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Breaking ground - Test Zone

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  On 6/13/2019 at 5:07 AM, sgt_flyer said:

LOL :)

Just tested the 1.7.2 Thrust Limiter in KAL-1000s :)

the KAL can now even control SRB thrust limiter in flight ! (and really works ingame - the SRB can shut down before emptying it's fuel :sticktongue:)

so it's feasible to create custom thrust curves for your SRBs :)

it would be like grain geometry ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-propellant_rocket

simply use AG1 or the staging AG to fire the KAL and the SRB at the same time ^^


Well great, now I know what I'm doing this weekend with my shuttle... RIP other productivity. :D 

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  On 6/13/2019 at 8:33 PM, FleshJeb said:

I love you so much right now...

Please do this in lower gravity.

Please give it some grippy landing gear toes.


I tried both those suggestions. The landing gear did not work as well as hoped.


I've tested it on Tylo and Duna. If you go lover gravity you need to change some of the parameters so it works better.  I'll keep tweaking it and get back to you. At some

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  On 6/13/2019 at 9:31 PM, MaianTrey said:

Well great, now I know what I'm doing this weekend with my shuttle... RIP other productivity. :D 




I don't think i'll use it in my own shuttle for the SRBs thrust curve :) it's hard to calculate the true burn time with variable thrust curve :) (especially if you want to do it for multiple kickbacks per shuttle SRB)

i prefer my good ´ol method of using multiple pairs with different set thrusts :)

my current shuttle SRBs  have 5 kickbacks + 1 thumper - three of the kickbacks and the thumper have a thrust limiter set lower - when the two full thrust run dry, gives me a booster throttle back for the remaining burn duration of the three other kickbacks :) 

The thumper is there to burn even a little longer, for post separation residual thrust in the SRBs :) 

However, i might use it for something else : i'll set separatrons with thrust limiter at 0,  to ignite them by going full thrust some time after separation and burn the nosecones without input, to free the parachutes :)


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  On 6/14/2019 at 4:08 AM, sgt_flyer said:



I don't think i'll use it in my own shuttle for the SRBs thrust curve :) it's hard to calculate the true burn time with variable thrust curve :) (especially if you want to do it for multiple kickbacks per shuttle SRB)

i prefer my good ´ol method of using multiple pairs with different set thrusts :)


Yea that's how my current shuttle setup is. I just have 7 kickbacks (6+1 center) that have variable thrusts to start tailing off about 35-45 seconds in. My shuttle re-work that I finished a couple of weeks before BG released, I did an 8+1 SRB to get a little longer burn, but I couldn't figure out an ascent profile that worked as well as the 6+1. I end up shooting into a super elliptical orbit unless I burn towards the ground a bit when I start nearing the end of the burn.

For the thrust curve, I would just make them all have the same curve on the one controller. No need for variable thrust limiters if I can control it with the KAL.

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Rebuilt my large crocodile hinge track - managed up to 16 m/s of speed :) (though, any more and the track parts start to disintegrate ^^)



best gears i found for the 3.75m sprocket wheels was x8 1.875 fuel tanks :) (the track really moves in sync with the wheels, which won't turn faster than track speed)

Track tension : after scene load, i extend a bit the pistons for the two guide wheels - helps a bit :) for high speed, i add the center wheel with a bit more tension to the track :)

still, needs at least a RPM limit of 100 to begin to move :)

here's another angle with one of the sprocket wheel and the 16 m/s speed :) - only the sprocket wheels are powered :)



The roller wheels are 1.875m Structural tubes, with 1.875m engine plates.

the guide wheels are 1.875m Structural tubes with 2.5m engine plates :)

current track + rollers + struts (to hold track shape before decoupling) + the energy systems are around 115 parts / 60 tons. (i may add a few decouplers to strut the track to, so it'll dispose of the struts on decoupling)



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groumf :p the G-32W hinge is too big to be used as the track for the Crawler Transporter :p (the resulting tracks units would be too comically too big for the platform - and with a platform of the correct size would likely exceed the runway's width :p (and the tracks don't like to take inclines sideways ^^)




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  On 6/15/2019 at 4:31 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

@sgt_flyer You can still use it to make a giant tank. Just use the largest servo for the turret and you’re golden :D


I'm trying a smaller track with g-11's - it's roughly half the size :) (track unit ends up being less part intensive too for now - as i need 4 of them, that's a good thing ^^)

