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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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31 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

Can someone post an example config (perhaps now, perhaps after 1.9.1 drops?) to help the rest of us enable the awesome shaders on our mod planets?

JNSQ is updated to use the shader released with 1.8.  Perhaps you can look at it for examples.

I don't think any examples exist yet for the ultra shader release with 1.9.

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12 minutes ago, kspnerd122 said:

if the code version locks it just edit the code and unlock it.

There is a very very good reason why Kopernicus is version locked, to stop people using Kopernicus in versions that aren't supported by Kopernicus. 
It isn't just a mod where you "only" have to recompile it, no. Modders spend hours fixing bugs, integrating, for instance, the new Shaders from 1.8./1.9. and Surprise! that takes some time

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On 3/30/2020 at 11:02 AM, MashAndBangers said:


You can have multiple installs of KSP on your computer, even through steam.  Steam is not required to make KSP work.  Just to download it.

Step 1:  Find where KSP is installed.
Step 2:  Rename the KSP folder.
Step 3:  Tell steam to uninstall KSP.  This will allow you to then install a new copy.  Since you want to downgrade, make sure to switch to the old version you want in the beta branch and then install.
Step 4:  Install your KSP of choice.
Step 5:  Repeat steps 1 and 2 so that Steam can't touch your KSP folder.

Make shortcuts on your desktop for every install of KSP.  I prefer to just open up the KSP folder and use the launcher there. I tend to move mods in and out so I tend to have the folder opened anyway.



I'm going to take this time to thank everyone working on Kopernicus for their time.  Thank you for your gift to the community.  I and many others appreciate your hard work.  You guys are awesome.

Totally agree, modders take time out of their own days to work on projects such as these, they aren't getting paid.  Updates take time, and people should learn to be patient.  Big shout out to the Kopernicus team in the meantime. 

Edited by Geonovast
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Thread locked for moderator review.




Thread Unlocked.


A good deal of content has been removed.  Reasons for this include pressuring for updates, being off topic, and demeaning comments.


An off-topic discussion about preventing Steam from updating has been relocated here:


Please keep your comments here civil, respectful, and on-topic.


Thank you.

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Happy Nyancat day, everyone! I was surprised because today I only updated BetterTimeWarp and Smart parts - and boom! A wild Nyancat appears! Anyway. Cheers to all Kopernicus devs! You, guys, are totaly awesome for keeping my interest to this game burning even hotter!

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so I've used Kopernicus a lot over the years with various different planet packs and such... which 'extra planets' mod do you guys feel is the best?  I've had problems with some of them having incomplete biome maps and other problems.. ie they look different from orbit than on the surface, the surface behaves differently in physics range and out (like, put a base on a planet, leave, get 2.3km away and BOOM the base falls into a hole, or the ocean, it was really odd).

So, once Kopernicus is updated, which planet pack do y'all recommend?  I've got a fleet of KSPIE-built 1000c warpships standing by for interstellar departure :)

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1 hour ago, ss8913 said:

so I've used Kopernicus a lot over the years with various different planet packs and such... which 'extra planets' mod do you guys feel is the best?  I've had problems with some of them having incomplete biome maps and other problems.. ie they look different from orbit than on the surface, the surface behaves differently in physics range and out (like, put a base on a planet, leave, get 2.3km away and BOOM the base falls into a hole, or the ocean, it was really odd).

So, once Kopernicus is updated, which planet pack do y'all recommend?  I've got a fleet of KSPIE-built 1000c warpships standing by for interstellar departure :)

I'm currently playing JNSQ (2x upscale of the stock system with a couple new planets and moons added).  I've played with GPP in the past (Galileo's Planet Pack - stock-sized system, but all planets and moons have been replaced/renamed).

I'm planning soon to make a new install to try out Beyond Home in the next couple weeks.  I want to "finish" my current JNSQ game first.

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1 hour ago, MaxxQ said:

I'm currently playing JNSQ (2x upscale of the stock system with a couple new planets and moons added).  I've played with GPP in the past (Galileo's Planet Pack - stock-sized system, but all planets and moons have been replaced/renamed).

I'm planning soon to make a new install to try out Beyond Home in the next couple weeks.  I want to "finish" my current JNSQ game first.

I don't want to replace the stock planets, I want a mod that adds more planets/stars far away from Kerbol... there are a few and I've tried the ones that I know about, but not sure which is the most mature/well maintained/etc at this point.

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14 hours ago, ss8913 said:

I don't want to replace the stock planets, I want a mod that adds more planets/stars far away from Kerbol... there are a few and I've tried the ones that I know about, but not sure which is the most mature/well maintained/etc at this point.

There's always Outer Planets Mod (OPM).  It's been around a long time and has been widely used.

If you want planets that are really far away, there's Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP).  It adds a second star with it's own planets.  You can also use both OPM and GEP.

There are probably others but I don't know what they are.

Edited by OhioBob
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5 hours ago, ss8913 said:

so I've used Kopernicus a lot over the years with various different planet packs and such... which 'extra planets' mod do you guys feel is the best?  I've had problems with some of them having incomplete biome maps and other problems.. ie they look different from orbit than on the surface, the surface behaves differently in physics range and out (like, put a base on a planet, leave, get 2.3km away and BOOM the base falls into a hole, or the ocean, it was really odd).

So, once Kopernicus is updated, which planet pack do y'all recommend?  I've got a fleet of KSPIE-built 1000c warpships standing by for interstellar departure :)

Have you tried Galaxies Unbound? Perfect for Interstellar I'd think

 It looks amazing and seems a lot of work has gone into it and the team is always adding new things.

