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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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I got partnered up with a kid in Social Studies who's mentally challenged, and we unfortunately got sat across from two horrible classmates. I won't share their real names, so I'll just call them Richard Cranium and Pam Ennis. So Pam and Rick have sticks so deep up their backsides that it's practically in their small intestine, and the entire time they were making fun of the kid I was partnered with. Calling him sped, the r word, and making fun of him if he simply spoke or laughed at a picture. I know that they're practically the definition of peaked in middle school, but it boils my blood to know that a person treats another person who needs their help like this. I told the teacher about this after class, but if these kids will learn, well, that's anyone's guess.

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1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

Had the new Pfeizer COVID-19 shot and man it's kicking my S. I just seriously weighed the pros and cons of heating my coffee up in the microwave (which is all of 6 feet away), and just drinking it cold.

Meanwhile I've caught the Cold of the Season™ at work. The unusual thing is that I know precisely who I caught it from - she's been down with four colds this past month - and I've managed to pass it on to at least one person the next day.

Meanwhile, my dad be like: "And how close was your contact?" *groan*

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I have a buyer beware negative thing. If you get Taco Bell or KFC or its two other sister brands BEWARE!!! Stand alone locations are cheaper price wise than their combination locations!!! Example from my experience: 09192023 i go to a stand alone Taco Bell and buy 2 chicken enchilada burritos and after tax pay 4.33$. Today, moments ago, I went to a KFC/Taco Bell combination location and order 2 chicken enchilada burritos and have to pay 6.23$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I confront them about this with receipt in hand and they refuse to price match and claim its 2 different franchises and they wont (cant was her words) do anything. I said but its the SAME PARENT BRAND of Taco Bell and there should be price uniformity, but it seems thats not a thing. My advice? Find them stand alone if you want KFC or Taco Bell or A&W or Long John Silvers (their sister brands) because its less expensive! Avoid the combination locations if possible!


Edited by AlamoVampire
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dont eat fast food. problem solved. 

of course im biased because i need to go two towns over to get fast food, driving to any of them will result in a very wet car. even when im in those towns i dont, except to get mom a big mac. her taste buds never aged beyond 13. i never partake myself. 

anyway i have been procrastinating doing the dishes for the last two hours. its now 4am and im tired. but those damn dishes are in the way. the solution is to do nothing and hope the problem solves itself while i doze off in my chair. 

Edited by Nuke
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2 hours ago, Nuke said:

anyway i have been procrastinating doing the dishes for the last two hours. its now 4am and im tired. but those damn dishes are in the way. the solution is to do nothing and hope the problem solves itself while i doze off in my chair. 

Oh, you believe in the Kitchen Gnomes? My kids are true believers as well....

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7 hours ago, TheSaint said:

Oh, you believe in the Kitchen Gnomes? My kids are true believers as well....

i eventually got up at 4:30 and did my job. i went to bed, couldnt sleep so i put on black sabbath's first album. somewhere the cat stole my pillow and i had to use the lumpy pillow and so i didnt sleep very well. i just got up sometime between 1 and 2pm. 

mom likes to have a big sunday meal despite the fact that there are only 2 of us, and we are both of an age where a large evening meal is a bad idea.  of course she doesn't do any of the cooking or any of the cleanup, or anything other than make messes really. she is definitely a gnomeist, except im the gnome. so a little procrastination is good for my sanity. it must me nice to have a family where the young people act like children and the old people act like adults.  but i come from a long line of responsibility deniers. 

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14 hours ago, Nuke said:

but i come from a long line of responsibility deniers. 

Ah, I fight this battle daily - and it's a battle at home and on the job (at both places I work). :huh:

  • On the community college campus (for you non-U.S. Americans, that's a two-year college that focuses on A.A. and A.S. degrees), I see reality deniers all the time. There's nothing more sad than to see students grovelling about why they could not have their major semester project completed on time, especially when the course's online calendar and the syllabus contains all the due dates -- and they have access to these date a week before the semester begins. It's annoying, irritating, and sad, really. I have three classes that start with 35 students this term, and I probably have ten (total) who have As in a semester that began on August 21st.
  • At the university, I am teaching one graduate level course in American foreign policy. It's a seminar style course with a topic I usually choose based from a survey I give from previous semesters in the Intro to U.S. Foreign Policy class. Last year, the surveys indicated graduate students wanted a seminar in post-war foreign policy. So, that's the topic of this class. I have four students out of the 18 who, no matter what I do, refuse to participate in any of the discussions, citing their inability to "comprehend the treaties, the lectures, and online class conversations" as reasons why they don't participate. It's frustrating because, as graduate students, they should at least have some ability to read, listen to a Teams meeting, and contribute to a conversation and forum-style discussion (sorta like a message board). Yeah, but no.

