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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Hey @Nertea, I have a suggestion (and I made a similar one on the TAC-LS thread). Although Universal Storage isn't a dependency for this mod, if you have it, it works very well. In the SSPXR-TACLS.cfg file, the TacGenericConverter Water Splitter works (per the description on the original thread) by splitting water into "Oxygen and Waste (Hydrogen)". I checked the google spreadsheet authored by @TaranisElsu, and all of the waste is truly hydrogen (per the numbers). By changing the output resource in the config for the splitter from "Waste" to "Hydrogen", those who have Universal Storage can then store the hydrogen (for other uses) in the US containers. I still recommend leaving "DumpExcess" to "true" (as it currently is). This way, for those who don't use US, there won't be any noticeable difference. For those who do, there will be a positive impact.

I changed it in my own config and will upload or give you a link, at your request, if you like my recommendation. Thank you!

And now, I have a request for additional information. I am building a new station in career mode and it occurs to me how ugly it's going to look when I use clamp-o-tron jr's to build the thing in orbit. The K&K corridor docks from KPBS fit perfectly, but I haven't unlocked them yet. I *do* have the 1.25 endpoints from your mod, and I was thinking of adding a config to them to make them act as docking ports (it's visually imperfect, but it still looks way better than the Clamp-o-trons). I was thinking I could add the standard ModuleDockingNode to them and give them a unique size, as I'm not looking to make them be too cheat-y and replace other docking ports. Would this work, and do you have any thoughts on it (besides "knock yourself out... please")? 

Again, thank you. I have been building a new station in sandbox to plan it out before I send it up in career, and I can't tell you enough how amazing your parts look. 

Edited by eightiesboi
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On 2/8/2018 at 1:14 PM, eightiesboi said:

And now, I have a request for additional information. I am building a new station in career mode and it occurs to me how ugly it's going to look when I use clamp-o-tron jr's to build the thing in orbit. The K&K corridor docks from KPBS fit perfectly, but I haven't unlocked them yet. I *do* have the 1.25 endpoints from your mod, and I was thinking of adding a config to them to make them act as docking ports (it's visually imperfect, but it still looks way better than the Clamp-o-trons). I was thinking I could add the standard ModuleDockingNode to them and give them a unique size, as I'm not looking to make them be too cheat-y and replace other docking ports. Would this work, and do you have any thoughts on it (besides "knock yourself out... please")? 

I don't have any thoughts, but either the next release or the release after will have reskinned stock docking ports.


As to the rest - I'm really open. I don't use TAC, so compatability is in people like you and @JadeOfMaar's hands.

Edited by Nertea
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Changelog spoiler for next SSPXr release (the sections under my authority) 

Critique (and other MM-based feature/compatibility requests) are welcome before I make the PR to @Nertea

  • Adjusted TAC LS tank type thanks to @majNUN
  • Added Food tank type (uses the Snacks decal. I may change it to the Supplies decal)
    • Updated Russian localization from snippet by @sebi.zzr
    • I have an Oxygen tank type too, with 10 units per volume and the Substrate decal...but I don't know if anyone wants it. Speak up or it gets removed!
  • Set tank types to mostly require CRP, not the UmbraSpaceIndustries main folder
  • Fixed 2.5m greenhouse localization tag link... If it's failing to appear for anyone other than me, please raise your hand :P 
  • Split Supplies tank type into 96% Supplies, 4% Mulch @Pleb
  • Added to Aquaculture Module
    • [TAC] Algae Farm with and without KPBS
  • Added to Greenhouses:
    • [USI] BotanySkill requirement if USI LS and MKS are present
    • [TAC] operate in SETI mode by default but now can change to K&K mode if KPBS is present @BigJammy @Nils277
  • Added USI warehouse module to all cargo parts
  • Adjusted mod detections in subtypes and decal disabler (more of them are sensitive to MKS presence as they ought to be)
  • Adjusted TAC Water Splitters to produce Hydrogen, not Waste, for Universal Storage compatibility (H2 tanks and tank type not provided) @eightiesboi

Download, merge, allow file overwrites.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Added to Greenhouses:

  • [USI] BotanySkill requirement if USI LS and MKS are present


I couldn't see this in the patches? Was this missed from this?

