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Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 and Making History 1.6.1 is live!


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  On 1/11/2019 at 2:08 AM, Snark said:

Hmm, interesting.  Maybe I need to go take a look at VABReorienter and see whether it needs a tweak to fix this.  :)  Shouldn't be too hard.



What happens with every other launch site - both stock and in other planet packs/mods? Many other mods move the KSC and you'd be shifting an issue from one launch site which is actually wrong to all the other sites that are (probably) correct.

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I am not at all happy with this. Ever since 1.4 there has been a bug report about the changed wheel grip values which has been ignored since day one, but which has effected a huge amount of users (and in my case: 100+ craft).

However the shock absorbers, which are actually less important, get the treatment within a few weeks.

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  On 1/11/2019 at 5:16 AM, Azimech said:

I am not at all happy with this. Ever since 1.4 there has been a bug report about the changed wheel grip values which has been ignored since day one, but which has effected a huge amount of users (and in my case: 100+ craft)


Where's that bug report? I'd like to upvote it.

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  On 1/11/2019 at 10:02 AM, Cruesoe said:
  On 1/11/2019 at 8:00 AM, Mythical Donuts said:

And now, the endless screaming for a few days until Kopernicus is updated. Brace yourselves


I guess I must be one of those rare people that just doesn't use Kopernicus!


And I'm one of those rare ones that on my Kopernicus install, doesn't just let the game update whenever Steam wants to.

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  On 1/10/2019 at 3:18 PM, Tyko said:

Anyone notice that the KSC doesn't point due East anymore?

According to Kerbal Engineer a craft on the launch pad is sitting at 0.09721 degrees instead of 0.00000.   It's a small annoyance, but easy for @SQUAD to correct. I feel like every couple of updates someone messes with the KSC location and doesn't include enough significant figures to properly define 0.00000 degrees. 


Is this definitely a change? From checking in the past, I thought the runway was at 0 and the launchpad slightly to the South of the equator, but I could be remembering incorrectly.

  On 1/10/2019 at 3:18 PM, Tyko said:




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  On 1/11/2019 at 6:07 PM, ElWanderer said:
  On 1/10/2019 at 3:18 PM, Tyko said:

Anyone notice that the KSC doesn't point due East anymore?

According to Kerbal Engineer a craft on the launch pad is sitting at 0.09721 degrees instead of 0.00000.   It's a small annoyance, but easy for @SQUAD to correct. I feel like every couple of updates someone messes with the KSC location and doesn't include enough significant figures to properly define 0.00000 degrees. 


Is this definitely a change? From checking in the past, I thought the runway was at 0 and the launchpad slightly to the South of the equator, but I could be remembering incorrectly.


It's gone back and forth. In some versions the launch pad was exactly at zero, other times it wasn't. The runway is at 0.04857, so while it is different, it's not zero'd out either. 

I'm pretty sure the KSC model is centered on the launch pad because when I moved the KSC once and did the calculation myself it was the launch pad, not the runway that was at exactly zero. If the KSC were centered on the runway then my calculations would have been off as well.

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  On 1/11/2019 at 6:24 PM, Ratwerke_Actual said:

Also a Professional Surveyor!


Is this the part where we drink beer, swap stories of near-death experiences, and complain about equipment? :D

Been an LSIT for 12+ years now, surveying for 25+. When I get around to figuring out stock bearings, I'll build a Total Station using Hullcam VDS and LaserDist. I'm guessing flags make excellent backsights.

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  On 1/11/2019 at 9:30 PM, *MajorTom* said:

ok Squad.... you dont add 1.6 in STEAMs beta's. So... i have kopernicus,  already install1.6 mods and cant play some days AGAIN (&*#%&@ ). thank you :evil: soooo much  :evil: :evil: :evil:



  On 1/11/2019 at 9:55 PM, Ctrl-Z KSP said:

what happened to version 1.6.0 in the beta tab in steam?  it will only let me roll it back to 1.5.1 or earlier


1.6.0 was incredibly broken due to the problem with the PartDatabase. I would not expect them to keep it available. If you play with mods, don't play the game through Steam. You can copy and paste the whole game into another directory, it will run fine, and you'll never be at the mercy of Steam's auto-updater again.

