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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

Apologies if this has been addressed before.  Every time I try to move the crew elevators (Small Modular or Mini Modular) it causes the vehicle to break apart, almost as if the elevator car is attached to the main vehicle and 'drags' it down with it.  Sometimes this just causes heavy swaying and the vehicle is intact, but most of the time its followed by explosions...

Any help would be great, I absolutely love this mod.

Thanks in advance!

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  On 2/7/2021 at 1:55 PM, JoshyB said:

Every time I try to move the crew elevators (Small Modular or Mini Modular) it causes the vehicle to break apart,


That feeling when you find out you're not alone :). I have seen this too, and have temporarily stopped triggering crew elevators. My observation is that the animations of the couple of the crew elevators does indeed cause vehicle-wide disruption of all the connection nodes. Even if the vehicle is completely auto-strutted, the "raise crew arm" animation being triggered can render the craft into marshmallow, where all the joints are just mushy and bendy and unflyable. It happens right when you click the PAW, and you can visibly see the craft shake when it happens.

I've only done extremely cursory testing on this, by trying to see if it's a collider issue - but alas, I can say fairly confidently that it's not. You can build a crew elevator that's facing the other direction, or placed far away, and triggering the animation can still break the craft.

@AlphaMensae this is a terrible defect report, so if you've never seen or heard of this, I'd be happy to try to put together more info for you ... versions, log files, a video, etc.


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  On 2/7/2021 at 1:55 PM, JoshyB said:

Hello all,

Apologies if this has been addressed before.  Every time I try to move the crew elevators (Small Modular or Mini Modular) it causes the vehicle to break apart, almost as if the elevator car is attached to the main vehicle and 'drags' it down with it.  Sometimes this just causes heavy swaying and the vehicle is intact, but most of the time its followed by explosions...

Any help would be great, I absolutely love this mod.

Thanks in advance!


I have no idea what would be causing that, as I've never had a problem with the crew elevators.

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  On 2/7/2021 at 4:52 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

That feeling when you find out you're not alone :). I have seen this too, and have temporarily stopped triggering crew elevators. My observation is that the animations of the couple of the crew elevators does indeed cause vehicle-wide disruption of all the connection nodes. Even if the vehicle is completely auto-strutted, the "raise crew arm" animation being triggered can render the craft into marshmallow, where all the joints are just mushy and bendy and unflyable. It happens right when you click the PAW, and you can visibly see the craft shake when it happens.

I've only done extremely cursory testing on this, by trying to see if it's a collider issue - but alas, I can say fairly confidently that it's not. You can build a crew elevator that's facing the other direction, or placed far away, and triggering the animation can still break the craft.

@AlphaMensae this is a terrible defect report, so if you've never seen or heard of this, I'd be happy to try to put together more info for you ... versions, log files, a video, etc.



Thanks goodness! I was sure it would be something specific to my setup.  I am using the vertical elevators and it does seem to do the same as your video, with the exception being that it 'drags' vertically down and the vehicle dissembles most of the time.  I will try and take a video as well to show the issues.

Many thanks in advance for any thoughts anyone might have as to the cause of this. I love the mod and it would be brilliant to get it fully working.

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Ok, I'm going to put out another minor update, and remove Animated Attachment from the download. Too many users are simply blindly copying all the included mods into GameData, and AA is NOT needed; it's only there as an option for the launch rails.  

So I'm going to remove it, and you can go get it yourself if you really want it. Just be aware that AA has a .cfg file that adds it to ALL parts with an animation, gimballed engines, control surfaces and launch clamps.  I include a patch in MLP that removes AA from all my parts except the launch rails and Saturn crane, but it doesn't touch anything else, which may end up acting weirdly.

Also going to do some tech tree tweaks as well, like moving all the umbilicals to the start node.

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Solved! Thanks, I admit I just copied over the GameData like I do with most things. If the Animated Attachments folder was in the Extras that would probably be enough to prevent people like me copying it over when they don't specifically need it.

Anyways, thanks again!

