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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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I asked ChatGPT3 for an app for logging the results of First Robotics Competition games, and it basically gave me what I wanted in minutes. Granted, the app isn't very complicated and if I wasn't rusty with tkinter I could've done it in an hour or two, but it's kinda depressing to see how fast it did it. As someone who loves programming, I'd be really sad if programming turns out to be like steam engines- very prevalent for a short time, but then simply gone. I see a lot of articles about programmers being irreplaceable, but they honestly just feel like copium to me- if ChatGPT3 can do this in minutes, what will it be able to do in just a few years?

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1 hour ago, LHACK4142 said:

if ChatGPT3 can do this in minutes, what will it be able to do in just a few years?

Well, if programmers would just stop programming programs that can program programs, they might just have a chance.

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I was just talking to my wife about this after showing her this paper: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2023/03/GPT-4_medical_benchmarks.pdf

Got me thinking about the internet and how it has changed things over the last ~30 years. At the time the rubes started using "the web" in the 1990s I was honestly not paying attention. I had already been using the internet daily for 10 years, and was habituated to the places on the web where I was used to looking for information, or discussions, etc. Much of it on USENET. Plain ole text threads, sorta like this forum—which is perhaps why I tend to like forums vs the way reddit threads, but I digress. Anyway, I think those of us paying attention to ML have seen this as a slow burn, and the rest of the world is starting to recognize that we're near where the exponential curve inflects upwards.

I think this will change things far faster than the 20-30 years of internet changes on society. Strap in.

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11 hours ago, tater said:

I think this will change things far faster than the 20-30 years of internet changes on society.

ChatGPT is emulated by matrix to let/make the humans get used to the understanding that they are already had by it.

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Ive already crabbed about the ads you cant skip on youtube but holy smokes guys its gotten worse. Im watching Adam Savage make a T handle for a new bench vise and ive seen an ad for the new D&D movie 7-8 times this video. Its popping up every 3 minutes. Look im a D&D fan, im watching campaign 3 every thursday critical role airs one but why ram the same ad w/out being able to skip it every 3 minutes????



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KSP2 is getting into my nerves to a point it's starting to affect my interests on KSP1.

Where I look, there's a flood of KSP2 articles and videos and yada yada yada, but the number of players on Steam just plummets (it's less than a third of KSP1 players at any time of the day). 

But yet, even by being part of a group at least 3 times larger than KSP2 (assuming Steam can be used to extrapolate the respective user bases), I'm struggling to find KSP1 content as everything and everybody just talks about KSP2 - as the thing would be being widely played.

I'm not telling that KSP2 is not going to be the next thing - it only happens that, definitively, it's not a thing yet and the flood of KSP2 (uninteresting) content is drowning the content about KSP (1) that I really want to see - and so, I'm gradually ceasing to consume KSP1 content.

What makes any prospection on ever consuming KSP2 dimmer.

Edited by Lisias
Better grammars. I'm evolving!
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after breaking the ear off of an easter decoration resembling a food item, i have come to a grand conclusion. superglue is only useful in 2 situations, the first is gluing your fingers to the thing you are trying to fix, and the other is gluing the lid onto the tube of superglue so that it will never open again, sparing you its curse. i managed to put the ear back on the bunny egg platter thing. my mom is in the early stages of cataracts so i hope she doesnt notice the hairline fracture and the skin cells glued to the bunnie's face. 

ive replaced that damn thing four times. this is why i drink out of prego jars and eat cereal out of cool whip containers. anything fancy has a life expectancy of a fly in a frog enclosure (ive been using the same prego jar for at least 6 years, but fancy matching china may as well just come broke). 

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This is very much a first-world problem, but it's quite annoying that so many cool songs have, well, affectionate noises in them. I don't think it adds much to the song, but it means that I can't play them or use them in certain contexts.

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15 hours ago, LHACK4142 said:

This is very much a first-world problem, but it's quite annoying that so many cool songs have, well, affectionate noises in them. I don't think it adds much to the song, but it means that I can't play them or use them in certain contexts.

Gives an unfortunate meaning to the term "guilty pleasure" in music...