EDIT: I like the addition of the containers being part of the USI Logistics system as well!

Edited by Pleb
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6 hours ago, Pleb said:

I couldn't see this in the patches? Was this missed from this?

EDIT: I like the addition of the containers being part of the USI Logistics system as well!

Thanks for noticing. I updated the link. It's in SSPXR-MKS-Extras.cfg but untested.

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3 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Thanks for noticing. I updated the link. It's in SSPXR-MKS-Extras.cfg but untested.

Ok cool thanks! :)

I took a quick look at the code and that should work, as it looks the same in MKS, but I'll test it later tonight and let you know.

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Installed the mod today, and absolutely love the look of all the parts! However, the game now crashes repeatedly upon opening. I do have some other mods installed (EVE, SVE, Scatterer, Planetshine), could they be causing an issue?

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4 hours ago, Sw33tm1x said:

Installed the mod today, and absolutely love the look of all the parts! However, the game now crashes repeatedly upon opening. I do have some other mods installed (EVE, SVE, Scatterer, Planetshine), could they be causing an issue?

Sounds like you are running out of RAM. You may have to pair down on your high memory mods. 

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20 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Changelog spoiler for next SSPXr release (the sections under my authority) 

Critique (and other MM-based feature/compatibility requests) are welcome before I make the PR to @Nertea

  • Adjusted TAC LS tank type thanks to @majNUN
  • Added Food tank type (uses the Snacks decal. I may change it to the Supplies decal)
    • Updated Russian localization from snippet by @sebi.zzr
    • I have an Oxygen tank type too, with 10 units per volume and the Substrate decal...but I don't know if anyone wants it. Speak up or it gets removed!
  • Set tank types to mostly require CRP, not the UmbraSpaceIndustries main folder
  • Fixed 2.5m greenhouse localization tag link... If it's failing to appear for anyone other than me, please raise your hand :P 
  • Split Supplies tank type into 96% Supplies, 4% Mulch @Pleb
  • Added to Aquaculture Module
    • [TAC] Algae Farm with and without KPBS
  • Added to Greenhouses:
    • [USI] BotanySkill requirement if USI LS and MKS are present
    • [TAC] operate in SETI mode by default but now can change to K&K mode if KPBS is present @BigJammy @Nils277
  • Added USI warehouse module to all cargo parts
  • Adjusted mod detections in subtypes and decal disabler (more of them are sensitive to MKS presence as they ought to be)
  • Adjusted TAC Water Splitters to produce Hydrogen, not Waste, for Universal Storage compatibility (H2 tanks and tank type not provided) @eightiesboi

Download, merge, allow file overwrites.

Thanks Jade! Keen to patch it again when it US reaches version 2? :) 

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22 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Changelog spoiler for next SSPXr release (the sections under my authority) 

Critique (and other MM-based feature/compatibility requests) are welcome before I make the PR to @Nertea

@JadeOfMaar, I don't suppose any of these modules enables a "Repaint" function to allow a Kerbal on EVA to change the cargo type of the new SSPXr logistics containers, do they?

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8 hours ago, KSPrynk said:

@JadeOfMaar, I don't suppose any of these modules enables a "Repaint" function to allow a Kerbal on EVA to change the cargo type of the new SSPXr logistics containers, do they?

@JadeOfMaar, it looks like the answer to my question is "no".  However, while digging through the cfg files of MKS FlatTanks, I noted modules FStextureSwitch2 and FSfuelSwitch, and the repaintableEVA = true switch which appear to perform these functions.  I don't know if this is @RoverDude's MKS specific IP, or just a function of the cargo selection/texturing scheme he happened to choose to use for it, but it would be great to have on the SSPXr log containers.  I don't see it as displacing the MKS Kontainers, as they have a lighter dry mass and more capacity (perfect for unmanned supply ships), but without the cool factor of a built-in crew transfer pathway.