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  On 2/8/2021 at 4:19 PM, JoshyB said:

Solved! Thanks, I admit I just copied over the GameData like I do with most things. If the Animated Attachments folder was in the Extras that would probably be enough to prevent people like me copying it over when they don't specifically need it.

Anyways, thanks again!


Nah, people also blindly copy over the Extras as well. Best to remove it entirely, so it forces you to go get it yourself.  Even then, the AnimatedAttachment.cfg file needs to be edited or even deleted if all you want AA for is the launch rails.

  On 1/5/2021 at 4:03 PM, RKunze said:

Issue with Modular Launch Pads and CryoTanks (with solution)

I have both Modular Launch Pads (version 2.1.1) and CryoTanks (version 1.5.5) installed, and get spammed with NullReferenceExceptions in the log file whenever I select the  "Static Test Stand - Engine Type" in the VAB (and the VAB editor slows down to be nearly unusable).

Investigating the problem showed that CryoTanks/Patches/CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg from CryoTanks added duplicate ModuleCryoTank nodes (for cryo tank boiloff properties) to the config which seemed to cause the error. 

In case anyone else stumbles on this problem,  here is a small ModuleManager patch with the fix/workaround:

// CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg adds two duplicate ModuleCryoTank nodes with BOILOFFCONFIG 
// data to AM_MLP_TestStandEngine, which causes NullRefExcpetions. 
// Fix it by simply dropping the complete ModuleCryoTank nodes, since boiloff does not really
// matter for a static test stand with unlimited fuel supply.
    -MODULE[ModuleCryoTank],* {}



@RKunzeI'm also going to include this CryoTanks patch of yours in the minor update, as it fixes a potential serious problem. :) 

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  On 2/10/2021 at 7:44 PM, fanfaron said:

Hi everyone,

Quick question. When I use the SpaceX tower with the Tundra falcon 9 that comes with the mod, the first stage never ignite and is stucked on the launchpad.

Has it ever happened to someone?

Thank you.


Mine is a launch clamp, and can not be the root part, which sounds like what's happening. It won't work if it's the root part. Reroot to the command pod or probe core on top.

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VERSION 2.1.3!


  •  Added 20m extensions to the foot pads of the General and Flat Launch Bases so they will reach the ground when rescaled to a size that extends past the lanch pad static.
  • Changed the tech tree nodes for some of the launch stands and umbilicals. All the historic launch stands and their accessories are now in the custom Launch Stands node. The General Round and Rectangle stands, the beam swing arms and all umbilicals are now in the start node.
  •  Removed Animated Attachment from the download and GitHub as it can cause major problems with other parts if it is installed. It is not needed for Modular Launch Pads, was only offered as an option for the Launch Rails, so if you still want it, you have to get it yourself.
  • The Hide_Parts patch now only runs if CommunityCategoryKit is intstalled.
Edited by AlphaMensae
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MLP has a nice synergy with the SmartParts: it has a stageable smartpart, able to call AG or stage with a delay.

So for example, on the last stage I put an LFO engine, and a smartpart that will stage in 1 second,
on the next stage I put SRBs, decoupling from the launch base, and a smartpart that toggle AG10,
on the AG10 I put togglers of arms and towers,

So everything is moving just in one 'space' button.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/25/2018 at 8:29 PM, AlphaMensae said:




Download from Spacedock

Download from GitHub

Version 2.2 Development Branch


AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads

Tired of wimpy launch clamps? Feel your KSP launch experience is lacking something? Well, then make any rocket launch an event by making a complete launch facility with launch base, towers and other accessories.  Board your crew,  start the countdown, then go for ignition sequence start!

Modular Launch Pads is a collection of parts, including various launch clamp-type bases, towers, crew elevators, hold-downs and other accessories. You start by either attaching a base to a bottom center node on a rocket; this can be either the bottom node of an engine, or an attach node added by one of the included path files that add an extra node to various mod rocket tanks, stages or engine mounts. Towers attach to the four nodes on the sides of the base. Swing arms and drop umbilicals attach to nodes on the towers; other parts can be attached to the tower tops. Holdd-downs are surface-attached to the deck, frame top or support pad on the base.

