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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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11 hours ago, New Horizons said:

Are there any tips around for reducing JNSQs load on CPU?

  • Turn off scatterer's ocean shader.
  • Turn off EVE's volumetric clouds.
  • Turn down or turn off ground scatters. Actually this may be the #1 thing to do. Kopernicus really weighs down on you when it (un)loads scatters colliders.
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7 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:
  • Turn down or turn off ground scatters. Actually this may be the #1 thing to do. Kopernicus really weighs down on you when it (un)loads scatters colliders.

I can confirm this helped me a lot and I have a Ryzen 3600X. What's the deal with Kopernicus doing this?

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2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Scatters don't have colliders. So no, it wouldn't :)

Says someone who has never used Galileo's mods. Lol! I'll never forget that day during GPP dev (In the alpha phase. We were still deciding how most of the bodies would look in the first place) when I crashed a test spaceplane into a tree and flipped my biscuits at Galileo.

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LOL first time I encountered a scatter with a collider, I was running a near perfect run on one of the stages of the Kerbal Dakar and hit a tree at 170m/s and spread bits of the car over half a square km... I was like "WT actual F happened there!?"

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3 hours ago, Kwebib said:

I can confirm this helped me a lot and I have a Ryzen 3600X. What's the deal with Kopernicus doing this?

This is normal behavior, actually. But it becomes painful as terrain tile sizes increase due to the body radius increasing (JNSQ's 1600km Kerbin vs Squad's 600km Kerbin), and with it, the scatter density per tile and the scatter loading range. Depending on how a given scatter model is made, it may have only a few polygons, or many. When colliders are enabled, all of that geometry becomes the collider mesh (a basic operation of the game), so the more complex a scatter is the biggest factor in how much more your CPU is burdened by more of the scatter.

Scatters cannot have a separate collider mesh afaik since the .obj file format used by them doesn't allow for advanced features, features that you'd find in a .mu file (therefore, injected by KSP PartTools) and therefore in any rocket part/PQSCity/KK static.

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Ground scatter colliders are actually the only reason for me to use Kopernicus even in an otherwise stock Kerbol system.

Few other things break my immersion as badly as landing a plane or driving a rover over a heavily scattered landscape without any concern for colliding with that huge rock or tree in front of me. If there were a mod that did only this, it would be on the very top of my must-haves. I'm biting my nails waiting for Kopernicus to update ; )

Maybe one fine day Squad will give us a stock option to enable colliders (come to think of it, this would have been great for "BREAKING Ground" wouldn't it), as well as find a way to add simplified collision meshes. I know, I know, but one can always dream.

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7 hours ago, Galileo said:

They do have collides. We are noble them in JNSQ. Most people find out the hard way. I suppose you haven’t yet :D 

I disabled them when breaking ground came out and haven't enabled them again. Maybe I should now that I know they have meaning :)

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12 hours ago, Kwebib said:

I can confirm this helped me a lot and I have a Ryzen 3600X. What's the deal with Kopernicus doing this?

Should be fixed in the next update: 

Im guessing the comments about it being normal behavior are referring to the fact that everyone experiences it at the moment. 

Edited by Jognt
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1 hour ago, Thatguywholikesionengines said:


Are there any issues with JNSQ on Linux?

I haven't tried yet (currently on 1.9, so no Kopernicus yet), but AFAICT at least previous releases of Kopernicus didn't discriminate which OS you were on. I've been running KSP on Linux since way before when, and the only mods that usually don't work are things like Scatterer that specifically target DirectX, and/or supply shaders, or rather don't, for specific operating systems/graphics hardware. Not saying Scatterer does or doesn't work, it's been years since I last looked into that one.

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19 minutes ago, Corax said:

Are there any issues with JNSQ on Linux?

I haven't tried yet (currently on 1.9, so no Kopernicus yet), but AFAICT at least previous releases of Kopernicus didn't discriminate which OS you were on. I've been running KSP on Linux since way before when, and the only mods that usually don't work are things like Scatterer that specifically target DirectX, and/or supply shaders, or rather don't, for specific operating systems/graphics hardware. Not saying Scatterer does or doesn't work, it's been years since I last looked into that one.

