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[1.12.4] SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) v2.0.6.0 - `<Supply & Demand>` [29 Dec 2022]


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SimpleLogistics is a Polyglot! It now speaks twelve languages.
(English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Brazilian Portuguese)
Additions and corrections solicited and welcome!


SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) KSP version License
Curseforge GitHub SpaceDock CKAN


SimpleLogistics! (SLOG)

An add-on for simple resources sharing between vessels within physics range.

By zer0Kerbal, originally by @RealGecko

adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo

SimpleLogistics Hero

Preamble by @RealGecko

Lately my Münar base turned into a mess of eight different vessels connected together with KAS winches. FPS reduced dramatically, managing became nearly impossible. I turned my gaze on to USI MKS and it's Logistics feature, but MKS adds too much stuff I don't really need. So after hacking a little I discovered that all logistics is done by USI Tools mod and MKS is not really required to do the job. Instead of reinventing the wheel I created a set of patches to bring logistics to stock parts. But I was completely unhappy with the fact that I cannot transfer Rocket Parts from my RP printing lab to nearby RP freight. So I decided to create my own logistics system with Blackjack and .... whatever...

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YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming

KSP Mods - Simple Logistics

Help Wanted


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SimpleLogistics! is a polyglot and speaks 12 major languages!

Just in case of some of your kerbals are picky (in this sense)!

  • English English
  • Português Brasil Português Brasil courtesy of Lisias
  • 中文 Chinese (中文) courtesy of tinygrox
  • Deutsch German (Deutsch) courtesy of malanok1
  • Español Spanish (Español) courtesy of fitiales
  • Français French (Français) courtesy of Google
  • Italiano Italian (Italiano) courtesy of Google
  • 日本語 Japanese (日本語) courtesy of Google
  • 한국어 Korean (한국어) courtesy of Google
  • Norsk Norwegian (Norsk) courtesy of Google
  • Русский Russian (Русский) courtesy of malanok1
  • Svenska Swedish (Svenska) courtesy of Google
  • your translation here

Installation Directions 1

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  • none known


  • addon, resources

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

Credits and Special Thanks

Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance)


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How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal


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Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List

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Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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reserved for releases:

Mod Version
KSP version:static KSP-AVC License GPLv3 68747470733a2f2f692e706f7374696d672e6363
Code Validate AVC .version files

Version - Deployable Serenity

  • thank you to forum users @buzz light fear, @Cavscout74 for the idea!
  • for those who have the DLC Breaking Ground installed there is a new feature for two Serenity parts
  • the DeployedRTG and the DeployedSolarPanel can now be plugged into a SimpleLogistic's network

EXPERIMENTAL: Add SimpleLogistics! to Mini-NUK-PD Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (DeployedRTG)

  • all the normal rules for RTG apply
  • produces .50 EC/s
  • produces heat like stock RTG
  • range of inclusion in SimpleLogistic Network - currently ~2.4km, can always use relays
  • after deploying, must manually 'plug-in' to the SimpleLogistics network.
  • existing rtg/solarpanels might not work - might have to pick them up (using RMB/PAW) and redeploying them again
  • has a battery of 25 EC units

EXPERIMENTAL: Add SimpleLogistics! to OX-Stat-PD Photovoltaic Panel (DeployedSolarPanel)

  • produces .15 (max) EC/s
  • has a battery of 25 EC units
  • needs sunlight
  • all the normal rules for solar apply
  • range of inclusion in SimpleLogistic Network - currently ~2.4km, can always use relays
  • after deploying, must manually 'plug-in' to the SimpleLogistics network.
  • existing rtg/solarpanels might not work - might have to pick them up (using RMB/PAW) and redeploying them again
  • there is a limitation, SimpleLogistics currently just averages out resources over the network.

EXPERIMENTAL: Add SimpleLogistics! to KAS PrtPylonPwer (so anything attached can draw power)

  • Thank you to leatherneck6017 for this idea.
  • add KAS-PortPylonPwr.cfg
  • experimental: IsActive = True
  • FUTURE: need to expand to anything that has cck-lights, including deployable-lights and tracking lights.
  • range of inclusion in SimpleLogistic Network - currently ~2.4km, can always use relays
  • after deploying, must manually 'plug-in' to the SimpleLogistics network.
  • existing rtg/solarpanels might not work - might have to pick them up (using RMB/PAW) and redeploying them again
  • there is a limitation, SimpleLogistics currently just averages out resources over the network.

Code and Code Related

  • added Version.tt and AssemblyVersion.tt automation
  • moved AssemblyVersion.tt/.cs into Properties/
  • updated to v2 of InstallChecker.cs
  • moved Textures/ -> Plugins/Textures/

Deployment and Backend

  • update changelog to include new Kerbal Changelog features
  • updated _deploy and _buildRelease
  • automated Readme.md -> Readme.htm
  • Readme.htm now included in release
  • CONTRIBUTING.md now included in repository
  • updated .version to be avc compliant
  • added avc github checker and badge
  • updated .gitattributes .gitignore
  • added json's
  • updated / modernized .csproj
  • updated Readme.md
  • updated Releases.layout.md

See Full Changelog for full details of changes
See Known Issues for known issues

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
How to get support


Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1
Unity 2019.2.2f1
.NET Framework 4.8

*Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date*


Edited by zer0Kerbal
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Roadmap/Wish list (PR's always welcome!)