IMPORTANT:  All the parts are now hidden by default from the stock Structural category. This was done to keep from clogging up that category with a ton of non-rocket parts. Use the included custom Community Category Kit tab or the stock custom category (accessed from the Advanced Mode in the part picker, also has subcategories) to find the parts. Delete the Hide_Parts.cfg file from the ModularLaunchPads/Category folder to bring the parts back to the Structural tab.

IMPORTANT: Use of the offset gizmo is required to customize the layout of the bases and towers. It is also necessary to hold left-shift when dragging the gizmo's arrow handles to get 20m of offset range, otherwise you won't be able to move a part very far.

IMPORTANT: Not fully compatible with RSS/RO/RP-1 or any rescaling, no support for RSS/RO/RP-1 is provided. I don't use RO so I cannot help with it, sorry. Please ask the RO users for help in using Modular Launch Pads in RO/RP-1.

IMPORTANT: NOT compatible with Katniss Cape Canaveral, the launch bases will not work with it, they will explode upon spawn. If you want to try to get MLP to work with KCC, then you are on your own.


NEW in 2.1.0

NEW    NEW    NEW    NEW    NEW

All parts are now hidden from the stock Structural category. Use the custom CCK category tab or the stock custom category (which has subcategories) to find the parts. Delete the Hide_Parts.cfg in the Category folder if you want the parts back in the Structural tab.

The former multi-size merged parts have been split off into separate parts, but the older internal part name is still used for one the new parts. Existing v2.0 craft files will still load, but most likely won't look the same, and will need to be rebuilt.

  • NEW:    Historical launch stands for the Bluedog Design Bureau Vanguard, Redstone/Jupiter/Juno, Thor/Delta, Atlas and Titan II rockets, but can be used with other rockets of the same diameters.
  • NEW:    Historical service towers for the new historical launch stands. The Titan II tower comes in single-piece and modular section versions.
  • NEW:    Jupiter-style Petal Cover for the Redstone Launch Stand.
  • NEW:    Mercury-Atlas Crew Elevator, with separate Mercury-Atlas Crew Walkway. Walkway has switchable mounts for use with the smaller crew elevators.
  • NEW:    Atlas Mini Modular Tower, which serves as the historical Atlas tower. Has switchable styles for Agena and Centaur upper stages.
  • NEW:    Atlas-Agena and Atlas-Centaur retracting umbilical arms. The Centaur arms are also available as separate parts.
  • NEW:    Launch Plates, ultra-low profile flat clamp bases for the minimalist style. Three sizes of round and square types.
  • NEW:    Falcon 9-style Launch Plate, and interim N1 and Energia Launch Plates.
  • NEW:    Mini Milkstool Launch Stands. These are small launch-clamp versions of the Saturn Milkstool, with three sizes, each with two height variants.
  • NEW:    Separate non-launch clamp versions of the Mini Milkstools, with built-in decouplers for use with Launch Plates and Launch Bases.
  • NEW:    Launch Rails, add-on part for Launch Stands, Plates and Bases. Four sizes with built-in decoupler, can be rotated with Animated Attachment or B9PartSwitch.
  • NEW:    Extra-Large General Service Tower, styled after the Titan III/IV fixed service tower.
  • NEW:    Titan III/IV Mast, the angled structure which was located on the Titan III/IV Mobile Launcher.
  • NEW:    Small General Crew Elevator, comprised of separate modular sections (base, multi-height core, top). Uses the Large General Arm, Small General Crew Arm or Mercury-Atlas Crew Walkway with appropriate mount types.
  • NEW:    Mini General Crew Elevator, comprised of separate 2-height core and multi-height tower sections. Uses the Small General Crew Arm or Mercury-Atlas Crew Walkway with appropriate mount types.
  • NEW:    Small General Crew Arm, with separate versions for the Small and Mini General Crew Elevators.
  • NEW:    Droop-style general umbilicals. Four sizes of simple bent-style umbilical hoses for a bit more realism.
  • NEW:    Two more sizes of the basic beam-style swing arms.
  • NEW:    Mini size General Fallback Tower, sized for Electron/Falcon 1-style rockets.
  • NEW:    Rodan Crew Access Arm, sized for the Tundra Exploration Rodan (SpaceX Crew Dragon) capsule, and used with the Shuttle FSS Tower.
  • NEW:    General Mounting Platform, an alternate version of the Mini Flat Launch Base, with solid deck, toggleable railings and side attach nodes. Use for supporting ground structures.

