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[1.12.x] KerbalGPS Revived


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  On 8/27/2019 at 4:40 PM, Ancalagon said:



You know, I have life outside of KSP. And i have quite a lot of mods to support.  A little patience would be appreciated

  On 8/26/2019 at 5:09 PM, Ancalagon said:

i know but will the unmanned probe without a direct ore relay antenna not be disabled? 


Not sure what you are referring to.  A GPS satellite?  Doesn't need a relay antenna.  GPS is a transmitter, works all the time


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Something is wrong with GPS constellarion contracts (looks like with all of those except the one for Kerbin). As soon as i meet the inclination and the longtitude of ascending node requirements, the game thinks that i already met all the requirements for the orbit, even if the height of the orbit is different.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 8/29/2019 at 5:53 PM, DROAD01 said:

Something is wrong with GPS constellarion contracts (looks like with all of those except the one for Kerbin). As soon as i meet the inclination and the longtitude of ascending node requirements, the game thinks that i already met all the requirements for the orbit, even if the height of the orbit is different.


What was the target orbit ?

Was it a Significant contract ? from how i read the contract code, the target orbit might be outside the SOI.

orbitRadius = @planet.Radius() * 4 * orbitRadiusMultiplier

orbitRadiusMultiplier is 3 or 4 by random

3,200,000 = 200,000 * 4 * 4

Mun's SOI is less.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The Kerbin contract was fine, the rest are not working correctly.  I completed Kerbin's network then I got contracts for the Mun and Minmus.  Both of those contracts have the first set of sats going to 0 LAN for sat 1 and 60 LAN for sat 2 & 3.  The rest of the orbits all share the same LAN for the set of 3.  And why is the Minmus orbit only 60k?  Isn't that rather close?


Edit: I fixed the LAN on the Minmus mission with KML. I wanted to change the orbit but couldn't find it.  The first set completed as soon as I hit the orbit with the mothership but at least it allowed me to finish the mission.

Edited by Nuggzy
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey. Thanks for keeping updated this awesome mod. Love it.

I have a question though. I'm starting to build Mun GPS network, but the contract says that Orbit Specifics are Apoapsis: -200,000m & Periapsis; -200,000m. Similar with Minmus GPS network. It says that I have to put GNSS network to -60,000m & -60,000m orbits. Also I can't see either of those contracts in map movde as an offered orbits even if I have turned offered orbits "On" from Tracking Station. Is this correct? Are Apoapsis/Periapsis meant to be 'negative' like it says while same time Kerbin GPS Network contract was 'positive' with Ap 1,581,764m & Pe 1,581,764m. Also Kerbin Contract offered Orbits were visible all the time on the map view. :confused: Example screenshot from active Mun contract details down below.


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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:43 PM, KPD87 said:

I have a question though. I'm starting to build Mun GPS network, but the contract says that Orbit Specifics are Apoapsis: -200,000m & Periapsis; -200,000m. Similar with Minmus GPS network. It says that I have to put GNSS network to -60,000m & -60,000m orbits. Also I can't see either of those contracts in map movde as an offered orbits even if I have turned offered orbits "On" from Tracking Station. Is this correct? Are Apoapsis/Periapsis meant to be 'negative' like it says while same time Kerbin GPS Network contract was 'positive' with Ap 1,581,764m & Pe 1,581,764m. Also Kerbin Contract offered Orbits were visible all the time on the map view. :confused: Example screenshot from active Mun contract details down below.


They should not be negative.

Nothing has changed, it may be a MM issue.  I'llsee if I can look into this soon

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@Stone Blue: that's right. I (and I imagine other players) would rather not remember to put a transponder on every single rover that might use it, but would like to have to specifically place the antenna. 

Anyway, it would be completely optional. It could also be made to be an upgrade unlocked in the tech tree. Dunno how, but it has been done.

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  On 5/19/2020 at 6:43 PM, KPD87 said:

Hey. Thanks for keeping updated this awesome mod. Love it.

I have a question though. I'm starting to build Mun GPS network, but the contract says that Orbit Specifics are Apoapsis: -200,000m & Periapsis; -200,000m. Similar with Minmus GPS network. It says that I have to put GNSS network to -60,000m & -60,000m orbits. Also I can't see either of those contracts in map movde as an offered orbits even if I have turned offered orbits "On" from Tracking Station. Is this correct? Are Apoapsis/Periapsis meant to be 'negative' like it says while same time Kerbin GPS Network contract was 'positive' with Ap 1,581,764m & Pe 1,581,764m. Also Kerbin Contract offered Orbits were visible all the time on the map view. :confused: Example screenshot from active Mun contract details down below.


I am having the same issue.  I think that the reason we are not seeing the orbits is that, well, they are probably under the surface.

Also, just to point out, with the values the way they are, you can not place the sat in the orbit and have it register as complete.

I tried to have a look and see if I could figure out where those number were to change them, but did not have any success.  Looks like the contract is generated with an equation based on the targets diameter, and I could no find anywhere in the save file where it could be tweaked, although I could have missed it.

I am putting my current moon constellation plans on hold until there is a fix.

