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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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47 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Remember when I said Stargazer 6 was successful? And had a "dummy" upper stage that was not needed?

So, I launched Stargazer 7, the goal of which was to take Bill Kerman to Low Lunar Orbit. However, upon return, I realized that I had neglected to fix the upper stage.

So now he is stranded around the Moon with 52 days of life support left.

I built Stargazer 8, which is mostly the same as 7 but without the science experiments and LES, and with a working upper stage and a probe core for the capsule. The only problem is that it will take 81 days to build.

So, I clicked on the "rush build 10%" button, like, 7 times and now it will be ready in 26. But it takes five days to roll out for some reason. Now, let's hope I can save Bill!

/run dramaticvoice.exe

Bring. Him. Home.

Grab the disco music!

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@kraden Thanks for the advice! I have actually done all of my launches from the same pad so far. All from the Cape, actually. I'll have to look into multiple pads.

Update on Stargazer 8 - I tried rescuing but the upper stage was short on fuel by about 150m/s. I have loaded the quicksave and am trying to do some of the rendezvous with the EVA pack so that I can save 100m/s on the rendezvous burn (and end up in a slightly higher orbit). I am also going to have to dump most of the life support supplies... this will be close...

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Welp, I'm an idiot.

During the part where I dumped the life support I accidentally dumped all the water overboard instead of all but 10. And Bill would have died 1.5 hours before landing on Kerbin. I went to quickload but quicksaved instead.

I now have to do the entire rendezvous over again.

But it's 11:30 here. I guess I'm going to bed frustrated today. :P

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Just now, Ultimate Steve said:

Welp, I'm an idiot.

During the part where I dumped the life support I accidentally dumped all the water overboard instead of all but 10. And Bill would have died 1.5 hours before landing on Kerbin. I went to quickload but quicksaved instead.

I now have to do the entire rendezvous over again.

But it's 11:30 here. I guess I'm going to bed frustrated today. :P

sorry for you, i hope bill is still alive, when lands on kerbin, also why is he in mun?

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31 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Welp, I'm an idiot.

During the part where I dumped the life support I accidentally dumped all the water overboard instead of all but 10. And Bill would have died 1.5 hours before landing on Kerbin. I went to quickload but quicksaved instead.

I now have to do the entire rendezvous over again.

But it's 11:30 here. I guess I'm going to bed frustrated today. :P

Which mod are you using for LS? Can kerbals not even go a few hours without a drink?

I know I can't. <_< 

But that's cuz it's like 90 degrees out. 


Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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So this happened to me.

I tried to make an engine cluster using Tweakscaled down cubic struts and they some how disconnected and are hanging by the fuel lines.

I didn't know fuel lines could be used like this, will exploit :)

As for the rocket, I duct taped the engines on with struts and it worked fine. 

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Not much happened, another waiting to be manned lander has been sent to Iota, waiting for "Hercules 6". At least 3 probes where sent to map the surface of Iota and Ceti, while a lander/probe was sent to Tellumo (a ringed eve sized kerbin in duna's orbit), a probe would orbit and do science while a lander made out of a scrapped body of a Science JR would (hopefully) land on Tellumo.

Finally, Iota 2, the first probe to fly close by Iota and get good amounts of science (and serve as a relay) flew by Iota once more, placing it into a sub-orbital trajectory that would cause it to slam into Gael's atmosphere. With no way to fix this, KSC said goodbye to the important early probe. :(



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11 hours ago, Spaceman17 said:

sorry for you, i hope bill is still alive, when lands on kerbin, also why is he in mun?

AAAAH I typed Kerbin, didn't I? I meant Earth. I'm playing RO/RP-0.

10 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Which mod are you using for LS? Can kerbals not even go a few hours without a drink?

I know I can't. <_< 

But that's cuz it's like 90 degrees out. 


TAC. I think. Again, RO/RP-0. The journey home was like 3 days, 2 hours from the point where I accidentally jettisoned the water. Stuff is a whole lot bigger in real life...

I'm now loading KSP to make a third attempt at rescuing Bill.

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Created a spaceplane in career that was only 200m/s away from achieving orbit. :mad:

Edit: I expect it could have reached orbit if it didn't have the 1 ton dummy payload in the cargo bay, that I only just realised was there.