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Managed to miniaturize the track unit :).  roughly 1/2 the size of the previous one) this new version as a bit less top speed (around 10 m/s on grass (the runway breaks before that ^^), afterwards the track breaks) , and is more wobbly than the big one) but the sprocket wheels have guides on this version, which allows the thing to traverse by reverting one side direction / stopping one track :) (on the previous one, with no guides, the track would leave the wheels during traverse)

it's lighter too (~ 54 tons with the 5 ton tracks - each) and with less part count (197 parts once decoupled)

the sprocket gear teeths are made with 8x upside down vernors on each sprocket wheel (the bottom of the vernor faces the track) - after the startup, the sprocket almost instantly sync with the track speed :)


Should be more easily to place under the platform :) still a bit big, but it'll do :) (i can actually fit four of those underneath the platform ^^)


Currently, AG1 decouples the track, unfolds the support structure, (which fall on it's side, once unfolded) starts the fuel cells and extends pistons to straighten the track :)


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I need with some testing:

So the Situation is I'm trying to get to Dres BAUT everytime I get there it has a different circulation requirement.

Can someone guide me through the best way how to get to Dres (and back).

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  On 6/16/2019 at 2:13 AM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

I need with some testing:

So the Situation is I'm trying to get to Dres BAUT everytime I get there it has a different circulation requirement.

Can someone guide me through the best way how to get to Dres (and back).


Not really the forum post for that, but here's your answer :)

The required delta-V, ejection angles etc varies with the relative position in their orbit of the planet you come from and the planet you want to go to.

depending on when you launch, both planets can be in the ideal position (least amount of delta-V needed for the transfer) that's the same reason why in real life space agencies have to wait for specific times to launch interplanetary missions.

check transfer window planner / or   

http://ksp.olex.biz/ (there's other transfer guides too, less old than this one, bit the why is still valid) for help calculating the right date for your transfer windows

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How does one build a helicopter? I have tried and all my attempts ended in reaching a couple of metres in height, spinning out and falling down. Then I exploded.

Thanks in advance.

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  On 6/16/2019 at 8:05 AM, fulgur said:

How does one build a helicopter? I have tried and all my attempts ended in reaching a couple of metres in height, spinning out and falling down. Then I exploded.

Thanks in advance.


The most important thing is to prevent the rotor from spinning the rest of your craft around in the opposite direction. Easiest way to do that is to have a second contrarotating rotor. You can also try a vertical tail rotor or jet engine, but that can be tricky to get right.

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  On 6/16/2019 at 2:13 AM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

I need with some testing:

So the Situation is I'm trying to get to Dres BAUT everytime I get there it has a different circulation requirement.

Can someone guide me through the best way how to get to Dres (and back).


@sgt_flyer is right to suggest checking the correct ejection angles etc. good luck!

Edited by Majorjim!
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Thank you @sturmhauke! One question:



Does anyone have any ideas why it does this? I put a freewheeling servo underneath to absorb the counter rotation and now it jumps around like the Kraken is shaking it. (Those pictures are seconds apart).

EDIT: Just remembered, no change with SAS on.

EDIT EDIT: I rebuilt it and somehow, the flailing about is fixed!


Edited by fulgur
I used Brikoleur's guide in the tutorials.
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I've been trying to come up with a simple way to vertically stack a rover and deploy it from an upright parent craft.  This version isn't perfect (it's too tippy with the small base, and the hinges are pretty herky-jerky), but the concept seems promising.  The command pod on the top is on a hinge so it can bend backward and act as a counterweight to the rover as it swings forward.  Could also use it for a flashy angled launch on the return trip.




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  On 6/15/2019 at 11:13 PM, sgt_flyer said:


Currently, AG1 decouples the track, unfolds the support structure, (which fall on it's side, once unfolded) starts the fuel cells and extends pistons to straighten the track


 I have also found that using an action button instead of staging is a better way to get everything started and into position.

 You're on the forefront.  If you continue to make performance improvements I'd love to see 'em.

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  On 6/16/2019 at 9:37 PM, klond said:

 I have also found that using an action button instead of staging is a better way to get everything started and into position.

 You're on the forefront.  If you continue to make performance improvements I'd love to see 'em.


well, one small improvement i found, is to set the limiters to 0-90 on the track elements to prevent it from bending the wrong direction. (that was one of the features of the large ones, as the crocodile hinges couldn't bend the wrong way ^^)

doesn't improve top speed, but the track doesn't wobble anymore, and is now nearly instantly responsive to sprocket gear speed changes.

for movement, i currently have the sprocket gears torque limiters set to main throttle, and RPM limit to F/B translation. (with RPM limit at 100, the tracks runs smooth at around 3m/s - i only reach top speed (and track destruction) at RPM limits of 250 :p




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