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i for one do not like music that sounds like coital expression, or anyone using a vocal soundfont on their synth. autotune does it too. its a bit of an uncanny valley for me.

i do still fantasize about getting hitched to an opera soprano though. 

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2 hours ago, Nuke said:

i do still fantasize about getting hitched to an opera soprano though. 



But in all seriousness, it's not all bad; it can be done well. Just look at some of the hits from 2000-2016(ish), they're pretty good :)


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According to my school library, I'm racist, sexist, ableist, etc. Because *checks notes* I'm white, male, able bodied, etc. But the scoop would never be racist because they changed the definition of racism so that judging people on their character not on their skin color is racist now. And apparently you can't be racist to white people. And apparently "inclusion" means everyone but white people. And it is fine to I quote have a book that "isn't written for white people". Because apparently being born with low melanin levels makes you a racist bigot now. And apparently learning about history is racist, that's why all the history books in the library are revisionist, and anything that disagrees with the Librarian is pulled from the shelves(oh, but "every option is welcome" too). YAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!... I guess.

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2 minutes ago, Ryaja said:

According to my school library, I'm racist, sexist, ableist, etc. Because *checks notes* I'm white, male, able bodied, etc. But the scoop would never be racist because they changed the definition of racism so that judging people on their character not on their skin color is racist now. And apparently you can't be racist to white people. And apparently "inclusion" means everyone but white people. And it is fine to I quote have a book that "isn't written for white people". Because apparently being born with low melanin levels makes you a racist bigot now. And apparently learning about history is racist, that's why all the history books in the library are revisionist, and anything that disagrees with the Librarian is pulled from the shelves(oh, but "every option is welcome" too). YAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!... I guess.

The struggle is real...

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8 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

The struggle is real...


I also try to be a peace maker, but if you don't talk about it they accuse you of "white fragility" and if you do they accuse you of "white rage" and escalate things, so the only thing I can do is avoid it sadly.

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16 minutes ago, Ryaja said:

According to my school library, I'm racist, sexist, ableist, etc. Because *checks notes* I'm white, male, able bodied, etc. But the scoop would never be racist because they changed the definition of racism so that judging people on their character not on their skin color is racist now. And apparently you can't be racist to white people. And apparently "inclusion" means everyone but white people. And it is fine to I quote have a book that "isn't written for white people". Because apparently being born with low melanin levels makes you a racist bigot now. And apparently learning about history is racist, that's why all the history books in the library are revisionist, and anything that disagrees with the Librarian is pulled from the shelves(oh, but "every option is welcome" too). YAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!... I guess.

Want a scary truth? If youre talking about public schools in the US then you can blame the revisionist bs on one thing. Texas. My state is a giant leading factor in how american text books are written and so many other negative factors. If not in america then well uh still blame Texas lol


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38 minutes ago, Ryaja said:

I also try to be a peace maker, but if you don't talk about it they accuse you of "white fragility" and if you do they accuse you of "white rage" and escalate things, so the only thing I can do is avoid it sadly.

It's designed to provoke a response. "Your target's reaction is your real action."

The only way to escape the Kafka trap is to point out what they are doing if backed into a corner. Their goal is get you do do nothing (demoralizing you) or react—which they will paint as over reacting.

At least if you know this you can maybe avoid being demoralized.

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its silly, the funny thing is these policies are correlated to the rise in school shootings. because some of those policies were being tested out when i was in school, way back around the time of the columbine shooting. i saw first hand how "special needs" students were shoveled off to special schools that served as nothing more than a dumping ground for free thinkers and sociopaths alike. the weak got bullied, i was a large dude with some scary friends (one of which committed suicide awhile ago), so i dodged most of it. most of the kids were medicated, there were your lithium zombies and your adhd ritalin crowd. they had me on the stuff and i wasn't even hyper. half the kids there were labeled as disabled. parents got to collect benefits, which end the second you graduate. then you get thrown into the world with no meds, a diploma from a school for the mal adjusted (i did also attend a vocational school for computer science and electronics, as i was one of the brighter kids in that school), needless to say my transition into adulthood was not an easy one. oh and the chemical withdrawl from the meds we could no longer afford was nice too. i didn't get healthcare again until the affordable care act passed. that was in the 90s, i loathe to think of the abomination public school has become now. having them undermine your future before you even make adulthood is just evil. they did just as much if not more damage than my messed up family did. pink floyd had this figured out in the '70s.