    REVISED        REVISED        REVISED        REVISED

  • REVISED:    General Launch Stand has been split into separate Round and Rectangle versions, and both completely remade. Redstone-style service pole removed from Round version (now in the Redstone Launch Stand), but still available as a separate part.
  • REVISED:    Flat and General Launch Bases have been split into separate sizes, with added detail and hole options, and new ladders. Ladders and railings have separate switchable colors.
  • REVISED:    General Service Towers have been split into separate size versions, and each split into separate modular section parts: stackable core, multi-height section (except for the Extra-Large Tower) and top section with optional mast(s).
  • REVISED:    The former General Crew Elevator and Crew Arm have been renamed the Large General Crew Elevator and Crew Arm. Elevator has been split into modular section parts, with two versions of the base. Large Crew Arm has separate Large and Small Elevator mount types, and more length variants. Large Elevator Tower also has a separate Extension section for mounting on the tower side
  • REVISED:    General Swing Arms have been split into separate size versions, and all completely remade.
  • REVISED:    General Straight Umbilicals remade.
  • REVISED:    Atlas V Service Mast and Delta II Service Tower, with additional details and/or changed styling. Separate modular section versions now available.
  • REVISED:    Former Small Test Stand had been split into three separate versions: Cradle type, Tower Type and Engine Type.
  • REVISED:    Flat Vertical Bolt General Hold-Down now has a tall bolt variant.
  • REVISED:    Saturn and Shuttle Towers have been split into separate modular sections, consisting of the base, multi-heght core, 2-height crew access and top.
  • REVISED:    Shuttle FSS tower sections have an alternate SpaceX-style black&white color scheme, and optional mesh side panels added.
  • REVISED:    Shuttle RSS Hinge has been split off into a separate part, with the detail being toggleable, and black color option added. Now the current state of the FSS on LC-39A can be recreated without having to add the full RSS.
  • REVISED:    Saturn Hammerhead Crane is now an animated part instead of free-rotating.  The original-style lightning mast is included, also still available separately.
  • REVISED:    The tall white cylinder alternate Saturn Lightning Mast is now the Shuttle Lightning Mast with different mount options.
  • REVISED:    Saturn and Shuttle Launch Bases can now be properly rotated using B9PartSwitch--no more misaligned support legs!
  • REVISED:    Mass values for the Saturn and Shuttle tower sections have been reduced to tiny amounts.
  • REVISED:    The Freestanding versions of the Saturn and Shuttle Launch Bases (in the Extras folder of the download) now have switchable masses: 1 ton for transport, 2000 tons for on the launch pad.
  • REVISED:    Soyuz Launch Base parts now have a third blue color option, based on the ESA Soyuz pad colors.
  • REVISED:    Soyuz Large Fuel Arm, Small Fuel Arm and Gantry. More height options, straight-sided extension for the Small Arm and switchable-adjustable platform stack for the Gantry.


  • Extensive use of B9PartSwitch transform move and rotate, node move and UI Group features for smaller part sizes and easier to understand Part Action Windows.
  • All launch clamp bases and stands can now have the staging disabled when a milkstool or launch rail or other part is attached to them.
  • Various part title and description changes; part cost is now 1 for everything.
  • Removed simple rescale patch from Extras. Realism Overhaul now directly supports Modular Launch Pads, ask the RO devs for additional support/help if needed, it is their responsibility.
  •  Remade all craft files for v2.1. Subassemblies removed, there are now four Example MLP craft files (with a stock rocket for demo purposes), along with bare versions of the Saturn and Shuttle launchers.


