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[1.3.1 - 1.12.x] Outer Planets Mod [v2.2.11] [31st Aug 2024]


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IK this is already a very popular mod, but this seriously was one I absolutely loved. I never had this much fun doing a mission in KSP and I had to laugh that Urlum and Neidon surprised me with distanced and killed my communication :D.

Very enjoyable, gives me a new experience 

Video of mod: 


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Had some trouble. Installing on 1.12.1 was successful. Mod is works. But when i installed KSPIE, mod stopped working. I understand, that mod compatibility issue is not discussive topic, but maybe someone know how to fix this problem, given the popularity of both mods?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i sent a rover on Nissee, but the wheels are skidding uselessly on the ground.

i tried reloading, to no avail. I teleported the same rovers on other planets, both stock and opm, with high and low gravities, and it worked everywhere else. what's the deal with Nissee? is it intentional, or a bug?

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  On 7/27/2021 at 2:37 PM, king of nowhere said:

i sent a rover on Nissee, but the wheels are skidding uselessly on the ground.

i tried reloading, to no avail. I teleported the same rovers on other planets, both stock and opm, with high and low gravities, and it worked everywhere else. what's the deal with Nissee? is it intentional, or a bug?


update: i had this bug also on thatmo, after landing there. wheels worked normally for a minute or two, then they got stuck. using alt-f12 to move to another planet fixes things for a while, and i experimented driving a bit both on mun and on nissee. but trying to return to thatmo would result very fast in the wheels getting stuck again


EDIT: new update: no, there is no regularity in getting stuck. I figured, since i could not explore thatmo, i would go around nissee, but i got stuck there too.

the only thing i can say for now is that i didn't see this bug on any stock body

Edited by king of nowhere
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @Poodmund I thought Thatmo goes in the opposite direction of Neidons rotation, and Urlum isn't spinning clockwise, is this on purpose because I have heard some pretty nasty horror stories of trying to get planets to have a unique tilt/rotation/orbit

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 So I have the following problem.

If is zoom out with my camera my entire ship will be somehow shadowed, which is pretty annoying.

Any solutions for that?

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  On 8/9/2021 at 4:37 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Hey @Poodmund I thought Thatmo goes in the opposite direction of Neidons rotation, and Urlum isn't spinning clockwise, is this on purpose because I have heard some pretty nasty horror stories of trying to get planets to have a unique tilt/rotation/orbit


Thatmo has an inclination of 161.1 degrees, which means it should be orbiting retrograde.  However its rotation is likely messed up.

@Poodmund, I see that Thatmo is set to be tidally locked, but my experience is that tidal locking doesn't work correctly when a body is orbiting retrograde.  (As I recall, tidal locking gives the body the correct rotation period, but it rotates prograde instead of retrograde.)  To properly tidally lock a retrograde orbiting body, we have to set tidallyLocked to false, and set rotationPeriod to the manually computed rotation period using a negative value.  For Thatmo, I think the following should work:

            tidallyLocked = False
            rotationPeriod = -306390.347

Edited by OhioBob
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  On 8/11/2021 at 10:39 PM, OhioBob said:

Thatmo has an inclination of 161.1 degrees, which means it should be orbiting retrograde.  However its rotation is likely messed up.

@Poodmund, I see that Thatmo is set to be tidally locked, but my experience is that tidal locking doesn't work correctly when a body is orbiting retrograde.  (As I recall, tidal locking gives the body the correct rotation period, but it rotates prograde instead of retrograde.)  To properly tidally lock a retrograde orbiting body, we have to set tidallyLocked to false, and set rotationPeriod to the manually computed rotation period using a negative value.  For Thatmo, I thing the following should work:

            tidallyLocked = False
            rotationPeriod = -306390.347


Thanks, Bob, this is one of those things that is likely never accounted for in the stock game. I'll note it down for future reference, cheers for the heads up. :D


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  On 8/11/2021 at 9:44 PM, konsti156 said:

 So I have the following problem.

If is zoom out with my camera my entire ship will be somehow shadowed, which is pretty annoying.

Any solutions for that?

