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KSP2 Hype Train Thread

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17 minutes ago, WelshSteW said:


The graphics of the station and ship seem so much better than the planet, that it makes it look 'wrong'? They really need to do something with the planets.

And the screen seems very 'busy'.


As mentioned, MANY MANY times before, these are screenshots from different development teams. Certain members of of the team do not need the graphics cranked up to Ultra. The dev who took that screenshot is probably a part texturer or some other non-planet developer, so, they don't need the terrain or planet textures high, so they lower them to get all the performance to the part textures or the lighting or whatever. 

Go and watch the new Gameplay trailer. The planet textures are pretty much set to high/ultra in it. 

Also, anyone else notice that the "Kerbal view" screen is showing the empty seats? Hope that can be turned off to show only occupied seats. 

Also also, I just noticed the monoprop is ready out in tons instead of something like kilograms or units or something else. I guess it makes sense. 

Edited by GoldForest
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26 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

I still hope this UI isn't the final one because I have sooooo much feedback about it.

And the surface physics. 

And the grass.

And the lower poly count on some parts.

Yep that marks my first testing operation.

Nothing about the clouds?

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9 hours ago, Emanuel01 said:

Will we get to 200 pages of hype before the release? :D



9 hours ago, Minmus Taster said:

I'm down for this. Lets shoot for the Moon Mun! Even if we miss we'll make a darn good explosion!

Remember folks, posting for the sake of posting is not allowed.    Contentless and bumping posts will be removed and possibly infractions handed out.   Please don’t make our jobs as moderators harder.   Thank you. 

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On 2/15/2023 at 5:41 PM, GoldForest said:

Except the dev doesn't post the screenshots, the community manager/social media manager does. 

The social team chooses what does and does not go to print (metaphorically). 

As for low fps, the videos haven't been low fps for a while not. Anti-aliasing has been hit or miss, but some screenshots do have it. Mushy terrain, well, that can be easily explained. Why does the part texturer need his terrain quality at max settings? Answer, he doesn't. 

There are several builds of the game that everyone uses. Some are for graphics, some are for performance, others for just testing if the menus work. Most of the devs don't need the highest settings.

I understand for work there are different builds

But if someone said: Hey can you make a screenshot to post to social media wouldnt someone compile a complete version with good looks?

On 2/15/2023 at 5:49 PM, Bej Kerman said:

The devs don't do this for fun, the devs do this to test the game's systems.

They post screenshots to test the game's systems?

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17 minutes ago, thejoker1432 said:

They post screenshots to test the game's systems?

Most likely they have an internal system to safely share video and screenshots.

From that system someone takes everything that doesn't show unrevealed stuff and gives it to the community management people who post at their discretion knowing that they aren't going to accidentally a spoil anything.

That way the precious dev time isn't wasted in endless photoshoots to get all the needed screens for low level memes and sneak peeks.

Remember that this is a small team and they're behind schedule and Dev time is a finite resource.

Edited by Master39
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26 minutes ago, thejoker1432 said:

I understand for work there are different builds

But if someone said: Hey can you make a screenshot to post to social media wouldnt someone compile a complete version with good looks?

Except no one is asking them to take screenshots, not all the time if at all. Sometimes the devs just take a screenshot at random when they see something they like or think might look good without thinking about the settings. The social people for the most part, leave the devs alone. The devs can't be bothered since they're so busy. If the social people do contact the devs, it's probably through email or text saying something like, "Hey, got anything we can show off to the public?" and the dev sends over a screenshot they took the day prior or whatever. 

Some of these screenshots might not have even been for social media, instead just a progress report for the team leader or the heads at Intercept. The heads decided that the screenshot looks good enough and sent it over to the social team who took it, added the flavor text to it (Beta capture, #KSP 2, etc) and then posted it for the world to see. 

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15 hours ago, i dont know how to forum said:

Let the UI discussion commence!


It looks a bit cluttered, then again I'm not used to see or play 16:9 anymore, I bought myself a 32:9 monitor especially for KSP (gone is the poor man's ultrawide setup) which gives a beautifull view and lots of space for the UI not to mess with the view. 

It also looks 'modulair', which I'm really hoping it is, here's me hoping every bit of UI can be dragged across the screen where I want them to be. Especially considering my 32:9 setup. 

KSP does a perfect job facilitating every resolution, I'm expecting KSP2 to do the same. 

Edit; Also I'm hyped off course, the screen isn't the only thing upgraded for KSP2's arrival. 

Edited by LoSBoL
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15 hours ago, i dont know how to forum said:

Let the UI discussion commence!


Well the worst part here is that she is out of fuel and the capsule don't have parachutes. She has a bit of monopropelant however so she can probably dock. 

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31 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

This is better eye candy


For those who don't visit the other threads 


That image has been posted in this thread loads of times. It's in the three posts before yours. Why post it again?


Edited by WelshSteW
I'm wrong.
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Just now, WelshSteW said:


I don't think it's pixellation, it's a different version of the UI, or it's been significantly 'airbrushed'??


Nope, they are the same exact screenshot. One is just pixelated. Look at the top left UI. It's very noticeable on the Kerbin symbol.

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