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A quiet wave from the corner


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Hi devs and dev support team,

For those of you finishing today, thank you for staying till the end.

For those of you already departed, God speed.

For those left behind, recently arrived, or still to come? There is a community that would love to support a great game.


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Off topic posts have been removed.  

We understand the frustration involved here, but this is not the place for those comments.   

People have lost their jobs today.    This is a far worse thing than the investment we have all made into the game never being fulfilled.   Let’s keep that in mind.    It might give these people a little bit of sanctuary to know they are still appreciated.   

Further off topic posts will be removed with prejudice. 

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I hope everyone caught up in this lands softly on their feet, and in a few years' time look back at this as a learning experience. My wish is that we all meet again on the message board of the next space game that steals all of my non-working hours, and can laugh about this unfortunate situation.

Thank you everyone who made KSP possible!

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More off topic comments have been removed.  

This thread is about appreciation and condolences for the devs and associated team.     It is not for commentary on who you think should be fired or about the gaming industry in general. 

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To all those who put your hearts into what could have been something simply fabulous - thank you. As the cliche goes, you know who you are.

I hope you find pastures new and get to apply your talents to something that turns out better.



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  • KSP2 Alumni

Passed these messages among others to the team. A few reactions:


please let them know that [these messages] are being seen and very much appreciated.


really got me tearing up. i hope all the community members are all still having fun together, and im genuinely so grateful to know that despite everything, they still believed in the silly little green guys


I just read through [all] the messages and it's heart wrenching and warming at the same time...It's nice to see the love from people.


Thank you all so much, it means a lot.

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@Dakota, It's good that the dev team knows that even among all the negativity, there is still a positive vibe for those who were doing the day to day. Everything went to crap, and there was a failure in the leadership. That is not to say that the devs weren't doing the absolute best they could with what they were given and told. I hope they all land on their feet, no lithobraking. I know I will still hold out hope for SOMEONE to take up the mantle for a modernized sequel to KSP, and I will enjoy both KSP with heavy mods, and KSP2 as much as I am able.  

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