Recommended Mods:


The LC-39 pad statics in particular from KSC Extended are a great companion to the Saturn and Shuttle launchers; the shuttle launcher especially only properly fits on the KSC Extended LC-39, with the RSS sitting entirely on the top of the pad static. The FSS base and RSS both have an alternate variant for the LC-39 pad which shortens the supports so they sit correctly on the top of the pad static.


BDB as it is known is the perfect part mod for Modular Launch Pads, as many of the launch stands and towers were designed for and even around BDB rockets.


Installation Instructions

Modular Launch Pads v2.1 is only for KSP versions 1.8.1 and higher, older KSP versions are no longer supported.

Delete any existing Modular Launch Pads folder. Always do this when updating, as file names can change, and simply copying a new version over the older one can cause problems.

In the download .zip file, there is a GameData folder. Copy the ModularLaunchPads folder from there into your KSP GameData folder. DO NOT put the GameData folder from the .zip into your KSP GameData folder, there can be only one GameData.

If you already have the latest versions of the dependencies, then you do not need to copy them over. Otherwise copy over the ones you need from the .zip into your KSP GameData folder.

B9PartSwitch is required for the mesh and texture switching, and must be present in your KSP GameData.

CommunityCategoryKit is optional, but with it installed all the parts will be hidden from the stock Structural category so it won't be cluttered up with non-rocket parts , and the Modular Launch Pads parts will be in a  custom CCK category . There is also an  included stock custom category (located in the Advanced mode of the part picker) that can also be used, and includes subcategories.

Animated Decouplers is optional, but strongly recommended as it allows the the animations for the various hold-downs, umbilicals, swing arms and fallback towers to be staged.

Craft files go into your KSP/saves/xxxx/Ships/VAB.

The Extras Folder has the older freestanding versions of the Saturn and Shuttle Launch Bases. Copy the .cfg and .mu files into the ModularLaunchPads/Saturn_Shuttle folder to use them.

Some of the parts (a basic introductory selection) are in the start tech tree node, but the rest are in custom tech tree nodes located to the left of the start node.

Animated Attachment is no longer included in the download, as it was only an option to make rotating the launch rails much easier, but can cause major problems with other parts if it is installed blindly, as Animated Attachment adds itself to all animated parts, gimballing engines, control surfaces and launch clamps. I have a patch that removes it from all my parts except the launch rails and Saturn Hammerhead Crane, but other mod parts and the stock parts will still have it. I am not responsible for what Animated Attachment does to other parts, only my own.


* * * *  v2.1 Features  * * * *


General Bases and Towers: The Core

(cick for full version)

  9QzDrvt.png v2ywGty.png 7XT1IJD.png

 NmkrR3T.png pUrWmMm.png ItFDUug.png

 EtHBzbN.png SUyQHFv.png SQKNBWH.png

 Rk33A23.png ceF4M39.png mg4D1RH.png 

Multi-purpose non-specific launch bases, launch stands, launch plates, service towers, crew arms, umbilicals and swing arms for mix-and-match creations. Includes:

