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[WIP] Omega482's Dev thread - Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required >> ALPHA NOW AVAILABLE <<


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Got a problem here - the buildings don't appear for placement on the Kerbal Konstructs manager, nor do the ones from the Tundra's Space Center mod. I can place and manipulate all the base game materials fine, but the moment I try to use another mod to try and get some extra buildings it just doesn't work. Even made my own group like it mentions on the Spacedock page, but that didn't do anything either. 


EDIT: Correction, works now. Seems something was fibbing somewhere about my Kerbal Konstruct installation being up-to-date. Deleted it and reinstalled from the Github and everything now works fine. 

Edited by caekdaemon
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  • 2 months later...
On 3/20/2020 at 10:16 AM, KSPBDAfan said:

@Omega482 is it possible that this could get maybe some underground icbm silos in the future?

I don't know if it's possible to nullify the ground collider in a specific location.

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7 minutes ago, rspeed said:

I don't know if it's possible to nullify the ground collider in a specific location.


On 3/20/2020 at 7:16 AM, KSPBDAfan said:

@Omega482 is it possible that this could get maybe some underground icbm silos in the future?

Use the MapDecal feature for this. 
Adjust the Smoothing parameters and offset of a circular decal. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/3/2020 at 1:35 PM, lancisman said:

@Omega482 Are you working on a 1.8 version of this? And does this work with rss?

Since this is a statics pack, it should work in RSS. I can tell you that it'll work on newer versions. I run it on 1.10 with the latest Kerbal Konstructs with no issues.

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  • 4 months later...
On 1/20/2018 at 10:10 PM, Omega482 said:


[WIP] Omega482's Dev thread - Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required

Welcome, In this thread, you'll find the stuff I'm currently working on. I usually make stock-a-like buildings for KerbalKonstructs. I want to bring you a selection of buildings so that YOU can build your own stock-a-like KSC wherever you like.

All textures are built into the game, that's right. This mod uses the internal textures. That means much lower RAM usage!

I am not associated with KK and do no work on maintaining KK, I simply make statics that can be used with KK. So I can't really help with KK bugs.






Features currently being work on.

  • No Textures Required
    • To ensure a real stock experience this mod uses the Internal squad textures. No textures are distributed with this mod. That means that it should have a very low ram usage compared to part mods. This works by KK re-allocating the stock textures to my models post loading.
  • 60 or so buildings for placement with Kerbal Konstructs
    • Landing pads, Small and large research buildings, Antenna masts, Roads, crawlerways, Launch pads, Vehicle assembly buildings, Hangars and airfield buildings and Animated tracking dishes. With much more to come!
  • Tileable base system
    • All the buildings have a hexagonal base, this allows you to mix and match each building to create customizable bases seamlessly. This is how the stock KSC is built.
  • Can be placed on any planet or moon. Can match any terrain type.
    • The statics use an auto-matching grass color module so that you can place them anywhere, if you don't like the color, you can tweak the color variables.
  • Animated Night lights
    • Buildings will automatically turn on and off spotlights and windows just like the real KSC buildings.
  • Tracking Dishes
    • Animated dishes will track objects in the sky just like the KSC dishes!
  • Tier 4 Buildings
    • Buildings that are bigger and better than the standard tier 3 buildings.




This is all that is available for public release right now. The other things you see in this thread may be added later.




Yes, You heard right. I think I'm happy to finally let you play around with the buildings. You've been asking for it! Now you can have it! I'm inviting you guys to test it out for me.

Please Keep in mind that this is an ALPHA release, This isn't going to be bug-free or feature complete at all! This is an invitation to test the statics and help me build a better mod. If you come across any problems, let me know on here and I'll try and fix them.



If you want a pre-built space centre with these buildings. You might want to check out KSC Extended by @damonvv




I can't stress this enough. You require KERBAL KONSTRUCTS and MODULE MANAGER for this to work.

  • I don't like the hex base/ will you make a variant without the grass/asphalt/Base/mound thing under the buildings?

No and Yes... I think the hex base system is very important in making clean, well laid out space centres. It's how the stock KSC works and it prevents bumpy terrain clipping into the buildings. So I'm not going to make any baseless versions. BUT, if you really want to get rid of them you can edit the cfg yourself to create a variant that disables the grass/asphalt/roads in the model. You'll have to add this bit of code to every static cfg that you want to use. I don't support this. I will not help you fix it if you break anything, good luck. code below.

