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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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On 4/20/2016 at 8:06 AM, Fireheart318 said:

How much longer till 1.1 release

I know that you want 1.1 release, and we all do too. But B9 is one of the biggest mods around and updating it will take much longer than a few days.


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22 hours ago, viperfan7 said:

I love how just a few hours later 1.1 was released

"3-4 weeks" is an automatic Falcon BMS quote whenever someone asks how long till something is released. Just an in joke with the community. I think it originally came from Ubisoft when they were putting out updates and hotfixes for Ghost Recon Future Soldier and would say "it's coming in 2 weeks" or "the hot-fix is only 3 weeks away" and then kept fluffing up those release dates, it'd always end with the moderators getting flamed because Ubisoft didn't live up to their "release promises", etc. It was an endless cycle lmao

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Does anyone have a download link for versions of B9PartSwitch and B9AnimationModules that work with KSP1.1 release?  Because the versions I have (that came with the last official release of B9, which of course PREDATES KSP1.1) are broken all to heck, and don't work at all.

Edited by Neutrinovore
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Just now, Neutrinovore said:

Does anyone have a download link for versions of B9PartSwitch and B9AnimationModules that work with KSP1.1 release?  Because the versions I have (that came with the last official release of B9, which of course PREDATES

You have to download the dlls from the respective git repositories directly (probably best to just replace the entire folders in GameData really).  But of course, nothing comes with a warranty until there's an official release.

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7 hours ago, blowfish said:

You have to download the dlls from the respective git repositories directly

Which (types of) parts depend on km_Gimball? (This plugin looks dead)

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I read the no creative staff thing so not nagging here i just wanted to second on the Mk2 intake and sabre ....i know some other mods have those already but this pack always has the best parts IMO so whenever if ever i would love to see those parts make it into this pack.....also MASSIVE props to all who work on this pack thank you very much for your time and work  its definitely a favorite of mine and several of my friends.

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Hope this helps with development of a 1.1 compatible B9:

I kinda tested it out a little, running B9 v6.0.0 on my 1.1 install to see what works and what (besides landing gears/legs) doesn't work. Only the base pack, though, no HX or Legacy parts yet. Here's some of what I've found in a few minutes of trying it out.


The Sabre S and F119 engines are catastrophically broken; they won't start with staging (although you can start them manually by right-clicking), there is no sfx, and the camera stops focusing on the vessel after 64 seconds of flight time. I haven't tested out the other B9 engines, but assume that they would yield similar results; non-B9 engines work the way they're supposed to work.

The textures on the parts seem a little washed out. Switching the part types in the SPH still works, but the interface is changed to sliders for some reason (like in Tweak Scale); the sizes of the parts cannot be changed with Tweak Scale.

The IVAs in the HL and Mk2B w/Intake cockpits work normally, except for page one of the resource tab having some weird text formatting. They are fully compatible with the stock cutaway view where you press the button to see the IVA from the outside. As with the engines, I have only tested those two and none of your other cockpits, but assume that the other cockpits will work just as well.


I'll do some more experimenting over the next few days.

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2 hours ago, King Something said:

Hope this helps with development of a 1.1 compatible B9:

I kinda tested it out a little, running B9 v6.0.0 on my 1.1 install to see what works and what (besides landing gears/legs) doesn't work. Only the base pack, though, no HX or Legacy parts yet. Here's some of what I've found in a few minutes of trying it out.


The Sabre S and F119 engines are catastrophically broken; they won't start with staging (although you can start them manually by right-clicking), there is no sfx, and the camera stops focusing on the vessel after 64 seconds of flight time. I haven't tested out the other B9 engines, but assume that they would yield similar results; non-B9 engines work the way they're supposed to work.

The textures on the parts seem a little washed out. Switching the part types in the SPH still works, but the interface is changed to sliders for some reason (like in Tweak Scale); the sizes of the parts cannot be changed with Tweak Scale.