  • Three sizes of General Launch Bases,  launch clamps inspired by mobile launch platforms that carry a rocket to the launch pad.
  • Three sizes of Flat Launch Bases, low-profile launch launch clamp platforms.
  • Launch Plates in Round and Square styles, with three sizes of each. Ultra-low profile minimalist launch bases for when a full base is too much. Also includes special versions for the Falcon 9, N1 and Energia.
  • Launch Stands in Round and Rectangle styles, with integrated switchable hold-down bolts and clamp arms. Great for early career mode when part count is limited.
  • Mini-Milkstool Launch Stands and separate decoupler versions, tiny versions of the big Saturn Milkstool. The stand versions are launch clamps, with three sizes each with two height options. The separate decoupler versions are add-on parts for the launch bases, plates and stands.
  • Saturn Launch Stand, styled after the historical LC-34/37 stool for the Saturn I and IB, but can accomodate rocket sizes from 4.25m to 1.875m in size. Has integrated adjustable hold-down arm and a separate pedestal for a tower.
  • Four sizes of Launch Rails, add-on parts with built-in decouplers for launch bases, plates and stands that provide a rotatable surface-attached rail for angled launches.
  • Four sizes of General Service Towers, each with three modular sections: a base core section, can be stacked with the base pad turned off; multi-height (except for the Extra-Large Tower) addtional tower section; top plate with toggleable masts.
  • Three styles of Mini Modular Service Towers, simple single-piece multi-height towers which can be stacked to create a taller tower.
  • Seven types of cosmetic animated retracting hold-down arms to provide a visual means of "support" to your rockets. Can be animated manually or via staging with Animated Decouplers.  Also includes a General ROFI part, or more accurately a hydrogen burn off sparker for your hydrolox rockets.
  • General Swing Arms, Beam Swing Arms , Straight Drop Umbilicals and Droop-style umbilicals in different sizes/lengths for "connecting" your rocket to a service tower. All are animated manually or via stagign with Animated Decouplers.
  • Three sizes of General Crew Elevator towers and two sizes of General Crew Access Arms for boarding your heroes onto your crewed spacecraft.  The Large Crew Arm also has a toggleable transfer airlock to allow boarding of spacecraft inside a fairing via the transfer function.


General Test Stands: For R&D

(click for full version)

  zrQGADh.png wXKsNWa.png NzkCfG9.png 

Need to do some Research & Development? The General Test Stands can handle it! Three styles are available: Cradle type for horizontal testing of stages or SRBs; Tower type for vertical testing of large liquid fuel stages; Engine type for testing only an engine, has built in fuel capacity to power the engine, no tank needed. 


The Early Rocket Collection

(Sceenshots by AlphaMensae; click for full version)

IQrbGVX.png 25PhPHc.png dxlWVaP.png 

Special Launch Stands and accessories for the Vanguard and Redstone/Jupiter/Juno rockets, designed for those from Bluedog Design Bureau. Includes:

  •  Vanguard Launch Stand and Service Tower. Stand has integrated hold-down bolts; tower uses the General Umbilicals and/or Swing Arms. Tower has two height options and can be stacked by turning off the base pad.
  • Redstone Launch Stand, with integrated fallback service pole; pole is also available as a separate part. Stand can accomodate the BDB Redstone/Jupiter-C/Juno I,  standard 1.25m rockets and 1.5m rockets
  • Mercury-Redstone Crew Elevator, an animated rollback elevator tower with a ladder to reach the elevator car. Designed to sit snug against the Mercury-Redstone rocket, no crew arm or walkway needed.
  • Jupiter Petal Cover, styled after the special cover used for the Jupiter IRBM, attaches to the Redstone Launch Stand.


The Thor/Delta Collection

(Sceenshots by AlphaMensae; click for full version)

Vllf7dJ.png 6f4GVHV.png 3EruCr9.png

(Screenshots by @Zorg; click for full version)

vTM0cZ1.png Vhb1is1.png 1isuc7B.png

For the whole Thor/Delta rocket family, a specialized launch stand and two types of service towers. Includes:

  • Thor/Delta Launch Stand, with three variants: Original Thor ring style, Vandenberg Delta II ring style, and minimalist style with just the hold-down bolts. Hold-down bolts have three height variants to accomodate SRBs like the real stand had.
  • Early-style Thor animated fallback tower with integrated adjustable umbilicals. The Mini Modular Type 1 and Small General Service Towers can be used for the later square-sided tower.
  • Special Delta II tower in both single-piece and modular section versions. Has various switchable detail options to cover the full range of Delta towers, from the simple red open-truss style for the Delta D to the full blue paneled Delta II style.


