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Random Part reconfigs to create new wonders.

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The following are reconfigs required to build a pod racer. The first requires the "moon Buggy" from the @MajorTom69 Space 1999 parts pack. The rest is all made from stock parts. The buggy and nacelles have node attachments for the hover jets. They are full on or off, no throttle and calibrated for the set up you will see in the pictures.

In the folder structure GameData/MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/  create a blank config file called HoverCat.cfg then copy and paste this.

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In the folder structure GameData/Squad/Parts/Engine/miniJet/   create SmallJetHover.cfg and paste in this.

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In the same folder create SmallJetHoverThrust.cfg  and paste in

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in Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/ create   mk0podnace.cfg and paste in


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In Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105/ create  HoverRCS.cfg and paste in

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The rest is a standard small circular intake and some fuel line.


@Caerfinon@Dientus@Astrion@Martian Emigrant@Lisias@Kerminator K-100

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For those who don't know, the other skins can be found in the What did you do in KSP today thread. Except for Santa's Sleigh. Here. Rename it to   Moonbuggy_texturesR.png


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  On 6/10/2021 at 4:36 PM, Astrion said:

@ColdJ Could I make a video promoting this? I'll give you credit for it.


Feel free. I can't make videos myself so it is appreciated. And to lower number of posts I will add for all. If you hit the front of the nacelles too often then pop in to the C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\miniIntake/ folder and make a copy of the SmallIntake.cfg with the  "name =" changed to  name = miniIntakeHover and then go down and change the     crashTolerance = 7 to   crashTolerance = 450 and save as SmallIntakeHover.cfg

Oh and change the "tags =" to include Hover , so that all the hover parts turn up together when you type hover in the parts search. That will mean you can use that part at the front and have more minor crashes without them going boom. And as @Spaceman.Spiff has expressed an interest, here is your pointer to this  thread with the configs. :)

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        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        isEnabled = True
        persistentId = 4285758393
        independentThrottle = True
        independentThrottlePercentage = 100
        staged = False
        flameout = False
        EngineIgnited = False
        engineShutdown = False
        currentThrottle = 0
        thrustPercentage = -5000
        manuallyOverridden = False
        includeinDVCalcs = False
        stagingEnabled = True


It's quite simple really, just save the engine as a subassembly and edit it's thrust value to a negative and it will produce electricity and Xenon gas.

For it to work in flight it needs to have independent throttle enabled 

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  On 6/11/2021 at 2:10 PM, chadgaskerman said:

It's quite simple really, just save the engine as a subassembly and edit it's thrust value to a negative and it will produce electricity and Xenon gas.


Oh I see. you haven't got negative thrust, you have made a generator.

You could just make an Ion engine part with a generator that produces Xenon gas and electricity, if you want a magic engine. Like this. See the bold underline halfway through

    name = ionEnginemagic
    module = Part
    author = NovaSilisko
    mesh = model.mu
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2135562, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1872844, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
    TechRequired = ionPropulsion
    entryCost = 16800
    cost = 8000
    category = Engine
    subcategory = 0
    title = Magic Dawn Electric Propulsion System
    manufacturer = #autoLOC_501635 //#autoLOC_501635 = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
    description = #autoLOC_500404 //#autoLOC_500404 = By emitting ionized xenon gas through a small thruster port, Dawn can produce incredibly efficient propulsion, but with a downside of very low thrust and high energy usage. According to ISP Electronics sales reps, the rumours of this engine being powered by "dark magic" are largely exaggerated.
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    mass = 0.25
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 7
    maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
    bulkheadProfiles = size0
    tags = #autoLOC_500405 //#autoLOC_500405 = (dawn deep drive efficient engine (ion probe thruster vacuum xenon
        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        engineID = Ion
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
        exhaustDamage = False
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 2
        heatProduction = 0
        powerEffectName = IonPlume
        EngineType = Electric
            name = ElectricCharge
            ratio = 1.8
            DrawGauge = True
            minResToLeave = 1.0
            name = XenonGas
            ratio = 0.1
            DrawGauge = True
            key = 0 4200
            key = 1 100
            key = 1.2 0.001

        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.75

            name = XenonGas
            rate = 0.75

        name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
        animationName = colorAnimation
        dependOnEngineState = True
        responseSpeed = 0.5
        engineName = Ion
        dependOnThrottle = True
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_IonEngine
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.05 0.20
                volume = 1.0 0.25
                pitch = 0.0 0.2
                pitch = 1.0 0.8
                loop = true
                modelName = Squad/FX/IonPlume
                transformName = thrustTransform
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.25 0.5            
                emission = 1.0 1.0
                //speed = 0.0 0.0
                //speed = 1.0 1.0
                localPosition = 0, 0, 0.12
        name = ModuleTestSubject
        useStaging = True
        useEvent = True
        situationMask = 112
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ALWAYS
            prestige = Trivial
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = BODYANDSITUATION
            prestige = Significant
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ONCEPERPART
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 8000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 1000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDE
            test = LT
            value = 300000
            situationMask = 16
            body = _NotSun
            type = ALTITUDE
            test = LT
            value = 600000
            situationMask = 32
            body = _NotSun

