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Kerbal Space Program 1.9: "There’s No Place Like Home” Grand Discussion Thread


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Been playing 1.9, got about 20 hours in already. Noticed a camera bug that seems to be the same Unity bug from another game I play called Transport Fever 1/2. I didn't notice anyone reporting this in the KSP bug tracker.

What occurs is that sometimes the camera will go haywire and act like the player is constantly pressing the left or right keys and the camera view just spins in circles endlessly. Bouncing out to the KSC seems to resolve. The bug is almost impossible to reproduce at will and this same "randomness" of bug occurs in both KSP and Transport Fever, something that makes diagnosing the bug and resolving incredibly difficult.

In my 20ish hours of KSP 1.9, this camera spinning bug happened 3 times. Never seen camera bug  in KSP before, but this same exact bug is a long standing bug in the Transport Fever games that the developers of TF has said is some odd bug with the Unity Engine that  they have  not been able to solve in many years over 2 major versions of that game.

While 2 separate games, the camera spinning bug seems almost exactly the same and both games are Unity.


Update: Found the issue, had a physical foreign particle lodged in the keyboard next to the left arrow key. Strangely enough, was not lodged hard enough to trigger the key press all the time.

--scratch this bug report

Edited by fragtzack
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37 minutes ago, fragtzack said:

Been playing 1.9, got about 20 hours in already. Noticed a camera bug that seems to be the same Unity bug from another game I play called Transport Fever 1/2. I didn't notice anyone reporting this in the KSP bug tracker.

What occurs is that sometimes the camera will go haywire and act like the player is constantly pressing the left or right keys and the camera view just spins in circles endlessly. Bouncing out to the KSC seems to resolve. The bug is almost impossible to reproduce at will and this same "randomness" of bug occurs in both KSP and Transport Fever, something that makes diagnosing the bug and resolving incredibly difficult.

It may be a Unity bug, but that doesn't mean SQUAD can't squash it - report it to the bug tracker! Since it's never been reported before 1.9, I'd assume this is linked to the changes to the camera system that were made in the update.

Like many others here, I wouldn't mind if SQUAD pushed 1.10 back and extended the 1.9.x release cycle to really hammer out some bugs. As much as I like shiny new textures and features, 1.9.0 is quite a buggy release - notwithstanding the bugs from 1.8.x that weren't fixed - and I feel like the game needs to be in top form stability-wise to properly 'pass the baton' onto KSP 2.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Because of the new stuff.  Because 1.8.1 is very playable

"Because of the new stuff", yes indeed:


"Because 1.8.1 is very playable", totally agree the best thing in 1.9.0 is the backup that I have of 1.8.1 :) (of-course talking in a 85 set of mods )



Edited by pmborg
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On 2/16/2020 at 2:46 PM, Neilski said:

Thanks folks.

I'll give it a try and see.
If it doesn't work, I do have plenty of (manual) backups but there's too much water under the bridge since then, so I'll probably just wait for 1.9.1 instead...

And it turns out that editing the SFS file didn't work. Boohoo. (It loaded in 1.8.1 after the version tweak at the top, but all of my craft had vanished without a peep.)
So, it's back to 1.9.0 for me, with the mysterious 150t class-A asteroids (!!) and the slightly-broken maneuver nodes... :-S Looking forward to 1.9.1 ;)

On 2/16/2020 at 8:59 PM, TriggerAu said:

EDIT: The above is correct - dustance above terrain is the key. The default value is 500m above terrain level and you can adjust it in the settings if you want more/less safety - its called QUICKSAVE_MINIMUM_ALTITUDE

Have tweaked that now, thanks! (I presume that manual editing of the settings.cfg file is the only way to do this?)

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7 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

This returns us to the origins, to the early days of sci-fi when they thought that the Moon is covered with thick layer of dust, and the lunonauts will sink in it.

Isn't that the theory that forced the age of the moon to be massively reduced because it wasn't as thick as they thought?

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4 hours ago, Space Nerd said:

My probe shakes when its landing legs are extended, is that the "hinge bug" people are talking about?(My probe does have a hinge in its robotic arm)

Nope the hinge bug is that unlocked, unpowered hinges behave as if they were locked.

