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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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On 6/13/2016 at 10:02 AM, The White Guardian said:

@Fireheart318 Seeing as Thomas is getting tired of this, I'll try to explain what you're doing.


First off, you're using a Kittopia export and those things don't work. Next, in the first line, you have '[!Kopernicus]' which means that your config automatically disables itself if Kopernicus is installed, ergo, it won't work whatever you do.

Also, I don't think that you have any idea of what you're actually trying to do here. You're actually trying to create a NEW Mun rather than editing the stock one, and since there can be only one body named 'Mun', stuff will inevitably crash. Try this config instead:

			removePQSMods = PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
					map = [FILEPATH]
					offset = 0
					deformity = 7500
					scaleDeformityByRadius = False
					order = 10
					enabled = True

Now, what am I doing in this config? With the first line, '@Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]' I adress ModuleManager and tell it to load this config after the Kopernicus plugin itself, which means that when this config is loaded Kopernicus is awake and can tell KSP what to do with the config.

Next, I write '@body[Mun]'. With this line I'm actually saying 'Edit body named 'Mun''. Easy, right?

With '@Template' I can edit Mun's PQSMods as if I'm creating a new planet with the Mun template. Next I tell Kopernicus to remove the PQSMod VertexHeightMap.

I then adress the PQS applied to Mun ('@PQS'), then adress the Mods (there are PQSMaterials, PQSMods, etc), and then I add a new mod: I re-add VertexHeightMap. The VertexHeightMap I added is identical to the one applied to Mun by default save for the fact that I can tell it to load a different heightmap.

But adding a heightmap is very, very easy, I actually don't see what problem you could possibly be having with it. All it takes is writing


in your planet's config. A quick note though: unless your heightmap is extremely large your planet WILL end up blocky if you use a heightmap only, so therefore also use the mods VertexHeightNoise and VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute, as well as color mods because otherwise your planet will be completely black.

And lastly I totally agree with @Thomas P.: You really should do some research first because you seem to be diving in head first with no idea of what you're doing at all. I'm not saying that that's wrong, I'm saying that it'll likely lead to a lot of frustration. @KillAshley has written various example configs you can use as study, and aside from that I've written a few guides that should help you get started and explain the basics of config writing, what does the planet need and what does what mean.

Don't let all these confusing looking codes discourage you, it's actually really easy since Kopernicus and PQSMods are like a game with predetermined rules, once you know the rules, you'll find yourself making configs by the truckload with no effort at all. If you need any more help, feel free to ask here or shoot me a PM.

Is there a way similar to this that you could do to get a totally flat sphere instead without needing a height map? Am trying to get a template where I can have several small mass and small radius body's (like around 1-10KM in radius)  but editing the preexisting templates radius is leading to undesired spikes making it impossible to actually land on the body 

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30 minutes ago, ToneStack said:

Is there a way similar to this that you could do to get a totally flat sphere instead without needing a height map? Am trying to get a template where I can have several small mass and small radius body's (like around 1-10KM in radius)  but editing the preexisting templates radius is leading to undesired spikes making it impossible to actually land on the body 

	removeAllPQSMods = true

With no PQS there's nothing that warps the terrain, so you'll end with a flat sphere.

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14 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

	removeAllPQSMods = true

With no PQS there's nothing that warps the terrain, so you'll end with a flat sphere.


I did Ike.cfg like below trying to use most recent documentation  and got almost everything I wanted (Ike Now Orbits Mun with about 30KM SOI) even adding the line suggested just tested; 

still does not look like sphere wondering If I'm missing something


        //Lets edit the Properties node with an @ sign!
    //so we need to change the description
            description = This description wasn't very well thought out!
            //let's raise the gravity a little since we're here
            geeASL = 0.007
        radius = 10000

        removeAllPQSMods = true
        @referenceBody = Mun
        semiMajorAxis = 1624200
        eccentricity  = 0.02

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6 minutes ago, ToneStack said:


        removeAllPQSMods = true

Edit: ignore that quote ^^

Remove the @ in front of referenceBody? No need for it AFAIK.

Also, it will look flat from the surface. You need to delete its cache file / update its mesh for it to appear flat from orbit.

Either that, or add into ScaledVerson {} "useSphericalModel = true"

I'm tired, dunno if anything I said made sense.

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33 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

Edit: ignore that quote ^^

Remove the @ in front of referenceBody.

Hmm, doing that moved Ike back around the orbit of Duna; also just realized I think I might have the wrong version, have the .dll file saying it was made on May 30, will try updating it keeping Ike.cfg with referenceBody instead of @referenceBody, will see what happens.


Updating the mod to 1.3.0-4 the .dlls now have June 15 on them seems to have made Ike Become a sphere 10KM long and gravity change as desired on Map view, however Ike is orbiting Duna instead of Mun still and after

hyper editing a vessel to orbit around the modified Ike the textures in vessel view seem to clip in and out



Edited by ToneStack
Version update
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8 hours ago, ToneStack said:

Hmm, doing that moved Ike back around the orbit of Duna; also just realized I think I might have the wrong version, have the .dll file saying it was made on May 30, will try updating it keeping Ike.cfg with referenceBody instead of @referenceBody, will see what happens.