Edited by jebalicious
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7 hours ago, ss8913 said:

so I've used Kopernicus a lot over the years with various different planet packs and such... which 'extra planets' mod do you guys feel is the best?  I've had problems with some of them having incomplete biome maps and other problems.. ie they look different from orbit than on the surface, the surface behaves differently in physics range and out (like, put a base on a planet, leave, get 2.3km away and BOOM the base falls into a hole, or the ocean, it was really odd).

So, once Kopernicus is updated, which planet pack do y'all recommend?  I've got a fleet of KSPIE-built 1000c warpships standing by for interstellar departure :)

GPP, OPM, JNSQ, Extrasolar, and Other Worlds. There are others out there that are also good, but those are the ones I've liked the best. The first three are all by Galileo and his crew - and they're typically a notch above most planet packs IMO. They do amazing work.

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Thanks for the suggestions; especially the fact that OPM would coexist with other Kopernicus mods; I did not know that.

Of course I will have to wait until I build my new machine with more RAM to do more than one Kopernicus mod... 16gb and a spinning disk is ... insufficient for that level of mod ambition :)  1.9.1 is better about RAM usage at least.  Couple of versions ago I was able to run a 16gb box hard out of memory with nothing else running.  Miss my 32gb rig :(

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9 hours ago, OhioBob said:

OPM was originally developed by @CaptRobau and @Eudae55, along with other contributors.  @Galileo took it over for a time, but it is now managed by @Poodmund.

Thanks for the correction. I don't think it was on my radar until after Galileo took it over - it took me some time to get into planet packs. Now, there's so many great ones out there.


2 hours ago, ss8913 said:

Thanks for the suggestions; especially the fact that OPM would coexist with other Kopernicus mods; I did not know that.

A lot of them will coexist with each other - the key thing is to check the distance of the primary from "The Sun" - overlapping SOIs will cause problems. Also, if the planet pack is a replacement rather than an add-on (i.e. if 2 planets packs replace the stock system rather than one orbiting the stock system, or whatever replaced the stock system), then you will have problems. OPM adds-on, so it works with a lot of them.

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On 3/31/2020 at 4:34 PM, ss8913 said:

so I've used Kopernicus a lot over the years with various different planet packs and such... which 'extra planets' mod do you guys feel is the best?  I've had problems with some of them having incomplete biome maps and other problems.. ie they look different from orbit than on the surface, the surface behaves differently in physics range and out (like, put a base on a planet, leave, get 2.3km away and BOOM the base falls into a hole, or the ocean, it was really odd).

So, once Kopernicus is updated, which planet pack do y'all recommend?  I've got a fleet of KSPIE-built 1000c warpships standing by for interstellar departure :)

OPM is the "OG" for planet packs that expand the system quite a bit. It is also well supported by other addons that I use, so to me its the "best fit".  YMMV.



Edited by Geonovast
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1 hour ago, Kraken that doesn't exist said:

I'm trying to download in 1.8.1 not 1.9 but it isn't working, can anyone give me some advice?

Use CKAN to manage your mod install. 

Either that or tell us what actually happens/goes wrong. ;) 

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Please Help!


I'm making a star pack and something very strange happened: The light face of the planets is turned 45 degrees from the side of the planets which faces the star. Can anyone send me any help, please? Here's my code:

	    name = Falsarium
		    name = Sun
            description = Falsarium is a yellow main-sequence star, and one of the closest stars to Kerbol. For years, Kerbal astronomers thought it was a reflection of the Sun in their telescopes. But with further investigation, they realized it was a whole another star. Some kerbals still speculate it's just a reflection.
            radius = 361700000    
            mass = 2.1554950e+28
			sphereOfInfluence = 5000000000000
            referenceBody = Sun
            color = 255,255,0,255
            inclination = 10
            eccentricity = 0.1
            semiMajorAxis = 10076165843942.6
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60.5
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 60
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 7
            epoch = 200000
				sunlightColor = 1,1,1,1 
				scaledSunlightColor = 1,1,1,1 
				IVASunColor = 1,0.976999998,0.896000028,1 
				sunLensFlareColor = 1,1,1,1 
				sunAU = 13599840256			
					key = -0.01573471 0.217353 1.706627 1.706627
					key = 5.084181 3.997075 -0.001802375 -0.001802375
					key = 38.56295 1.82142 0.0001713 0.0001713
					key = 0 5 0 0
					key = 3739946767.275 2 0 0
					key = 14959787069.1 1 0 0
					key = 59839148276.4 0.5 0 0
					key = 239356593105.6 0.25 0 0
					key = 957426372422.4 0.125
					key = 2.50E+12 0 0 0
					key = 0 5 0 0
					key = 623324.4612125 2 0 0
					key = 2493297.84485 1 0 0
					key = 9973191.3794 0.5 0 0
					key = 39892765.5176 0.25 0 0
					key = 159571062.0704 0.125
					key = 2.50E+12 0 0 0
					key = 0 5 0 0
					key = 3739946767.275 2 0 0
					key = 14959787069.1 1 0 0
					key = 59839148276.4 0.5 0 0
					key = 239356593105.6 0.25 0 0
					key = 957426372422.4 0.125
					key = 2.50E+12 0 0 0


Sorry for my kinda bad english, it's not my native language.

Edited by E for Earthling
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