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Wayfarer's Wings (Rank Ribbons) [v0.4.0 for KSP2 v0.2.1]


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Wayfarer's Wings

Give each Kerbal the fame they deserve, know who was the first to plant a flag on Mun, or whatever else!

- Rank Ribbons -


[ Full images gallery: https://imgur.com/a/yOf2SqA ]

Download: SpaceDock | GitHub -  WayfarersWings?label=Version



Have you ever wanted to know who was the first Kerbal to plant a flag on Mun? Who was the first to orbit Kerbin? Who was the first to land on Duna?

Wonder no more! With Wayfarer's Wings, you can track the achievements of all your Kerbals and choose the best one for the next mission!

Double W in the name is a tribute to Final Frontier double F, a mod which made my KSP1 experience unforgettable.

v0.3.0 is the first public release, and I'm glad to see it here! Feel free to suggest me new ribbons, or everything else


  • 400+ Ribbons implemented, with more to come!
  • From first Kerbal in Space to flag planting, from heavy vehicle launch to high gee force
  • Original pixel-art wings images, in double resolution to support HiDPI
  • Dedicated UI to search for your kerbals and their achievements
  • Mission summary on vessel recovered to give you a hint on your kerbals achievements
  • Optimized to avoid expensive computations
  • Settings to allow manual ribbons awarding, UI customization
  • Full localization support (English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified))

See a mod preview here: https://imgur.com/a/yOf2SqA


  • A huge thanks to all the KSP2 Modding Community support, in particular to @munix and @cheese3660: without their previous work, this mod wouldn't have been possible
  • Thanks to @Takovacs, @Falki and all the people that helped me testing this mod and fixing all these little funny bugs
  • Thanks for the localizations:


  • New ribbons to complete the missing ones from Final Frontier, like "Closer solar orbit", "No fuel landing", etc.
  • New ribbons for discoverables (Done)
  • New ribbons for KSP2 missions
  • UI enhancements
  • Ribbons notifications

Progress is tracked on GitHub Project: https://github.com/orgs/Kerbalight/projects/3


The preferred way to install this mod is through CKAN.

If  you really want to install it manually, download the release from SpaceDock / GitHub (the links are up here), and then install manually:

  • Install BepInEx + SpaceWarp + UITK for KSP2 (all these dependencies are required)
  • Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip into your KSP2 installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2)
  • Mod folder will then be positioned in <your installation path>\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\

Source Code:
https://github.com/Kerbalight/WayfarersWings License-MIT-yellow.svg


Edited by leonardfactory
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  On 2/3/2024 at 11:32 AM, Fizzlebop Smith said:


These kind of mods bring me a no small amount of enjoyment. Love additional content beyond the mechanical aides. (Oh, How I Love Those Too)
Thank you for taking the time to craft such a gem.


Thank you for your kind words!
I loved this type of content in KSP1 too, especially Final Frontier. Being able to bring the same experience to KSP2 is an honor for me!

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  On 2/3/2024 at 9:31 PM, Dakota said:

Fantastic work, the team has been following the progress of this since it's inception and we absolutely love it. This is a prime example of why modding is important.


Thank you and thanks to the entire team, both for your (early!) support and this awesome game. Let's keep up all of this

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Thank you all for your words!

About further progression toward 1.0, for sure: I plan to add new ribbon following new content (like Colony ribbons, etc.) aside from more ribbons for actual game mechanics (like low gravity landing, sourced from Final Frontier).

The system is very flexible and very extensible, with a focus on performance, so it should be pretty easy to add them when it will be necessary - I tried to show this with the new “Discoverer” and “Explorer” wings (suggested on Discord), I hope you’ll like them.

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  On 2/5/2024 at 10:58 PM, dsplaisted said:

Does this work retroactively?


Unluckily, no; in order to award ribbons we need to track a lot of things, and they are not provided retroactively. But if you redo the same things in the same order (like Jeb being the first to reach Space), you can still keep your campaign!

Or if you prefer, there is an option (in Settings > Mods > Wayfarer's Wings) which allows you to enable Cheats and award wings manually. Directly in the Kerbal detail window there is a foldout, at the bottom, "Search wing". With cheats enabled, after selecting a ribbon, you can give your kerbals the missing ribbons

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  On 2/7/2024 at 7:15 PM, Llinqs said:


My kerbals do not receive first time decorations such as first kerbal in space or first EVA and all the others where there is a first time.
An idea ?


It’s strange, never experienced it. Would you mind sharing the Player.log file and the save game? So I can check it.

Some things to double check: can you share your Roster screen (WW main window), sorted by prestige? Are you switching between multiple campaigns? Is it possible wings have been awarded to kerbals who are now dead?


Edit: So, I tried with a new game and it got awarded, so I think there is some situational bug happening here. Feel free to send me your logs / save game


Edited by leonardfactory
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  On 2/8/2024 at 11:17 AM, Llinqs said:

Here is the screenshot of the decorations

The savegame


Here is the playerlog



I redid a second campaign to have the decorations from the start


Thanks, from the logs I can see it seems the wings have been awarded to some Kerbals which are now not present anymore in the Roster, so WW is setting them as "Dead":

Failed to find KerbalInfo for Henry Carter (id=5dfca33e-6b9a-4a2e-9382-691a8684200d), setting as dead
[kerbal=Henry Carter] Loaded 26 wings for a total of 18673 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Matthew Russell (id=fa50867e-ac55-4518-ba95-ef3012d6b5a8), setting as dead
[kerbal=Matthew Russell] Loaded 15 wings for a total of 20175 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Dennis Jackson (id=fadfe243-5689-4612-94c6-d9d662966c8c), setting as dead
[kerbal=Dennis Jackson] Loaded 7 wings for a total of 5530 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Mildred Barnes (id=4b788e36-a344-415b-9fc5-a538a1ee40ee), setting as dead
[kerbal=Mildred Barnes] Loaded 15 wings for a total of 20915 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Bruce Peterson (id=2d59e276-86f3-4fbf-b67c-420134040e8f), setting as dead
[kerbal=Bruce Peterson] Loaded 0 wings for a total of 0 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Louise Hall (id=d2add005-43b4-4cd0-ac28-95cbcff8f315), setting as dead
[kerbal=Louise Hall] Loaded 22 wings for a total of 15158 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Taylor Johnson (id=e9130af9-b926-486a-8a60-fffe4a055271), setting as dead
[kerbal=Taylor Johnson] Loaded 11 wings for a total of 5663 points
Failed to find KerbalInfo for Andrew Garcia (id=b3c793de-22fb-4e8d-8780-5ea9b1e920c9), setting as dead
[kerbal=Andrew Garcia] Loaded 11 wings for a total of 5663 points

Do you recognized these names? Like, you changed them in HUMANS? Or are they from another save? Or are they.. well, dead :)?

@Devblaze thank you! Glad you're enjoying it

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Ok, there were some issues with savegame loading in previous version on SpaceWarp which now should be fixed, so it shouldn't happen anymore. 
I'll investigate anyway if I can reproduce something similiar.

if it happens anyway, if you'd like to fix it by yourself, you can just remove the extra Kerbals from the "entries" array in the SaveGame JSON (or just send it to me plus the logs and I'll fix it for you)

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