The Atlas Collection

(click for full version)

fjiFHPG.png 2KXUUBG.png KKOhuAP.png

The venerable original balloon tank Atlas space booster gets its own collection of parts. Includes:

  • Special Atlas Launch Stand, designed for the BDB Atlas, but can be used with other rockets of the same size (1.875m); has two frame styles.  Integrated hold-down arms and umbilicals have three color variants; they are also available separately for use with other launch bases, stands and plates. Has a rotation switcher orient the stand in different positions.
  • Mercury-Atlas Crew Elevator, styled after the real emergency egress tower, but has an elevator for boarding the spacecraft. Separate animated Mercury umbilal attaches to to the tower. Uses the separate animated Mercury-Atlas Crew Walkway.
  • Atlas Mini Modular Tower, like the Mini Modular towers, but designed for the Atlas with two truss styles and a toggleable front wall for Agena arm retraction.
  • Atlas-Agena Umbilical Arm, an upward rotating "swing" arm with integrated adjustable umbilicals for the Agena upper stage.
  • Atlas-Centaur Umbilical Arm, with two upward rotating arms for the original Centaur upper stage. The two arms are also available as separate parts.


The Titan II Collection

(Screenshots by AlphaMensae; click for full version)

KFVgGNC.png SvmcNYr.png 

(Screenshot by @Zorg click for full version)


The mighty Titan II GLV (Gemini Launch Vehicle) gets special attention. Includes:

  • Special Titan II Launch Stand, sized for the BDB Titan II and LR-87 engine, styled after the real one. Has special attach nodes for the Titan II GLV tower.
  • Titan II GLV Service Tower, in both single-piece and modular section versions.  Uses either the special Titan II GLV umbilical arms or standard general umbilicals.
  • Remade Titan II GLV Crew Elevator, styled after the real Titan II GLV fallback erector and elevator. Fits snug around the Titan II like real one. Has theee height variants.


Soyuz Launch Base Collection

(Screenshots by @Zorg; click for full version)

AtC7SiF.png dN5JCYZ.png 8Px37sx.png 

(Screenshot by @DylanSemrau ; click for full version)


Fully remade and expanded, the new Soyuz Launch Base is a launch base inspired by the actual Soyuz launch pad in Baikonur, but usable with other rockets with a core size from 1.875 to 3.75m. The base and arms have three color variants: the default "Tulip" green & yellow, gray-drab,  or ESA blue & yellow. Base also has a full accessible deck and  a built-in ladder for Kerbal access from the ground.


  • Mounting pads for the clamp arms can be switched between the default 45° positions or alternate 90° positions, or all of them can be turned on or off.
  • Auxiliary attach nodes for the fuel arms and service gantry.
  • Separately attached animated fall-back clamp arms with adjustable end pad size.
  • Separate service gantry arms with animated retraction andmultiple height variants. The right-hand arm has a working crew elevator, with adjustable-height elevator pad and access platform, and an adjustable-length walkway extension. Optional transfer airlock can be turned on for crew boarding of a spacecraft inside a fairing via the crew transfer function.
  • The crew elevator itself is also available as a separate part without all the overhead of the full gantry
  • Separate small and large fuel arms, each with several height options and adjustable umbilicals, and with an animated retraction.


Shuttle Launch Platform Collection

(Screenshots by @Zorg; click for full version)

kTbRwtA.png DovDgiq.png DlvvvXO.png

              (Screenshot by @DylanSemrau)                                                                    (Screenshots by AlphaMensae)                                

h6ckqrW.png adtIzlT.png t5a5PFZ.png

uz6cLnB.png AFxbv9G.png

The full NASA Space Shuttle Mobile Launch Platform and infrastructure, presently designed for the Cormorant Aeronology Mk3-based shuttle stack, but can be used with @benjee10's Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit (SOCK) with a lot of adjustment with the offset gizmo. Version 2.2 of Modular Launch Pads will have direct support for the SOCK shuttle and other shuttles, please be patient.


  • Shuttle Launch Platform base with separate main engine and SRB exhaust holes. It is a launch clamp, but a free-standing version is available in the Extras folder in the download.
  • Fixed Service Structure tower compriese of separate modular sections: Base with the elevators, multi-height tower core, 2-height crew access with separate snap-in access floor, and top for attaching the beanie cap arm and lightning mast. The base has two separate elevators with different maximum height options, and the elevator pads stopping point can be adjusted downward. 
  • Intertank Access Structure which mounts to the side of the FSS tower using one of the side nodes.
  • Separate animated retracting service arms: LOX Vent "Beanie Cap", Hydrogen Vent and Intertank Access.
  • Crew Access Arm for boarding shuttle crews.
  • Animated Tail Service Masts with retracting umbilicals and built-in sparkers (same FX as the General ROFI).
  • Animated cosmetic SRB hold-downs with drop bolts.
  • Shuttle FSS Tower sections now have an alternate black&white color scheme and optional mesh side panels for that current SpaceX experience.
  • New Rodan Crew Access arm for the Tundra Exploration Rodan (Crew Dragon) capsule; attaches to the FSS Crew Access Section

