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13 hours ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

spending a few weeks in hospital, once again, due to my lite autism fiber spectrum (ptsd alike symptom applied to society) + bipolar disorder ( type skyzo affective )


Things are gettin better quicker than usual

Keep getting better, @WinkAllKerb''. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, my friend.

This morning was the last day of the summer semester at one of the community colleges where I teach. The last day of class is always a bittersweet time. On one hand, I look forward to it; the semester is over next week and I have about three weeks before the next term begins. But there are students I've met whom I will miss. Then there are the students who failed the course. When a student fails one of my courses I take it personally. The deadline for students to turn in assignments tomorrow night; however, most students who care about their grade have already been turning in the last assignments.

So, off to grade I go.


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I took the week off work for 2 reasons, because I was nearing the maximum accrued vacation days and I had a ton of little things to get done around the house. Today has so far been the most productive "do a ton of little things" day and it's not even half over. Though I think I'll quit after lunch so I can justify a margarita or three with my tacos.

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Looked at a couple of folders on my school laptop for fun. 


by folders, I mean the stuff they put on your school laptops... saw all the scan logs, a new one is created every 25 minutes. remote access, shutdown, keylogger, monitoring, as long as I don't modify anything or attempt to disable, I'm completely fine.


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Today I found out that my cousin, Dr. Teasel Muir-Harmony, Curator of Apollo Spacecraft, Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, had gotten me free tickets to an event with Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and the family of Neil Armstrong.

I love my family. Happy #Apollo50th

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Took Wednesday - Friday this week as vacation and went on a bike ride (not far, about 20km). When I got back home I went to my local supermarket to pick up a few things. First turn of the pedals leaving the place I got a massive cramp in my calf.

So plus side... nice bike ride. Minus side... falling to the ground in pain in the local supermarket carpark.

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  • 1 month later...


Toying around with Discord.js.I made a simple !fetch command that makes the bot respond to something different everytime(Mostly)


I'm seriusly considering buying a raspberry pi 4 to host the bot at.


PS:Taking message suggestions

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There was ivy growing all along the retaining wall beside our townhouse. I terminated it with extreme prejudice. Pic was taken after I peeled it off the wall, and already had some loaded in the truck. When I took it to the waste transfer station, it weighed in at about 100kg according to the receipt (probably rounded up).


Good thing I took it down too, because there was a nice crack in the wall (along with some smaller hairline cracks) that the strata might want to do something about. At least it's not my problem.


2 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:

PS:Taking message suggestions

"I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Nah, I don't feel like it"

"Here's a red stick [or the classic black ball] with a burning string hanging out of it..."

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Got up and made pancakes.

Cleaned the kitchen.

Cleaned the bathroom.

Snaked out the drain in the bathroom sink.

Broke the pop-up drain plug in the bathroom sink when I was putting it back together after snaking the drain.

Drove to Home Despot to get parts to fix the pop-up.

Fixed the pop-up drain.

Loaded the truck up for range day tomorrow.

Cleaned the kitchen again after my wife made dinner.

Watched The Princess Bride with the family.

I'm pooped.

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Today I had an idea on how to improve the Moon Rubik's Cube I tried to make over a year ago, so I started playing around with the files for that. I might need to purchase another puzzle to mod into the Moon.

Update: I've ordered a replacement rhombic dodecahedron, so I can start 3D printing the Moon parts and de-stickering my current one to turn into the Moon later.

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Liking to go against the grain, I got fed up of speculations about KSP2 and decided to look about what was KSP 1.0. Or 1.1, whatever. :) 

So I wasted some time on Youtube watching old videos. :P

I found this one (between many) worthing of being mentioned.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried to learn some things...


... and apparently it does mean now I can write in three different scripts ! (*)



(*) : Sorry I did something really wrong... Back to the drawing board...


EDIT : Finally finished it last week.


Edited by YNM
Yeah, it was embarrassing, but hopefully everything's better from here on.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I brought my 3D printer to my dorm to do homework more efficiently, but it was not extruding properly. I isolated the issue to the extruder stepper system, but not the specific issue. As is typical with these untraceable errors, I took it apart and put it back together, and now it works perfectly. Printing time!

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3 hours ago, cubinator said:

and now it works perfectly. Printing time!

Until halfway through the print, mysterious untraceable issue pops up again ruining the part.


(actually though, hope it doesn't. cause thats annoying)

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22 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Until halfway through the print, mysterious untraceable issue pops up again ruining the part.


(actually though, hope it doesn't. cause thats annoying)

Not this time! Though I do know the feeling...It's part of the fun of engineering! Fail, fail, fail, but learn a little bit every time until you can put it all together and succeed. 

The print turned out about as well as I expected it to, so I'll be printing pretty often from now on!

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7 hours ago, cubinator said:

Not this time! Though I do know the feeling...It's part of the fun of engineering! Fail, fail, fail, but learn a little bit every time until you can put it all together and succeed. 

The print turned out about as well as I expected it to, so I'll be printing pretty often from now on!

Yay! Yeah, that part is kinda fun, but it becomes really frustrating when something that worked perfectly fine suddenly doesn't and continues to not work for a while.

Also I'm curious - what did you print?

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6 hours ago, qzgy said:

Yay! Yeah, that part is kinda fun, but it becomes really frustrating when something that worked perfectly fine suddenly doesn't and continues to not work for a while.

Also I'm curious - what did you print?

A couple small pieces of the Moon's surface, diced up so as to fit on a Rubik's cube.

I'll prepare the whole Moon for that soon.

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

A couple small pieces of the Moon's surface, diced up so as to fit on a Rubik's cube.

I'll prepare the whole Moon for that soon.

Oooh sounds exciting. Pictures later of the finished product?

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My bot is finnaly able of playing music throught voice channels!

it is able of playing queuing songs and stopping

works perfectly exept of a bug that makes the end of the song go crazy but otherwhise great :lol:

Il see if i can post a video later of the bot in action

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