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IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW [Lore breakthrough]

Kerman Von Kerman

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Hi! It's Kerman Von Kerman here, brother of Wehrner Von Kerman (which has disappeared since the ksp2 release (I'm looking at you, P.A.I.G.E.)) I've been lurking here for quite a while, but have never thought about making a post until now.

I am about to expose the whole lot of lore that lies behind ksp 1 and especially ksp2. Are you ready?



First of all, let's begin with the feature episodes. They contain crucial information about kerbal history and lore. At the end of each episode, we see different parts of a montage where a rocket goes to the Mun (in ksp 1 obviously)  and ultimately crashes on a Mun arch. This results in the ksp 1 update 1.12.5 where they "Added something... on the Mun".

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That something is a partially broken arch which has something that seems like a stargate coming out from the arch itself. Many have theorized it is a stargate. And they were right!

When ksp 2 was released, they removed completely the debris, thus making the whole arch visible. I'm not going to speculate on it, if you want to know more jut go check one of the many threads present out there that speculate on it. (pls read them so u can understand what comes next) The only important thing to know is that the Kerbolar system is depicted on the Mun arch and that it is indeed a stargate.

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Now, at the end of some feature episodes, there was a part called "something more?" in which not only did we see the montage of the aforementioned lander, but we also heard some weird noises, that can be converted into a kerbal version of the arecibo message. 

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Here we see a solar system chart, a ship, the kraken destroying the ship, some kind of dots, and then another solar system with the kerbals (right) being greeted by squid-like aliens (left). OR AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT YOU THOUGHT!! Here is the actual explanation of the message, my dear konspirators!

1. We see the chart of the Kerbolar system (the bigger dot being jool) and a line coming from the third planet: KERBIN

2. A rocket, coming from Kerbin.


4. Now, this is where things get tricky. People thought it was either the ship exploding and being destroyed by the kraken, or the ship doing a staging and continuing his interstellar travel. The actual explanation (i'll explain more in depth later) is that the ship is travelling through a stargate (just like the one on the moon) guarded by the kraken.

5. No one guessed this one. The dots are in fact there to measure the distance travelled. For example, the Kerbolar system is twelve dots long. The distance between the stargate and the other system is of 21 dots, or 1,75 times the diameter of Kerbol, which is quite a lot.

6. The ship arrives at the other system (binary system? Debdeb?) and the kerbals are greeted by kraken-human hybrid creatures.


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But do I have proof? Or am I a speculator just like the others? I HAVE PROOF. Here it comes

Ksp 2 players have found some strange structures spawning randomly instead of their ships due to bugs of some kind. Modders immediately checked the game files and found lots of interesting stuff (check out #ksp2-modding in the intercept games discord if you want to know more, there's lots of good stuff. I myself am now making a ksp 2 animation using colony parts taken from the game files (also the crucible engine is gorgeous btw)). They found:


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But they have also found the kraken. Nope. It's not a joke of some kind. There's literally a colossal statue of the kraken in the game files. but... That's not the only thing out there.

See, in the game files

there are

TWO kraken statues.

One of them has been fused with the Mun's stargate. This proves everything. (also yes that little white dot on the ramp in the first image is a kerbal for scale.

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This proves that there is some kind of alien tech in game. Stargates? Probably. A bit disappointing for me, as having a way to teleport from one system to another seems a bit too overpowered. However, this has not yet been implemented in game and I trust the devs know what to do.


Also the ksp lore says:

"Bop is a small moon in the vicinity of Jool. In Kerbal mythology, Bop is believed to be the home of the Kraken, a mischievous creature said to play with the ships of hapless explorers, by spinning them out of control until torn asunder, then casting them into oblivion."

So i searched Bop, but could not find the aforementioned megastructure/stargate/kraken thing. However, my ships suck and it's probable that if it's there, i missed it. If you don't know what to do in ksp2, why not go and take a look? I'd be very grateful.



Do you have thoughts? I'd be glad to hear them.

Other ideas for even more speculation? Please tell!

More images of these structures? PLEASE SEND I BEG YOU!!! (i'll add them to the post obviously)


Thanks for reading,

-KERMAN FON KERMAN - Leader of the Kerbin Konspiration Society

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This has made me very excited for this. Thank you for putting the time and effort to make this!

Edit: this is a pleasant surprise after three years of development producing very little, it’s very nice that there is other content under the surface.

Edited by BeastHunter
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I think the dots in the begining are just to specify the row width and time interval, which is why they are preceded and followed by two blank rows.

The 21 dots are in my opinion jool semimajor axis length, as Eloo's orbit makes it hard to use as a yardstick. And Jool is marked as bigger in the message for some reason. So 21 times further than Jool I guess. Unless it is 21 Kerbol SOI radii,  I would need to check when kerbol SOI escape happens. Hard to say what scale the interstellar distances are.

