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Science and Spaceflight - inaccessible via mobile or PC


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4 hours ago, Gargamel said:

I'm pretty sure this was reported a few times over the past few months.     We'll toss it upstairs again. 

This is slightly different.  For the last several months I've had access via mobile but not PC.  Then PC worked for a bit... But now I can't get there from either platform. 

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@Gargamel- do you mind kicking this back upstairs with the question 'why does it matter whether I'm signed in or not'?

I can peruse pretty much all of the forum while logged in - write and respond to posts etc... But I can't access Science and Spaceflight signed in. 

Log off and now I can read threads on Science and Spaceflight but not participate. 

(Logged in - the sub is 'Error 500' - logged out =full access) 

Am I shadow banned? 

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1 hour ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

@Gargamel- do you mind kicking this back upstairs with the question 'why does it matter whether I'm signed in or not'?

I can peruse pretty much all of the forum while logged in - write and respond to posts etc... But I can't access Science and Spaceflight signed in. 

Log off and now I can read threads on Science and Spaceflight but not participate. 

(Logged in - the sub is 'Error 500' - logged out =full access) 

Am I shadow banned? 

Yes, yes you are banned.    Did we not tell you?     Hmmmmmm….. I’ll have my secretary get right on that.   

I made another call out to admin to fix it.    We’ll see.    

Here’s a suggestion, peruse S&S and then make a post while logged out, and log in when prompted.   See if that takes.   The post is usually in the buffer till the account is logged in / created, perhaps you can back door it.   

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11 hours ago, Gargamel said:
12 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Yes, yes you are banned.    Did we not tell you?     Hmmmmmm….. I’ll have my secretary get right on that.

Sigh.  I guess even Science has its limits. 

11 hours ago, Gargamel said:

made another call out to admin to fix it.    We’ll see

Tango Yankee

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Nope.  Kraken-Ban still in effect. 


If I'm not logged in, I can read Sci & Space - but that's all. 

If I am logged in, I can Forum everywhere else, but Sci & Space is Error 500.

This is true for me on my phone and PC - and does not care which browser. 


Oh - and thank you for checking! 

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15 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

What happens if you go to one of your posts in that sub from your profile, @JoeSchmuckatelli

I can typically go look for a past post of mine and use it to get into the specific thread.  That takes me around the general subforum. 

But even from there, I can't "back in" to the sub. I can reply, however - as I will demonstrate. 

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2 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

And it's just the one sub and no one else is experiencing this? 

@magnemoe had similar experiences a while ago.  Don't know if it's still happening for him.

  I've heard others say they've had temporary issues - but mine is persistent.  Chrome (phone), Samsung Internet (phone), Edge (PC) and Firefox (PC) all refuse to work whenever I'm logged in.  Ofc. once I log out - the forum works.  Otherwise?  Logged in?  500.

Also - phone does not care whether I'm on the home wifi or data far, far from home.  I've reset routers, cleared caches and done other things thinking it was my end... but being multi-platform and knowing at least one other guy has had the same problem makes me think it's not a 'me' thing.

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For me it's just chrome on my work computer. At home or mobile its no problem. I assumed it could be that chrome fail faster with wait times, work computer is slower, Edge worked but it could just be more resistant. 
But not logged in makes sense to, as its less data to handle before showing the page. 



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6 hours ago, Dakota said:

This is most likely a permissions issue with that specific subforum. Try now @JoeSchmuckatelli. I reset your perms.

Hi - thank you for the attempt.

Both the PC and Phone still get error 500 when trying to view Sci & Space while logged in.


This page isn’t working right now

forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com can't currently handle this request.



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This is my first attempt to post with my Alt.  Apparently my content will need to be approved by a moderator.


Your content will need to be approved by a moderator. New members, after 5 approved posts you will no longer see this warning and will be able to post freely. If you are not new to these forums, it is because the moderators have added a restriction to your account.


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Okay weird, now I’m having trouble with S&SS, on mobile only. I just get a white screen, no message at all. But it works fine on PC, or if I’m logged out. I can view threads by linking in through notifications, and the next unread button works, but the Science & Spaceflight subforum is a blank white screen

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