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[1.12.3] Rocket Sound Enhancement - Plugin: v0.9.6 - 07/09/22 | Config Pack: v1.2.4 - 07/09/22


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@ensou04 sorry if this is a stoopid question, but have you tried three seperate patches, instead of all three, in one?
I'm prolly not understanding the MM logic there, but to me it looks like *all* three of those module conditions need to be met at once, for patch activation? vOv

Like, you have NOT/AND... not NOT/OR

EDIT: yeah... I figured OR needed to be in there somewheres.. I asked in Discord, and someone respectable confirmed you need to replace " , " with " | " ... comma is AND... " | " is OR...

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 10/18/2020 at 2:48 PM, Stone Blue said:

@ensou04 sorry if this is a stoopid question, but have you tried three seperate patches, instead of all three, in one?
I'm prolly not understanding the MM logic there, but to me it looks like *all* three of those module conditions need to be met at once, for patch activation? vOv

Like, you have NOT... not NOT/OR


TBH thats probably why, because i have no idea how MM works. as i understood it as "filter out parts that contains Any of these modules"
so i'll try that now and see what happens :D
In hindsight i need sleep, if i separate them: then the first one will run and add the module to the next modules that are supposed to be blacklisted. 

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caught it just now, thanks :D also hope you caught my edit lol

ok so i did just that, there were no errors but,  the collision module still gets applied to the kerbals. i'll just deal with it later

		name = ShipEffectsCollisions


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  On 10/18/2020 at 3:01 PM, ensou04 said:

caught it just now, thanks :D also hope you caught my edit lol

ok so i did just that, there were no errors but,  the collision module still gets applied to the kerbals. i'll just deal with it later


This is from EVA Enhancements:

		name = EVAEnhancements

and this is from DeadlyReentry:

..... do something here


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@ensou04 I believe what you're looking to do looks like this:

// Tag parts, in succession, for each module you disagree with.
// Can't use OR boolean anywhere except in :NEEDS
	%RSENoFX = True // % prefix means create if not exist, edit if exist. This prevents the key repeating later on in parts that have other blacklisted modules

	%RSENoFX = True

// Do the actual operation on all parts that don't have this key.
// The :AFTER is only there to provide an opportunity for other modders to tag their own parts (if ever needed) before this operation happens.
	%MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] {}
	@RSENoFX = Done // change this key's value to prevent infinite loops


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@JadeOfMaar thanks! it worked but it still ignored Kerbals for some reason , the wheels blacklist works just fine. so I just did @PART[kerbalEVA*] as a temporary fix,  its not elegant but that worked a treat. Kerbals don't sound like dumpsters now. lets just hope there's no real parts that has kerbalEVA in its name

i missed this, maybe i should have tried this as well:

..... do something here
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RSE Engine module now functional, started experimenting with crossfading between sound samples on thrust. I also just recently discovered that Unity3D supports loop points so i used it on this. now engines can have an "initial" sound before the actual loop begins on thrust.

RSE_Engine is a replacement for the AUDIO node on EFFECTS,  Allows us to easily layer sounds. also makes it easier to deal with engines that only uses ModuleEngines.
Here's what the Config looks like:

  Reveal hidden contents



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Getting Ready for 0.5.0 Release, started working on the sound effects as the Plugin is done for the most part.

Here's a Launch Test featuring  Sounds for Extra Large Engines


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Testing out some big sounds for heavy engines like the KE-1.  also features the new decoupler sounds 

Also on a side note, @CobaltWolf had asked back then if we can do "Bwoop" Sounds on ignition which is possible using loop points on the samples as demonstrated here. I just have to find a good recording of that and make a sample set :)


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@ensou04 Some words about this "bwoop" sound of the turbopump starting up. This document has some useful info. Page 6 shows the profile of rpm growing up, which corresponds to the sound. If you are still searching for the recording, guess I can help looking through Scott Manley's videos, remember he was talking about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting closer to v0.5 release

  • Implemented a rudimentary Audio Muffling, not as powerful as Audio Muffler Redux, it doesn't do audio culling. but its  very lightweight.
  • All engines are now patched except for Jet Engines (just needs restock compatibility, jets will be done later)
  • New Physics Based SFX, Currently working on adding more eg: impacts
  • Sound Handling now supports Stereo Spread.

New Settings



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This is fantastic. Audio Muffler has been a must-mod for me forever due to the sensory requirement of it. It's just weird without it.

This is above and beyond that. Having rover sounds and landing gear scritches again is going to be so great along with that amazing rocket roar.

Now, it's only that weird default staging sound that still lingers. ;)

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  On 11/15/2020 at 5:41 AM, Beetlecat said:

Now, it's only that weird default staging sound that still lingers. ;)


actually, you can change it now with my mod :) its one of the first things i implemented. i just didn't put sounds for this on the vids cuz i havent made anything for it yet.

	nextStageClip = sound_click_tick
	cannotSeparateClip = failSeparateClip

Ok after reading back on the thread  there seems to be a consensus that people want to disable staging sounds entirely. so I made an option for it. should it be disabled by default?


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Awesome work, system's blaring now!

Found this video with turbo-driven engine start-up. Sound is pretty clear. What do you think about implementing something similar to these woop and blast sounds?


  On 11/10/2020 at 12:05 PM, ensou04 said:

All engines are now patched except for Jet Engines (just needs restock compatibility, jets will be done later)


Does that mean that the sound of the engine itself will be altered too? I mean this mod , which is currently hold by @linuxgurugamer


One more question, do you consider also adding background music and sound effects when landed at different biomes? Like snow crackling, wind, water splashes, etc.

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  On 11/15/2020 at 3:05 PM, Me.hasOwnProperty isHappy said:

Awesome work, system's blaring now!

Found this video with turbo-driven engine start-up. Sound is pretty clear. What do you think about implementing something similar to these woop and blast sounds?


Thank you :D

Well the engine sounds I have already have Blasts and some "swhoop" sounds on some of them but I guess I could work on it further?


  On 11/15/2020 at 3:05 PM, Me.hasOwnProperty isHappy said:

Does that mean that the sound of the engine itself will be altered too?


I meant I haven't done any sound effects for the jet engines yet so they'll be left alone. although I do have patches for the RAPIER so that might overlap with Jet Sounds Updated


  On 11/15/2020 at 3:05 PM, Me.hasOwnProperty isHappy said:

One more question, do you consider also adding background music and sound effects when landed at different biomes? Like snow crackling, wind, water splashes, etc.


That is very much possible so I'll put that on the plan list,  might as well compose some music and ambient sound effects. :D thanks for the idea!

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