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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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I need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong, I'm trying to make a patch to change the antennaType on all probes from INTERNAL to DIRECT and this is what I have so far:

@PART[*]:HAS[#antennaType = INTERNAL]:FINAL
        %antennaType = DIRECT

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On 12/1/2021 at 6:10 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

how does one escape a # character?

I want to replace a localization string using a patch; MM finds the string, but when putting it back it leaves the '#' off.


On 12/24/2021 at 4:37 AM, softweir said:

If the strings are parsed as HTML then &35; or even # might, possibly work.

Hi @zer0Kerbal, did you get this working? 

Edited by theJesuit
Silly Forum problems
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Thank you!

On a related note does anyone know how I would remove the charge cost for transmitting as well? What variable controls it?

I want to be able to have it where I need electric charge for contol, and I still need it in order to transmit, but without the charge draining when it transmits, basically.


Currently what I have is 

        @packetResourceCost = 0

but it doesn't seem to have the desired effect.

Edited by Radical2638
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Is there any way to change all three values of a scale inside a model stanza?  This:

	name = CylindricalShroud125
		model = UniversalStorage2/Parts/Shrouds/CylindricalShroud125
		scale = 1, 1, 1

I would like to multiple each of the values in the scale by a constant (ie:  0.975), but not all parts are 1,1,1, so I can't do a simple replacement.


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On 1/11/2022 at 4:30 PM, Gordon Dry said:
		@antennaType = DIRECT

What could I add to exclude probe cores that already have DIRECT antennas? I'm having an issue where the antenna duplicates, and then the electric charge cost to transmit for some reason shoots way up.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Duck_Ling said:

how to download

Welcome to the forums.  If you're using just about any mod, MM is a dependency.  If you use CKAN (which I would recommend), it should be automatically installed.  If you're manually installing, go to the MM github pageoriginal post for this topic and download from there

Edited by Brigadier
wrong location for the download link
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Hello, I'm trying to understand this error I'm getting from Real Fuels-Stock.  I have 12 errors like this regarding Bluedog Design Bureau parts that contain SolidFuel. This is from the Github master not the current release version.


        @name = ModuleEnginesRF
            @key,0 = 0 235
            @key,1 = 1 214
        !PROPELLANT[*] {}
            name = PSPC
            ratio = 100
            DrawGauge = True
        curveResource = PSPC
        name = ModuleEngineConfigs
        type = ModuleEnginesRF
        techLevel = 0
        origTechLevel = 0
        engineType = S+
        configuration = HLR-291 "Vicenza"
        modded = false
            name = HLR-291 "Vicenza"
            description = Small 0.125m solid rocket motor.
            heatProduction = 2
            maxThrust = #$/MODULE[ModuleEnginesRF]/maxThrust$
                name = PSPC
                ratio = 1
                DrawGauge = True
            curveResource = PSPC
            IspSL = 1.0000
            IspV = 1.0000
            ignitions = 1
            ullage = false
            pressureFed = false
            allowShutdown = false
        name = ModuleFuelTanks
        volume = 0
        @volume += #$/RESOURCE[SolidFuel]/maxAmount$
        @volume *= 4.213483146
        type = PSPC
        basemass = -1
        dedicated = true
            name = PSPC
            amount = full
            maxAmount = 100%
    !RESOURCE[SolidFuel] {}

Here is the error those changes give:


[LOG 03:02:42.899] Applying update RealFuels-Stock/Bluedog_DB/RF_BDB_Redstone/@PART[bluedog_Sergeant_1x]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] to Bluedog_DB/Parts/Redstone/bluedog_Sergeant_1x.cfg/PART[bluedog_Sergeant_1x]
[ERR 03:02:42.899] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key volume = #$/RESOURCE[SolidFuel]/maxAmount$

Is there a syntax error here or a missing module? There are other parts in the RF_BDB_Uppersolids.cfg that follow a similar structure like the [bluedog_UpperSolids_BE3] which don't produce any errors.