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This is a bug with Kopernicus and shadows with certain part textures, which R-T-B says he'll address in the next release. There is a workaround currently: install scatterer, and either set to "very high" pre-set settings (at KSC), or you can go to custom settings -> shadows -> enable terrain shadows -> set distance to about 70,000 m and shadow resolution to 4096. "Very high" will set terrain shadow distance to 50,000 m and resolution to 8192 (has to be a power of 2), but my potato computer had performance difficulty there.

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  On 8/12/2021 at 2:43 AM, danfarnsy said:

This is a bug with Kopernicus and shadows with certain part textures, which R-T-B says he'll address in the next release. There is a workaround currently: install scatterer, and either set to "very high" pre-set settings (at KSC), or you can go to custom settings -> shadows -> enable terrain shadows -> set distance to about 70,000 m and shadow resolution to 4096. "Very high" will set terrain shadow distance to 50,000 m and resolution to 8192 (has to be a power of 2), but my potato computer had performance difficulty there.


The "Long Distance Terrain shadows? After every restart i have to select it anew. And it doesnt change anything. Still getting the shadowed craft.

Am I doing something wrong? Any other ideas?

Just for information:  I am still on 1.11 because of all the mods.

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  On 8/12/2021 at 5:26 PM, konsti156 said:

The "Long Distance Terrain shadows? After every restart i have to select it anew. And it doesnt change anything. Still getting the shadowed craft.

Am I doing something wrong? Any other ideas?

Just for information:  I am still on 1.11 because of all the mods.

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I have to select it anew after every restart too. We should take the discussion to the Kopernicus thread, where there's already been ongoing discussion of the same bug and current workarounds:

Bottom line, though: It's a known bug, scatterer may help you get around it, and there's a fix coming sometime soon(TM).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Little "mixed topic" to any using OPM (but I find it could be held here, as the issue seems confirmed and I feel that any advice related to OPM is a bit of a strech posted anywhere else):

as some could be aware off, "Custom Barn Kit" (that is kind-off needed by OPM, to have a 4th Tracking Station upgrade to reach the added planets with stock antenna) seems to bug, not actively detecting the "max level upgrade" for buildings in any game mode that do not use the upgrade function itself (Sandbox and Science mode).

As I encountered the bug itself in Sandbox, but have yet to start (again) a Career, I'm searching advices from other OPM users:

  1. As I removed Custom Barn Kit from my install, has  anyone tried to change, eventually, the stock "antenna range" and "DNS power" menu, to someway have enough reach to get to the OPM planets in Sandbox and/or Science mode, but also not overpowering them too much? Which settings are you using???
  2. Has anyone news if Custom Barn Kit is actually working correctly with OPM and any Career mode? ... having just recently returned to KSP, and working out a new 1.12.2 install, I was wondering that if CBK is actually working in Career, I could have 2 separate istance of KSP, one for Sandbox gameplay, and one, with OPM for Career...
  3. Any other possible advice that could work for OPM, waiting a working CBK... (I'm probably going to add, as work-around, the J2X antennas, that have enough reach to get the outer system, but at the same time I would like to have "a bit more power" into the stock antennas, without using always such big ones for anything going in deep to the added planets)

Thanks in advance.

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@Araym, I haven't tried Custom Barn Kit recently so I can't provide any insight there.  However, you can achieve some of the same effect as the Level 4 Tracking Station by adjusting the DSN range in the game difficulty settings.  In the difficulty settings you should find two sliders - DSN Modifier and Antenna Modifier.  The Level 4 Tracking Station has a range 8 times that of the Level 3.  So if you change the DSN Modifier to 8, then that would give the Level 3 Tracking Station the same range as the Level 4, thus achieving the same end-game result.  Of course this would also increase the range of the Level 1 and Level 2 Tracking Stations as well, making the game easier in some regards.

You can also increase the Antenna Modifier, which increases the range that one antenna can communicate with another antenna.  (The DSN modifier only increases the range between an antenna and the network of receiving stations on Kerbin.)  However, the last time I tired it, the Antenna Modifier was bugged if it was set to anything other than 1.  (Setting it to other values sometimes prevented the transmission of science.)  I would be hesitant to try this without testing it out first.