Edited by Pulstar
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  On 2/27/2023 at 4:04 PM, Kerman Von Kerman said:

5. No one guessed this one. The dots are in fact there to measure the distance travelled. For example, the Kerbolar system is twelve dots long. The distance between the stargate and the other system is of 21 dots, or 1,75 times the diameter of Kerbol, which is quite a lot.

6. The ship arrives at the other system (binary system? Debdeb?) and the kerbals are greeted by kraken-human hybrid creatures


This part is very interesting... the fact that the dots could symbolise a measure of distant seems plausible. Could represent the distance between in and out gates as the first dot point to the ship. 
The last two symbols are cryptic though... Is the right one () a planet with 4 moons as we see planets from kerbolian system represented as dots ? And what about the left one (the + with a black center)? The + sybol is used to represent a star (Kerbol) so could the same symbol with a black center represent a black hole or a black star ? Does it have something to do with the celestial body we see at the end of the Kerbal Space Program 2 Early Access Launch Cinematic ?
Anyway thanks for the post it's really cool

Edited by Kaerbanogue
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  On 2/27/2023 at 4:04 PM, Kerman Von Kerman said:

5. No one guessed this one. The dots are in fact there to measure the distance travelled. For example, the Kerbolar system is twelve dots long. The distance between the stargate and the other system is of 21 dots, or 1,75 times the diameter of Kerbol, which is quite a lot.


I am curious: what could the diameter of Kerbol be ? Perhaps then we could get an estimation how far this star system may be away in lightyears (Ly). For solar system the next star is Proxima Centauri (4.25Ly). Distance from Earth to Neptun is ~1/10000 from that. If you define the diameter of the solarsystem by the means of the Oort cloud that factor shrings to ~1/3 .  If you define the solar system by the means of interstellar space (bordered by the Heliopause, what Voyager 1 just crossed) it is ~1/2000 .

So the next star from Kerbol could be lightyears away... or much nearer (but then perhaps we should see it as a very bright star... perhaps strange dark matter ???). Since the nature is a little bit ... extraordinary ... at Kerbol (planets with incredible high density...) everthing is possible :)

Edited by TomKerbal
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What I'm interested in is why the statues have some Kerbal features. If some other civilization passed by a while ago and made them, it would probably make sense to represent their people accurately, even if not scientifically. These statues definitely look like they were made by ancient Kerbals. Did kerbals lose spacefaring capabilities that they had a long time ago and are just now regaining them?

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  On 2/28/2023 at 10:46 PM, t_v said:

What I'm interested in is why the statues have some Kerbal features. If some other civilization passed by a while ago and made them, it would probably make sense to represent their people accurately, even if not scientifically. These statues definitely look like they were made by ancient Kerbals. Did kerbals lose spacefaring capabilities that they had a long time ago and are just now regaining them?


@NovaSilisko's lore says that the Kerbals were created after an ancient race's attempt at warp tech put their planet far outside the Kerbol system.

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  On 2/28/2023 at 10:50 PM, Bej Kerman said:

@NovaSilisko's lore says that the Kerbals were created after an ancient race's attempt at warp tech put their planet far outside the Kerbol system.


That would definitely explain the similarities. Whether it follows NovaSilisko's lore or does its own thing, it'll be a cool story to figure out. All I can hope for is that the scientific discoveries are also fleshed out (and that kerbals never manage to get that Stargate working).

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The duna statue basically confirms that the kracken people and the kerbals are related, my guess is that the kracken people were all genetically related to each other but either expressed genes very differently (like bees), or were different species of each other (like not bees). There was some sort of hierarchy of these species, and that Cthulhu kracken was on top, the kerbals on the bottom. For some reason the other kracken people died and only kerbals were left alive. 

For some minor evidence of the kracken people being related to kerbals, the Tylo statue has four toes, which is presumably how many toes Kerbals would have. Also it looks like the kracken statues also have 4 fingers

Edited by Strawberry
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  On 2/27/2023 at 4:04 PM, Kerman Von Kerman said:

Hi! It's Kerman Von Kerman here, brother of Wehrner Von Kerman (which has disappeared since the ksp2 release (I'm looking at you, P.A.I.G.E.)) I've been lurking here for quite a while, but have never thought about making a post until now.

I am about to expose the whole lot of lore that lies behind ksp 1 and especially ksp2. Are you ready?



First of all, let's begin with the feature episodes. They contain crucial information about kerbal history and lore. At the end of each episode, we see different parts of a montage where a rocket goes to the Mun (in ksp 1 obviously)  and ultimately crashes on a Mun arch. This results in the ksp 1 update 1.12.5 where they "Added something... on the Mun".

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That something is a partially broken arch which has something that seems like a stargate coming out from the arch itself. Many have theorized it is a stargate. And they were right!

When ksp 2 was released, they removed completely the debris, thus making the whole arch visible. I'm not going to speculate on it, if you want to know more jut go check one of the many threads present out there that speculate on it. (pls read them so u can understand what comes next) The only important thing to know is that the Kerbolar system is depicted on the Mun arch and that it is indeed a stargate.

