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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Here's a little patch I made to fix a hole in the 1.25m station part list:

It converts the PTD-6 Star Utility Module into a combined science-utility module:

@PART[sspx-utility-125-1] //Station Parts Expansion Redux 1.0.0 -- 1.25m utility pod
%title =  PTD-6 'Star' Science-Utility Module
%description  = This crewed science-utility module has enough space for the station engineer to poke his head in every once in a while and hope things aren't going *too* wrong. Additionally, it contains provisions for a scientist to do a small amount of research.

%category = Science

		name = ModuleScienceContainer
		reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502204 //#autoLOC_502204 = Review Data
		storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
		collectActionName = #autoLOC_238018 //#autoLOC_238018 = Take Data
		evaOnlyStorage = True
		storageRange = 0.5
		allowRepeatedSubjects = True

		name = ModuleScienceLab
		containerModuleIndex = 0
		dataStorage = 50
		crewsRequired = 1
		canResetConnectedModules = True
		canResetNearbyModules = True
		interactionRange = 5
		SurfaceBonus = 0.1
		ContextBonus = 0.25
		homeworldMultiplier = 0.1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 10

		name = ModuleScienceConverter
		dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5 // Multiplier to data processing rate and therefore science rate
		scientistBonus = 0.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x 
		researchTime = 7	    //Larger = slower.  Exponential!
		scienceMultiplier = 5	//How much science does data turn into?
		scienceCap = 25	    //How much science can we store before having to transmit?		
		powerRequirement = 2.5	//EC/Sec to research
		ConverterName = #autoLOC_502055 //#autoLOC_502055 = Research
		StartActionName = #autoLOC_502056 //#autoLOC_502056 = Start Research
		StopActionName = #autoLOC_502057 //#autoLOC_502057 = Stop Research

		name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
		MinimumFoV = 17
		MaximumFoV = 63
		AnomalyDetection = 0
			Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839 //#autoLOC_438839 = Terrain
			Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890 //#autoLOC_438890 = Biome
			Effect = ScienceSkill

        	name = ModuleExperienceManagement
        	costPerKerbal = 0



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I have a problem with the CTD-10 "bagel" part. I cannot transfer crew to this piece. Message: "The SSPX-inflatable-centrifuge-125-1 capsule has no personal inventory space." In the inventory of this piece, there is only capacity for 1 liter.


Resolved. I had it wrongly installed. I missed putting the contents of the "extra" folder in the "gamedata" folder

Edited by CSA
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  On 6/17/2020 at 9:05 PM, CSA said:

I had it wrongly installed. I missed putting the contents of the "extra" folder in the "gamedata" folder


All that's in Extras is optional metal textures.  Install it if you want that, but it's not needed for the parts to work correctly.

The error you're getting is caused by a known KIS limitation: expandable parts (like the Bagel) don't support personal inventory for kerbals in them.  This is unrelated to the 1L container inventory that you mentioned; a kerbal's personal inventory is stored separately from that.  The kerbal's inventory is stored as data on the part where the kerbal is sitting, and when you transfer a kerbal from one part to another, KIS needs to transfer the associated inventory data from the old part to the new one.  However, expandable parts don't have a place to store personal inventory data, so KIS blocks the crew transfer because the alternative would be to have the kerbal's inventory items just vanish.

The workaround is to empty the kerbal's personal inventory before transferring into the Bagel (or any other expandable part).  Give the items to another kerbal, or put them into a regular KIS container.

(Separately from that, though, the Bagel's 1L container inventory does seem weird.  It probably ought to be either bigger, or not there at all.)

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  On 6/17/2020 at 10:41 PM, Wyzard said:

All that's in Extras is optional metal textures.  Install it if you want that, but it's not needed for the parts to work correctly.

The error you're getting is caused by a known KIS limitation: expandable parts (like the Bagel) don't support personal inventory for kerbals in them.  This is unrelated to the 1L container inventory that you mentioned; a kerbal's personal inventory is stored separately from that.  The kerbal's inventory is stored as data on the part where the kerbal is sitting, and when you transfer a kerbal from one part to another, KIS needs to transfer the associated inventory data from the old part to the new one.  However, expandable parts don't have a place to store personal inventory data, so KIS blocks the crew transfer because the alternative would be to have the kerbal's inventory items just vanish.

The workaround is to empty the kerbal's personal inventory before transferring into the Bagel (or any other expandable part).  Give the items to another kerbal, or put them into a regular KIS container.