Assembly Guide:


Saturn Mobile Launcher Collection

(Screenshots by @Zorg; click for full version)

gvCOYni.png d5SmjYD.png 8F0f2qB.png

                                        (Screenshots by @Friznit; click for full version)                                                              (Screenshot by AlphaMensae)

I9mlDXH.png wArLPzK.png iBbSUsI.png

"One giant leap...."

The mighty Saturn V Mobile Launcher, complete with the base and the Launch Umbilical Tower (LUT). But it is not just for a Saturn V, the modular nature of the tower parts makes it usable for all kinds of (big) rockets, both real, proposed and imagined.


  • Launch clamp base, with a separate free-standing version in the download's Extras folder. The base has three switchable exhaust hole sizes to accomodate a proper-scale Saturn V (6.4/5.625m), SLS (5m) and Saturn IB (no Milkstool, 3.75m), each with a square and various types of rectangular shapes. The exhaust holes also have switchable hold-down arm support pads in various configurations.
  • Separate tower base section, with two style variants (regular large angled and smaller square types) and two color options (classic red and gray). The base has two separate crew elevators, each with with multiple maximum height options (up to 120m) and furthur downward adjustment via deploy limit slider.
  • Separate "Milkstool", the tall stand used for the Apollo-Saturn IB launches from LC-39. The top ring has switchable hold-down arm support pads that can be adjusted for different rocket sizes.
  • Modular Section Launch Umbilical Tower, comprised of a multi-height tower core section, a 2-height crew access section with a separate snap-in access floor, and a top section with the hammerhead crane mount. All section types have two color options, red and gray.
  • Two separate sets of animated side-mounted angled swing arms: A Saturn V (plus a Saturn IB arm) set modeled after the actual Saturn V LUT arms, with two size options for the the Bluedog Design Bureau and DECQ Saturn Vs, and a general set for use with other rockets, with seven unmbilical types and switchable preset sizes for 1.875, 2.5m, 3.125m, 3.75m and 5.0m fuel tanks. Both sets have the red and gray color options and animated retracting umbilicals, with the swing animation to the right.
  • Crew access arm for boarding your heroes on their Mun mission, with the red and gray color options and animated retraction.
  • Separate animated Hammerhead Crane . Has two color options, either the classic red and yellow version or a gray version. The crane has an integrated lightning mast , switchable between the original Saturn type and the later Shuttle type (first used for the Apollo ASTP Saturn IB launch); can be switched off.
  • Separate Damper Arm, the wishbone-like "arm" that stabilized the Saturn V during the rollout to the pad, with animated raising and lowering, plus the red and gray color options.
  • Separate animated retracting cosmetic hold-down arms, in both Saturn V and Saturn IB versions, and Saturn V Tail Service Masts.

Assembly Guide:



This mod is being shared under the CC-BY-NC-SA license:





It's compatible with the Benjee10 Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit?

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  On 2/27/2021 at 5:00 AM, AlphaMensae said:

Yes, a craft file is included (requires reDIRECT as well)

Adjustments are needed if building it manually.


I have already managed to fit it on the launch pad, but anyaways thank you, and i have another question, you plan to add the water on  the shuttle launchpad?

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  On 2/27/2021 at 8:41 PM, JEBEDIAH KERBAL PLAYER said:

I have already managed to fit it on the launch pad, but anyaways thank you, and i have another question, you plan to add the water on  the shuttle launchpad?


Glad it worked!

I'm not adding water to any of the rainbirds unless someone makes a good water shower plume effect (and not just white smoke) for me :D  

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