Then I have my youngest child - one who has just crossed into her teenage years. For her, responsibility is a foreign concept.

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On 9/22/2023 at 7:33 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

I got partnered up with a kid in Social Studies who's mentally challenged, and we unfortunately got sat across from two horrible classmates. I won't share their real names, so I'll just call them Richard Cranium and Pam Ennis. So Pam and Rick have sticks so deep up their backsides that it's practically in their small intestine, and the entire time they were making fun of the kid I was partnered with. Calling him sped, the r word, and making fun of him if he simply spoke or laughed at a picture. I know that they're practically the definition of peaked in middle school, but it boils my blood to know that a person treats another person who needs their help like this. I told the teacher about this after class, but if these kids will learn, well, that's anyone's guess.


You really ought to report them to your school's administration.

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5 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

At the university, I am teaching one graduate level course in American foreign policy. It's a seminar style course with a topic I usually choose based from a survey I give from previous semesters in the Intro to U.S. Foreign Policy class. Last year, the surveys indicated graduate students wanted a seminar in post-war foreign policy. So, that's the topic of this class. I have four students out of the 18 who, no matter what I do, refuse to participate in any of the discussions, citing their inability to "comprehend the treaties, the lectures, and online class conversations" as reasons why they don't participate. It's frustrating because, as graduate students, they should at least have some ability to read, listen to a Teams meeting, and contribute to a conversation and forum-style discussion (sorta like a message board). Yeah, but no.

Did they find their acceptance letters at the bottom of cereal boxes? In even the most hated courses I made an effort to participate out of sheer boredom... nothing like arguing for gender equality in conscription before a 3/4 female class.

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3 hours ago, AtomicTech said:


You really ought to report them to your school's administration.

Sad part is the admin likely wont do squat. When I was in 6th grade many years back, I was sitting in my spot on the gym floor waiting for coach to call roll. This giant of a kid walks up to me and kicked me in my left side like i was a football and he was trying for a 90 yard field goal. When I finally could breathe again and stand let alone talk I went to coach and told him what happened. He was in charge of and responsible for our safety and his EXACT response? “What did you do to deserve that?” I had just been ASSAULTED and the coach didnt care. I dont know what if anything else happened after i told my mom. I know she told the admin but i saw no change at the school on my end.


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7 hours ago, DDE said:

Did they find their acceptance letters at the bottom of cereal boxes? In even the most hated courses I made an effort to participate out of sheer boredom... nothing like arguing for gender equality in conscription before a 3/4 female class.

Oh man! You've gotta share that story!

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9 hours ago, AtomicTech said:

Oh man! You've gotta share that story!

Hey, debate class is debate class. I wasn't going to discuss the taste of different colors of crayons, was I?

Anyway, look at this dude. Look at his wheels!





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My father just made a good attempt to cut his finger off. Had to put a split around it and found myself utterly inept.

Hopefully the desire to attend a first-aid course isn't going directly to the bucket list...

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12 hours ago, TheSaint said:

9. Across: Davos' famed foreign policy

I would have guessed it was "you will own nothing and be happy", but that doesn't fit.

Or "GREAT RESET", but the space doesn't match with 7. Down, for which I have "EXTERMINATE".  (I don't think the space would be legal, anyway, like everything that comes out of Davos...)

So I guess it has to be EXTERMINATE.  Yeah, that works.

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3 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

I would have guessed it was "you will own nothing and be happy", but that doesn't fit.

Or "GREAT RESET", but the space doesn't match with 7. Down, for which I have "EXTERMINATE".  (I don't think the space would be legal, anyway, like everything that comes out of Davos...)

So I guess it has to be EXTERMINATE.  Yeah, that works.

You're on thin ice here, human.




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3 hours ago, DDE said:

My father just made a good attempt to cut his finger off. Had to put a split around it and found myself utterly inept.

Hopefully the desire to attend a first-aid course isn't going directly to the bucket list...

I'm glad that it wasn't a successful attempt :)

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And there we go again. Epic (Unreal Engine) is firing ~900 of their staff.


Apparently, they are in a similar position of Unity Technologies - spent too much without earning enough to pay the bills.

I hope the similarities ends there.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Now, Ubisoft and Blizzard are following suit:


Apparently not as bad as Epic, but still… 

Sega is also cancelling games, and laying people off:


We definitively have a situation around here.

Edited by Lisias
POST EDIT (damn!!!)
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