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Release notes and Changelogs:

@zer0Kerbal zer0Kerbal 20 Mar 2020

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Version -

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Version - So that's where the extra nut goes!

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Version - Now with more grease

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Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 1/16/2020 at 11:21 AM, vardicd said:



unfortunately haven't found a way to save a draft forum thread; so have to work on it in the middle of the night and hope nobody clicks on the wrong links until then.




@vardicdshould be fixed now. please check to see if I got all of them. thank you!

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 1/16/2020 at 11:37 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

moved from original post:

@HebaruSan is it possible to connect my new releases with the existing CKAN entry? Am going to release through Spacedock, as a new entry since @RealGecko hasn't been around to pass the torch officially to me.

@linuxgurugamer what are the best practices for the icons for toolbars? (sizes etc)


Small icons (for Blizzy) are 24x24, stock toolbar icons are 38x38

I'll update the netkan to point to your release

Edit:  @zer0Kerbal your .version file is rather confusing.  If you have a Min and Max, you don't need and should remove the KSP_VERSION as it will be ignored.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 1/16/2020 at 11:43 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Small icons (for Blizzy) are 24x24, stock toolbar icons are 38x38


thank you. naming conventions? have the 24x24 - will add the 38x38.


  On 1/16/2020 at 11:43 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll update the netkan to point to your release


perfect. thank you. Was hoping @RealGecko would pop on, but *sigh*

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  On 1/16/2020 at 11:48 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

thank you. naming conventions


If you are referring to the icons, no convention, but I append the size to the icon name; ie:  si-24.png, si-38.png

Oh, and congrats on the release.

CKAN just finished processing the new netkan, you should see it updated on your local CKAN in a few minutes

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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a big thank you to @linuxgurugamer

version will be released in the next day or so - just doing some final testing.

this version (and future) will require ToolbarController & ClickThroughBlocker.

by using these, the .dll was reduced to about 33% of its size, and will be much more lean and mean.

Hopefully will get some more localizations to include. :D


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  On 1/16/2020 at 11:24 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

unfortunately haven't found a way to save a draft forum thread; so have to work on it in the middle of the night and hope nobody clicks on the wrong links until then.




@vardicdshould be fixed now. please check to see if I got all of them. thank you!


All links now seem to point to the correct places, far as i can tell.

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  On 1/18/2020 at 7:30 AM, vardicd said:



hmm... planes can, anything that has the module can.

was the vessel just launched? if so you have to either launch it or move it IIRC.

same thing goes as for rockets (all vessels) are concerned. Just launched won't hook into the network until after it has launched. it's KSP that decides what is 'pre-launch' and 'launched'.

I will experiment to see, since I rarely use planes. :D

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 1/18/2020 at 11:07 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

^^^ this appears to be the case.

after launching your plane, taxi it a couple of meters and then stop it - then you can use SL.


This could very well have been it, as I had just launched it and not moved it, however I did run into an additional issue after I posted before. I added SL to a save game I already had in progress, and that plane was the first craft I launched with SL installed in my game. I made 3 attempts to recover that plane, in flight, and KSP locked up and crashed, every time. I did finally recover it from the traking station. I was tired and on my way to bed, so I didn't bother reporting it hours ago, nor did i do much in the way of testing, but I threw a rocket out of the VAB and when i tried to recover it in flight, KSP again locked up and crashed. I removed SL from my install, rebooted and was able to recover the craft, in flight, with no problem. I don't know if it was because the mod was added to a save in progress, I'll need to test after work tonight with a fresh save and see if i have issues, and if i do, then I probably have a mod conflict issue causing it. I'll also test with the new version you posted and see if I get better results. I'll let you know how it goes and if I do still have problems on a fresh save, and with the new version, I'll toss you the logs, and my mod list, and see if we can't figure out what's going on, or which mod isn't playing nice.

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  On 1/18/2020 at 11:07 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

^^^ this appears to be the case.

after launching your plane, taxi it a couple of meters and then stop it - then you can use SL.


It might be worth double checking vessels that are landed when they get reloaded (like switching to them from the Tracking Station).

IIRC this used to be a problem for OhScrap! vessels would be placed back into "Prelaunch" when switching to them. I put a workaround in years ago though, so no idea if it's still a thing (that workaround was "flip a bool to tell me it's launched when the vessels speed exceeds 8m/s" (cause a vessel at rest on Kerbin is moving at 6m/s (presumably due to rotation of Kerbin)))

Edited by severedsolo
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thank you to user @fitiales for creating & pushing the Spanish translation localization file.

SimpleLogistics now speaks three languages.

Will be in next update; however if in a rush - you can download the file and put in the GameData\SimpleLogistics\Localization folder.

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  On 1/18/2020 at 1:32 PM, severedsolo said:

It might be worth double checking vessels that are landed when they get reloaded (like switching to them from the Tracking Station).


thank you.

I believe it does - code is elegant and well written - @RealGecko did good code. :D


if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.situation != Vessel.Situations.LANDED) {}


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