Edited by CaptainTrebor
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Shortly after disembarking from the Stargazer VIII capsule, he told the press



He then proceeded to attempt to change his last name from "Kerman" to "Cipher."

I guess he must have gone a bit crazy up there...

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Despite two comsats and a probe orbiting Duna, and two others around Eve and Moho I feared a lack of communication for the next missions to the last. I decided to launch another light relay with the super small RA-2 and four Com16. It also was an occasion to rebuild Harmony-3, my Kosmos-3-like light launcher.


Powered by four Thud it got enough power to reach about 32 km before the 1st stage separation. The engines give the launcher a capacity of 2.6 tons max for a whole price of 13 075 with full ressources. The look for its part is alas disappointing as the use the fairings can't be coupled to each others. The four "basic fins" also appeared to be a bit small, so I will replace them with "Type D" wings next.



Soft lift-off soon after the Sun rise. Harmony-3 was much more easy to control than its precedent version and the acceleration never exceeded 2.4 g.



First stage separated. With its 12 tons of thrust the second and last stage was more competent than what was expected, the twin Terrier nearly being at their best TWR at the time of their ignition.



As it also was a launcher test it was decided to not realize any circularization. The Ap was placed at 400 km then to immediately start the ejection burn. At the time of the separation the 2nd stage still had 569 m/s of impulsion available.




One last view of Kerbin before exiting its SoI and being placed on a "Kerbocentric" orbit. No fuel has still been burned and KerbolCom 1. The next maneuver will aim to place it between Eve and Moho where its small relay capacities could be exploited.

Harmony for its parts was more than satisfying and, except its looking.


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In last few days I started and closed KSP a hundred or two times. I think I kept crash rate below 30%. I may have understood why "co-routines" (I miss threads :() are required in mods, or maybe I only think I understand.

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Found a Spaceship on KerbalX , modded it a bit , had to weld bugger loads of stuff with the welding mod , adedd the Alien Spacemod , found the C,O,G an turned it into a VTOL from Duna

WARNING : It's loud Volume wise


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My scanner finally arrived at Ike! About time! It's not like it was one of the last rockets to arrive, despite being the first launched...

Anyway, I found a nice, ore-rich spot...


...and used a rover to scout out a nice flat location.


Let the construction begin!









Alright, so the next part is the drills...


...why are they orbiting the Sun.

That's fine, I'll just set up a maneuver node and skip to the next part, the dockpad!


...Why is it orbiting Kerbin?

Well, it looks like this base won't be finished for another 2 years or so.


At least it can gather science. Science is always good.

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Every so often I like to tool around Kerbin and see the sights. This time I installed Scatterer, EVE, and Kerbinside, built me a bone-stock seaplane, and went for a flight. Total time in air was about an hour, give or take; I mostly alt-tabbed out and occasionally came back to make sure we were pointed at the horizon. Landed at "Sandy Island". I'll have to recover and launch a new plane there if I want to keep going because that ramp has angles too steep for the clearance on my plane and I lost a bit of the tail.

Oh yeah, also installed the Russian language version and grabbed the English localization dictionary from another install, which makes exactly what I wanted out of 1.3. ~atmosphere~




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Installed a 4GB dedicated GPU and did a 167 part launch without zooming out and in real time.  Almost nosedived the thing on my gravity turn because I'm not used to it reacting that fast.

Also I really like launching at night.


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I worked on my R-1 "Eagle" reusable rocket. It carries 55 tons to a 100x100 orbit. Essentially, the idea is to launch, decouple and parachute the boosters down, then get into orbit with enough delta-v to land the core stage. I've landed the core about 10 times now, mostly in the desert, but a few near-ish the KSC.  On my 11th launch, I went up, got to around 50,000 meters and deployed my fairing. The fairing deployed perfectly, and I circularised easily. I get into orbit and go to start plotting a intercept to bring the cargo to my mothership being constructed. Well, I looked at the top of the rocket, and there is NO PAYLOAD! Seriously, I just looked and it was gone. I went in map view to see if it was floating around somewhere, but no, it was gone. I think the Kraken ate it. I'll probably find the parts scattered around Jool or something, cause they teleported away. I don't know, I'll relaunch tommorow. Sigh. :D

Edited by Scout1218
Spell-check is the bane of my existence
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