Updating the mod to 1.3.0-4 the .dlls now have June 15 on them seems to have made Ike Become a sphere 10KM long and gravity change as desired on Map view, however Ike is orbiting Duna instead of Mun still and after

hyper editing a vessel to orbit around the modified Ike the textures in vessel view seem to clip in and out



Put the @ back of it worked.

Quick save and quick load after hyper-editing your vessel. That will fix it.

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@Sigma88 - Ignore my prior report, on a clean install with only Kopernicus 1.3.0-4, OPM, and OtherWorlds, I am unable to replicate the previously observed behavior.  It looks like this is probably an edge case mod conflict - not sure which one, since I have 63 mods currently installed on my main save game.  If I find later that there is a specific set that reproduces the problem, then I'll re-report it with the appropriate logs.  Thanks for taking the time to review the posts.

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I am having issues with a planet. I tried fixing it, but it didn't work. Here's my config.
 (I am using 1.2.2-5)


        name = Noduun
        flightGlobalsIndex = 355
        finalizeOrbit = true
        cacheFile = Planets1138/Cache/Noduun.bin
            name = Jool
            description = Noduun. Farthest out and smallest gas giant in the system. As Noduun is quite some distance from Eeloo, scientists speculate that it feels lonely.
            radius = 5991000
            geeASL = 1.5
            isHomeworld = false
            tidallyLocked = false
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 5960
            sphereOfInfluence = 4000000000
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 200000 430000 650000 87000000 290042000 30000000 300000500 300000500
                landedDataValue = 374495378249826572647863862786578678973486790275986574865787897598763745876374
                splashedDataValue = 8394751987592759837573659714865725627847368243659827464836523746146756327564537
                flyingLowDataValue = 6
                flyingHighDataValue = 5
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 4
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 3
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200100000
            referenceBody = Sun
            semiMajorAxis = 90339999999
            inclination = 1.221622
            eccentricity = 0.250642
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0.90075
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0.0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 24300.238600
            color = 0.034,0.0,0.255,1.0
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 0
                texture = Planets1138/Noduun/PluginData/Noduun_color.png
                shininess = 0.25
                specular = 0,0,0,1.0
                    0.0 = 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3
                    0.5 = 0.009,0.0,0.071,0.3
                    1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0
            ambientColor = 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3
            lightColor 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3
            altitude = 200000
            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
            adiabaticIndex = 1.52
            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.24300000146


            staticPressureASL = 21.0
                key =    0    2127.825    -6.2635209E-02    -6.2635209E-02
                key =    10000    1501.4727    -4.91925E-02    -4.91925E-02
                key =    20000    1143.97472    -2.9013075E-02    -2.9013075E-02
                key =    30000    921.21106    -2.07333315E-02    -2.07333315E-02
                key =    40000    729.30816    -1.76453214E-02    -1.76453214E-02
                key =    50000    568.30466    -1.46684265E-02    -1.46684265E-02
                key =    60000    435.93956    -1.19753907E-02    -1.19753907E-02
                key =    70000    328.79686    -9.6239451E-03    -9.6239451E-03
                key =    80000    243.4607    -7.6140813E-03    -7.6140813E-03
                key =    90000    176.51522    -5.945814E-03    -5.945814E-03
                key =    100000    124.54442    -4.6191474E-03    -4.6191474E-03
                key =    110000    84.1323    -3.634071E-03    -3.634071E-03
                key =    120000    51.863    -2.815722E-03    -2.815722E-03
                key =    130000    27.81786    -1.70067807E-03    -1.70067807E-03
                key =    140000    17.84944    -6.9089286E-04    -6.9089286E-04
                key =    150000    14    -3.86967E-04    -3.86967E-04
                key =    160000    10.1101    -3.8330607E-04    -3.8330607E-04
                key =    170000    6.33388    -3.5037807E-04    -3.5037807E-04
                key =    180000    3.10254    -2.7431607E-04    -2.7431607E-04
                key =    190000    0.84756    -1.55127E-04    -1.55127E-04
                key =    200000    0    -8.4756E-05    -8.4756E-05

                key =    0    1    0    0
                key =    15384.61539    0.5    -0.00003    -5.13225E-05
                key =    16952.35385    0    0    0
                key =    30866.12307    0    0    0
                key =    72845.07692    0.2    0    0
                key =    110461.7846    0.2    0    0
                key =    140445.5384    0    0    0
                key =    200000    0.4    0    0
                key = 0 0 0 0
                key = 90 -12 0 0
                key = 0 12 0 0
                key = 90 0 0 0
                key = 0 0.441 0 -0.0106
                key = 36 0 -0.0131 -0.0131
                key = 126 -0.75 0 0
                key = 216 0 0.0131 0.0131
                key = 306 0.75 0 0
                key = 360 0.441 -0.0106 0
                key = 0 0 0 0.018
                key = 90 1 0 0
                key = 0 2 0 -4
                key = 1 -2 -4 0
                waveLength = 0.6801278, 0.6741574, 0.6262613, 0.5

(I have word wrap on)

Edited by Mrcarrot
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9 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

Does the "name" field (the one that is "name = Kerbol System" in System.cfg) show up anywhere in game where the user can see it (does it need to be included in localizations of planet mods)?


