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will the ksp 2 release date be accelerated?

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becuase of the covid vaccines becoming mainstream, i was thinking that maybe the release date of ksp 2 will be earlier than anticipated. after all, the coronavirus was the main reason that the game got delayed so much.  I would like to hear what you think though!

also, this is slightly off topic, but tomorrow is.....



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12 minutes ago, determinationmaster said:

becuase of the covid vaccines becoming mainstream, i was thinking that maybe the release date of ksp 2 will be earlier than anticipated. after all, the coronavirus was the main reason that the game got delayed so much.  I would like to hear what you think though!

also, this is slightly off topic, but tomorrow is.....



I guess this is possible, but Im not sure. It would be nice if the developers of KSP2 announced that its coming before 2022 but I dont think by much however.  The devs ahve  been working on this game for  a while now. I eman maybe? Nut if there was any change it would prpobebly be just Winter 2021.

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That’s not how software development works. COVID was only one part of the reason the game was delayed and it’s far from over yet; I see no chance of accelerating the timescale and no reason to do so- if they finish developing early, that’s just more time to test before release.

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Just now, jimmymcgoochie said:

That’s not how software development works.

Haha, that's not how anything works.

To actually add some content to my snarky comment, things such as lead times must be considered. Before you have a game ready to be quality tested, you don't hire a bunch of testers "just in case". Obviously Private Division is a large enough company they are not literally hiring new people, rather shifting them from one project to another, but those other projects already allocated them and its a "robbing Peter to pay Paul" situation. Unless they know that they would profit from the expenditure of hiring people to expedite the release, chances are the release date will not change.

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Ok, I need to get in on the fun and give my take.

The game WILL NOT release in 2021, we know this. The game will release in 2022, but we do not know what time in 2022. Most of the community believes it will be in late 22 or wnd half. I believe that the game will have a spring 2022 launch. Why?

Spring is the original launch window we were provided with, showing take 2 wanted to release the game in spring. 

Spring is also less competitive then summer or winter.

By this logic the game could be released in fall, but spring is my prediction-much better then late 22 in my opinion, and probably more realistic.

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If everything goes perfectly and the devs are happy with everything in the game. (Ha, I've never personally heard of that.) Then it may move forward a couple months or a quarter or two of the projected completion date. Either way, they won't release that info until their ready.

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Software managers rarely over-estimate delays. Usually they'll pick the earliest date they think they could possibly ship and then pressure everyone hard to hit that deadline. If a deadline turns out to have been unrealistic, or if a new problem comes up, then another new delay is added.

The announced timeline was probably planned on the assumption that the pandemic would be toward the shorter end of the estimated durations. Remember that early on, some people seemed to think it would only take 3 weeks. Best case scenario is they'll release when they said they would.

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1 hour ago, determinationmaster said:

becuase of the covid vaccines becoming mainstream, i was thinking that maybe the release date of ksp 2 will be earlier than anticipated. after all, the coronavirus was the main reason that the game got delayed so much.  I would like to hear what you think though!

Very unlikely. Our productivity, speaking of game dev in general, wasn't hit all that bad. Burnout's worse, but I don't think that was factored into schedules. So all we're getting is that there won't be additional delays due to teams burning out a lot faster than they used to. Initial hit of having to figure out how to work from home has impacted some studios pretty badly, but even that's not across the board. Most of us kept working pretty much the same way we used to before. Just a lot of meetings that, "we couldn't possibly have over Zoom," we are now having over Zoom. A lot of the delays that got blamed on COVID were going to happen anyways, and even in cases where it was a contributing factor, it rarely was the sole contributing factor.

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I hope the release is brought forward, but I hope they don't announce it, or at least, not too soon. 


Can you imagine the joy if you expect it in 2022, and then in October or November 2021 they announce it'll be out for Christmas??

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1 hour ago, SpaceFace545 said:

Nope, probably will just get delayed again. and possibly just pull another cyberpunk on us.

Its gonna be hard to do that since they didn't release a trailer 9 years ago.

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1 minute ago, Meecrob said:
1 hour ago, SpaceFace545 said:

Nope, probably will just get delayed again. and possibly just pull another cyberpunk on us.

Its gonna be hard to do that since they didn't release a trailer 9 years ago.

Posted 8 years ago :joy:

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9 minutes ago, Meecrob said:

Its gonna be hard to do that since they didn't release a trailer 9 years ago.

I'm going to liberally interpret this as you having some reliable information about impending collapse of all civilization in the next seven years and commence panicking over it. :0.0:

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3 hours ago, determinationmaster said:

becuase of the covid vaccines becoming mainstream, i was thinking that maybe the release date of ksp 2 will be earlier than anticipated. after all, the coronavirus was the main reason that the game got delayed so much.  I would like to hear what you think though!

also, this is slightly off topic, but tomorrow is.....



Do you really think COVID can delay developers?
A developer doesn't need to mobilize, he just needs a PC and connection to the outside, and a well-designed event and time diagram, along with a good Project Leader.
The developer is comfortable locked in the basement of the parents' house, where the light does not reach it, and the elements needed to interact in virtual meetings to verify fulfillment of objectives.
To have everyone in one place, a galley type of Trireme, is from the twentieth century.

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49 minutes ago, K^2 said:

I'm going to liberally interpret this as you having some reliable information about impending collapse of all civilization in the next seven years and commence panicking over it. :0.0:

I love your interpretation, but I meant that the hype was indeed formed too early, but not so early as to be comparable to cyberpunk.

Edit: I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I laughed reading your post!!

Edited by Meecrob
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4 minutes ago, dprostock said:

Do you really think COVID can delay developers?
A developer doesn't need to mobilize, he just needs a PC and connection to the outside, and a well-designed event and time diagram, along with a good Project Leader.
The developer is comfortable locked in the basement of the parents' house, where the light does not reach it, and the elements needed to interact in virtual meetings to verify fulfillment of objectives.
To have everyone in one place, a galley type of Trireme, is from the twentieth century.

Spoken like someone who has never worked in software development, trotting out the same tired old clichés.

I work in a software development team, and I'm telling you now- it's far easier to work with people when you're in the same room as them. No amount of virtual meetings and email chains can make up for just turning round in your seat and having a quick conversation with someone beside/behind you, looking at the same screen, or just the spontaneous conversations that aren't even work related but which can break up the day and give you five minutes to focus on something else before coming back to a tricky piece of work. Working from home has its perks- no commuting time/costs being a big one- but it's a rare development team indeed that can produce just as much work when they're all WFH as they do when they're in the office together.

I don't think it's delaying them- I know it is.

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2 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Spoken like someone who has never worked in software development, trotting out the same tired old clichés.


Thirty years, boy.  Connectivity and good leadership solve everything.


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This thread seems to have shifted into talking about Metallic Hydrogen, but lets get something clear- This game will come out in 2022, and it will porbably not release in winter. That leaves spring and fall. They will probably go for fall. Fall 2022 is about 600 days away. If it releases in spring, which I have also argued for, it will release between 400-500 days from today. So either way, it is probably 400-700 days away.

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As excited as I am to play it Im pretty okay with waiting to get things really polished up. The scope of this game is really huge, and I think there are some critical gameplay systems that are difficult to do well an Im happy to see them take the time to do it.

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