The IVAs in the HL and Mk2B w/Intake cockpits work normally, except for page one of the resource tab having some weird text formatting. They are fully compatible with the stock cutaway view where you press the button to see the IVA from the outside. As with the engines, I have only tested those two and none of your other cockpits, but assume that the other cockpits will work just as well.


I'll do some more experimenting over the next few days.

Yeh eveything needs to moved over to stock modules. A lot of the difficulty with converting from 1.05 to 1.1 is not so much the model but the thrust transforms and animations need to be moved over to new modules. I could probably fix the saber engines by using a simmilar config I used on my Masamune engines and add the custom FX. I have the plug-in that allows me to analyze the model and see how all the transforms are set up, but it is just as easy to read the config file. This is how I made Bahamutod's drills work in 1.05 independent of any dependencies. 

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8 hours ago, King Something said:

The Sabre S and F119 engines are catastrophically broken; they won't start with staging (although you can start them manually by right-clicking), there is no sfx, and the camera stops focusing on the vessel after 64 seconds of flight time. I haven't tested out the other B9 engines, but assume that they would yield similar results; non-B9 engines work the way they're supposed to work.

Sorry, but I can't replicate.  All the engines work fine for me.  Have you updated all the dependencies?

Also, was the bolding and red text really necessary?  I'm going to see your post either way.

8 hours ago, King Something said:

The textures on the parts seem a little washed out.

Changes to the stock shaders.  Nothing that can be done about this, really.

8 hours ago, King Something said:

Switching the part types in the SPH still works, but the interface is changed to sliders for some reason (like in Tweak Scale); the sizes of the parts cannot be changed with Tweak Scale.

That was an intentional change to clean up the interface.  Tweakscale isn't compatible yet (on the todo list, but not for the next update)

8 hours ago, King Something said:

The IVAs in the HL and Mk2B w/Intake cockpits work normally, except for page one of the resource tab having some weird text formatting. They are fully compatible with the stock cutaway view where you press the button to see the IVA from the outside. As with the engines, I have only tested those two and none of your other cockpits, but assume that the other cockpits will work just as well.

I see the weird formatting.  Pinging @danfarnsy @JaredTheDragon do you have any idea what might be going on here?

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Update: Because I wasn't sure exactly what we were testing, I tried with 6.0.1 with bundled dependencies, which predictably didn't work. Then again with 6.0.1 with RPM, Firespitter, ModuleManager, and SmokeScreen all updated to most recent available. I also tested with the dev version (downloading B9-Aerospace-master.zip). I also compared to how the screens look in 1.0.5. The first two pages (out of five) aren't working properly in either 1.0.5 or in 1.1.0, even though they're different from each other and 1.1.0 looks worse:

Maybe I can figure this out. I didn't solve it when we were doing 5.3.0, and I haven't really touched RPM configs since then, which still leaves me as the B9 resident expert, right? :)

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As an aside, I found a different issue (low priority, IMO) that you can put on the list. For B9 pods, if I go to view/IVA and then leave that view by pressing 'c', the interior cutaway view often (but not always) is no longer available. This doesn't appear to occur for stock pods. If I leave the scene and re-load it, the interior cutaway view becomes available again. I don't particularly care about it, but maybe somebody will. I figured I'd share.

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9 hours ago, blowfish said:

Sorry, but I can't replicate.  All the engines work fine for me.  Have you updated all the dependencies?

Also, was the bolding and red text really necessary?  I'm going to see your post either way.

Changes to the stock shaders.  Nothing that can be done about this, really.

That was an intentional change to clean up the interface.  Tweakscale isn't compatible yet (on the todo list, but not for the next update)

I see the weird formatting.  Pinging @danfarnsy @JaredTheDragon do you have any idea what might be going on here?

Apologies for the text formatting. My intention in doing so was to draw everyone's attention to the fact that the B9 6.0.0 engines don't work in KSP 1.1.0, not just your attention.