I've wondered this, as I changed it for GPP and RSS does it as well. I haven't seen it anywhere, but I also haven't gone looking for it either.

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4 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

Does the "name" field (the one that is "name = Kerbol System" in System.cfg) show up anywhere in game where the user can see it (does it need to be included in localizations of planet mods)?



4 hours ago, Galileo said:

I've wondered this, as I changed it for GPP and RSS does it as well. I haven't seen it anywhere, but I also haven't gone looking for it either.

No, the name is pointless as far as I know

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 I don't know what's up with the following, but I'd delete those lines, or maybe just give them a value of zero (can't land or splash on a gas giant).  Those crazy large numbers might be causing a problem.

                landedDataValue = 374495378249826572647863862786578678973486790275986574865787897598763745876374
                splashedDataValue = 8394751987592759837573659714865725627847368243659827464836523746146756327564537

It also looks like your atmosphere is composed of americium.

            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.24300000146 

That's 243 kg/mol, or a molecular weight of 243 g/mol.  I think you probably want it to be 0.00243, i.e. a hydrogen-helium atmosphere.

It's also my understanding that the following are redundant.  When both are specified, I believe lightColor governs.

            lightColor 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3

                waveLength = 0.6801278, 0.6741574, 0.6262613, 0.5

This number also looks funny,

            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 24300.238600

The mean anomaly is measured in radians, thus it has a value between 0 and 2pi.  A value of 0 means the planet is a pariapsis at the specified epoch, and a value of 3.14 means the planet is at apoapsis at the specified epoch.

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"The Kerbin" and missing biome names in Kopernicus on KSP 1.3

I started fixing up GregroxMun's Eve Space Program to re-enable biomes and maybe to relocate the KSC to where the first survey contracts are, or relocate the first survey contracts to where the KSC gets placed currently. Here's my fork of his configurations as of now, and so far I have biomes working again. The colour values just needed to be changed to use the KerbNet biome map colour values.

Eve, which is the KSP home world in this configuration, shows up as "The Kerbin" in map views and in KerbNet. Biome names are also missing in KerbNet's biome view, but are present in science reports. The reports themselves are just the default reports and report titles read like, "Crew report from Lowlands of The Kerbin."

I'm assuming this is KSP 1.3 localization that needs to be done. Are there any working examples I can look at to learn how Kopernicus handles localization and biome names? What about displaying biome names correctly in KerbNet?

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1 hour ago, OhioBob said:


 I don't know what's up with the following, but I'd delete those lines, or maybe just give them a value of zero (can't land or splash on a gas giant).  Those crazy large numbers might be causing a problem.

                landedDataValue = 374495378249826572647863862786578678973486790275986574865787897598763745876374
                splashedDataValue = 8394751987592759837573659714865725627847368243659827464836523746146756327564537

It also looks like your atmosphere is composed of americium.

            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.24300000146 

That's 243 kg/mol, or a molecular weight of 243 g/mol.  I think you probably want it to be 0.00243, i.e. a hydrogen-helium atmosphere.

It's also my understanding that the following are redundant.  When both are specified, I believe lightColor governs.

            lightColor 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3

                waveLength = 0.6801278, 0.6741574, 0.6262613, 0.5

This number also looks funny,

            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 24300.238600

The mean anomaly is measured in radians, thus it has a value between 0 and 2pi.  A value of 0 means the planet is a pariapsis at the specified epoch, and a value of 3.14 means the planet is at apoapsis at the specified epoch.

Still doesn't work.

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2 hours ago, Mrcarrot said:

Still doesn't work.

You have one too many time warp limits specified.  There should only be 8 values, while you have 9.

           timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 200000 430000 650000 87000000 290042000 30000000 300000500 300000500


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51 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

finalizeOrbit = False

there's no need to explicitly use finalizeOrbit = False since it's the default value that is given to all planets anyways

it only makes sense to use finalizeOrbit = True (if you want it to be true, which I suggest you avoid)

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1 minute ago, Sigma88 said:

there's no need to explicitly use finalizeOrbit = False since it's the default value that is given to all planets anyways

it only makes sense to use finalizeOrbit = True (if you want it to be true, which I suggest you avoid)

I only mentioned it because @Mrcarrot's config has specifically set it equal to true.  So he can either set it to false, or just delete the line entirely and let is default to false.

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59 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Sigma88 What does orbitIndex do?

Can it be used to control the order of appearance of explore body contracts?

it's GN stuff

(to be a bit more clear: it's not kopernicus syntax. it's parameters I store in the kopernicus nodes for my stars in GN)

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