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KSP video series on youtube


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This is the idea (I have not found a page like this) : to list the video (and playlist if it exists) gameplay series on youtube made by ksp players all at the same place :

Title / Author / KSP ver + major mods / #episodes (avg lenght) / Date / Comments


In progress Series :

KSP 1.7 Carrière [FR] / Kerbal Panda / 1.7.2 + USI/NF / 15 (~30m) / 22 May 2019 / No cut Carreer in 1.7.2 (French)
RealismOverhaul RP-1 (Official Release) / grayduster / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 1.0 / 07 (~30m) / 5 April 2019 / Second Career Video Serie in Official RP-1 ! =)
Glorious Soviet Space Program / NathanKell / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 11 (~1h) / 14 March 2019 / Soviet Space Program !
KSP 1.6 with Kerbalism / Raiz Space / 1.6 + Kerbalism / 23 (~35m) / 3 January 2019 / Kerbalism quick adventure
KSP 1.3.1 with Realism Overhaul RP-1 / Raiz Space / 1.3.1+ RO/RSS/RP-1 1.0 / 30 (~35m) / 11 December 2018 / First Career Video Serie in Official RP-1 ! =)
KSP RP-0 / Cosmonaut Crash / 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 543 (~25m) / 16 July 2016 / What a huge number of episodes ! (no persistent rotation)




Finished Series :

RealismOverhaul RP-1 / grayduster / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 20 (~40m) / 12 February 2018 / RP-1 ! =)
Rusty RP-1 / NathanKell / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 25 (~1h) / 30 January 2018 / Testing RP-1
Let's play KSP RSS / Hardcore Edward / 1.2.2+ RO/RSS/RP-0/MKS-USI/KBPS.... / 176 (~45m) / 27 December 2017 / Alternate history recreations
Beyond History / Raiz Space / 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 48 (~40m) / 28 November 2017 / Continuation of his previous realism overhaul series.
R3 / HedgeDog / 1.2.2 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 9 (~20m) / 7 June 2017 / quick, entertaining episodes showcasing how real the struggle really is.
KSP Multiplanetary Species / Justin Bright / 1.2 to 1.3.1 + MKS/USI Collection / 103 (~30m) / 18 October 2016 / Comments
RP-0 Tutorial Campain / NathanKell / 1.2.2 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 80 (~1h30m, no cuts) / 11 June 2016 / Long but cool to learn RO !
RO in 1.1.2 / Raiz Space / 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 80 (~40m) / 18 May 2016 / Realism overhaul series, prequel of Beyond History.
Beginners Guide to KSP / NerdySpaceMan / 1.0.4 / 20 (~20m) / 21 September 2015 / Beginners Guide to KSP
Serious Business / Scott Manley / 1.0.4 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 35 (~20m) / 24 August 2015 / Scott Manley live comments and humor
Project Alexandria / Bob Fitch / 0.25 to 1.0.4 + RSS / 16 (~35m) / 22 November 2014 / History of spacefligh from 1957 to 1969


I've done my best to make the presentation clear. Help me to make this catalogue bigger =)

Feel free to reply and suggest your series !


Edited by chateaudav
Updated, please suggest your favorites or your own series ;)
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  On 6/2/2018 at 7:55 PM, Steeeeve said:

By far my favorite is Cosmonaut Crash and his RP-0 series. 421 full episodes, full on exploration of the cosmos. All very good, I suggest you check it out!




Yes, it's on my "to watch list" ^^. But he doesn't use Persistent rotation (that would have been better).

Edited by chateaudav
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  On 6/4/2018 at 4:36 PM, chateaudav said:

I link to the first video because a playlist don't always exists.


That's fair, though consider linking to playlists when they do exist. I find YouTube will not always automatically recognize a series, even in spite of obvious titles with episode numbers, and an indexing engine that's too good right now.

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Ksp RSS  / GreyDuster / 1.3.1 +RSS + RO + RP-1 / 30-40m / Feb 2018 ( ongoing) / quality content, good primer on rp-1

Let's play KSP RSS / HardCore Edward / 1.2.2 (?) RSS Rp-0 RO / 30m-1h ( ongoing ) / December 2017 / 160+ episodes. Alternate history recreations ( kinda..) pleasant to listen to.


HedgeDog / Hedgedog / 1.2.2 / RSS RO RP-0 / 15m-30m ( ongoing?) / June 2017 / quick, entertaining episodes showcasing how real the struggle really is.


 Beyond History / Tyler Riaz ( Riaz Space ) / 1.1.3 / RSS RO RP-1 / 30-45Mm ( ongoing ) / a continuation of realisim overhaul series - likely longest running RSS series out there.


( sorry for lack of propper formatting, I'm on mobile currently )

Edited by CosmonautCrash
Links not working?
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I just have to plug what I think is the best and by far most underrated (or, rather, underknown) tutorial series for beginners from NerdySpaceMan.  I struggled in KSP until this one.  I'm ever grateful.  I've mentioned it before in other threads and will continue to do so. Scott Manley is a legend, but I find him at his best for intermediate to advanced.  This guy just nailed this.  It is so good, and deserves a lot more views than it has. 



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  On 11/8/2019 at 9:29 AM, Sir Mortimer said:

Mike Aben has a great series in progress, KSP 1.7.3 (i think), one video per week, 30-45 minutes, uses a couple of good mods and talks a lot about kOS programming.

STHedgeHog just started a very beginner friendly series (his 4th!) with KSP 1.8 and Kerbalism. Couple of videos per week, ~30 minutes.


So true, @Sir Mortimer just started watching Mike Abens utubes a few weeks ago and cant stop watching it. He is so laid back, awesome with math issues, loves the mods and stuff with career.... just fun to watch. There are really good peeps that are creators in those vids that help me with this cool program.

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