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KSP2 Hype Train Thread

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1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:

Encouraging people to hype instead of just being patient was a big, big mistake.

Hype is important for advertising. They just did it a little bit early considering the delay. We should see things ramp up big time in the coming months though as the day of release comes closer. Besides, there will always be people who are impatient no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Zaffre said:

It's all "we need to keep up inflation," yet you won't see employee wages and benefits won't so much as budge, lol. Then there's the whole thing that games these days are easier to make than ever with the experience, documentation, tools, courses, etc, that are all out there. Heck, most of the money with such media these days doesn't go into development, it goes into things like advertising. With some stuff you can get a full bag, but there's an alarming amount where that isn't the case. I wouldn't worry about the NFT crud, at least not for KSP 2. I don't see it playing out.

The third-party/indie scene has a LOT of content to offer and often at a greater value/dollar, if that's what we're really going to be using as a metric. Not always mind you, but there is at least a more diverse selection.

I'm curious if we'll see names like Charles Pellegrino and Jim Powell (designers of the Valkyrie antimatter starship and assistants in designing the ISV Venture Star from Avatar) or Ken Burnside show up in the credits.

1) the fact that wages haven't kept up with inflation isn't because inflation doesn't exist, it's because capitalism sucks. Costs of everything go up, including the costs of games. The fact that wages don't is a problem that needs to be solved with politics.

2) Yeah, there are way more tools to make game dev easier, but we also expect way more than we used to from AAA titles. I don't think 60 or even 80 dollars is unreasonable for a AAA game, depending on how much gameplay is actually provided.

I totally agree indie is  generally better value for money, but it's also a bit hit and miss sometimes.

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Right now what we know about KSP2 seems the be big. But I get the feeling that they are still withholding lots of information. So this begs the question, how much will we know before release. 

Edited by SSTO Crasher
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I've thought a lot about how KSP2 will look and play on Day 1.

Kerbal Space Program is built upon so many little details and features working together. Those details and features came to fruition early on during it's period on Early Access, where the community shaped the game in the right direction. The scale of the game is massive, and there's no doubt some things will need a little patch here and there to correct/balance some stuff during the first few days.

I wonder if some kind of short Closed Beta available for pre-ordered users would be the right move to help iron out the pesky little details previous to release.

Oh man, just thinking about enjoying an rediscovering this game again from day one along the rest of the community gives me goosebumps.

Edited by Lijazos
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Did anyone notice the solar panels in the last feature video? They look kind of procedural...



Every solar panel on this craft is a slightly different shape. Obviously half of them are just mirrored, but it seems like they are tapering towards the front of the ship. The very front solar panels are narrow and long, the very back are wide and short. Plus they aren't rectangular, they have an angle that makes the overall thing look like a triangle. I think that basically guarantees they are procedural.

Unless they are radiators. But they don't look like radiators.

Edited by EngineeringWaffle
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39 minutes ago, EngineeringWaffle said:

Did anyone notice the solar panels in the last feature video? They look kind of procedural...



Every solar panel on this craft is a slightly different shape. Obviously half of them are just mirrored, but it seems like they are tapering towards the front of the ship. The very front solar panels are narrow and long, the very back are wide and short. Plus they aren't rectangular, they have an angle that makes the overall thing look like a triangle. I think that basically guarantees they are procedural.

Unless they are radiators. But they don't look like radiators.

The ones in the back are definitely radiators, because I don't see anything else that could be a radiator and that engine needs a lot of cooling. The ones in the front looks like the ones in the back, so they are likely also radiators for the nuclear reactor. Also, this feature video was apparently filmed before the radiators Show and Tell, so the feedback on solar panels would not have been given at the time. 

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8 hours ago, EngineeringWaffle said:

Did anyone notice the solar panels in the last feature video? They look kind of procedural...

Those procedural panels have radiator textures on them (old ones, cropped). The new procedural radiators look a lot more like solars. I hope that at the very least they glow red.

Anyway, it's FRIDAY! Maybe today were getting some info on a game changing new part, like procedural trusses! Or wheels!

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10 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Here, and here

I mean ok, it was just a comment, but I guess if anyone followed one of these threads, wouldn't miss it.

Maybe we should throw those into your Repository to help keep the general public a little more calm :joy:

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