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2 hours ago, KSPrynk said:

@JadeOfMaar, it looks like the answer to my question is "no".  However, while digging through the cfg files of MKS FlatTanks, I noted modules FStextureSwitch2 and FSfuelSwitch, and the repaintableEVA = true switch which appear to perform these functions.  I don't know if this is @RoverDude's MKS specific IP, or just a function of the cargo selection/texturing scheme he happened to choose to use for it, but it would be great to have on the SSPXr log containers.

USI parts use Firespitter's resource switching feature, which allows changing tank types in-flight.  (I think the "Repaint" button directly controls the FStextureSwitch2 module that changes the texture, but that's linked (via "useFuelSwitchModule = true") to the FSfuelSwitch module, which changes resource types in tandem.)

Nertea's parts use B9PartSwitch, which allows changing the part's model (not just texture) but (AFAIK) only allows switching configurations in the VAB/SPH, not in flight.

I'm not really sure which I prefer.  Being able to switch tank types in the field is convenient, but not particularly realistic.  (Repurposing a Uraninite container to hold food instead?)  I kinda like the idea of needing different transport ships specialized for different kinds of cargo.  But there are cases where in-flight switching is reasonable and appropriate.

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5 minutes ago, Wyzard said:

I'm not really sure which I prefer.  Being able to switch tank types in the field is convenient, but not particularly realistic.  (Repurposing a Uraninite container to hold food instead?)  I kinda like the idea of needing different transport ships specialized for different kinds of cargo.  But there are cases where in-flight switching is reasonable and appropriate.

Thanks for the explanation.  I figured it was something like that, as the switching interfaces were different.  I agree with your points.  I was just looking for a more efficient solution to lofting expanding habs with their material kits, then not having anything useful to do with the empty log module (like fill it with supplies) that was taking up space.  My current approach is to stuff the side log modules into gaps between the hab and last stage, then dump them with the stage after the crew shows up to expand the hab.

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15 hours ago, Tarheel1999 said:

Sounds like you are running out of RAM. You may have to pair down on your high memory mods. 

I'm not sure that's the problem, I've got 16GB and after monitoring memory usage it never got higher than 3400MB before crashing. It seems to work If I start a new game every time, but If I try to resume a game (even ones I've created after installing the mod) the game crashes while loading. But I'll try what you said and we'll see what happens.

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15 hours ago, Tarheel1999 said:

Sounds like you are running out of RAM. You may have to pair down on your high memory mods. 

Just tried running the game without the other mods just to see how it would function. I used just this mod and it's dependencies and the game was working fine up until launch when it crashed immediately. Tried several times with the same result. I have a Ryzen 7, gtx 1080, 16GB of ram. I would think it should be able to handle it. I might have to pass on this mod if it keeps doing this :(

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1 hour ago, Sw33tm1x said:

Just tried running the game without the other mods just to see how it would function. I used just this mod and it's dependencies and the game was working fine up until launch when it crashed immediately. Tried several times with the same result. I have a Ryzen 7, gtx 1080, 16GB of ram. I would think it should be able to handle it. I might have to pass on this mod if it keeps doing this :(

You running in 32 or 64-bit mode?

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1 hour ago, Sw33tm1x said:

Just tried running the game without the other mods just to see how it would function. I used just this mod and it's dependencies and the game was working fine up until launch when it crashed immediately. Tried several times with the same result. I have a Ryzen 7, gtx 1080, 16GB of ram. I would think it should be able to handle it. I might have to pass on this mod if it keeps doing this :(

Sounds like you're running 32 bit ksp. Ensure 64bit?

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KSPNoob, the model replacement is configured in GameData\StationPartsExpansionRedux\Patches\SSPXr-StockPartReplacements.cfg. If you were to edit/delete this file to prevent it making changes to the Squad parts and created a new config for each of the SSPXR parts I think you could have both the new and old models.

AtilaElari, as far as I know stock parts go up to 2.5m. Near Future Construction has Annular Truss type parts with larger docking ports though. My own preference is to use USI construction ports to seamlessly weld.

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