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2 hours ago, Ryaja said:

Because *checks notes* I'm white, male, able bodied, etc.

You can at least break your leg to stop confusing others.

Or at least become intolerant to lactose and gluten.

2 hours ago, Ryaja said:

But the scoop would never be racist because they changed the definition of racism so that judging people on their character not on their skin color is racist now. And apparently you can't be racist to white people.

So, they treat "white" as "default", isn't this a racism from them?

2 hours ago, Ryaja said:

Because apparently being born with low melanin levels

Tell them that you are not "white", you are "melanine-challenged person" or "depigmented person", so you need more respect and privileges for your disability than they show.

Do google, which nutrition increases internal melanine production and demand funding it for medical purposes.
(Afar, it's red meat, oysters, crab meat, liver, milk food).

2 hours ago, Ryaja said:

And apparently learning about history is racist, that's why all the history books in the library are revisionist, and anything that disagrees with the Librarian is pulled from the shelves

Strange. A simple pencil is enough to retouch them properly.

(This works, we tested this in schoolbooks decades ago. Also it helps to modify the portrait make-up and hair-do).

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i never made more than $14k a year, with a college degree, and im 41. still waiting for that white privilege to kick in. its gonna be awhile at this point. someone who got $30k+ on their first out-of-college job (that they cant even do right) telling me im somehow harming them simply by existing is not good for my morale.

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8 hours ago, Ryaja said:

According to my school library, I'm racist, sexist, ableist, etc. Because *checks notes* I'm white, male, able bodied, etc. But the scoop would never be racist because they changed the definition of racism so that judging people on their character not on their skin color is racist now. And apparently you can't be racist to white people. And apparently "inclusion" means everyone but white people. And it is fine to I quote have a book that "isn't written for white people". Because apparently being born with low melanin levels makes you a racist bigot now. And apparently learning about history is racist, that's why all the history books in the library are revisionist, and anything that disagrees with the Librarian is pulled from the shelves(oh, but "every option is welcome" too). YAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!... I guess.

Sounds to me like your school is going way too far the other way. I know that Bowie High School, which I would've gone to, is doing something similar; they're removing all books by white, straight, male authors in order to promote inclusion. It may just be me but isn't the point of inclusivity to tell more stories that might not have been told before? Here at my school (LASA), the principal and the librarian do promote telling more stories and showing more viewpoints but not at the expense of removing others. It's quite disappointing seeing stuff like what happened at your school happen as it's just red meat for the Political Right and a awful headache for everyone else.

8 hours ago, Ryaja said:

I also try to be a peace maker, but if you don't talk about it they accuse you of "white fragility" and if you do they accuse you of "white rage" and escalate things, so the only thing I can do is avoid it sadly.

Where is this, by the way?

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8 hours ago, tater said:

It's designed to provoke a response. "Your target's reaction is your real action."

The only way to escape the Kafka trap is to point out what they are doing if backed into a corner. Their goal is get you do do nothing (demoralizing you) or react—which they will paint as over reacting.

At least if you know this you can maybe avoid being demoralized.

Ya, I was being demoralized for a bit at first, I was angry and caught up on that thought. But my parents helped me notice and get off that first thought (I was tired when I posted that so it was kind of impulsive and what not.) But talking about it sometimes is ok just not too much, I might make a positive things thread for us people who spend too much time in this thread.

16 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:

Where is this, by the way?

All of the above.(Everywhere is like this rn, and I am not gonna reveal my exact school(it is unsafe) but in the western states.)

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Yeah, everywhere.

Heck, a buddy (a physicist) had to go through such a "struggle session" at a US national lab here with all the other men that happened to look like him in the broadest absurd sense.

If you told me in the 1980s anyone in the 2020s would notice or care about such arbitrary distinctions between people I would have said you were insane.

Homo sapiens.

That's all of us.

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