I have several other mods, so I'm pretty sure that I have the latest versions of B9's various and sundry dependencies (including the latest RPM and Firespitter plugins). Maybe you weren't able to replicate my problem because you're running the 6.0.1 dev build instead of the 6.0.0 public release? Or maybe it's because I worded the issue wrongly: the problem I have with vessels using B9 engines is not just that the camera focuses on a point dozens of meters behind the vessel, but that the vessel chaotically pivots around this point as if that point was part of the vessel. Eskandare seems to know what the problem is:

15 hours ago, Eskandare said:

Yeh eveything needs to moved over to stock modules. A lot of the difficulty with converting from 1.05 to 1.1 is not so much the model but the thrust transforms and animations need to be moved over to new modules. I could probably fix the saber engines by using a simmilar config I used on my Masamune engines and add the custom FX. I have the plug-in that allows me to analyze the model and see how all the transforms are set up, but it is just as easy to read the config file. This is how I made Bahamutod's drills work in 1.05 independent of any dependencies. 

Shame about the shaders. I understand that getting the mod to work properly is a higher priority than making the parts look pretty, although "making the parts look pretty" should also include making the cabin lights and crew pod window shades in exterior view work; sorry for not mentioning that in my last post, but at the time I hadn't been paying enough attention to notice.

The change for the part tweaking from buttons to sliders is interesting, but the text for the displayed names of some of the part variations should be shortened. All the HX parts and at least some of the Legacy parts seem to be compatible with Tweak Scale (I've only tested the 1.25m engine mount from Legacy in this regard, but I imagine that the other parts probably work too).

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@King Something RPM, SmokeScreen and Firespitter being up-to-date is not sufficient. If you want it to work properly in 1.1 (as properly as it can right now anyway), you'll have to grab

from https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace:

  • GamaData/B9_Aerospace
  • GameData/B9_Aerospace_HX           (<- your mileage
  • GameData/B9_Aerospace_Legacy     <- may vary)

from https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9AnimationModules:

  • GameData/B9AnimationModules

and from https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch:

  • GameData/B9PartSwitch


I'm actually not quite sure what exactly still needs to be done. Works really well for me; no engine problems or any of the stuff you described whatsoever.

Edited by MaxRebo
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4 hours ago, blowfish said:

There appear to be a couple of issues with the RPM MFDs, but I don't have any clue how to solve those.

Right, I noticed some screens were not coming up when you press their buttons, but I was convinced that was just me derp'ing out when I briefly checked the MFDs before starting my career... hopefully this one will sort itself out eventually. I doubt I'll come across something before you do, but I'll keep an eye out for possible causes / solutions anyway.

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I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but where are the configs to enable the experimental rocketry tech node? I've looked everywhere and found nothing helpful, the hx parts show up in the vab in sandbox mode, so it's just a matter of getting the node enabled. I tried the configs but found nothing useful; b9_techtree_add sounded promising but led nowhere.

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1 hour ago, Jumberlack said:

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but where are the configs to enable the experimental rocketry tech node? I've looked everywhere and found nothing helpful, the hx parts show up in the vab in sandbox mode, so it's just a matter of getting the node enabled. I tried the configs but found nothing useful; b9_techtree_add sounded promising but led nowhere.

That should be it, is it not working?  If not, could you post your log and module manager config cache?  (log is called output_log.txt in KSP_Data in your KSP root folder, the config cache is ModuleManager.configcache in GameData).

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2 hours ago, Jumberlack said:

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but where are the configs to enable the experimental rocketry tech node? I've looked everywhere and found nothing helpful, the hx parts show up in the vab in sandbox mode, so it's just a matter of getting the node enabled. I tried the configs but found nothing useful; b9_techtree_add sounded promising but led nowhere.

That is the right config. I see no reason why it wouldn't work.


19 minutes ago, blowfish said:

That should be it, is it not working?  If not, could you post your log and module manager config cache?  (log is called output_log.txt in KSP_Data in your KSP root folder, the config cache is ModuleManager.configcache in GameData).

Yeah it is blowfish, but it now contains a need dependency for CommunityTechTree. Have you inserted this? I don't remember including it.

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