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Hopes and Wishes for KSP 2


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5 hours ago, Sebegg said:

I think it would be cool if you had to buy these extra launch sites in career mode since having multiple right away would make it too easy to dock ships and make interplantery missions

While I'm all for that, it doesn't actually help any. The only way another launch site on Kerbin is not inferior to KSC is if that launch site is also on the equator. And then it's as good as KSC but no better. Unless there are other factors like those I described.

Well, I suppose it's a bit easier to get biomes that those launch sites are near but KSC is not.

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10 hours ago, Sebegg said:

im on a mac so this wont work for me plus im mean't it to be built in not by going into the files and adding something or using a mod

I see nothing in that page that won't work on a Mac.  (In fact, I see some Mac-specific recommendations for what program to use.)

Though I can see the point about not wanting to go into the Squad files and adding something.

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For me top 3 are:

  1. KRPC-like programming capability for Python and other languages. Alternatively something like KOS.
  2. Reusability - so you can program separate stages to land using programs from point 1. 
  3. Realistic and well performing physics and visuals
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6 hours ago, I likeOxidizerrfuel said:

KSP2 Roadmap upon release would be nice.

Like, what they're doing to add to the released game after release? Or would you like to see their internal roadmap they were using during development after release?

I don't think either is very likely, for different reasons.

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I hope that if you create a falcon or falcon heavy, you can attach probe cores to the boosters. So while playing multiplayer, two of the players can control the boosters after they detach while the third controls the payload bearing rocket. This would be so helpful in saving funds in career mode. Also, I hope the breaking ground and making history(or history and parts for me) will be carried over to ksp2, or if you have already bought the dlcs, you get then pre installed in ksp 2. I really want to get the DLC’s, but after I buy ksp2 I’m not sure of how much I will be playing ksp(I still will, just not as much as I used to). I dunno, I’m just rambling. 

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I would really like the ability to build subassemblies that could be 'compressed' into a single part (from a physics & payload perspective)


For example, I like the aesthetic of many of the ball monoprop tanks around a boat tailed (narrowing) tank with a small bell engine. I loathe refilling 8 or 12 of those things manually. It'd be great if I could make an boat tail (tapered fuel tank), 12 monoprop balls, and an engine and then 'force' it into a single part, with the summed attributes of all of them, and the 'net' physics / drag model. 


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On 8/19/2019 at 4:53 PM, OrionPie said:

I hope KSP2 follows up on the discovery of Earth in the Kerbal Chronicles by allowing us to travel to Earth and collect artifacts. It would also be cool if the game went into more detail about the Kerbals' societies.

Do you mean cities and things like that? I think those sorts of things should really be added.

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On 4/24/2020 at 10:53 PM, Lewie said:

Awww man. I would love to have Jeb, Val, Bill and Bob back. Otherwise...what’s Ksp without Jeb?

I don't really see a reason why they wouldn't be in KSP2. But you gave me an idea.

If KSP2 is a world of kerbal future, original heroes may be "retired" on different planets and as part of your career you can find and hire them all. For example Jeb working at his junkyard at remote location of Kerbin; Bill living near the Mun colony owning a garage of rovers; Bob stranded on Duna, cosplaying Dunatian and waiting for rescue. And Val relaxing on shores of Laythe.

Edited by desert
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Huh...I’d thought Val would be racing dune buggies  with Jeb across the surface of Vall...

In all seriousness, i know it’s stupid but what’s ksp without the four vets? And we know that kerbals are *immortal* so there really isn’t any reason for them to be gone...heck. If the original four aren’t in the game...*grumble* I’ll march right up to star theories office, knock on their door, and make darn sure Jeb, Bill, Bob and Vall are in the game...

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I honestly want some parts so you can make cool looking and streamlined rockets like the starship or spacex like rockets. Not a piece to piece kit to build a rocket like a puzzle just cool looking parts because let’s be honest regular kerbal parts look like legos when pieces together. 

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I'd like to see more specific projects you could send to your space stations for research, just like in real life. For example, medicine testing, animal tests, astronaut weightless studies etc. Perhaps some exposure experiments on the outside of the space station as well.

These could be "Kerbal"-ized in some way to make them more fun and silly.

Would also like to see the Kerbal's actually performing these tests, with the ability to go inside the station and watch them perform, rather than them just sitting in their seat for years on end smiling and occasionally looking horrified.

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I'd like to see interface improvements. Coming from a thread on improving the staging in KSP1, I'd like to see staging set up with a better way to organize your engines, decouplers etc.   Right now, with large builds you can wind up with staging lists that off the screen and require heaps of scrolling. In a lot of cases, if you add a new parachute, it winds up in the bottom and you have to get it up to the top, often in multiple tries.


A much better way would he to have each stage as a twirl down folder where the contents can be hidden.  In addition, from an organizational standpoint, the ability to have nameable sub-folders would also be great. So, for example, in stage 1,  I have my solid rockets, my Mastadon and the launch clamps. It would be great to be able to put those all in one stage and then have each component filed in a different folder that I can name: solids, liquid engines, clamps.  In simple builds this is no big deal, but in big, complex rockets, the current system makes it almost unmanageable.

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It would be great if new star systems inspired, such as Alfa Centauri, Trapist-1 etc. were added. I also expect the addition of many new planets and the appearance of comets in the game ... I noticed that on the trailer this big fusion engine comes from the modification of Kerbal Space Program Interstellar Extended

Edited by Geonovast
Fixed formatting
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On 4/23/2020 at 6:50 PM, Incarnation of Chaos said:
On 4/12/2020 at 1:00 AM, Seffy said:

I hope the aviation psychics will better. I know that's not the main game but it's like Simpleplanes and Simplerockits together.

They're using the same broken, massively simplified aero model that KSP1 has, and that's been confirmed for a long time.

Citation needed

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11 minutes ago, Lewie said:

Nate Simpson said the metallic hydrogen engine burns at a temperature of 6000 kelvin....Some kerbals will fond themselves standing behind it...FOR SCIENCE MY DUDES!

but in the kerbal fashion they will probably survive that

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Don't know if anybody already mentioned this bit I would really like if they added a kind of (community based) challenge section with badges and stuff? I really enjoy doing the challenges generated by this forum. It would cool if we could add them into the game... somehow..

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Yes! My dude that is a great idea, but how would that work? Great idea though. To be honest, I am not looking forward to he new flight ui. I’m so used to the current one, that the flat one makes it seem like it would be harder to fly things. Maybe it’s just me. For me, the nav ball and throttle have got to stay in the center of the flight ui. Sorry for the ramble, it just seems this stuff is important. Also, the sas modules have got to stay. They make landing and preforming maneuvers much easier then without.

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Also, stock camera tools for us console players. With how beautiful ksp2 is going to be, camera tools would be amazing and highly appreciated for the stock game. I really hope they’ll be in the game, but who knows.

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I hope KSP 2 will not be full of bugs. I hope that the patches for KSP 2 will contain new details, planets and improvements and not bug fixes. I hope that the development of the game continues, although after the first episode about new types of fuel there is no news from the developers.

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