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The Raven Mk6, a seaplane SSTO capable of carrying 6 Kerbals into orbit with enough DV to do some docking






I designed this plane with Laythe operations in mind, with the mission of ferrying Kerbals between surface colonies and orbital stations. Hopefully it works on Laythe, because I've spent about a week IRL getting it there





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On 4/27/2023 at 5:04 PM, jebycheek said:

Introducing  the “Arcturus”mid size reentry cargo ship.


it's my best SSTO yet

Which mods are used foe this, especially for the cockpit, the gears and the engines?

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On 6/10/2023 at 5:24 AM, Rakete said:

Which mods are used foe this, especially for the cockpit, the gears and the engines?

Body and main engines are OPT. Tilt engines are Mk2 Expansion. Colors by TURD. Looks like there are Procedural Wings too and a Conformal Decal (for the Rocket Lab logo). Gears are idk.

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Made this all-liquid SSTO a few days ago, it only just barely made it to LKO with the low thrust of the nuclear engine. It does have something like 2200 dV after it gets up though, so that's certainly something


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13 hours ago, Lyra said:

Made this all-liquid SSTO a few days ago, it only just barely made it to LKO with the low thrust of the nuclear engine. It does have something like 2200 dV after it gets up though, so that's certainly something

Better than the vast majority of my attempts. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The SatDep IV (short for "Satellite Deployer"), capable of getting a 3-satellite relay to kerbostationary orbit with plenty of fuel left over - could possibly make it to Duna and deploy a non-stationary relay as well, but I haven't tested its full range yet. It does have some minimal part clipping and very weird node attachment, but it gets the job done and looks cool while doing it too.

Reentry is partially automated; I just have to hit 9 and hold prograde 'til the craft hits the thicker atmosphere. It glides beautifully and has a nice low stall speed when its fuel is used up. It's one of my favourite designs so far, both visually and practically.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Built a cargo SSTO capable of bringing just over 40 tons to orbit with plenty of dV to spare (over 630!), just for fun.





Features include a partially automated reentry like the SatDep a few posts above, dedicated landing-only gear so you don't blow up your engines while touching down, and emergency airbrakes in case of reentry spinouts or CoL/CoM imbalances. Glides and lands beautifully when empty.

Still thinking of a sufficiently cool name for it - if someone has any ideas that'd be great!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

145 tons to LKO in an external-payload SSTO. It's more than a little overkill and has a few issues, but i'm sure it'll work very nicely after some fine-tuning and removing a bunch of the excessive reaction wheels. At least it looks sufficiently cool.




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  • 4 weeks later...

May I introduce: The Tengu Mk III


Something I worked on quite a while to balance it right [so that I does not become unflyable unstable when completely empty].

It reaches 3,43c (interplanetary) with a 5* engineer on board. It uses the KARE-Mod to get to orbit and be propelled in space traditionally. And yes, the fins at the ends of the warp coils are unfortunately necessary to keep it stable when completely dry.


And here the Sojobo Mk III (the god of the tengu) - It is the next evolution step of the Tengu Class SSTOs:



Two badboys of aux-generators drive this vessel to (for an SSTO) insane 4,55c (interplanetary) with a 5* engineer on board.

The cockpit is from the Prakasa mod.... Some radiator intercoolers from the Heatcontrol mod. And of cause the wings from procedural wings mod. Some linear dockingport under the belly is from one of nerteas mods. I guess it was NF Construction and some RTGs by NF Electrical....

The warp drives are from Blueshift.


Craft files here: If somebody wants them. https://www.filemail.com/d/ljnkbkuoweafpie

Flight instructions in the ingame vessel description - unfortunately in german... but you manage it, if you really want... Have fun...


Both are meant to be proof of concept vessel made by Zephram Kochrane as part of his Warp 5 program. :D


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  • 1 month later...




The current prototype of Crescendo, a superheavy "practical SSTO" designed to lift big, bulky, and unusually-shaped payloads to orbit, with as low a part count as I could manage, and look great doing it. Test payload here is slightly over 300t but she can probably haul a bit more. Needs a bit of tweaking but after that I'll post the craft to kerbalx for everyone to enjoy.

Also just noticed that all my other craft's photos are dead links now, I'll upload them to imgur at some point this week! FYI, Discord links to media will now expire after a certain amount of time, so don't use discord as a sole image host. Thankfully I still have the files locally.

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She's finished now!




LX-300 Crescendo is now officially complete (at least, I'm tired of working with it for now anyways). Max capacity of about 315 tons to LKO and payload dimensions of slightly wider than 5 meters. I'm extremely proud of this thing even though better craft have been made.

It's also available for download on KerbalX, for everyone to use


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  • 1 month later...

Teuthus I is a long-range ISRU SSTO that can get upwards of 6000 dV after a refuel at Minmus, haul light cargo across long distances, and (with the included research module) carries 3 kerbals and a ton of science experiments. Just don't smack the tail into the ground.


You can download it on KerbalX, where you can find a more detailed guide on how to handle the craft

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  • 3 weeks later...

My new SSTO design for bringing 20 kerbals (16 passenger, 4 crew) to Munar orbit and back. This is her test flight to LKO and back to runway. (


This was done in FAR. These are the stability derivatives at various points. https://imgur.com/a/f3MgGYb.

She has 3 pairs of elevons - 2 near wing tip of different sizes, 1 on the slanted wingtip proper. She has 1 spoiler and 1 flap pair. The V tail thingy acts as both elevator and rudder. Atmospheric autopilot is a must for managing trim on all these control surfaces.

Her KCT build time is 44 days at 1.15 BP/s, but should hopefully refuel/refurbish in a day or so.

Honestly, given I quicksave pre-landing at 10 km high and keep trying until I hit the runway to learn it... doing it in sim mode from KRASH and ALMOST making it feels great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I arrive with more spaceplanes.


CDN media





This one, on reddit, had people ask: "how the hell is she stable?!"


So, I dump FAR data as well as pics:





It's built inspired by these 2 designs.

The wing shape itself gives stabilization by increasing drag as it starts to yaw due to the control surfaces kinda acting like an airbrake.

Now, it does need a fly-by-wire system to maneuver but that's realistic to this kind of wacky design.

Stability derivatives with increasing mach number and attitude to simulate ascent. Not perfectly accurate as fuel does decrease, but I havnt experienced control issues.  

Transonic design


Finally, static analysis:


Finally, just CoM and aerodynamic center.


Control surfaces: Closest to fuselage is a massive flap to help take off/landing. Next to it is a elevon, followed by an elevon that can act like a spoiler (for landing, and for assymetric deployment for stability). Finally, we have 2 elevator at the wing tips.

The winglets are ... idk what you call that control surface.

All control surfaces are allowed to help with yaw, pitch and roll at 100% response and I let my fly by wire system manage them for my needs.

Some angles:




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