EDIT: Deleting the part changes from RF_BDB_Redstone works.

Edited by NyanTurian
Partial solution found
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12 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Feline Day in Japan, again! :cool:

Super late to the party, but even after playing KSP for almost 10 years (and using MM for much of that time), this is my first time seeing this. Amazing.

Edited by Zelda
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14 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Wow @sarbian this Nyan cat thing really liquided me off. It looks like a virus. It's possible a mod got infected. Not amused. Grow up.

Just for your edification the Nyan cat has been a part of that mod since it's inception many many years ago.  At the risk of offending you, get over it.  You can always choose not to use it.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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4 hours ago, Papa_Joe said:


Just for your edification the Nyan cat has been a part of that mod since it's inception many many years ago.  At the risk of offending you, get over it.  You can always choose not to use it.

Just to know, it only activates every 22 of February? I've been using MM for years and never knew this was a thing

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1 hour ago, Firebird989 said:

Just to know, it only activates every 22 of February? I've been using MM for years and never knew this was a thing

Yes.  I forget the significance of the date (too long ago, over a decade), but yes.

Just an update.  Based on research I did in the forums, it appears that it shows up around April 1st as an april fool's joke.  Not sure about Feb 22nd...


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On 2/23/2022 at 9:28 PM, Firebird989 said:

Just to know, it only activates every 22 of February? I've been using MM for years and never knew this was a thing

Yes. 22/02 and April's First. It worths to mention that you have commandline options to activate it, but not to suppress it.

bool foolsDay = (DateTime.Now.Month == 4 && DateTime.Now.Day == 1);
bool catDay = (DateTime.Now.Month == 2 && DateTime.Now.Day == 22);
nyan = foolsDay
     || Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains("-nyan-nyan");

nCats = catDay
     || Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains("-ncats");



On 2/23/2022 at 4:31 PM, Papa_Joe said:

At the risk of offending you, get over it.  You can always choose not to use it.

Exactly. And this server never goes unreachable, by the way. ;) 

Edited by Lisias
Copy & Paste Failure
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May I suggest to people considering installing the experimental/alternate fork of ModuleManager posted above, that people be *SURE* to read *ALL* of the fine print, and be aware of the extra .dll plugin dependencies that fork installs/need to be installed with it., and be fully aware of what that entails.

Also, Good Luck with finding support for it here on the forum, as it doesnt seem to have it's own Release or Support thread.


Edited by Stone Blue
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8 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Also, Good Luck with finding support for it here on the forum, as it doesnt seem to have it's own Release or Support thread.

MM is a cornerstone of this community, and besides not agreeing with how it's maintained, it's not the objective to further screw up things by promoting dissidence. So this fork is kept out of Forum.

Very few people are annoyed by some MM idiosyncrasies. For these ones, that fork is an option - and the github issues are open for busines: every bug report (even on the Dependencies) are answered and the problems fixed - but only when it doesn't deviated from MM current behaviour. Only non-functional enhancements are implemented there. [Additionally, this fork is compatible with every KSP version since 1.3.0, no exceptions. And there's a special compiling for KSP 1.2.2. So almost all versions of KSP are fully supported, people using them don't have to rely on older, buggy MM versions anymore.]

And for people that don't mind how MM does things, I always recommend and pinpoint the Canonical one - even if I have to link to an external repository [as the current maintainer doesn't bother to maintain backup repositories for when things goes out of hand somehow.]

Edited by Lisias
I **had** to say that. on italics, between brackets.
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On 2/25/2022 at 1:55 AM, Jacke said:

Or add " -nyan-nyan" to the command line launching KSP to have Nyan Cat every day!  (Useful to see how smoothly the game runs during loading.)

Uh, wait… This means that the nyan-cats can slowdown the KSP loading?

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Uh, wait… This means that the nyan-cats can slowdown the KSP loading?

I don't think Nyan Cat significantly affects KSP loading.  However, how smoothly it scrolls across the screen shows how well KSP is running during the startup.

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