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Been very slowly getting the node attachment points right on a rover probe I built for @Dientus earlier. Been doing it while refining Gerry Anderson models and it took way longer than I thought it would. I think the original mesh didn't use the 1 metre standard. Anyway. Using the Mk2 Lander can v2 (now know that there is a v1 hiding in the folders) here is the config for it. Do the usual in  GameData\Squad\Parts\Command\mk2LanderCan_v2/

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Turned the SHADO Mobile from the Gerry Anderson UFO parts pack into a fully operational mobile laboratory and surveying Rover.

So create  GameData\SHADO\MobileUnit/ShadoMobiLab.cfg and paste.


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And you will need this to convert the Mk3 crew cabin IVA. place it in SHADO/Spaces/Mobile/MK3_CrewCab_Int/ named  internal_MK3_CrewCab2.cfg

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Make sure to copy in to that folder all the dependencies from the original Squad folder.



Left panel for Mobile.




Right panelyMgMX7x.png












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So much for "Mostly Stock"

The config for the UFO interceptor .



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The config for the engine,


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The config for the IVA


C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Spaces\mk1InlineInternal/ShadowCock.cfg


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The texture files for the engine.


















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Just realised I forgot to give you the RCS block for the nodes. It is the same one I use for the Eagles. It can go wherever you like. Hopefully the folder still exists in 1.11.1 onwards. If it doesn't just go back to an older version and copy the folder across from

C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\rcsBlockRV-105

Called it EagleRCSBlock.cfg

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Using the @MajorTom69 Space 1999 parts pack. This is a place any node LFO engine. I use it as retro rockets to slow the Eagle fuselages, for those who don't use firespitter, as I have nodes on the front of the landing gear pods. And it can be used instead of the rear RCS block on the UFO that I am about to put up as a push engine to fly the UFO sideways through the atmosphere if you don't want to use the RSC forward by throttle method.

So in GameData\MT-Eagle\Parts\Engine\AnyNodeLFO.cfg

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RCS Block that uses the same Squad set up as before but with different texture and effects to blend in with the UFO.

C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SHADO\UFO\UFORCS\UFORCS.cfg

You will need to copy the model.mu from  GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\rcsBlockRV-105\ into the above folder and put the following texture file in there as well.

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The next is a capsule that sits on the roof. It makes the UFO slightly taller but means you can actually get out and get back in. Though on the ground you will need to use the reaction wheels to put the UFO on it's side to allow your kerbal to reach the hatch.

You need to make a copy of the folder for the original Mk1 pod from Squad.

GameData\Squad\Parts\Command\mk1pod\ or simply take it over if you aren't using it for something else. Then in whichever you chose create mk1PodC.cfg and paste in. The original has some good info on node parameters.

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You will need the following textures.





outer shell.png


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Now for the actual UFO. Adjusted nodes and added 4 at compass points for the RCS. The landing pads are now defaulted to the landing gear binding.

Best to assign the main engine to independant throttle when in atmosphere and use RCS forward on throttle or the Place any node engine from above to push you along.



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And this texture.



@Martian Emigrant I don't know if you are popping by to look at this thread every now and then or not, so if not please check out the configs above for the UFO parts pack. There will be Space 1999 coming in the near future. If you are popping by, just let me know and then I won't tag you in the future.

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The above uses the original Mk2 Lander internal IVA, which fits in very nicely. Hopefully it still exists in 1.11.1 onwards.

The UFO has the ability to change control points of view just like a lander can.

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I'd lose my head etc.

Use either my micro docking port from Working Underwater Lite or just Change the rescaleFactor = in a Junior to 0.5, to have a docking port on top.

I put pics in.


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  On 6/15/2021 at 7:25 PM, Astrion said:

@ColdJ So I put in the configs and recreated your pod racer, but I can't get it to hover without it falling back to the ground.


It will eventually sink back down if you leave it still long enough, this is by design, because the alternative is that it will rise and keep rising to a height that is not hovering. KSP sticks things to the ground initially until you break the hold. If you have put the RCS blocks on, simply give a quick puff to push the pod racer upwards and it will break the ground lock. Once moving use the pitch control to put yourself at the height you want to travel at.

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