(Separately from that, though, the Bagel's 1L container inventory does seem weird.  It probably ought to be either bigger, or not there at all.)


Ahhh. Okay. okay. I thought it was because of the contents of the extra folder. I understand now. Very well explained. Thank you.

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  On 6/16/2020 at 12:20 AM, Gargamel said:

Considering I am currently using this mod to build a really nice Station, along with the other 59 pages of the thread stating how it works, I think you might be mistaken. 

Most likely you have installed it wrong, and inadvertently borked your install. 

Please show a little respect to the mod writers who make these mods in their own time, for no pay.   The first post in the thread usually has troubleshooting guides and how to request help with fixing any errors you have.  

This might get you started in the right direction:

okay look i may have started a few contreversies and angered alot of people when i called the mod fake but the truth is that i messed up my install and i lost a amazing space station that i've spent weeks designing and building and all for it to just go just like that i was just overcome with rage i have rebuild the station but i dont think i'll be touching this mod for a while since i tried downloading it again it deleted all my crafts again but luckily i had a save in a diffrent folder so that was a relief even after all that i still dont know how to download mods if anyone wants to teach me i'd be more than happy to be taught because i admit im a script kiddie and i dont know how to download mods, i've combined gamedata files of the mod wih the gamedata of KSP but thats what caused it to destroy my save so yeah



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  On 6/18/2020 at 11:02 PM, Probro said:

okay look i may have started a few contreversies and angered alot of people when i called the mod fake but the truth is that i messed up my install and i lost a amazing space station that i've spent weeks designing and building and all for it to just go just like that i was just overcome with rage i have rebuild the station but i dont think i'll be touching this mod for a while since i tried downloading it again it deleted all my crafts again but luckily i had a save in a diffrent folder so that was a relief even after all that i still dont know how to download mods if anyone wants to teach me i'd be more than happy to be taught because i admit im a script kiddie and i dont know how to download mods, i've combined gamedata files of the mod wih the gamedata of KSP but thats what caused it to destroy my save so yeah


Check the link I provided in the first post so you can learn how to install mods. 


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  On 6/17/2020 at 11:06 AM, Virtualgenius said:



Out of curiosity, how'd you put that together?  In sections using USI Konstruction ports, or built in-place with GC/EPL, or something else?  I'm assuming you didn't launch that whole thing from Kerbin fully assembled, but I don't see any docking ports (aside from the ones for the rovers).

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@Wyzard each module is connected by a docking port, I think I used the restock grande ones you can see them they have a serrated edge, the large section with the antenna actually folds down so i had to do minimal installs on site

The whole center section you can fit into @Nertea Near Future Launch Vehicles  then i just use disposable skycranes to land them  I use mechjeb and you can get quite close and the the magnetic  docking ports pull them together plus you can do some pushing with the Rovers


@Nertea thanks for reply, I was wondering if you would consider adding a deployable ramp and stairs into an airlock module finding cool ladders and ramps is hard

Edited by Virtualgenius
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  On 6/20/2020 at 3:21 AM, Virtualgenius said:

I think I used the restock grande ones you can see them they have a serrated edge


Aha — I was looking for the shape of 1.25m docking ports, and forgetting that the bigger ones aren't as thick relative to the diameter, and they don't have the flange that the smaller ones have.  Thanks, now I see.

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  On 6/19/2020 at 11:31 AM, Virtualgenius said:

@Dep_Opt the rovers are from @alexustas ERS rovers they are awesome  one of the best mods ever created 



They look absolutely awesome, but the lack of life support integration is putting me off for now. Guess I'll just have to make do with the Lynx, Karibou, Malamute and Akita. Yeah, I like rovers...

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I do not know if this has been brought up already, but I have been having issues with the Coriolis centrifuge module. It does not appear to deflate properly. After some testing, it doesn't seem to collide with fairings, and it looks correct when inflated. I was just wondering if there was anything I could do on my end to fix the visual bug. Any help you are willing to give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Edit: I found the issue myself, it was related to the render quality setting in my game settings. I had it turned all the way down. 

Edited by Chadley123
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/20/2020 at 3:21 AM, Virtualgenius said:


@Nertea thanks for reply, I was wondering if you would consider adding a deployable ramp and stairs into an airlock module finding cool ladders and ramps is hard


You can use the Infernal Robotics to create your own deployable ramps, moving ladders and much more!

Edited by hypervelocity
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