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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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8 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Maneuvers broken? Any details? Like, did you keep SAS locked onto the maneuver marker or did you set it to stabilize after locking on?

Aside from the fact that final result was off the planned trajectory despite locking to maneuver marker on something as short as 15 seconds long burn, I mostly meant that.

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I threw this abomination into orbit




The TWR readout was wildly inaccurate, sometimes giving me upwards of 4.0TWR, then at launch proving to be sub 1.0. In fact, launch that made it to orbit was sub 1.0 at countdown and just barely climbed above 1.0 after 5 or 10 seconds of burn. Frankly, I was surprised I made it out of atmosphere, let alone to orbit. Naturally by the time I circularized, there wasn't enough dV to deorbit. I think this is a "more boosters" situation.

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I tried the weekly challenge and got to the primary goal -- get an air-launched rocket into orbit. Some bugs got in the way but eventually I made it! I don't think my solution will work for the stretch goal or beyond so I'll have to redesign, but I don't know if I have time for that.

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I landed a rover on the Mun.

Wish there wasn't anything more to say but...

On first attempt the rocket disintegrated on timewarp exit already over the Mun.
After reload, the game for unknown reason put me in the middle of gravity turn stil very low in the atmosphere. Of course, rocket flipped.
After next reload, the rocket flipped again despite the fact that I knew what to expect. But I dropped the stage and carried on. Only to see there are no orbit lines for the spacecraft. I don't like to play blind so I found a solution on the forum, edited save file.
After that reload, the orbit line reappeared but the rocket got some phantom forces causing it to spin uncontrollably.
After a reload and game restart it calmed down. I went for the Mun. Of course later while closing in it span out like everything that lands on the Mun does, thankfully stayed intact. I landed without problems, only to find that one of the wheels was somehow attached upside down. I tried to figure out which parameter in the save file to change but got nothing. Decided to experiment a bit, only to notice that my saving attempts don't work. In the whole campaign saves stopped working.

I love this game but I am SOOOO done with it. When most of the fails aren't even my fault.

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I built a mostly faithful Shuttle replica.

This screenshot is from the first launch that failed because I didn't have enough TWR. Went back and reduced fuel in the orange tank and "voila!", managed to get it into orbit and safely back home.



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Got bitten by either the decoupler fuel drain bug or my own stupid assumption that things the worked in KSP1 will work in KSP2.  My lunar lander ran out of fuel very early on ascent.

So I EVA’ed Tim C. and started burning retrograde. I realized in a couple of seconds he didn’t have enough jet pack fuel for a survivable landing, so I burned for orbit and barely made it.  Periapsis is 8,623 meters.  

Tim’s headed over the terminator into night now.  Hope any new mountains are below 8,620 meters…

ETA: it would appear that there’s a point on the Mün that high, and Tim hit it in the darkness.  Or the map view had his periapsis wrong.

Edited by Wheehaw Kerman
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My first Mun Landing in KSP2.

Mindful of some of the bugs mentioned here, I tried a few things. I used the parts menu to stage, instead of the spacebar. Decoupling, and activating engines happened by the menu instead of the stages.

I also used up all the Delta-V I could from the booster stage, to save my Lander fuel for the return voyage.


...which had the added effect of soft-landing my second stage, but I was able to time the disconnect well enough at an altitude of 50m; so that I didn't land on it.


The bugs didn't bother me until after I landed.

When I planted the flag, the animation didn't line up between the flagpole and the Kerbal. When the 'Plaque' got filled out, the game paused whenever I hit the 'p' key.

And worst of all, once the flag was planted, I had no control over the Kerbal any more. he just... stood there, while I hit the buttons over and over. I had to revert the save after I had planted the flag.

Still, it's my first landing in KSP2. You always gotta earn the view.


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1 hour ago, stephensmat said:

I also used up all the Delta-V I could from the booster stage, to save my Lander fuel for the return voyage.


...which had the added effect of soft-landing my second stage, but I was able to time the disconnect well enough at an altitude of 50m; so that I didn't land on it.


You just made me think of something.  That Mün landing I mentioned a few posts ago followed much the same profile, but I was staging with the space bar.  I rode the second stage down to about 100m, it ran dry, I dropped it, fired up my lander engine, and was enveloped in a much larger than expected explosion.  I’m wondering whether the decoupler fuel drain bug didn’t suck a bunch of fuel out of the lander’s tank, and that’s what made the big explosion?

Edited by Wheehaw Kerman
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Quick update for you, on my Mun landing. I restarted the game, and EVA controls worked fine, the Plaque wasn't a problem, the animations lined up.



I didn't get a screenshot, but I successfully returned him to Kerbin, too. Interesting thing about the new Map view, alI did was point my nose at Kerbin and burn hard until my ap was 'outside the sphere' around the Mun, and then I was back in Kerbin's SOI. It made calculating a return trajectory surprisingly easy. Used the leftover Delta-V to slow down for reentry. No thermal worries yet, but always good to stay in practice.


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Today I designed around the bugs I was experiencing yesterday and managed to complete the 2nd weekly mission posted by Intercept Games.  I don't think I've ever done an air launched solid rocket payload to Duna before!  I had great fun and again was blown away by the Duna audio.  The surface I also found was just miles beyond what stock KSP1 offered.  Incredible game design!



Chase plane operated by Goliath National Products, all rights reserved, maybe, what rights, its just a camera buddy.



Selfie capture technology provided by Dinkelstein Kerman.  Featuring the latest in "Behiiiind youuuu lenses".



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1 hour ago, pwhk said:

Landed on Minmus! (Yes the landing legs are too short :sealed:) . Not very compelled to continue after this mission though, until Science comes.


That picture just yells "Kerbal" at me. The satisfying butt scratch after sitting in a capsule for days on end and the landing legs in the background. :D Just perfect!

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Today I tried working on the Duna Mastery Challenge.  Unfortunately, I have up and have decided to put KSP2 on the shelf until the flight physics and SAS are fixed.  The game is simply unplayable at this time.

First issue:  zero control during gravity turns. If u so much as go one hair's width outside the prograde marker during ascent I flip and crash.  Same vehicle build in KSP1 turns and flies fine.

Second issue:  should I somehow make it into orbit, killing the throttle 99% of the rime induces uncontrollable spin that cannot be stopped.

Third issue:  craft refuse to hold trajectory during plotted course burns.  Holding SAS, prograde, retrograde, maneuver...nothing works.  The craft starts where you hold, but eventually spins away from there, throwing the entire burn off.

Fourth issue:  after 3 hours this morning I managed to get an encounter with Duna eith a craft.  Went to time warp to just before entering Duna's SOI, and the game decided to time warp me 5 years after that.  Missed my window.  And the save file is corrupted and unrecoverable.  3 hours today wasted.

Yeah, the game is unplayable for me right now.  Hopefully after the first patch some of this is cleaned up.  Or someone takes on reverse engineering and coding MJ foe KSP2.  Until then, it is back to KSP1 for me.

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I went to Duna on the weekly challenge! It was a little bit frustrating because of the following bugs:

  • Upper stage fuel drain bug. Workaround: fill them up with resource transfer prior to separation.
  • Reaction wheel power loss/loss of control inputs after stage separation. Workaround: restart game and rebuild.
  • Orbit lines disappeared. Workaround: load a previous save, recover vessel, launch a new one. 
  • Save game corruption. Workaround: do the whole thing in one launch with no saves.



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