On the other hand, it seems weird that at least the smallest parachute is transparent from the inside in 1.6.1.



@JPLRepo @UomoCapra @RoverDude

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  On 1/11/2019 at 9:30 PM, *MajorTom* said:

ok Squad.... you dont add 1.6 in STEAMs beta's. So... i have kopernicus,  already install1.6 mods and cant play some days AGAIN (&*#%&@ ). thank you :evil: soooo much  :evil: :evil: :evil:


There is a lesson here: Every KSP release (especially .0 releases) is broken in some way, and almost every KSP release will break mods. If you play with mods do not allow steam to auto-update KSP.
Wait for all the obvious-yet-slipped-QA bugs to be complained about and the 3 or more hotfixes to be released before upgrading to any new major version.


  On 1/11/2019 at 9:55 PM, Ctrl-Z KSP said:

what happened to version 1.6.0 in the beta tab in steam?


1.6.0 is borked like every other .0 release, so it won't be kept.


  On 1/12/2019 at 6:35 AM, theonegalen said:

the smallest parachute is transparent from the inside in 1.6.1.


As expected. New release, new bugs. The cycle continues.


Hey @SQUAD, where's the fooking joystick support you broke in 1.4? Is this going to be fixed or what?


  On 1/11/2019 at 5:28 AM, UnionPacific1983WP said:

Yikes, 1.6.1... My last installed version is 1.3.1, and I haven't touched that since April '18... 


Likewise, as my peripherals don't work at all in KSP >1.3.1 and Squad doesn't appear interested in fixing this regression. Guess it'll be 1.3.1 forever, since these recent "updates" seem to be introducing more bugs than they fix.

Shiny part retextures, yay. Game still doesn't work properly.


  On 1/11/2019 at 5:16 AM, Azimech said:

Ever since 1.4 there has been a bug report about the changed wheel grip values...

However the shock absorbers, which are actually less important, get the treatment within a few weeks.


I fired up 1.5.1 and 1.6.0 to test, and wheel friction is indeed bung. Thanks for confirming it's still not fixed...

As for shock-absorbers being "treated"... I'm still seeing mighty screwey perpetual motion machine behaviour from this perpetual-mess of a wheel system.

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Most likely this is my own fault, just curious if anyone else has it.


Upgraded my 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 when it came out. About 4 days later found the lander can bug, couldn't solve it, didn't want to lose the time played, didn't want to stay on a known buggy version, so edited the file to change all "1.6.0" back to "1.5.1" and it now loads in my old 1.5 install again.

But it will not now upgrade, and I suspect I'm stuck on the previous version forever. Manually replacing 1.5.1 with 1.6.1 doesn't help.



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  On 1/12/2019 at 6:35 AM, theonegalen said:



It's actually kind of amazing that transparent parachutes and weird swimy z fighting didn't get fixed in 1.6.1.  

  On 1/12/2019 at 7:06 AM, steve_v said:

Every KSP release (especially .0 releases) is broken in some way


And thus it was spoken.  For it was the truth, and the truth was sad.

  On 1/12/2019 at 7:06 AM, steve_v said:

Hey @SQUAD, where's the fluffy bunny joystick support you broke in 1.4? Is this going to be fixed or what?


"Blame Unity." - Squad probably

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  On 1/12/2019 at 1:53 PM, Dafni said:

The memory stutters are still there for me, bone stock install. And the eyesore z-fighting too, still, on craft that looked perfectly fine before.


Yup, the garbage collection "stutters" are very much still there. Almost unnoticeable with the stock game on powerful hardware, but still there.
I've given up asking about this as fixing it properly would entail major changes to the game engine, and that is in the too-hard basket.

It's pretty horrific that anyone thinks freezing the world every 10 seconds is a fair price to pay for a free .net runtime, but that's craptastic bargain-basement game engines for you.
At least they are using a modern version... Oh wait, it's based on a 7 year old mono release.


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