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Kerbal Space Program Breaks Ground with a New DLC!


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So...Firstly Awesome, yay! but also with some concern; I've been a fan of dammed and then infernal robotics since I started playing all those many muns ago.  What I fear is that stock robotics will be the cheep knockoff version of IR (kinda like the stock coms is to Remote Tech), with nice looking parts but a clunky UI and simplistic usage.  But....on the other hand, it might mean that by having solved some of the issues IR faces in stock, IR may be able to utilise the stock system via the API and continue to provide the IR style and usability but with stock workings under the hood. Could be good! 
Will the stock system have something akin to IR's sequencer? Cos that's a really essential part of anything more than a basic arm.
Two things I hope the stock system solves that have been issues in IR; having docking ports on the end of robotic arms, and having arms on a ship able to interact with the ship (currently, or at least last time I played properly, IR arms would just pass through the ship they were mounted on, so hoping that the stock system solves that).

Also inventory? How's that going to play with KAS/KIS
Anyway, very intrigued and mostly excited. Good stuff Squad!

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1 hour ago, DMagic said:

That's sort of how it has to work, at least without really changing how KSP's code base works. All of the code for Making History is in the base game, at least as far as I know (there are a whole bunch of Expansions.something namespaces that you can check out it VS's Object Browser, or whatever program you use, or the API docs). 

I guess they could lock out some functions by testing to see if the expansion is installed, but generally I would expect all API features to be the same.

Indeed. However, Modules and sections of the code that are DLC specific will not function without the DLC installed. The same as Making History code.

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Loving what is coming with the DLC! Can't wait to buy it!

I just really hope we get a planet texture update / atmosphere update soon!

Those new parts and planetary objects look great! But... when you compare them to the texture for the ground they are sitting on, you can tell how old the planetary textures are.

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11 hours ago, krone12 said:

It's not worth even for 5$.

Really? I want it to be less than 5$ so I can buy it with the meager four dollars and two cents I have in my steam wallet, but this thing is priceless! STOCK [snip] HINGES! OMGOMGOMOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

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56 minutes ago, Fraston said:

Really? I want it to be less than 5$ so I can buy it with the meager four dollars and two cents I have in my steam wallet, but this thing is priceless! STOCK [snip] HINGES! OMGOMGOMOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

I'm the lucky *B* that bought the game in 2012, so I get this for free on release day... all that's killing me is the wait. At least they did us the mercy of waiting until it was almost ready.

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9 minutes ago, Triop said:

How it feels having to wait for the release...


It's less than a month between announcing it and the release date.  That's got to be a new record for @SQUAD.


(Please, oh please, don't miss the release date, guys!  You know how viscous the mob gets if you let it slip.  There's probably someone selling torches and pitchforks outside your gates already.)


Edit: No, that's not a typo.

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2 hours ago, Ratwerke_Actual said:

40 hours is getting off easy.

Lots of tacos....

I hear you.  I pulled a 70 hour week recently.  It was like pretending to be a game developer.

2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You finish the Tacos in , say, 15 minutes,  so the $5 is equal to about $20/hour.

The $15 for the DLC will give you hundreds of hours of enjoyment, equaling less than $0.20/hour. 

Which is giving you more value?

Never underestimate the joy of tacos.

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The "early access players get free DLC" and the "DLC isn't worth X number of funds" arguments will always continue I'm sure, but I guess I'll toss in my own 2 funds.

In order to (hopefully) prevent any false information from being propagated any more than it has already (like the last time a DLC was announced) I'll reiterate what @razark already mentioned: the early access players DID NOT receive the DLC for free because they are special, or because it was a reward for investing in KSP so early.  It was a legal decision based on a poorly-worded clause in one of the earliest EULA's.  No more, no less.

Squad (or rather, their publisher) doesn't charge players for DLC's because they are greedy people.  They are running a business, and businesses require a recurring revenue stream to stay open.  It's the way the world works.  I mowed lawns for people as a kid.  Did I charge money? Absolutely, because I had to pay for gas for the mower, maintenance, and so I could save whatever slim profit margin I had left so I could buy comic books and Reese's peanut butter cups.

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11 hours ago, UomoCapra said:


Here's my only real critique so far.  Why is there a crystal here?  Please put thought into where and how surface features are located.  Otherwise, I am hype about KSP for the first time in a long time.

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So... Basically... If new players look for mods regarding robotics and surface experiments from 1.8 onwards they'll be (practically) forced to buy the DLC?

Well, isn't that just... great.

I get it. How can you make content as a company without making an at least reasonable income, right? But... You guys could've gone for the aesthetical bandwagon and make just as much (maybe?) without having to force people to buy stuff to get the full experience. It would be awesome to have a little shop with varied suits and skins for parts, maybe even flags and custom kerbals. I just can't look at something like this DLC and not think you guys are being a bit of a villain in the industry. I love KSP and will keep playing it but I'm kind of sad to see it go down this way.

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I recall the reason previously given for not having stock moving parts was instability with intra-vessel docking/collisions. (And possibly inter-vessel docking if the docking port is connected to a moving part). Has this been resolved? Or will this use the IR system of ignoring collisions entirely? And how will autostruts interact with this? 

I'm excited no matter how it works, and can't wait to play with it. :) 

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1 hour ago, razark said:

The people who bought it before a certain time get it for free, not because they were early supporters, but because Squad had a poorly worded user agreement at the time, well before any DLC was even being considered.  Squad could easily have told them "No, that's obviously not what we meant, pay up.", but they didn't.  It wasn't pampering, it was a company being more generous than they had any reason to.

Well that certainly makes more sense than what ive deducted for myself...how terrible was that user agreenment then? 

@HebaruSanhmm..quite possible. I did think about that. Im just thinking if you don't know by now...ya know. Its not really as big deal as i may perceive it is to me...I just think everytime i see it is.."I get it, i shoulda bought this game in 2013!! You can stop now..". But  I guess reiteration is better than forum spam..

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You finish the Tacos in , say, 15 minutes,  so the $5 is equal to about $20/hour.

The $15 for the DLC will give you hundreds of hours of enjoyment, equaling less than $0.20/hour. 

Which is giving you more value?

Spent two weeks trying to make a service module be an actual, functioning part. We have different definitions of "enjoyment".

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5 minutes ago, lodiped said:

So... Basically... If new players look for mods regarding robotics and surface experiments from 1.8 onwards they'll be (practically) forced to buy the DLC?

Are you assuming Infernal Robotics is going to stop existing when this drops? Did replica part packs vanish when Making History dropped?

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Looks great finished landing on all planets recently except the Jool moons that which I attempt this week and Jool itself. It will be nice to see the add ons and rovers will be more realistic than ever

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10 minutes ago, lodiped said:

If new players look for mods regarding robotics and surface experiments from 1.8 onwards they'll be (practically) forced to buy the DLC?

Sadly, that's the way it is.

Squad added aircraft parts in 0.15, and there are no mods that add airplane parts now.  And once they added in the communication network, whatever that old mod was ceased to be updated.  Even now, I kind of miss the mods that were wiped out when Squad added a delta vee display.


4 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Well that certainly makes more sense than what ive deducted for myself...how terrible was that user agreenment then?

It was along the lines of "Purchasers will get all updates to KSP for free.", meaning updates to the base game.  A large number of people made a fuss that they thought it meant all upgrades, including any future DLC.  Squad's response was to basically say "Ok, we're sorry it was misread, and we will honor it for anyone who purchases it by the end of the next month."

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