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Now, at the end of some feature episodes, there was a part called "something more?" in which not only did we see the montage of the aforementioned lander, but we also heard some weird noises, that can be converted into a kerbal version of the arecibo message. 

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Here we see a solar system chart, a ship, the kraken destroying the ship, some kind of dots, and then another solar system with the kerbals (right) being greeted by squid-like aliens (left). OR AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT YOU THOUGHT!! Here is the actual explanation of the message, my dear konspirators!

1. We see the chart of the Kerbolar system (the bigger dot being jool) and a line coming from the third planet: KERBIN

2. A rocket, coming from Kerbin.


4. Now, this is where things get tricky. People thought it was either the ship exploding and being destroyed by the kraken, or the ship doing a staging and continuing his interstellar travel. The actual explanation (i'll explain more in depth later) is that the ship is travelling through a stargate (just like the one on the moon) guarded by the kraken.

5. No one guessed this one. The dots are in fact there to measure the distance travelled. For example, the Kerbolar system is twelve dots long. The distance between the stargate and the other system is of 21 dots, or 1,75 times the diameter of Kerbol, which is quite a lot.

6. The ship arrives at the other system (binary system? Debdeb?) and the kerbals are greeted by kraken-human hybrid creatures.


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But do I have proof? Or am I a speculator just like the others? I HAVE PROOF. Here it comes

Ksp 2 players have found some strange structures spawning randomly instead of their ships due to bugs of some kind. Modders immediately checked the game files and found lots of interesting stuff (check out #ksp2-modding in the intercept games discord if you want to know more, there's lots of good stuff. I myself am now making a ksp 2 animation using colony parts taken from the game files (also the crucible engine is gorgeous btw)). They found:


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But they have also found the kraken. Nope. It's not a joke of some kind. There's literally a colossal statue of the kraken in the game files. but... That's not the only thing out there.

See, in the game files

there are

TWO kraken statues.

One of them has been fused with the Mun's stargate. This proves everything. (also yes that little white dot on the ramp in the first image is a kerbal for scale.

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This proves that there is some kind of alien tech in game. Stargates? Probably. A bit disappointing for me, as having a way to teleport from one system to another seems a bit too overpowered. However, this has not yet been implemented in game and I trust the devs know what to do.


Also the ksp lore says:

"Bop is a small moon in the vicinity of Jool. In Kerbal mythology, Bop is believed to be the home of the Kraken, a mischievous creature said to play with the ships of hapless explorers, by spinning them out of control until torn asunder, then casting them into oblivion."

So i searched Bop, but could not find the aforementioned megastructure/stargate/kraken thing. However, my ships suck and it's probable that if it's there, i missed it. If you don't know what to do in ksp2, why not go and take a look? I'd be very grateful.



Do you have thoughts? I'd be glad to hear them.

Other ideas for even more speculation? Please tell!

More images of these structures? PLEASE SEND I BEG YOU!!! (i'll add them to the post obviously)


Thanks for reading,

-KERMAN FON KERMAN - Leader of the Kerbin Konspiration Society



Wait...   "3. THE ALMIGHTY KRAKEN, DESTROYER OF WORLDS, PRINCE OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT The Kraken".          the bottomless pit... are you saying...   ...    MOHOLE

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Okay this is definitely certainly reading too much into things but something about the agency openning video felt off to me and I think I finally figured out what. The intro video shows that they could figure out how to make the parts on there own, they just have trouble with the actual execution of designing and flying. Kerbals have an unnatural knack for spacecraft, being extremely competent at constructing spacecraft parts and buildings for spacecraft, but they seem to struggle when it comes to actually like designing spacecraft themselves. Easter eggs seem to suggest that kerbals are related to kracken people, and these people have a hierarchy of sorts with genetic variation across that hierarchy, with presumably kerbals at the bottom. This would explain why kerbals are so bad at designing spacecraft by themselves, they weren't designed to do it, they were designed to merely construct the parts, rockets, and infrastructure for spacecraft. But who are we then? This outsider whose helping them out. Well, this is raw unfiltered speculation thats probably wrong, but we do know who is on the top of the kerbals hierarchy. Its the kracken. I think that kerbals are a worker race who stranded themselves on a planet, and we are one of if not the last kracken who came and decided to help them out with the whole expanding to space business 

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If the arches turn out to be stargates that unlock when you find the opposite end in another system, I fully intend to ignore them completely.  I’m not thrilled with the vibe we get from the artifacts at all; they kinda wreck the Space Race/heyday of Apollo/Carl Sagan feel the first game always gave me.

if the devs have decided to cater to the supermarket tabloid reader segment of the community and make interacting with the artifacts necessary for progression it will make me very sad.  The heroic themes in human space exploration are plenty enough by themselves for great drama in games that mimic it.

Edited by Wheehaw Kerman
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I'm going to guess we have to travel to stars, activate a gate via a building/power or colony, then we have instant teleportation to that location.

The x's on the moon gate are the gateways to bad design and performance. They will port to x box before ever doing linux(which they may never do) and it will open the gate to all issues. 8)

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