It's mostly that i'm already playing a planet pack, and I don't know how to make multiple installs, Plus that CKAN doesn't work. (Or, well, I haven't gotten it to work.)

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3 minutes ago, Thatguywholikesionengines said:
13 minutes ago, Corax said:

Are there any issues with JNSQ on Linux?

I haven't tried yet (currently on 1.9, so no Kopernicus yet), but AFAICT at least previous releases of Kopernicus didn't discriminate which OS you were on. I've been running KSP on Linux since way before when, and the only mods that usually don't work are things like Scatterer that specifically target DirectX, and/or supply shaders, or rather don't, for specific operating systems/graphics hardware. Not saying Scatterer does or doesn't work, it's been years since I last looked into that one.

It's mostly that i'm already playing a planet pack, and I don't know how to make multiple installs

Fair enough.

Regarding multiple installs, I simply copy the entire KSP directory to a new name, and create a symlink that points to the install I want to use, e.g. I have a directory KSP_linux-1.9.1, and correspondingly the same for older versions. Then I create a symlink named 'KSP' that points to the version I want to use ($ ln -s KSP_linux-1.9.1 KSP), and simply call $ KSP/KSP.x86_64 (could be from a shell script, or a desktop file). Useful to have a KSP_xyz_vanilla around that only contains the most basic settings, and optionally DLC, that you can simply copy for a fresh install, eg. for evaluating mods before you commit to them, or testing specific things.

Thus the way I launch KSP never needs to change, only the link points to different instances.

3 minutes ago, Thatguywholikesionengines said:

Plus that CKAN doesn't work.

Does too : )

$ mono ckan.exe

It needs Mono of course, but your distribution should provide that if it isn't already installed.



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1 hour ago, MuriloMoreira said:

It is very likely that it will get very stuck, but would it run with 4GB of ram?  My main PC broke and I'm a little broke to fix it and I'm using my old PC to play games and etc, will it work?

It would, but it wouldn't be an enjoyable experiment. It's likely that ksp would crash on boot-up and even if it goes past the loading screen, the frame- rate would be horrible.

Source: I tried jnsq on an imac with better specs, got 2 fps

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11 hours ago, Yeet_TheDinosaur said:

Seria, mas não seria um experimento agradável. É provável que o ksp travasse durante a inicialização e, mesmo que ela ultrapasse a tela de carregamento, a taxa de quadros seria horrível.

Fonte: Eu tentei o jnsq em um imac com melhores especificações, consegui 2 fps

So I better give up, thanks for your answer.

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@dragonflyGT Are you using KSP 1.9+?  If so, Kopernicus isn't updated past 1.8.1 (I believe) and so causes issue with the oceans if you try using JNSQ beyond 1.8.  If you still want to use JNSQ you should be able to roll back to 1.8.1...depending on how you purchased/load the game (direct download vs. Steam etc.)

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how would i go about removing the TweakChutes module from Inline Ballutes?

i have tried this:


but it doesn't seem to be working.

i want the ballutes to deploy in the upper Atmo

at the moment they only deploy @ ~ 10km AGL on Duna (atmo presure ~ 1kN/m2 (according to KER))

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10 minutes ago, Tabris said:

it doesn't seem to be working.

add curly braces to the third line:

	!MODULE[TweakChute] {}

that should fix your patch ;)

Dunno if this will allow you to deploy the ballutes earlier but that's at least the correct syntax to remove the tweakchute module :)

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@Tabris, I don't think your problem has anything to do with TweakChutes.  TweakChutes doesn't change the conditions under which parachutes deploy, it just stops them from deploying when those conditions aren't met.  I just tried it in my game and the ballutes deployed at an altitude of about 68 km.  I think you might have some other mod conflict causing the problem.


I found the problem.  I used an old version of InlineBallutes (1.2.8) that has minAirPressureToOpen = 0.000001 (a search led me to the old thread).  But starting with version (nearly two years ago), this was changed to minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01.  So the ballutes are doing exactly what they are suppose to do, opening when the air pressure is 0.01 atm (about 13.6 km on Duna).  If you want the ballutes to open at a higher altitude, then the problem is in InlineBallutes itself.  You'll have to change minAirPressureToOpen.

Edited by OhioBob
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