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The Ksp mun Easter egg


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19 hours ago, K^2 said:

People have been able to clip the camera into the stone and see a bit more of the golden arch, so there was already a solid guess on what these lights are, but I wanted to get a cleaner look, so I removed everything from the scene that was getting in the way, along with some of the texture layers, leaving just the most relevant detail. I don't think this leaves any doubt about what the lights represent.

Obviously, a potential spoiler.

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I was hoping for there to be more, but I guess we'll have to actually wait for KSP2 for the complete picture. :) 

That actually plays well with the Karicebo image, now that I think about it. 

If we look at the image of Jool, we see the five moons represented - and they're orbiting, indicated by the ring.  We all know that they're in different orbits - but the space is limited - so it shows a single ring with five moons.  Artistic license. 

So if we then refer to the Karicebo image where we guessed a star with 4 planets or a planet with 4 moons - the same artistic license eliminates trying to find a planet / star with unlikely satellites at the same orbital distance.  We simply find a body with 4 satellites in 'normal' orbits. 

The line from the planet (going with that) leads to a symbol (above the large figure) that could mean death or destruction - and thus, the large alien holding up a hand may be a warning. 

'Stop, don't come here.  Death' 

Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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(New thought) 

We could be seeing two 'aricebo' messages - one from the Kerbals says we come from the third planet, launched a rocket and the Space Kraken destroyed it. 

The reply says (or starts to say) we got your message above.  We are a distance away (I forget off hand - 23 somethings?).  Our planet has 4 moons {or our star 4 planets) - it went dark (or boom) - stay away. 

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On 1/11/2023 at 10:58 AM, Ahres said:

Yeah... I'm not thrilled about it.

Now one of the coolest natural formations in the game turns out to be an unrealistic ancient relic. I liked the game because I got to explore what was naturally, geologically possible out there in the cosmos. That feeling is now greatly diminished.

To be fair there is literally a crashed alien spacecraft in the game already, as well as other things, and it was all part of the original vision for the game.

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19 hours ago, K33N said:

To be fair there is literally a crashed alien spacecraft in the game already, as well as other things, and it was all part of the original vision for the game.

If you want to go the "to be fair" route, you'd acknowledge that almost every easter egg in the game is just a nod to humanity's own spacefaring endeavors and discoveries. 

I talk a lot more about this in the other thread that I reference, so I don't expect you to know my exact thoughts. The gist of it is that I fall in the "keep the aliens lore out of KSP" camp and give me more of what Pthigrivi and I talk about in this thread.

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On 1/26/2023 at 4:01 PM, Ahres said:

If you want to go the "to be fair" route, you'd acknowledge that almost every easter egg in the game is just a nod to humanity's own spacefaring endeavors and discoveries. 

Yeah, except for that one over there.


And also the arches, before 1.12.5.

And also this.


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1 hour ago, Ahres said:
3 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

Yeah, except for that one over there.

And also the arches, before 1.12.5.

And also this.

I did say "almost" now didn't I, Bej?

So we're not alone. I for one can't wait to look further into this.

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19 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

So we're not alone. I for one can't wait to look further into this.

I wish I could say the same. But, just because I’m not excited about it now before release doesn’t mean I won’t warm up to it later. 


11 hours ago, K33N said:

A rather graceless way to be wrong lol

How about you explain how I’m “gracelessly” wrong instead of just saying I am? I’ll even give you an example: I actually think you’re wrong about me being wrong. Why?


Because there’s roughly 50 Easter eggs in the game if you count the monoliths on every body and the names of some biomes and facilities. But here’s the thing: the monoliths have the squad logo on them, i.e. references to humanity. Nye Island, Sagan Sea, Degrasse Sea, references to humanity. The face on Duna. A reference to the face on Mars, discovered by humans. Armstrong Memorial, Roadster, Whale Skeleton, Snowman, Sputnik, a couple Mars rovers. Humanity.

The Mohole, the arches, the tylo cave are all “geologic formations”. The Kraken, while definitely an alien, could be argued is just a reference to KSP bugs, caused by humanity.

So what’s left? The new broken arch, a couple flying saucers, and an SSTV signal. 

Mathematically, that’s 4 Easter eggs out of 50. Or 8%. Only 8% of the Easter eggs that reference non-human endeavors or discoveries. So when I say “almost”, I think 92% is really quite in line with what I said. You should be careful when saying someone is gracelessly wrong. If you don’t do your homework beforehand, it may in fact turn out it’s you that’s gracelessly wrong. Graceless, because you’re telling someone they’re wrong when you haven’t even checked to see that they might actually be right.

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I think it's funny how people get so wrapped in the idea that Kerbal should humanity-free. 

It has always been a human-spaceflight Sim with call outs to our space race and endeavors.  Sputnik parts, shuttle parts, ESA tie-in... The whole shebang. 

