every square centimeter of its underbelly, and enough fuel to circumnavigate the globe. Facing it tonight will be the X-02 Taisch from @SuicidalInsanity, our reigning No. 5. Will the T-50 overwhelm the Taisch with missiles, or will the Taisch's proven maneuverability and acceleration win out again?

In the first round, the t-50 does raise eyebrows in more than one way. First, a bend in the airframe from wingtip to wingtip is present as the aircraft is loaded up. This is probably due to the T-50's heavy fuselage. Second, it manages to catch a missile kill on a Taisch, though the taisch retaliate by cutting the T-50s from the sky with precision firepower.

In the second round, we see more of the same. The sluggish T-50s wind up with Taisch on their tails and never let go, though they again claim a missile kill against the optionally manned fighter.

In short, the T-50s a bit on the pudgy side. Maybe a bit of the Atkins diet (or a lot of structural fuselage sections, fewer missiles, and a few struts) would be a good idea for a T-50a.

Edited by exbyde
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As a rule of thumb for anyone interested, I found 7 to 8 ton/panther engine a good maximum weight limit for maneuverable fighters. It's about the max weight I can get while keeping planes flyable. Of course, lower is better. To keep your planes light, an easy thing to do is drain some fuel, as 100 units of fuel weigh about 625 kg iirc.

Also here's a little video to show off and counter @Avera9eJoe, although the ending is a bit sketchy...


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32 minutes ago, NotAnAimbot said:

As a rule of thumb for anyone interested, I found 7 to 8 ton/panther engine a good maximum weight limit for maneuverable fighters. It's about the max weight I can get while keeping planes flyable. Of course, lower is better. To keep your planes light, an easy thing to do is drain some fuel, as 100 units of fuel weigh about 625 kg iirc.

Also here's a little video to show off and counter @Avera9eJoe, although the ending is a bit sketchy...


Fantastic!!!!! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a fighter this maneuverable :D Makes things interesting...

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And for our next fight tonight we have something...special. @[INDO]dimas_1502's Qaher f-313 will be taking the stage, and it is a very unique aircraft, setting such firsts as:
-first aircraft on the roster with an internal weapons bay
-first aircraft on the roster to use a wheesley engine (oh god why)
-first aircraft to have engine flameout issues on takeoff
-this has three Wheesley engines stacked inside of each other to look like one....what?

This is a bizarre craft right here, but unfortunately it has its issues...like missiles exploding in the bay, claiming one or two aircraft first round, or a distinctively bad CG. Look at the pitch indicator and the canard deflection, this aircraft is noseheavy beyond belief.

In round two, the Qaher faces its toughest challenge: Defending against missiles with a single Chaff dispenser, failing hard. 

No changes, which is a bummer. The Qaher is a very unique design, shame it doesn't work.

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And for our next match, we see if we can put another one of @Earthlinger's drones on the map with the Ordinance Drone going up against the Taisch.

In the first round, the Taisch just mop the floor with the drones, who just couldn't get behind the Taisch

In the second round, well...


The taisch may just have one cannon, a light loadout compared to the competition...but holy hell does it know how to use it.

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EuroViper is (finally) in final testing (when I have time), and it will features dihedral wings, 2 GAU-8 Avengers, 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, and 4 AIM-9 heatseekers. plus 3 chaff dispensers, 3 flare dispensers, an ECM module, great stability, (soon) 360-degree radar, and a HUGE amount of speed derived from two engines that I like to call "SuperCat_333 Afterburning Ramjets (stock, all rights reserved). Also, once I add my planned engine control scheme, a TON of SAS modules, and another TON of RCS supplies, ...


MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *repeats evil laughter one more time, then coughs*

Sorry, I get like that sometimes:wink:

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i'm not sure why BDA AI sometimes won't work with internal wep bay
btw nice work
gon tweak the 313 again then
roll rate is kinda too high


the actual aircraft itself


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The Taisch wasn't given more guns, because it only needs one. Which makes the current trend of Moar Dakka! all the more bemusing...
As for it being eventually unseated, I fully expect it to happen sooner or later. The submitted version is very much a Mk1 iteration, and the battles so far have shown substantial improvements could be made to the design.

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4 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

The Taisch wasn't given more guns, because it only needs one. Which makes the current trend of Moar Dakka! all the more bemusing...
As for it being eventually unseated, I fully expect it to happen sooner or later. The submitted version is very much a Mk1 iteration, and the battles so far have shown substantial improvements could be made to the design.

More rounds per minute= better kill probability. There have been times where the single vulcan has maimed targets on a pass that have come back. I've got results back, the Taisch lost to the F-25, but video will be up tomorrow. Maybe taisch 2.0?

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24 minutes ago, drtricky said:

@exbyde Do you remember specifics of round 2 of my Dorito vs the Bezerker Drones? Like how many on each side was killed, and how? (Gun, missile?)

Do you want me to run tests for you? I'm busy kicking the crap out of your Dorito with my new plane. :D

EDIT: I figured out why the Dorito is suiciding occasionally--The Drop Time on the missiles should be lower (0.5). It's releasing them and turning into them as they fall. You might even be able to get away with offsetting your gear and ECM farther into the fuselage, and setting the missiles to eject forwards with no drop time.

Edited by FleshJeb
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6 hours ago, exbyde said:

i mean i guess, but not yet, taisch won that one.

@Joseph Kerman Having issues loading your craft, despite having all the mods shown, so yours is dq'ed for now and can be resubmitted later

Which mods have issues?

If it is IR, then you have to download both files. If you are missing either, you can't load my craft or run it properly.

If it is FAR, i dunno, really. It is in Chinese from my KSP.

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11 hours ago, exbyde said:

Your aircraft has fundamental flaws that will prevent it from succeeding. It is too heavy, owing to its fuel tanks and powerplant, designed primarily for hypersonic flight and not maneuverability. Your CHAFF/ECM systems are not up to par enough to defend your aircraft from any sort of missile. Your choice in powerplant is also exceedingly sluggish, note how after the initial turn, your aircraft struggles to claw out of the 100m/s mark?  Topping it off, your maneuverability is very low, notice how by the time your aircraft has turned 90 degrees, the opposing Taisch (our current number 5) already has missiles away? You have a great bomber interceptor, this is a competition for air superiority,. We are not accepting submissions at this time, please use your time to refine a different design, test it in an AI duel against something (i'd recomend at least the taisch), and come back when we are.

Thanks for the tips, i will work on a new design.

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8 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

i'm not sure why BDA AI sometimes won't work with internal wep bay
btw nice work
gon tweak the 313 again then
roll rate is kinda too high

  Reveal hidden contents

the actual aircraft itself


Did you right-click on the missiles in the bay and set the "in cargo bay" option to true?

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OK everyone, we will resume accepting entries this evening around 7:00 US eastern time. And on that note, I have a question: Who would like to see a bracket-style contest between all craft that have been submitted by the Friday before Christmas? Also, @exbyde, would you be able to run one side? Like this post if you would like to see this; I need seven likes, not including mine or @exbyde's, to begin setup.

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There is still my plane to run @HeroBrian_333 and @exbyde

On 12/3/2017 at 11:08 AM, NotAnAimbot said:

Edit: nevermind, saw exbyde's comment saying the F-25 beat the taisch. I'm guessing other matches are coming next. I hope I'll be stealing the Bryntroll's spot for most maneuverable.

5 hours ago, FleshJeb said:

The Drop Time on the missiles should be lower (0.5). It's releasing them and turning into them as they fall.

You can counter this by checking "clearance check" or whatever clearance is called in the competition menu

Edited by NotAnAimbot
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