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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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  On 2/23/2019 at 2:38 PM, shaw said:

No, nothing regarding skyboxes changed in years.

p. s. Just tested it, works perfectly, you just don't need EnvMap directory.


Ok, great, I got it up and working on my end now too, thanks. I didn't realize that having stuff in the EnvMap folder these days would bork things. FYI it also made the helmet visors solid pink. Not sure iaf that information is useful to you.

Next question though, what do I need to do to get the head pack in linked in my signature working again? I tried just dropping it into the texture replacer folder, and edited the .cfg to say textureReplacer instead of textureReplacerReplaced, and the veteran kerbals on the main menu, gene and a few other kerbals on screens around the KSC, the kerbals running around the VAB all had the human skin textures applied normally, but the kerbals in flight still had green skin. I will also state that I really don't know much about how this stuff works, so if it is not an easy thing for me to fix, please just let me know, and I will edit the thread to say discontinued, until such a time that I can do some learning to figure out how to update it.

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Hello!  I've installed TextureReplacer with the objective of setting this texture for the Navball:


I placed the png file in the GameData/TextureReplacer/Default directory (2 copies) with names 'Navball' and 'Navball.png'.  No cigar.

I can tell TextureReplacer is installed and KSP.log shows no squawking (errors) from it.

The only thing I can think is that this PNG image is somehow not compatible...?

Can you suggest anything to help?  Thanks!


OK, I got my new navball texture working!

Edited by Hotel26
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I've been having non-stop trouble with visors (first the Making History Russian suit visors glitching out, now they've suddenly turned purple for all Kerbals on EVA), is it possible to disable the effects TR has on visors?

EDIT: Ignore this, found the setting to disable it.

Edited by golkaidakhaana
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  On 1/13/2019 at 12:26 AM, shaw said:


You create them or change them if you already have some suit pack installed. See the OP or README for the details.


maybe I'm missing something, but is there a reason these read as almost completely transparent in Photoshop?  I just want to make sure I don't screw it up when I start editing the textures.

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  On 3/1/2019 at 2:00 AM, Errol said:

Ok, great, I got it up and working on my end now too, thanks. I didn't realize that having stuff in the EnvMap folder these days would bork things. FYI it also made the helmet visors solid pink. Not sure iaf that information is useful to you.

Next question though, what do I need to do to get the head pack in linked in my signature working again? I tried just dropping it into the texture replacer folder, and edited the .cfg to say textureReplacer instead of textureReplacerReplaced, and the veteran kerbals on the main menu, gene and a few other kerbals on screens around the KSC, the kerbals running around the VAB all had the human skin textures applied normally, but the kerbals in flight still had green skin. I will also state that I really don't know much about how this stuff works, so if it is not an easy thing for me to fix, please just let me know, and I will edit the thread to say discontinued, until such a time that I can do some learning to figure out how to update it.


Keeping `EnvMap/` shouldn't break anything, it's just that it's a dead weight.

Head textures must now be in subdirectories, just like suits. Male head texture must be named `kerbalHead` and female `kerbalGirl_06_BaseColor` (look at OP or the textures that come with TR).

  On 3/6/2019 at 1:08 AM, Capt. Hunt said:

maybe I'm missing something, but is there a reason these read as almost completely transparent in Photoshop?  I just want to make sure I don't screw it up when I start editing the textures.


Yes, transparency channel carries information about specular component for lighting.

Edited by shaw
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  On 3/10/2019 at 2:42 PM, kurgut said:

Hi @shaw, Is that a texture replacer issue?

(I use default texture replacer for kerbal skins)




It looks like an error in your texture. Did you convert it from a .dds to .png? You need to flip the texture vertically if so.

*Mirror not flip

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  On 3/10/2019 at 6:57 PM, kurgut said:

Thanks, nah, didn't touch them, (and they're still in .dds, just checked it)


Huh... That's strange then. The texture looks the same as the default .dds texture when laid next to each other (other than different color/pattern)? Could you mirror the texture vertically and see what it does?