The Kerbals were just a little fun part of the game that actually humanized it far better than it would have if we'd have seen little people analogs. 

Getting mad that it's not 'pure' or human-reference-free misses the whole point of the game 

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10 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I think it's funny how people get so wrapped in the idea that Kerbal should humanity-free. 

It has always been a human-spaceflight Sim with call outs to our space race and endeavors.  Sputnik parts, shuttle parts, ESA tie-in... The whole shebang. 

The Kerbals were just a little fun part of the game that actually humanized it far better than it would have if we'd have seen little people analogs. 

Getting mad that it's not 'pure' or human-reference-free misses the whole point of the game 

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I’m not saying it should be humanity free. For what it’s worth, Joe, I’m almost always in agreement with things you’re saying around the forums. 

The crux of my complaint is if there’s going to be canonized alien life in the game, keep it microbial or something along those lines. I don’t want to see an ancient spacefaring civilization that somehow flung its home-world into the outer reaches of the solar system or whatever have you. Life is so incredibly rare. So. Incredibly. Rare. We have the Kerbals, which are “a representation of us” as the devs say. Us humans are all we have. It feels like (just my opinion here) that the Kerbals should be all that the Kerbals have. 

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23 minutes ago, Ahres said:

keep it microbial or something along those lines

I support this - especially because I find the idea of panspermia to be an attractive theory and a likely thing we discover evidence of in the next few decades. 

My thing with Kerbal is how wonderful it has proven towards getting people interested in spaceflight and science.  It's always been about taking what is possible but exceptionally difficult, and making it accessible.  Thus, it does not need a sci-fi element to succeed. 

So adding the ability to discover microbial life or even plant life on a wet planet in another system fits within the core metric of the game.  Having a few disjointed and unexplained anomalies is just fun and does not detract from that.  But - having an overarching sci-fi narrative that 'explains' Kerbal?  Shrug.  Dunno.  Might work.  But not really necessary. 

35 minutes ago, Ahres said:

Life is so incredibly rare. So. Incredibly. Rare

Despite what I wrote above... I do not disagree with this at all.  It's a dichotomy.  I think we will find life anywhere it's possible... But so far we haven't.  We need to look a lot harder with even more capable drones in greater frequency... And give the Mars program success so far - I think we will 

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47 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

I can’t wait to meet the smaller, fuzzier inhabitants of the Kerbal universe, the Gerbals!

:joy: I second calling this new supposed race the Gerbals until we know otherwise.

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21 hours ago, Ahres said:Mathematically, that’s 4 Easter eggs out of 50. Or 8%. Only 8% of the Easter eggs that reference non-human endeavors or discoveries. So when I say “almost”, I think 92% is really quite in line with what I said. You should be careful when saying someone is gracelessly wrong. If you don’t do your homework beforehand, it may in fact turn out it’s you that’s gracelessly wrong. Graceless, because you’re telling someone they’re wrong when you haven’t even checked to see that they might actually be right.

You could so take the position that the flying saucers are just hoaxes perpetrated by Kerbals…. After all, most human UFO reports are probably hoaxes.

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21 hours ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

I can’t wait to meet the smaller, fuzzier inhabitants of the Kerbal universe, the Gerbals!

I honestly wouldn't mind some sort of simple, flocking fauna on the worlds where it makes sense. Something aquatic would be the simplest, but little fuzzballs scuttling on the surface of Kerbin, Laythe, or similar new world wouldn't be out of place, IMO. These can be implemented as 2D boids very cheaply, and if they treat any vehicles or structures as repulsors, causing them to scatter from these, you wouldn't have to implement any sort of complex interactions or network synchronization. For all intents and purposes, it'd be just another visual FX. (Which can then also be disabled in graphics if someone's running the game on a potato.)

Edit: To maybe clarify the image a bit, I'm picturing these kind of like the Spirited Away soot sprites, but maybe without any limbs at all. Just little fuzzy things with eyes (optional) and maybe a bit more colorful, possibly even varying on the biome.

6 hours ago, Wheehaw Kerman said:

You could so take the position that the flying saucers are just hoaxes perpetrated by Kerbals…. After all, most human UFO reports are probably hoaxes.

Anything on the surface of Kerbin, yeah, but there's enough stuff scattered through the Kerbol system to add up to either an advanced ancient Kerbal civilization or aliens.

Which, again, doesn't have to mean that the aliens have to be present and active. But finding more signs of ancient structures left behind by powerful alien civilizations is fully consistent with established KSP universe. I agree that making it front and center wouldn't fit the theme, but the space is big, and some very nifty things can absolutely be tucked away for players to find without breaking the theme of the game.

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On 1/26/2023 at 11:01 AM, Ahres said:

If you want to go the "to be fair" route, you'd acknowledge that almost every easter egg in the game is just a nod to humanity's own spacefaring endeavors and discoveries. 


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