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i booted my computer this morning, i had to install a new gpu driver. so while that was installing i checked to see if anything else needed to be updated. sound drivers needed an update as well. also a fresh bios. i said what the hell. last version had a bug that kept ignoring the xmp profile and i had to set it manually. unfortunately msi's bios flash utility doesn't work and left me with a hung system. i had to flash manually from a thumb drive. half hour recalibrating my system fans and i was back up and running. the xmp bug was fixed as well. 

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I dont know the intricacies of sports ball but i know a fumble when i see the goalie hit the golf ball like that. I mean tbh my joke is as clear as a joke as a fumble is a fumble. Bad call is bad call.


edit also enjoying a cool evening next to my chiminea.

012210082023 013110082023

Edited by AlamoVampire
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Decided to have another fire in my chiminea and tonight it was hard to start. Likely poor log starting placement. It was smokey as all get out. 2 artificial starters from duraflame, 4 fat wood and about 60 full power seconds from a propane/butane torch… the 2nd starter + 60 seconds of torch finally convinced it…

going nicely now :) 


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my sister could start one on matches and magazines, with the traditional wet se alaskan wood at that. "how long has this seasoned?"..."meh, about 3 days". anyway my sister never went without heat. that little pyro.

though my sister did admit that she would sometimes use cooking oil as an accelerant. 

Edited by Nuke
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2 minutes ago, Nuke said:

my sister could start one on matches and magazines, with the traditional wet se alaskan wood at that. "how long has this seasoned?"..."meh, about 3 days". anyway my sister never went without heat. that little pyro.

Normally my fires take very little convincing to burn. White oak (from my oak in the back yard where my chiminea is, well seasoned usually) or w/e is in the bundles at home depot or my grocery but because my ash layer in thick and needs scooped out and a 14-16 inch long, 7-8 inch wide and like 3 inch thick chonk of a log stacked with one more normal log on it and a third perpendicular on them (resting on the chonky one while leaning on the other) neither of which 2 HOURS in are fully consumed (chonky just broke apart as i added a skinny one in to fuel the other).. this fire has taught me to better arrange muh logs lol. The 2 thicker logs i had intended for this fire will not go into this fire. But they will burn. They will burn. I wonder how your sister would do down here in a semi arid semi coastal plain semi great plains area where grass is usually some shade of not quite green into yellow all summer?


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On 10/9/2023 at 9:30 AM, Nuke said:

my sister could start one on matches and magazines, with the traditional wet se alaskan wood at that. "how long has this seasoned?"..."meh, about 3 days". anyway my sister never went without heat. that little pyro.

though my sister did admit that she would sometimes use cooking oil as an accelerant. 

Here in Norway standard is to cut the trees during winter, cut, split and stack during the spring and let it dry during the summer so its ready for next winter. 
Now you have dead trees who can be burned at once as they are already dried.
And wonder if the oil for the chainsaw is from McDonald, its biological oil, used kerosene to help start fires in an wood stove in an old house I lived in. 
Likely avoided an Darwin award by not using an pc fan to turbo charge it. It had multiple structural faults and I almost made the stove an blast furnace. 


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1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

Here in Norway standard is to cut the trees during winter, cut, split and stack during the spring and let it dry during the summer so its ready for next winter. 
Now you have dead trees who can be burned at once as they are already dried.
And wonder if the oil for the chainsaw is from McDonald, its biological oil, used kerosene to help start fires in an wood stove in an old house I lived in. 
Likely avoided an Darwin award by not using an pc fan to turbo charge it. It had multiple structural faults and I almost made the stove an blast furnace. 


seems our dry season is never. further up north and into the interior we do have regular dry/wet seasons, but costal regions are mostly all wet all the time. too far north and you are burning seal fat and fuel oil to stay warm cause there are no trees.

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I had my every-eight-week eye injection in my right eye—loads of fun with that. But when the alternative is going blind in that eye, one does what has to be done. After that, I drove back home in eye-searing bright sunlight, crashed on the couch, fell asleep, and am now trying to figure out what I want to eat before I head back to the couch.

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On 10/9/2023 at 12:30 AM, Nuke said:

my sister could start one on matches and magazines, with the traditional wet se alaskan wood at that. "how long has this seasoned?"..."meh, about 3 days". anyway my sister never went without heat. that little pyro.

Today I found this: Fire in the hole!


Edited by StrandedonEarth
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