Also @shaw sorry for the ping but I was curious- is the reflection plugin working properly in this release? I'm thinking of updating WindowShine but I don't know if the 

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  On 3/10/2019 at 7:01 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

Huh... That's strange then. The texture looks the same as the default .dds texture when laid next to each other (other than different color/pattern)? Could you mirror the texture vertically and see what it does?

Also @shaw sorry for the ping but I was curious- is the reflection plugin working properly in this release? I'm thinking of updating WindowShine but I don't know if the 


Thanks, will try this (also, this issue doens't appear all the time btw)

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  On 3/9/2019 at 1:33 PM, shaw said:

Yes, transparency channel carries information about specular component for lighting.


Ok, thanks, I figured it was something like that, since they don't look transparent in game.  Do you know if there's an easy way in Photoshop Elements to turn that off so it's easier to edit, without losing the transparency permanently?

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  On 3/11/2019 at 11:26 PM, Capt. Hunt said:

Ok, thanks, I figured it was something like that, since they don't look transparent in game.  Do you know if there's an easy way in Photoshop Elements to turn that off so it's easier to edit, without losing the transparency permanently?


No, I only know how to do it in Gimp.

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  On 3/14/2019 at 3:40 PM, airtrafficcontroller said:

Yes, the Range Machine version is for KSP 1.4.0, you are using the 1.6.1 KSP.

The Shaw version works almost perfect with the last KSP, try that one.



Thank you for the swift reply!

Okay, I gave that one a try and indeed the reflections work ingame, the menu doesn't look weird, but when I EVA my kerbal his mouth is flapping in a glitch type way.  Is that the almost part of "almost perfect" you mentioned?

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hi @shaw, I don't have those beautiful eva visor reflections :


I've "enable real time reflections" enabled, but I only get this:


I've got last TR, on ksp 1.6.1, also have TU, and scatterer,


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@kurgut, have you got an "EVAvisor" DDS or PNG file in your ..\Gamedata\TextureReplacer\Default folder?

If you do, you'll also need to patch it in.  Here's what's in my ZZ_CustomSettings.cfg file in ..\Gamedata\TextureReplacer\  (ZZ_Custom... makes sure it's loaded last, therefore isn't overridden by any other settings)  The settings set the color of the visor.

  Reveal hidden contents

If you don't have a EVAvisor file, just search for "EVAvisor.dds" in this topic, there's a number to choose from.  The basic differences are just how transparent they are.  Try a few to see what looks best to you.  Here's what this setup looks like

Edited by Padrone
Added visual aid (screenshot of visor reflection)
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  On 3/16/2019 at 4:35 PM, Padrone said:

If you do, you'll also need to patch it in.  Here's what's in my ZZ_CustomSettings.cfg file in ..\Gamedata\TextureReplacer\  (ZZ_Custom... makes sure it's loaded last, therefore isn't overridden by any other settings)  The settings set the color of the visor.


Thanks a lot! Just to know, the three numbers are they corresponding red-yellow-blue ?

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Have 2 visual issues, pretty sure that at least 1 of them is TR's:


1. No reflections; - SOLVED BY READING POST ABOVE and installing suit pack :)

2. Poor kerbal's mouth go from open to closed state (as on screenshot) maybe 50 times per second, happens only on EVA (IVA seems to be ok), I believe it's not ok for kerbonaut's health. Bug seems to be present only with helmet on. Any ideas where to dig? It's now much less visible due to solved question no. 1 regarding reflections, but it's still there :(

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Hello, I was wondering if anyone had the texture for the new jetpack (the suit revamp), I looked around the thread and I haven't been able to find it, only the old jetpack which doesn't fit the new mesh.


Edit: Nevermind, I found them by looking around. Thanks anyway

Edited by Deimos007
Found what i needed.
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  • 5 weeks later...

https://spacedock.info/mod/2142/Warmer Stock Skybox?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E EDIT: I removed the mod from spacedock for now, see below.



This skybox is a very simple modification of the stock skybox. All I have done is white-balance the skybox somewhat to make it look a little more like pictures of the milky way, with paler blues and partly yellowish tones in places where there's a lot of older stars. I also slightly reduced the overall saturation.

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