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Final reply to the questions of Wanhu Studio 对于万户组(阁)各问题的最终回复


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Dear all KSP players and KSP modules Authors:

Since the day before yesterday, I have heard negative news about our Wanhu Studio one after another. After two days of introspection, I still have to finish the matter thoroughly.

First of all, I need to sincerely apologize to you. Due to my own negligence, I neglected to understand and study the copyright information and rules, which led to the violation of relevant provisions during the operation of Wanhu Studio.

1. Violates the BY clause of the CC Agreement. The Wanhu Studio did not give detailed signatures to the authors when it finished Galaxies Unbound and produced related integration packages. This is indeed wrong. Leaving aside the agreement, we should all fulfill our obligation to inform others of the module author. It shouldn't be finished directly or crammed into the integration package in such a way, and talk about the localization / integration of Wanhu Studio without any explanation. At this point, we are working hard to find the authors of various modules and actively correct them.

2. Violation of the ND clause of the CC Agreement. Wanhu Studio changed (Sinify and integrate) the original author's module, and added a password to forcibly guide players into the group to obtain the password. The original intention may be to stop reaching out to the party, but the wrong approach has led to the wrong result. Prior to the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion on January 6, 2020, we have removed the passwords from the publicly published integration packages and finished packages compressed files on each platform, and players can choose freely.

3. Violation of the ND clause of the CC Agreement. When Wanhu Studio finished the localization of Galaxies Unbound module, it placed advertisements in the finished file. After realizing this, the ads have been completely removed. Here, a separate apology to StarCrusher96, the author of Galaxies Unbound.

4. Violation of EULA of T2. At the beginning of the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion, when there were only modules make by Wanhu Studio in the group, we adopted a strategy of increasing group charges, and there was a suspicion that it was mandatory to buy and sell homemade modules. Regardless of whether I personally agree with this clause, but the violation is wrong, I should acknowledge it and actively correct it. At the end of January, Wanhu Pavilion had completely removed the setting of the Entering Fee.

The above is all the terms violated by the Wanhu Studio. Once again, I sincerely apologize to everyone, sorry!

Secondly, the two ups believe that the Wanhu Studio violated the NC clause of the CC Agreement. I need to clarify this matter. Prior to the establishment of Wanhu Pavilion on January 6, 2020, we have removed the passwords from the publicly published integration packages and finished packages compressed files on each platform. Players do not need to join Wanhu Pavilion in order to decompress. The two ups confuse the password of the previous compressed file with the subsequent fee charged by Wanhuge. This is what I want to clarify. The things mentioned by the two ups are not synchronized in time and space, that is to say, the above two things did not happen at the same time, there was no connection, and the Wanhu Studio did not sell any modules made by others.

In the end, the Wanhu Group violated the various agreements, and I couldn't blame it as the team leader. After apologizing, we decided to thoroughly check all publicly released modules and integration packages, and actively rectify in accordance with the requirements of relevant agreements to give players and module authors an account.

Thanks to all organizations and individuals who have worked hard to advance this matter.








1、违反了CC协定的BY条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound和制作相关整合包的时候,没有给各位作者进行详细署名。这一点,我们做的确实不对。撇开协定不谈,于情于理我们都应该履行告知他人模组作者的义务,不应该这样直接汉化或是一股脑的塞进整合包,堂而皇之的讲万户汉化/整合而不做任何说明。这一点,我们正在努力寻找各模组作者,并积极改正。


3、违反了CC协定的ND条款。万户组在汉化Galaxies Unbound模组时,在汉化文件内植入广告。在意识到这一点之后,已经将广告完全删除。在此,需要向Galaxies Unbound的作者StarCrusher96单独致歉。








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For those uninformed, it became apparent that a group of people, primarily based on the site https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum-1214-1.html were redistributing a handful of KSP add-ons/mods that were under either restrictive, non-derivative or non-commerical based licenses and hosting them elsewhere behind a paywall to the Chinese Kerbal community. EDIT: To expand on this, the mods in question were being redistributed with a password on the archive and the password was being sent upon the receipt of payment to the distributor.

Moderaters/Staff may also want to enquire into this issue as the site seems to be hosting a download for the full game also: https://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3950304-1-1.html.

For disclosure, I will be reporting my post to the Moderating team for visibility.

Edited by Poodmund
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  On 2/29/2020 at 10:48 AM, Poodmund said:

对于那些不了解情况的人,很明显有一群人,主要是基于网站  https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum-1214-1.html,  正在重新分发其中一个版本的少数KSP加载项/模块。限制性,非衍生性或非商业性许可证,并将其托管在中国喀尔巴阡社区付费墙后面的其他位置。




Sorry to interrupt you. My link is completely free. I applied for spacedock and curseforge accounts, but they have not been approved yet. 3DM links are only temporary. I will replace the links of spacedock and curseforge as soon as they are approved.

Thank you for your attention.


BTW, I seem to be putting the module release in the wrong place. On the forum, I will seek to close the LongMarch-5 post, and re-publish it after carefully studying the module release format.

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  On 2/29/2020 at 1:01 PM, Karrot said:

I applied for spacedock and curseforge accounts, but they have not been approved yet. 3DM links are only temporary. I will replace the links of spacedock and curseforge as soon as they are approved.


Uhhh, I don’t know about Curse, but there is no “approval” needed for a Spacedock account

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  On 2/29/2020 at 4:57 PM, StarCrusher96 said:

@KarrotWhy would you redistribute those mods again on curse or spacedock if the original modmakers are already doing that?


@Karrot If you are making translations, it would be better to submit the translations to the original/current author, and then simply provide a link to the official download

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  On 2/29/2020 at 4:52 PM, linuxgurugamer said:



I have uploaded my home-made module on Spacedock, but it still cannot be searched.

Clear description on Curse, this module is pending review。

  On 2/29/2020 at 4:57 PM, StarCrusher96 said:

@KarrotWhy would you redistribute those mods again on curse or spacedock if the original modmakers are already doing that?


The modules published on Spacedock and Curse are all my own modules, and the integrated resources have been removed from the original distribution site, which is why I apologize.

  On 2/29/2020 at 5:03 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

@Karrot  如果要翻译,最好将翻译提交给原作者/当前作者,然后简单地提供指向官方下载的链接


Thank you for your advice. I have not accepted any localization work at this time. I have sincerely apologized for the work mistakes of the localization GU and passed the localization documents to the author @StarCrusher96.

  On 2/29/2020 at 5:32 PM, Vanamonde said:

Some comments have been removed. Please do not attack someone who appears to be trying to make things right. 


I have never deleted any posts in the forum, and I don’t have related permissions.

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