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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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  On 8/7/2016 at 8:31 AM, TheCardinal said:

It would be nice if there could be specialised part for a kOS processor. Perhaps such a part could be added to this mod. Currently, i'm using a KIS container as such as i'm not using KIS (a specialised part would be better, of course ). It only takes a modded cfg file.

For those interested: Here is the cfg file. Add it to the US_1R110_Wedge_KISContainer directory. Or if preferred, place it in a seperate directory but then you'll need to copy KASContainer.dds and model.mu from the US_1R110_Wedge_KISContainer directory to the new directory.


You know ModuleManager can do all that for you with out the need to recopy all the textures and MU and that  way you save alittle space :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies if this is a hardy perennial question.

I've used the US fuel cell on a series of rovers. The configuration file has FillAmount=0.95 and AutoShutdown=True but it is also set to DumpExcess on both output resources. The effect seems to be that it will happily buzz away consuming your hydrogen and oxygen when no electricity or water is required, and so I've had to control it from kOS.

I suggest it not dump excess electricity. You're much more likely to be using it for electricity than water (and in some life support disaster it is generally feasible to burn up excess electricity).

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Can a slightly less power-hungry carbon-extractor be offered, please? One that consumes CO2 and electric-charge generating O2 and waste? (as an alternative to the Sabatier Reactor, that is, maybe have it weigh the same as the water-purifier?

Edited by StevieC
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I think the difficulty there is that any CO2-splitting reaction should demand a great deal of energy. The US Sabatier and Elektron between them can extract the oxygen back from carbon dioxide, but this is a process that ought to be expensive.

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  On 8/15/2016 at 3:32 PM, damerell said:

Apologies if this is a hardy perennial question.

I've used the US fuel cell on a series of rovers. The configuration file has FillAmount=0.95 and AutoShutdown=True but it is also set to DumpExcess on both output resources. The effect seems to be that it will happily buzz away consuming your hydrogen and oxygen when no electricity or water is required, and so I've had to control it from kOS.

I suggest it not dump excess electricity. You're much more likely to be using it for electricity than water (and in some life support disaster it is generally feasible to burn up excess electricity).


I'd go one further and make it a toggleable action in the right-click menu - "On-Demand" vs "Always Active".


EDIT: One other suggestion - I'd love to see a radially-attachable version of the fuel cell, along with 'fuel cell consumables' wedge that holds both oxygen & hydrogen in the correct ratio for fuel cell usage.

Edited by Bombaatu
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  • 4 weeks later...

For starters, this mod has been part of my standard ksp install for a couple of years. It is so prefect as what it is that I take it for granted as just part of my kerbal experience. Thank you for making and maintaining it.


I do have a licensing question. I understand that the assets are all rights reserved, and that is totally reasonable. I have been starting to make parts, and one of the things on my radar includes the possibility of making wedges that fit into the universal storage system. 

Would it be acceptable in that case to use the texture/mesh/animation for the wedge structure/shell, proper credit was given? Basically the bare minimum to make a be part fit in with existing ones.

If not, I totally understand, and would just do my best to make something "USalike" from scratch... But it seemed prudent to at least ask. No hard feelings if you would rather not.

Thanks for the cool mod! 

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Was aiming for a Kerbalized version of this:


Looking forward to taking this baby out for a spin thanks to Universal Storage:


Joncott class orbiter service module capable of surviving 18 days in Kerbalism space.

Now with the service bay doors open. You can see fuel cells (2 on board), oxygen tanks, hydrogen tanks, RCS tanks, a KIS container with repair parts, and a few DMagic science Universal Storage modules.


Will look even better in KSP 1.2 once we get that fancy communication dish.


Thanks @Paul Kingtiger for an excellent mod. :)

Edited by inigma
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  On 9/17/2016 at 10:56 AM, Tokamak said:

I do have a licensing question.......


You can use US assets in your mod but you can't distribute them, you have to create your part.cfg code and point the model bit to the universal storage model you want to use.  That's how the DMagic orbital science mod US parts work, DMagic made models and animations for his science experiments and put the model inside the US storage science bay using code like this:

	model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model
	position = 0, 0, 0
	rotation = 0, 0, 0

	model = DMagicOrbitalScience/UniversalStorage/USSoilMoisture/modelSoilMoisture
	parent = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model

Of course the part will only work if US is installed, but that's what you want anyway, you can make it only show up is US is installed with:


The science bay is the basic shell and you should be able to put any part into that.

Of course if you want to use one of the other models but give it new functionality you can do that as well.


  On 9/24/2016 at 3:54 AM, StevieC said:

so how likely is this mod to switch over to using the part-animation that's going to be part of stock in KSP 1.2?


I don't know, US2 will probably be ported over, but I don't know if US will, depends how hard it is to do.  @Daishi does the models and animation so he'll be the one to decide.

  On 9/26/2016 at 4:42 AM, inigma said:

Thanks @Paul Kingtiger for an excellent mod. :)


Thanks @inigma, glad you're enjoying it.  All the modelling and animation work is @Daishi, this mod would be nothing without his skills.

Love the Apollo CSM, that's what we had in mind when we created the mod!  I do the same thing.  I find it useful for the LEM as well, I turn off the wedge shell to get that weight saving look.

