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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

682 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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On 8/23/2022 at 1:21 PM, DeadJohn said:

KSC: The @TruthfulGnome "KatnisssCapeCanaveral for KSRSS v1.0" looks amazing with its aerial decal and offers multiple pads. Its main limitation is the lack of collider so ground vehicles fall through the visual surface; it's a tolerable issue in exchange for the views. This mod might need adjusting after the change from 2.5x to 2.7x scale.

Yes once reborn is fully stable I will update configs for it with a modern and retro style, other pads will be updated to fit realism ,and colliders are only and issue at the SLF but I will figure out a fix for it.

17 hours ago, Probird_23 said:

12: Edwards Air Force Base and the TAL sites for all your shuttle recreation needs. 

13. Colomb-Bechar and Hammaguir for early French launches.

14. SpaceX droneship statics near Vandenburg and Cape Canaveral, for obvious reasons.

Edwards and Vandenburg are on my list to get working

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On 8/23/2022 at 12:21 PM, DeadJohn said:

@ballisticfox0@tony48 Have you thought about short-term and long-term goals for KSRSS Reborn launch sites? Is anyone planning to incorporate KK launch sites or are you opposed to that? If you need more grunts to implement your vision I'll volunteer to learn more about KK.

My random thoughts below if it's not too late to make comments:

  1. KSC Switcher is IMO less than ideal because it's the same old KSC everywhere, and we can't do things like launch from one base and land at another. Kerbal Konstructs provides a nicer looking and more functional approach but requires more effort to create.
  2. KSC: The @TruthfulGnome "KatnisssCapeCanaveral for KSRSS v1.0" looks amazing with its aerial decal and offers multiple pads. Its main limitation is the lack of collider so ground vehicles fall through the visual surface; it's a tolerable issue in exchange for the views. This mod might need adjusting after the change from 2.5x to 2.7x scale.
  3. Vandenberg: For large polar launches. Stages drop into the Pacific instead of bombarding Caribbean islands.
  4. Baikonur: For Tantares mod and other USSR inspired games.
  5. Kourou: For Knes mod, other ESA inspired games, and anytime an equatorial rather than inclined orbit is desirable.
  6. Major launch sites might deserve a full Katniss-like treatment with a photographic decal plus realistic pad placement. Long-term perhaps KSC Florida, Vandenberg, Baikonur, and Kourou are the major sites.
  7. In order to keep the scope of work at a manageable level, other sites might just get one pad and one runway each, no decals. Kodiak for small polar launches, Wallops, Japan, India, etc.
  8. I'm not sure whether, in the context of the major parts mods,  China should be considered a major or minor launch site. China's launching large rockets but we don't seem to have a popular mod tailored for building them.


Have indeed thought about other launchsites, the primary issue is that no one on the team quite has the expertise to make our own KK static sites. With that it means it's down to the 3rd party authors to create launchsites for KSRSS, unless they're willing to integrate their mod.


On 8/21/2022 at 1:27 PM, MashAndBangers said:

I'm getting a strange second atmosphere with Earth starting at 35km, and then it disappears after 60km



Link to my KSP.Log for the session:  https://web.tresorit.com/l/JJSVR#eyaKjtKUESgHiMLBEnD0BA

  • Latest KSRSS Reborn from GitLab
  • Scatterer .0837
  • Kopernicus 139
  • KSP 1.12.3
  • EVE redux
  • KSP community Fixes 1.20.0
  • Harmony


Delete your scatterer atmo cache

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45 minutes ago, ballisticfox0 said:
On 8/21/2022 at 2:27 PM, MashAndBangers said:

I'm getting a strange second atmosphere with Earth starting at 35km, and then it disappears after 60km

Delete your scatterer atmo cache

This was actually a bug with Earth AFG. It should be fixed now.

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38 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

That is a link to this thread ;)   There is no link as it seems to not be finished yet. I see 0.6.1 on github.

Looking forward to see the new release. I spotted 64K textures (eve?) :D

Here is the beta download

On 8/20/2022 at 1:10 AM, ballisticfox0 said:

Do not use this download

Use: https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS/-/tree/reborn

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2 hours ago, Viper2 said:

i have a problem with KSRSS reborn and ksc switcher, my kourou ksc is underground, cape and vandenberg working fine :(

Put that in the patches folder inside KSRSS , i made little changes so Kourou site is actually on the ground . :)
I think they wont update KscSwitcher config before the release of Reborn so meanwhile this should do the trick .


Edited by ProCrast
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9 hours ago, kerbalboi said:

so for the next release will you guys add support  for parallax 2.0 features?

There it is, I wondered how long it would take for someone to ask that, yes we will! Here’s some screenshots from the configs I released about an hour ago:


Edited by ballisticfox0
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29 minutes ago, ballisticfox0 said:

There it is, I wondered how long it would take for someone to ask that, yes we will! Here’s some screenshots from the configs I released about an hour ago:


Wow! They look amazing! How does one install them? I was just trying to install the latest gitlab version (after the configs were added), but it seems that when Parallax was put it, in would just lead to an infinite loading screen. Is there any specific things I need to install/not install different from the default parallax to get it to work?

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6 hours ago, ballisticfox0 said:

There it is, I wondered how long it would take for someone to ask that, yes we will! Here’s some screenshots from the configs I released about an hour ago:



6 hours ago, CessnaSkyhawk said:

Wow! They look amazing! How does one install them? I was just trying to install the latest gitlab version (after the configs were added), but it seems that when Parallax was put it, in would just lead to an infinite loading screen. Is there any specific things I need to install/not install different from the default parallax to get it to work?

I have the same. If Parallax_StockTextures-2.0.0 and Parallax_ScatterTextures-2.0.0 is removed, game starts but parallax doesn't work.

Edited by xtasy
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6 hours ago, CessnaSkyhawk said:

Wow! They look amazing! How does one install them? I was just trying to install the latest gitlab version (after the configs were added), but it seems that when Parallax was put it, in would just lead to an infinite loading screen. Is there any specific things I need to install/not install different from the default parallax to get it to work?

KSRSS Reborn parrallax config needs stock textures from parrallax, i didn't tried it on KSRSS Reborn yet so i hope it will help .
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9 hours ago, ballisticfox0 said:

There it is, I wondered how long it would take for someone to ask that, yes we will! Here’s some screenshots from the configs I released about an hour ago:


I did a clean installation of the latest KSRSS and Parallax 2.0. The game freezed when I try to load saves, and I get endless error message like this

[EXC 20:28:50.074] ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Kerbin Zn0331 (PQ)

[EXC 20:28:54.452] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Parallax.ParallaxInFlightOperations.Update () (at <e0593fbd8aaa47138e22bf232f7b9ae3>:0)

There are also many null reference exception related to scatterer that I've never seen in previous KSRSS versions. Do you have any idea how to solve those issues?

Edited by zw_45
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