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What crimes against Kerbin have you committed?


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As far as crimes go for me, I'd say, and I quote, "reattempting to land on the 'surface' of Jool long after the ability to do so is gone" is pretty high up there. Another one is "attempting to land a class E asteroid on Kerbin with nothing but kerbal parachutes, only using way less than recommended; specifically just one kerbal".

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2 minutes ago, Cavscout74 said:

What, there's something wrong with that!?!?!?    I figured the glowing surface just made it easier to find when coming back from Jool.

It’s bad because they have a nuclear reactor in them.

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How's this for irony?  My worst happened while reading this forum!

I WAS going to tell you about my speed record suicide mission. In response to this challenge:

I tried to make a plane fly as fast as possible at low altitude. I managed 1700 meters per second at just over 1300 meters of altitude.  Of course, the plane was useless at landing and anyway, it either blew up just after I managed to get it to top speed, or it ran out of fuel and disintigrated in the ocean.  It was a suicide run.


However, it being Saturday morning where I live, I built a lifting body seaplane that has some issues getting back off the water.  While awaiting some responses to my post query, I decided to take it for a scenic flight and filled it to capacity with Kerbal tourists, 28 in total. I was flying through the mountains but also reading this forum and taking screenshots. They say never multi-task, so I got into a valley and managed to run the plane into a mountain.  So far, my largest single death toll since I started playing last September.




Edited by Klapaucius
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Well, there was that one time when I was spending all the Space Program's funding finding ways to destroy the space center building... and that time when I used the space program funding to develop passenger jets... and that time I caused a total cessation of reality.

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Badly named most spacecraft

wasted a kerb-ton of rocket fuel

indiscriminately dropped several hundred boosters and upper stages all over Kerbin

Briefly considered faking a Mun-landing to secure more funding

If I ever lost a Kerbal, I simply proceeded as though it didn't happen. using cloning technology that doesn't exist.

One time I dropped the break-room doughnuts and I just picked them up and put them back in the box, and didn't tell anybody.

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Launched Kerbals on untested spaceplanes and subjected them to reentry several times until they find a way to survive. 

Sent a kerbal on a planned multi flyby mission that failed to acquire the chain of events required and is stuck on a path intersecting Munar orbit with 17m/s of Δv. 

Left Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val on Duna for a while. 

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Leaving kerbals on the Mun forever after my first successful landing (who hasn’t)

Intentionally creating a massive Kessler ring around Kerbin by launching a frag rocket into orbit and blowing it up 

Sending a Kerbal into low solar orbit (Less than 1000 Mm Ap)

Sending a Kerbal on an interstellar journey (legitimately, used a close flyby of Kerbol and then accelerated, once I left the solar system, I was still doing almost 60 kilometers a second)

Testing an aircraft of any kind when I was a terrible designer

30+ G re-entry from a horribly inefficient return trajectory at over 9000 m/s and surviving somehow 




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On 5/7/2018 at 4:52 PM, Mike Mars said:

You guys are awful.

I feel really bad when I kill a Kerbal.

Have never done it on purpose.




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I deorbited a space station into Jool with fire 5-star kerbals on board. This is before I built a retirement home space station for kerbals who can't learn anymore. I didn't even stay with the station on the way down. I just slowed it down with its RCS jets, confirmed it was on an impact trajectory, and left to do other things. After this I decided killing 5-star kerbals wasn't a good way to deal with them.

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13 hours ago, Fraston said:



3 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

But your profile pic is of a kerbal....^_^

Lobo? It's you?

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- Four kerballed missions to outer planets that either missed the target or failed to capture because of insufficient fuel, etc. Had to remotely euthanize their crews when cleaning the campaign of high part count junk. And they were very high part count junk indeed!

- Multiple "suicide landers" - one way kerballed surface missions. The one on Eve eventually got a rover and some company and I now consider them a permanent colony. The one on Duna died during an unlucky EVA after more than 20 years on the planet. The one on Ike got picked up after living some 30 years in a lander can. By that time I devised a working Duna ascent vehicle and would save the poor "Dunatian" as well, but he was long dead by that point. There were at least four more.

- The surface of Kerbin must be covered with irradiated craters from all the nuclear and isotope-filled stuff I casually let to slam into it at high speeds.  Nearly every design I use has at least one RTG in it, just incase, because solar panels are unreliable and fragile. And if something goes farther than LKO -  it usually has a set of nuclear engines on it. I love my nuclear Mun landers that double as tugs... Yeah, Mun and Minmus must be also quite irradiated by Kerbin Year 60.

  And i'm not even mentioning the littering, the pollution, thousands of tons of rocket fuel dumped in the ocean, the Magic Boulder full of alien goo slammed into the North Pole... 

Edited by Haruspex
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