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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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In my (high school) engineering class, we're learning about how flight affects the eyes. With my teacher, this means we're typing 'how does flight affect the eyes?' into google and then wandering about on our own. The only instruction we've been given is a bullet list of vision tests. Instead of integrating the internet into the classroom, my teacher replaced the classroom with the internet.

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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

I hate HATE HATE that ugly humanoid who has added the default "Do you want to subscribe to our site?" window to the web framework(s) which they use in every second website.
Every time you must not just click a link, but then additionally click on that piece of crap to select "No, [and please do with your precious site you know yourself what!!!11oneone]".

But the human moral degradation required some new bottoms to reach.
Now this popup crap makes the browser window active.
So, you click two or three links, switch to another window, letting them to load, and the browser suddenly jumps up.

Almost as annoying as YouTube videos which start off asking you to "Like & Subscribe" ... and I haven't even watched it yet.  Why would one do that???


3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I burned my hand on steam taking something out of the microwave.

On the plus side, it was very tasty.

I got burned by Steam too, a long time ago, so I uninstalled it.

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On 4/10/2019 at 8:12 PM, DAL59 said:

Outside of r/ksp, r/dnd and the cat ones, most of the subsites on reddit are terrible, controlled by an insane and self contradictory hivemind, and every single post is filled with petty controversy.  An intelligently written comment that goes against consensus will be voted down and responded to by a popular one-liner.  Many subsites are just bad ideas to begin with-

r/aita: Let strangers determine if someone is good or not based entirely on their side of the story

r/choosingbeggars: Share stories about unreasonable clients/customers... mainly in the format of texts, which are very easy to fake and since the content is formulaic, the vast majority is fake

r/pics: Absolute barrage of posts, 10 times as many subs as the next lowest, mostly stolen content and fake stories

r/funny: Nothin humorous has ever occurred there

Never venturing outside the ksp subsite again 



Take a look at r/Napoleon.  I was hoping for some nice historical discussion.  It turns out its basically one pretty crazy artist lady posting nonstop to herself, and linking her bizarre rainbow website complete with 9/11 and other tinfoil conspiracies.  I watched a few of her bizarre videos on youtube, you know that carcrash morbid curiosity, and sure enough she's got content of her at the gun range.  I can only imagine what her neighbors think, lol.

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Regarding reddit: It's all (mostly) fake. Assume fake unless proven otherwise, saves you from a lot of negative emotions, especially when it comes to subreddits like "entitledparents", "choosingbeggars", etc. People only post there to get attention.



One thing that really grinds my gears is the success that reddit-reading videos are having on Youtube. By now, I'm fairly certain that at least half of them are algorithmically generated and uploaded using Python or something: a lot of them feature the same comments, have errors that would be blatantly obvious to a human editor (covering up wrong parts of a post, or even the entire post itself - video editing software have a preview window) and text-to-speech lines stopping at undesirable places due to max characters in a sentence (a human editor would cut the post's sentences in a way it didn't happen), expanding abbreviations that weren't there, etc.

And these guys are most certainly making money, especially when one person may have multiple channels, essentially publishing different versions of the same thing. As despicable as it is, I've considered writing a better algorithm and making a channel since it's a pretty good scheme: subreddits like "AskReddit" can be very relatable to most audiences, the content (usually) gets straight to the point and is very simple, just reading a post out loud. It's become the new "X reacts to Y" of Youtube, except it's somewhat decent (albeit morally questionable - how are human content creators to compete with this?).


PS: after watching this video from SmarterEveryDay about manipulating Youtube's algorithm, I've been led to believe my point might just be true

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like many people on here, I like coffeee and I like machines, both to a ridiculously nerdy degree.

After doing much research, my other half and I dropped an unholy sum of money on an espresso machine of the "lever" type.

There are two versions of the lever type mechanism, one where a spring provides the compression, another where your arm provides the compression.

