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[1.7.1][1.8.1][1.9.1][1.10.1] Persistent Thrust Extended 1.7.5 (now with background persistent thrust)


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On 10/24/2022 at 9:29 PM, intelliCom said:

Yet another irritable KSP 1.12 player here. Has there been any news on getting Persistent Thrust working properly for 1.12? @linuxgurugamer?

Update: Persistent Thrust seems to be working fine on latest Kopernicus as of this date. I'm not sure what problems everyone else was going through, but I'll have to use it a bit more to figure it out.

Edit: I have found a few quirks so far. Will update this comment as I find more. I also have persistent rotation, so some of these might be caused by that:

  • Upon staging an empty stage, increasing throttle on the current vessel results in the previous stage also accelerating, moving insanely quick in whatever direction its facing despite the lack of fuel and control. After going outside of 2200 meters, this acceleration stops. This would not be good for detaching two spacecraft Apollo-style.
  • On occasion, timewarp will just fail to work, both regular and physics. It seems to only be when I am on a suborbital trajectory. I suspect that the timewarp changes correctly, but then instantaneously changes back to x1 timewarp. Can sometimes fix it by turning my rocket engines on and off.
  • Cutting back to x1 timewarp is very sudden and instantaneous, no gradually slowing down or anything. The moment "/" is pressed, time returns to normal. This has the unintended consequence of automatic timewarps stopping too early. Timewarping to any point in a trajectory, whether by clicking directly on it or going to a maneuver node, results in the craft halting long before the actual point is reached proper, which would have happened with gradual slowdown.
Edited by intelliCom
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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

This mod breaks both air breathing engines like the rapier and the pulsed plasma/vasimir engines from near future. they no longer even show in the electrical window and consume less EC at higher power level instead of more. even worse the EC required changes depending on what power setting it was when launched. so if you launch it with more than 0 power setting it becomes unusable. As for the rapier it does let its thrust go above static thrust making it unusable.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Was looking for something to use during long electric engine burns. Sometimes it can be hours.. Time Control helps to some extent, but even a 10x can be a long burn. Would be great if this was updated again.  :)

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  • 4 months later...

Sometimes I try timewarping and the game refuses to let me. @intelliCom says turning the engines on and off sometimes works but does nothing for me.

What can I do??

I understand that this is old and outdated and BetterTimeWarp is a better option, but warping at say 32x physics time warp with a very-high-part-count craft is going to produce... less than ideal framerates.


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  • 4 months later...

I've encountered a bug, atleast using the KSPI plasma nozzle paired with a tokomak fusion reactor. I have a ship with a vtol lander attached to it, with the vtol engines pointed perpindicular to the rest of the craft. Despite them being turned off, they seem to receive priority over the plasma nozzle which is enabled. The craft gains no thrust from the plasma nozzle under timewarp, but the vtol engines (which are just the restock twich engines) will cause the ship to move undertime warp if I activate them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

For people searching and wondering,


Using latest version of Near Future Tech, 1.12.5 - the MPD thrusters appear to break due to this mod. The electric charge consumption disappears even without time warping, causing mayhem with thrust/deltaV calculations. It also appears to cost time delay, as after removing the mod I went from 20% to 35% for my 399 part craft. The electric charge returned.

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  • 7 months later...
On 6/13/2020 at 8:02 PM, FreeThinker said:

Persistent Thrust Extended 是一个插件,可让您在时间扭曲期间使用引擎,从而将需要几天时间的刻录速度缩短到几秒钟。


有没有过在高物理扭曲下需要几分钟或更长时间的燃烧,但仍然花了太长时间?想要最大化 deltaV,但不想花费数小时执行刻录?现在,您可以使用 Persistent Thrust。您需要做的就是设置 SAS 模式、设置 throtle 并激活时间扭曲(屏幕左上角)


我还要感谢@HoneyFox为他的开创性工作开发 Orbital Manipulator 系列


许可证 : MIT

源代码: https://github.com/sswelm/PersistentThrust

下载Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 -1.8.1 -1.10.0版本

下载 KSP 1.7.3 的 1.7.3



  • 添加了对 Kerbalsim 的支持
  • 添加了对 Stock MultiModeEngines 的支持
  • 添加了对 GTIndustries MultiModeEngines 的支持
  • 添加了对多效果引擎的支持
  • 添加了对 RealFuels 的支持
  • 添加了对后台处理的支持
  • 添加了 Massless 资源的物理处理
  • 添加了更好的功率平衡
  • 为电动发动机添加了显示引擎 throtle 动画
  • 增加了在物理和轨道上的最大 isp 维护
  • 增加了激活高达 12 G 的持续推力的能力
  • 增加了功率稳定性,允许多个电动发动机在集群模式下运行
  • 在持续推力期间添加了排气效果
  • 添加了 Persistent Heading during ring load 和 timewarp
  • 添加了 Infinite Propellant 和 Electricity Cheat 的支持
  • 增加了对部分油耗的支持
  • 添加了对时间扭曲期间 ElectricCharge 消耗的支持
  • 添加了在调用 X、Z、Shift、Ctrl 时退出时间扭曲
  • 默认激活持续推力
  • 最小化的上下文菜单



  • 排气效果只能使用 ModuleEnginesFX 控制引擎,或者从中派生出
  • 不支持 Principa 直到@eggrobin将某些方法暴露给已实现的持续推力

I've tried this great mod,but soonly found it might not be compatible with ROEngines for my SRBs couldn't work properly.It lost all of thrust and recovered seconds later.How to solve?

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1 hour ago, Gengetsu Kerman said:

I've tried this great mod,but soonly found it might not be compatible with ROEngines for my SRBs couldn't work properly.It lost all of thrust and recovered seconds later.How to solve?

Unfortunately, despite all these years, the RO/RP-1 community has marked this as unsolvable.

Mostly because they prioritize principia compatibility.

Now, there are ways to use persistent thrust with principia, but you'll have to deal with the spaghetti noodles of the aforementioned mod.

I hope this helps

Edited by verniervonkerman
fixed RP-1 grammar
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  • 2 months later...
On 5/20/2024 at 2:19 PM, RunaDacino said:

For people searching and wondering,


Using latest version of Near Future Tech, 1.12.5 - the MPD thrusters appear to break due to this mod. The electric charge consumption disappears even without time warping, causing mayhem with thrust/deltaV calculations. It also appears to cost time delay, as after removing the mod I went from 20% to 35% for my 399 part craft. The electric charge returned.

Thanks for making us know. I wanted to install PT on my setup, however, I make extensive use of NF and many other different engines (including KSPI-E - yes, I know they can timewarp during thrust).

*sighs* So, it seems the only way to minimize wait time during thrust is to use HyperWarp from TimeControl...


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4 hours ago, atomontage said:

Thanks for making us know. I wanted to install PT on my setup, however, I make extensive use of NF and many other different engines (including KSPI-E - yes, I know they can timewarp during thrust).

*sighs* So, it seems the only way to minimize wait time during thrust is to use HyperWarp from TimeControl...


KSP-IE comes with a version of PT built in, but it only applies to IE engines i believe, been a while since i played with ie

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6 hours ago, Jeffery Kerman said:

KSP-IE comes with a version of PT built in, but it only applies to IE engines i believe, been a while since i played with ie

Yes, that is correct.

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