The landing leg bug is a different one. Try setting the spring tension manually, it worked for me.

(And yes, it would be nice to get these and many others fixed -- for example, servo behaviour in mirror symmetry is still broken if you disallow full rotation and constrain the angle...)

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On 2/13/2020 at 9:44 PM, Lisias said:

Something came to my mind this afternoon, as I'm specially interested on drag as my designs are also failing (besides not exactly as you describes).

Check the Alt-F12/Cheats/Part Clipping in Editor and also the Alt-F12/Physics/Drag settings. Compare them with the values on the KSP that it's working as intended.


I did clean installs so the settings are default. Setting the drag multiplier to around 2 got me to speeds and throttles that I was using in 1.7.3/1.8

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On 2/15/2020 at 8:49 AM, steve_v said:

Uhh, what? 1.9 you say? What happened to 1.8.2?

Bugs from the last major release still not fixed?
New parts horribly broken?
New bugs introduced?

Yawn. Unexciting. Art is nice, really annoying bugs are not.

Agreed. I did also read about exploding Kerbals, Unity crashes when trying to start KSP which did not happen in earlier versions (not completely true, I remember an issue people had with AMD cards), and the Mun becoming an ice skating arena

And after my Kerbals heard about their friends' heads exploding, they demanded to stay with 1.8.1 until this and other severe bugs are getting fixed.

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On 2/18/2020 at 11:55 PM, kerbiloid said:

When it's adjustable, it's not a bug, it's micromanagement.

On 2/19/2020 at 12:41 AM, kerbiloid said:

Is it adjustable?

When the adjustments make the broken behaviour slightly less broken but fail to fix it, it's a bug. Wheels have been a disaster since 1.1, and adding knobs hasn't fixed anything, just introduced more variables.


58 minutes ago, VoidSquid said:

I did also read about...

There are more, of course there are more.
The bugs I mentioned are only those I personally encountered in the first half-hour or so after spinning up 1.9.0, without even going to space.
If I spot them that quickly without actively trying to find bugs, what kind of testing is Squad doing?

Edited by steve_v
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7 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Wheels have been a disaster since 1.1, and adding knobs hasn't fixed anything, just introduced more variables.

Did you see the stock rovers?
The very first of them is named "Bug-E Buggy", i.e like "Buggy McBugface".
Didn't they warn?

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10 minutes ago, steve_v said:

The bugs I mentioned are only those I personally encountered in the first half-hour or so after spinning up 1.9.0, without even going to space.
If I spot them that quickly without actively trying to find bugs, what kind of testing is Squad doing?

Well, I didn't bother to get 1.9 yet, why would I? The only interesting thing for me personally would be the new Kerbin textures, but then, most of the time my Kerbals spend either in Space or on other CBs. With all that issues reported, it's not worth it for me to upgrade any soon, in particular as several for me important mods aren't updated yet. So, I'm not in a hurry at all :) 

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On 2/17/2020 at 5:26 PM, fragtzack said:

Update: Found the issue, had a physical foreign particle

That's too close to how airport security supposedly describes certain objects in passengers baggage to not hint at a possible joke my 12yo brain area could make here.

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I was a little disappointed to see that the bug with second (and subsequent) maneuver nodes was assigned low priority.

Then I checked the bug tracker and of the 157 open bugs updated in the last 100 days, 153 of them are low priority. Of the 10 bugs marked Resolved in the same period, 9 were low and one was very low priority.
Hmm... I don't know how they are actually prioritising the work but that field appears to be pretty irrelevant.

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Just now, Neilski said:

I was a little disappointed to see that the bug with second (and subsequent) maneuver nodes was assigned low priority.

Then I checked the bug tracker and of the 157 open bugs updated in the last 100 days, 153 of them are low priority. Of the 10 bugs marked Resolved in the same period, 9 were low and one was very low priority.
Hmm... I don't know how they are actually prioritising the work but that field appears to be pretty irrelevant.

Ya everything gets set to low by default. They rarely update the priority in there. 

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