The one that arrived, seems to work in a third, strangely ineffective, manner where it either dispenses weakly brewed hot brown water, or nothing. No compression, no dosing, just a steady stream of steam-driven water at about 0.8bar. The "lever" appears to simply be an on-off valve for the water.

Precious little information from the manufacturers, what little there is (if the manufacturer exists online at all!) is usually in Italian and is just basic marketing copy. You have to navigate by judging the quality of handfuls of blog posts from various coffee-related forums.

These machines are not neuroscience, Im pretty sure Im not just ham-fisting the whole thing.

Now I have to convince the seller to accept the return and give us a refund so I can forget this ever happened.

Edited by p1t1o
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20 minutes ago, richfiles said:

No matter how far from the building or where people are restricted to smoking outside of the apartments where I live, cigarette smoke will ALWAYS find the most direct path toward my open window. :mad:

I always hold my breath when I walk past smokers.

It’s literally burning leaves and breathing in the smoke :huh: It really beats me why people do it.

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We need new workstations at work.  Not, like, immediately, but these are incredibly dated(Sandy bridge), and with the end of Windows 7 on the horizon, as much as I hate Windows 10, I think it's time.  The i5-9400F is looking rather attractive for some decent builds.

Unfortunately the company's in a bit of a low point, and I can't really ask for $1,600 to build a matching pair of computers.  I guess I'll just have to deal with the constant hard lockups for a bit longer...

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On 4/16/2019 at 12:55 AM, kerbiloid said:

I hate HATE HATE that ugly humanoid who has added the default "Do you want to subscribe to our site?" window to the web framework(s) which they use in every second website.
Every time you must not just click a link, but then additionally click on that piece of crap to select "No, [and please do with your precious site you know yourself what!!!11oneone]".

But the human moral degradation required some new bottoms to reach.
Now this popup crap makes the browser window active.
So, you click two or three links, switch to another window, letting them to load, and the browser suddenly jumps up.

i take a less is more attitude to the modern internet. social media is seen as a panacea to all your website's traffic issues so when websites make a bunch of demands on me i simply tend to not use them. "follow us on facebook" "login with google" "turn off your adblocker". and phone culture as certainly made a lot of websites unreadable on my huge 4k display (im too old to squint). when articles use literally the center band of 800 pixels and try to cram everything in there including navigation links, social media icons, and ads (at least the ones that get through the adblocker) getting in the way of content, while you got all this empty space on either side that you could move some of that crap to. and all the unnecessary scrolling, and who ever invented infinite scroll pages should be shot in the gut, both kneecaps and hung (in lynchmob fashion). when i took webdev class all this stuff was in the part about bad design choices. of course when i took that class it was all html with very little scripting and none of this bs. you know back when the internet was fast, that golden age between broadband and web 2.0.

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Figured out I killed a usb port on my laptop. Mildly annoying and totally preventable - I was pumping maybe around 8v backwards through it for some school project. Probably not the best for whatever electronics was working in the port.....

Not such a big issue because I have two left, but still not happy that its dead.

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3 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Figured out I killed a usb port on my laptop. Mildly annoying and totally preventable - I was pumping maybe around 8v backwards through it for some school project. Probably not the best for whatever electronics was working in the port.....

Not such a big issue because I have two left, but still not happy that its dead.

Don't worry about it. I have no proof of it but I'm pretty sure I killed my Nest when I nearly electrocuted myself on my Air Conditioner.

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22 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Don't worry about it. I have no proof of it but I'm pretty sure I killed my Nest when I nearly electrocuted myself on my Air Conditioner.

I feel  like this deserves a little more explanation. Mostly how and why?

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On 4/10/2019 at 8:12 PM, DAL59 said:

Never venturing outside the ksp subsite again 

Remember how I said that?  Well, I decided to go on r/circlebroke2, which supposedly criticizes of the self reinforcing hivemind of the rest of reddit, but they're worst than most of it.  They unironically support EA games and microtransactions just because reddit is against them 

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