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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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2 hours ago, Poppa Wheelie said:

@FuelX, please post some screenshots of how you lifted this into orbit.  I would be very interested.  Nice!

Thanks! Lifted it with a rocket.

5pHQBBv.png pECwDRg.jpg


It reach orbit with both nuclear rockets full. About 6400 Δv. Enough for most trecks around Kerbol.

fXTVEH2.jpg Kiom9sL.jpg


And today I've been working on a SSTO, but no success so far. 


Edited by FuelX
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On 2/24/2023 at 8:31 AM, magnemoe said:

Hardware update first, ordered an 4070 ti today. an nice update from my 980 ti. skipped 3 gpu generations. 

Jumping from a 750ti to a new shiny 4080. Final hardware arrives later this week.

For fun, tried on the old rig and got around 6fps at 1280x720 with low settings. Made it to orbit but was not the most pleasant rocket launch! Looking forward to trying on new hardware.

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Found the kraken engine :D 


Demonstrating KSP2 Kraken Engine using rapier engine and action group to switch to closed cycle mode while engines are on.


  1. Assign closed cycle to action group (custom 1)
  2. Assign air breathing to action group (custom 2) (optional)
  3. Assign toggle engine to action group (custom 3)

To fly:

  1. toggle (fire) engine (click the number 3 key)
  2. switch to closed cycle (click the number 1 key)
  3. to turn kraken engine off, toggle engine again (the number 3 key)
  4. Have fun!
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Landed on Minmus, and returned. Even though the trajectory glitched out after leaving SOI and sent me to solar orbit, thankfully had enough fuel to correct that quickly.

Launched first piece of space station, I'm unable to send the second one, stupid rocket won't fly straight.

Reported another 10 bugs or so

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5 hours ago, DrOliver said:

Found the kraken engine :D 



Demonstrating KSP2 Kraken Engine using rapier engine and action group to switch to closed cycle mode while engines are on.


  1. Assign closed cycle to action group (custom 1)
  2. Assign air breathing to action group (custom 2) (optional)
  3. Assign toggle engine to action group (custom 3)

To fly:

  1. toggle (fire) engine (click the number 3 key)
  2. switch to closed cycle (click the number 1 key)
  3. to turn kraken engine off, toggle engine again (the number 3 key)
  4. Have fun!

Not even in a but  to show a specific  bug   the game fails to show an extra bug within 10 seconds...

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I, for the first time built a working space shuttle, after really really badly failing at making an SSTO happen :D
Now I still have to see if the shuttle works with payload.



I'm really amazed how the terrain, especially the mountains look on kerbin. Holy! Though landing there, wasn't good :D

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I got my plane and the  mothership to low Duna orbit. It was a very kerbal experience, flying a ship with a big light saying THIS SHIP IS NOT ON FIRE.


Problems encountered:

  • When in LKO waiting for the transfer window, I couldn't timewarp past 1000x which meant it took over an hour of real time
  • Phantom forces would throw my trajectories all over the place when executing intercepts -- I would go from a solid intercept to no intercept at all for no apparent reason, and when already within the Duna SOI my Pe would go from 60 km to a few thousand km with no RCS on nor engines firing
  • Craft would start spinning and stop responding to controls midway through the insertion burn, control restored by going into and out of map view a few times
  • The maneuver planner failed to display the trajectory in the Duna SOI when doing plans in interplanetary space

I got there eventually. Good thing I have plenty of dV to spare. I did have to reload a couple of times.

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8 minutes ago, Periple said:

I landed on Duna. 



When I reloaded the save though, this happened. I don't think it's supposed to happen.




Grasshopper, you will be ready to leave the temple when you grok the sound of one wing flapping.  But the wise man sees that being ready to leave is merely a prelude, at best, to actually being able to leave.  

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I tried to launch a simple rocket yet again. I'm sure part of my issues is not knowing moving around the new VAB, however it then just collapsed on the pad, I had bot struts and launch clamps, the second time it rose, but It was the longest time moving upwards due to teh agonizing frame rate if any of Kerbin is in view.

I gave it a chance.  I really did ...  But I cant launch anything with boosters, I mean C'mon ...

I know maybe in the future it will be terrific, but right now, I'm sorry it is a hot mess and definitely not $50 EA worthy.

Have deleted it from my computer and made the refund request thru Private Division customer support, and on my receipt it had a link to  xsolla / babka (of all things I now have to create another account just to get a refund?)

It didnt show my purchase there (why not? They were the vendor ugh) so I went onto their live chat and made the request. Teh chat rep said they would review it and someone would get in touch with me, could be 4 days.


Was that the way to get the refund from a purchased direct download?

Well If it isnt "favorable" for a result, I'll dispute the Capital One, which is why I like them,

Now I'm finishing typing this while 1 opens to my Kerbin station II in orbit over Kerbin with parallax, eve and all it's glory.

Perhaps I'll revisit 2 in the future.

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11 minutes ago, ZAJC3W said:

That's why I just landed on the mun in 0.18.3 smooth as a butter compared!!!

Wasn't when I played it back then (2013 I think?). Back then I had a crappy laptop, no GPU, and 3 gb of ram. I distinctly remember frame rates starting at like 30fps, then going down from there depending on what I was doing. Systems have come a long way since then. I'm sure if I went back and played 0.18.3 on my current system, I wouldnt have frame rate issues too.

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5 minutes ago, justmeman117 said:

Wasn't when I played it back then (2013 I think?). Back then I had a crappy laptop, no GPU, and 3 gb of ram. I distinctly remember frame rates starting at like 30fps, then going down from there depending on what I was doing. Systems have come a long way since then. I'm sure if I went back and played 0.18.3 on my current system, I wouldnt have frame rate issues too.

Back then I had core2 duo e8400(now my CNC router brain) and low profile radeon hd7xxx and don't recall framerate issues.

I have 3070(dell OEM crappy one) and ryzen 5600 and KSP2 runs smooth, but nothing seems to work as intended, from VAB trough staging to trajectory plotting.


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