	//Static with base Enabled, all meshes active
	name = Default 

	//Static with no base, Standard hex meshes disabled
	name = NoHexBase
	deactivateTransforms = model_asphalt, model_asphalt_line01, model_asphalt_line02, model_grass, model_pavement
  • Will you be adding attachment nodes?

Kerbal Konstructs does not currently support a system like attachment nodes. I do not develop KK and so I have no abaility to add them.

  • Why are my buildings all grey?

You MUST have module manager installed. Make sure you have "OSS_MM_patch.cfg" in your install folder.

  • Can we get more ground colors? I cannot get the grass color to match the ground!

All the statics in this pack are set up to have dynamic grass/ground textures. This means that you should be able to match the static to any planetary body! (yes even custom ones!)
There are a couple of ways to do this:
Presets: KerbalKonstructs comes with a bunch of preset grass colors, This is a simple and quick way to terrain match. (You can even define your own presets by creating a new preset cfg, see the KK "ColorPresets" folder)
AutoGrassColor: There is a function to dynamically match the grass with the terrain underneath automatically. Simply enable the auto grass color function and move the static around a bit to update it. This copies the color directly below the static. Its not the most accurate color match and it can be differrent depending on the time of day.
Manual: You can manually define the color of the grass you want with RGBA values. This is quite tricky but should get you the best results. It will require a lot of trial and error.

I usually match the grass with auto grass color and then tweak it manually to get a better match. I'll then take this value and create a preset with it, then apply it to all my statics.

Here's some more images and a gif of how the terrain color matching works.

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  • How do you make the buildings?

The buildings are in the style of or are replicas of the ones seen in KSP, modelled in sketchup and wings3d by me from scratch. I extensively study the KSC buildings to produce near exact replicas. The buildings are mostly built on a 1x1m grid and help me get the proportions right. You can see some footage of the process Here and Here. I have KSP open during my modelling to get an accurate idea of what I'm building.

  • When will this be released?
    Alpha is out right now. More releases to come.



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Here are some things I've been working on:






It seems there's been some interest in a static I shared with @damonvv for beta testing. You can get your very own updated copy right here! Requires Kerbal Konstructs.

-- -- > DOWNLOAD LINK < -- --
 While you're at it, might as well download a beautiful Stockalike Falcon 9 from Tundra Exploration by Damonvv to land on this thing.

This is the first mod I've worked on. I had never 3D modeledbefore 6 months ago. I learned all I know from @Beale's modding tutorial.

Since I'm such a noob i'll probably need help with some stuff at some point.

Oh, look more pretties.









Is compatible with RSS/RO?

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  • 5 months later...

Is there a github?
Some files are corrupted so I want to try to download files from github

Edit: I dont think Ill be able to download the file separately
I will just delete what is corrupted and hope the mod doenst break

Edited by MrLivion
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased (opened) 2 airfields in JNSQ: S72 and CYEAGER. Worked fine for a long time then realized at end of 1 mission both bases were no longer "opened". Ended up having to open them with $ again. Is this normal for open bases to close?


Am I even posting in the right mod topic for this issue?

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10 hours ago, fragtzack said:

I purchased (opened) 2 airfields in JNSQ: S72 and CYEAGER. Worked fine for a long time then realized at end of 1 mission both bases were no longer "opened". Ended up having to open them with $ again. Is this normal for open bases to close?


Am I even posting in the right mod topic for this issue?

That might be better for the Kerbal Konstructs thread, or even the JNSQ one (since those bases were created there) -- I've noticed some similar shenanigans with the the test pads on KSC Extended. The opening / closing mechanic may be a bit slippery.

Moments like that I would have ZERO issue with just popping alt-12 and giving myself enough cash to do what it takes.

Edited by Beetlecat
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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, mmamh2008 said:

Um , Hi does anyone know why OSSNTR is like this ?

r/KerbalSpaceProgram - Anybody knows why the crawlerway is shiny ? (OSSNTR)

Everything from OSSNTR is like this , maybe it's the grass texture ?

Please help

There should be an option or editing grass color in the ctrl-K menu. I suggest changing the preset to something different and then picking grass color, which tends to get a good color for me.

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