While it might not be a good idea to change the Antenna Modifier because of the bug, note that the two range modifiers are multiplicative.  The range between DSN and antenna is increased by a factor of SQRT(DSN Modifier * Antenna Modifier).

The J2X antenna is another good option.  It has a power 10 times that of the most powerful stock antenna (the Communotron 88-88).

Note that in neither case, an 8x increase in DSN Modifier nor the use of a single J2X antenna, is the range increased enough to reach Plock when near its aphelion.  To reach Plock when at its farthest distance, you would need to start combining antennas - either by placing more antennas on your probe or by using a relay.

Edited by OhioBob
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Yeah, the level 4 upgrade doesn't work in career (it's supposed to actually say 'level 4', right?).
Using 1.12.2 en latest CBK, in my longtime career save (since way before 1.12).

I'd suggest JX2 (which by the way has a patch to disable the level 4 tracking station) and, as @OhioBobrightfully says, combining antennas. I'm also using minor planets expansion so going way beyond Plock, and relays or reflectors are definitely necessary.

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@Poodmund, @modus, @OhioBob

Thanks to all of you, for the answers.

I guess that, for the moment, I will keep CBK out of my game (I'm not in the vein to have an install it only for Career with it, not sure even if it will work, because, often I test/build my career missions, aestetically, on sandbox, and having different enviroments kills this for me).
I'm not so fond to mess with the "antenna range", not only, as advice, for the risk of bugs, but also because it mess with the actual setting on the cfg files (I'm more inclined, eventually, to "fix" some antennas here and there, eventually, on part basis, adding "more powerful ones" in the late career by some "extra" ones, cfg edited, than changing everyone by a "flat bonus"). That and the addition of the J2X shold also work around the ranges on the esxtreme distance of OPM...

I searched here some advices just because I thought, eventually, to beef up the DSN strenght by stock menu settings, but that someway destroy the early career game...
... but also I'm conflicted, because I'm working on an "artistic" project, where I want to recreate some kind of parallel to real life rocket story/cold war (in a kerbalized way) and, in real life, there are very few needs for "space relay systems" (... we actually reached pretty far away in space, with probes, and just by a powerful Earth array of comunications, directly pointing to each probe mission, rather than bouncing around to relays - my mind goes to probes alike the Voyager ones, or the New Horizon, all of them pretty far away and, surelly, not counting on so many space relays)

I will see in a couple of tests, probably (I did some maths early, on the antenna range problem, but for easy life I adopted in my game "Antenna Helper", to also have in game an immediate calculator, rather than, every time, switch out to some spreadsheet and calculator).

In any case, thanks again for your ideas and answers, that for sure helped me, if not finding an immediate solution (I will see with some practice the best way for myself) at least bringing a bit of clarity on my mind. :grin:

The lack of CBK, for me, is more of an annoyance on antenna ranges, because I used it also to build extra levels on a lot of other buildings (playing mostly after "replicas" of actual launches, I found for myself to changing, sometime, the part counts and/or weight-dimension limits of VAB-SPH and launch pads/runway, to add a bit of more steps rather than the only 3 stock levels) and that is another  bummer factor for not having (for the moment) it working on 1.12

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Question for @Poodmund. Why does eeloo look different? Why does it have lots of brown dots on it? Loving your mod though. :)


Also, Goo observation above slate is really funny. :D

Not sure if this is intended, but tetko’s oceans get white if your near them, when they are presumably supposed to be black.


Edited by Admiral Fluffy
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been having extensive issues with OPM in 1.12.2. Seeing above that its working for other people I'd really like to know if anyone can help me I've been stuck for a whole day with this. The only mods I have running are the latest versions of OPM, Kopernicus, and their respective dependencies. KSP crashes on load every time. I've tried reinstalling both Kopernicus and OPM. Other Kopernicus mods are not similarly affected. Here is a picture of my gamedata folder, here is my KSP.log, and here is my Kopernicus.log.

Any help at all would be GREATLY appreciated. 


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