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  • 7 months later...

hello everyone.

I was watching a video that was sending 4 sats at once, putting them in parking orbit of 776 KM and final Orbit or 1585KM, and he was launching 6 rockets, once an hour. Now, I understand how it came out and why the numbers, but....


Lets say that I want to put the same constellation around ANY other planet. I would eventually love to send all these 24 sats on a single rocket and toward that planet, and circularizing around it's orbit on 0 inclination. From this moment forward, we have a rocket with enough delta V for anything, sitting in 0 inclination, with all the 24 sats.... how should we produce the same constellation using inclination changes and how to calculate the parking and final orbit to have 4 sats in each orbit and 6 orbits as final result? This question,... made me scratch my head and look at monitor for hours without any result !

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  On 12/28/2020 at 5:08 PM, Jiraiyah said:

Lets say that I want to put the same constellation around ANY other planet. I would eventually love to send all these 24 sats on a single rocket and toward that planet, and circularizing around it's orbit on 0 inclination. From this moment forward, we have a rocket with enough delta V for anything, sitting in 0 inclination, with all the 24 sats.... how should we produce the same constellation using inclination changes and how to calculate the parking and final orbit to have 4 sats in each orbit and 6 orbits as final result? This question,... made me scratch my head and look at monitor for hours without any result !


I would start with a resonate orbit.  5/6.  You can get the math from... 

that will distribute your sat groups to an equal spacing.  Then you need to do an inclination change at the exact same time for each group.  You cant do that, so look at the orbital period.  Do each inclination change that much time apart, setup some alarms with KAC to get it done. 

Now, doing it this way is going to take a ridiculous amount of Delta V.  If you are building a system around a moon of the home body you can do it much easier.  Look at the time it takes for the moon to make an orbit of the planet and divide that up by how many planes you want to occupy, then spread out the injection burns by that amount of time, it should come out real close if you do all the burns the exact same way. 

I've never actually done that kind of constellation around a body outside the home system.  I would maybe look at the launch window resonace and see what it would look like if I did a launch to one plane on each window, might take a long time to do depending on where its going.  Or maybe do a single big launch and capture to the extreme edge of the SOI at a polar orbit, then split the craft by plane and let those change their orbits .  Its something I'm planning on tackling in my current sandbox game once I figure out MKS bases.  



Edited by eberkain
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  On 5/19/2020 at 10:46 PM, Clamp-o-Tron said:

Here, have a patch:

(@linuxgurugamer maybe integrate it into patch manager?)


		name = KerbalGPS
		GNSSacronym = NONE
		EnableSBAS = FALSE
		EarthTime = FALSE 

			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.005

Late, I know, but I will be adding this soon.  Not sure if I'll integrate it with the tech tree or use Patchmanager 

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@Jiraiyah heres some links I've collected over the years for orbit/resonant orbit calculations that I've used just for the purpose of setting up constellations.
i used to also do 24 sat GPS constellations for Kerbin, with this mod.






I had several moar, but they seem to have been deleted/removed from their hosts... :(

@linuxgurugamer feel free to add these to the OP, if they arent already there, and you thin they might be useful, since this issue does seem to come up for discussion quite a bit, especially for this mod.

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@eberkain and @Stone Blue

I will look into the links stone provided. But lets say for example that I'm gonna do a constellation for duna (or any other planet out side of home SOI), I would send a rocket with stupid amount of delta v and 24 sats. How ever, when we are talking about changing the inclination... this is where I'm getting lost. What should be the steps for inclination change for 6 orbits this way? remember the origin is at 0 inclination to make things easier for start.

Also, I didn't get what is the point of resonant orbit calculator here? (not played with that much)

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  On 12/28/2020 at 7:28 PM, Jiraiyah said:

@eberkain and @Stone Blue

I will look into the links stone provided. But lets say for example that I'm gonna do a constellation for duna (or any other planet out side of home SOI), I would send a rocket with stupid amount of delta v and 24 sats. How ever, when we are talking about changing the inclination... this is where I'm getting lost. What should be the steps for inclination change for 6 orbits this way? remember the origin is at 0 inclination to make things easier for start.

Also, I didn't get what is the point of resonant orbit calculator here? (not played with that much)


first your big craft with all 24 sats and split it into 6 big craft with 4 sats each, send them all together as one package.  

So 4 sats per plane need to be at least 133 km to have LOS to each other.  So lets make that 150km to have some wiggle room.  

Get into a resonate orbit 251km x 150km, every orbit release one of the sets of 4 sats and circulize at the Pe. Now each set of 4 is evenly spaced along the 150x150 orbit. 

Now if you could do an inclination change for all the sat clusters at the same time you would be done.  You can instead do a different one each orbit.  So look at the orbital period to see how far apart those burns need to be.... 

excrements you know what, you could probably just do that to begin with.  After you get into your equatorial orbit, look at the orbital period, divided it by 6.  Then every time that much time elapses just release one set of 4 and immediately do an inclination change.  Then you have to go back to each one and do a resonate orbit to distribute them evenly along each plane.   That sounds the easiest honestly. 

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