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  On 9/28/2016 at 2:26 AM, Paul Kingtiger said:

You can use US assets in your mod but you can't distribute them, you have to create your part.cfg code and point the model bit to the universal storage model you want to use.  That's how the DMagic orbital science mod US parts work, DMagic made models and animations for his science experiments and put the model inside the US storage science bay using code like this:

	model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model
	position = 0, 0, 0
	rotation = 0, 0, 0

	model = DMagicOrbitalScience/UniversalStorage/USSoilMoisture/modelSoilMoisture
	parent = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model

Of course the part will only work if US is installed, but that's what you want anyway, you can make it only show up is US is installed with:


The science bay is the basic shell and you should be able to put any part into that.

Of course if you want to use one of the other models but give it new functionality you can do that as well.


Awesome, thank you! Presumably to make the animation work I can just import the .mu into blender, and then just make sure my release version does not actually contain that part? Or is there a template that I've not seen. 

Thanks for the help!

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While on routine EVA examination of the service module I uh... just accidentally discovered the release feature of the Universal Storage core and managed to decouple my oxygen tanks, science equiment, fuel cells... pretty much causing a mission abort since my Engineer is not skilled enough to chase them down and bring them back.



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@Tokamak When building my parts I imported the empty science bay into Blender for reference, both for the size and to make sure my parts synced up with the animation. The final exported model only contained my objects though.

If you want to trigger the standard US science bay animation you can just use the same module as US does, but if you want to add your own animation it will be trickier. I'm not sure how the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric handles multiple animations on the same part, my guess is that it doesn't, so you'll probably have to come up with your own implementation.

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  On 9/28/2016 at 11:20 PM, DMagic said:

@Tokamak When building my parts I imported the empty science bay into Blender for reference, both for the size and to make sure my parts synced up with the animation. The final exported model only contained my objects though.

If you want to trigger the standard US science bay animation you can just use the same module as US does, but if you want to add your own animation it will be trickier. I'm not sure how the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric handles multiple animations on the same part, my guess is that it doesn't, so you'll probably have to come up with your own implementation.


Hey @DMagic - is it possible to add a tweakbale that hides the US superstructure on your wedge parts for this mod? You can hide the black and white fairing/shell on the various tank/bag/device wedges, keeping just the tank/bag/device (see monoprop tanks or supply bags for an example).

I only ask because I use your wedge parts on 0.625m probes all the time and the wedge doors stick out all weird-like. They'd look much cooler with just the experiment wedges, and I always launch under fairings anyway.

As an aesthetic concern only this is hardly an urgent request!

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  On 10/11/2016 at 12:40 AM, RavenEchoseven said:

Has anyone tried US out on 1.2 at all? Would the current version work at all?


The Animation changes in 1.2 mean that none of the parts animate.  That's not something that I can fix, I'll get in contact with Dashi, see if he has time to update the mod (He's currently working on US2).

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  On 9/28/2016 at 3:32 PM, CobaltWolf said:

@Paul Kingtiger have you heard from @Daishi lately? I haven't seen him post in a while.



  On 10/12/2016 at 12:28 AM, Paul Kingtiger said:

The Animation changes in 1.2 mean that none of the parts animate.  That's not something that I can fix, I'll get in contact with Dashi, see if he has time to update the mod (He's currently working on US2).


I'm back, just been very tired with health things and work. Looks like KSP is in a bit of a pickle right now - totally not what I was expecting to come back to.

US2 will continue (if only trimmed back in scope, due to plugin support) with the assumption that core game development will slow now that the team is so small. Trying to develop mods for a rapidly developing game was a little vexing, trying to hit a constantly moving target. Here's hoping KSP is now feature complete and we have a stable base to work with. 

KSP1.2 has broken US1, but it's an easy fix to get the parts to animate again. It's just a copy and paste job in the .cfg files, replacing the old animation module with a stock one. Looks like the stock animation module has become a little more feature rich so things should work well enough, but it's been so long i've forgotten exactly what the original limitations are.

I'll be in proper contact soon Paul, i've just got to get my head around this new version of unity again and get back in the swing of things. With most of KSP's lead developers gone it's probably the best time to get content pumped out again. 

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  On 10/12/2016 at 7:12 AM, Daishi said:

KSP1.2 has broken US1, but it's an easy fix to get the parts to animate again. It's just a copy and paste job in the .cfg files, replacing the old animation module with a stock one. Looks like the stock animation module has become a little more feature rich so things should work well enough, but it's been so long i've forgotten exactly what the original limitations are.


Well that sounds promising but I confess that due to my quite limited knowledge that's not really enough information for me to have a go!

Could someone perhaps be kind enough to provide a little more info? I assume its the below module that needs a tweak?

		name = ModuleAnimator
		animationName = Take 001
		guiEnableName = Open Bay Doors
		guiDisableName = Close Bay Doors
		actionEnableName = Open Bay Doors
		actionDisableName = Close Bay Doors
		actionToggleName = Toggle Bay Doors
		animationSpeed = 0.5
		oneShot = false
		activeEditor = true
		activeFlight = true
		activeUnfocused = true
		unfocusedRange = 2


Edited by Bishop149
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  On 10/12/2016 at 11:06 AM, Bishop149 said:

Well that sounds promising but I confess that due to my quite limited knowledge that's not really enough information for me to have a go!

Could someone perhaps be kind enough to provide a little more info? I assume its the below module that needs a tweak?

		name = ModuleAnimator
		animationName = Take 001
		guiEnableName = Open Bay Doors
		guiDisableName = Close Bay Doors
		actionEnableName = Open Bay Doors
		actionDisableName = Close Bay Doors
		actionToggleName = Toggle Bay Doors
		animationSpeed = 0.5
		oneShot = false
		activeEditor = true
		activeFlight = true
		activeUnfocused = true
		unfocusedRange = 2



We'll get a patch together for you, give us a bit :)

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