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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On 8/22/2021 at 8:05 AM, septemberWaves said:


Gemini, on a Titan III transtage? Where could this be going, I wonder..?


The answer to that question is Minmus. Bill Kerman here conducts the first EVA in space above Minmus (and above any celestial body other than Kerbin).


The transtage conducts most of the orbital insertion burn, but the Gemini engines have to be used for the last of it.


A second burn was done an orbit later to lower the trajectory to a 17x17km orbit.


Valentina conducting the first EVA in Minmus orbit.


Time for descent.


A perfectly successful landing. The al-Idrisi cartography satellite I've previously posted about helped with choosing a sufficiently flat landing site, which, combined with the low gravity of Minmus and the position of the engines in the concave service module, meant that the lack of landing gear was not a concern. Which is good, because the delta-v budget for this mission left little to spare.


Surface EVA and collection of surface samples were next. Unfortunately all of the best rocks were larger than the spacecraft itself; they will probably require more specialized tools to study in future.


Ascent from the surface of Minmus went smoothly, although surface samples weighed down the spacecraft right to the limit.


And the first kerbals to visit Minmus leave the minty moon, after burning up just about all of the remaining fuel. There was barely enough monopropellant left to run the re-entry thrusters.




The return to Kerbin's surface was nominal and uneventful, making for a perfectly successful Minmus mission.

Which texture mod are you using to get Minmus looking so erm Stunning please ?

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58 minutes ago, Puggonaut said:

Which texture mod are you using to get Minmus looking so erm Stunning please ?

That's not a texture mod, exactly. It's the JNSQ planet pack, which is also why the margins were so tight with this mission (it's roughly 2.7x stock scale, so it's actually well-balanced for stock-balance parts).

Also, since I see you asked previously, I already answered about the visual setup; check the comment at the top of this page, I can only assume you didn't see that at first.

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1 hour ago, septemberWaves said:

That's not a texture mod, exactly. It's the JNSQ planet pack, which is also why the margins were so tight with this mission (it's roughly 2.7x stock scale, so it's actually well-balanced for stock-balance parts).

Also, since I see you asked previously, I already answered about the visual setup; check the comment at the top of this page, I can only assume you didn't see that at first.

Aha , ok thanks &)

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Lately I've been sending up a lot of comms sats....I finally got the RA-100 so I started sending some up to to polar shells, geostationary orbit, Munar orbit (couple polar ones, 2 or 3 high orbit ones) 

Have done quite a few mun missions....gotta get the juicy, juicy science! 

Did a Duna missions...holy cow, that was a pain! I used a small un manned lander to land+ascend from Duna+rendezvous in orbit. It was incredibly flip-happy. I spent the better part of an hour re-loading saves. I eventually got it, docking+return to Kerbin went smoothly. 

This is all on a new 1.12.2 install...and unlike most of my installs, it is mostly mod-free. I have the usuals (scatter, Astronomer’s Visual pack, Waterfall etc.) but I’ve stated away from Restock+other part mods. I love Restock, but I just want a more uniform art style. Yes, stock ksp’s art style is inconsistent but with Restock it gets even more  (well, it’s just really the aviation parts) 

I’m just happy to have the stock tech tree, lol. I forgot how simple it is...how nice and neat! Now I don’t want to tear my hair out lol. 


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Crisster Kerman is an engineer, so the things she trusts are science and technology, not prayers and superstitions. When she was stuck in a damaged spacecraft, with Kerbin out of her reach, she knew it would be scientists, engineers and pilots who would get her back home, not the souls of some long-dead Kerbals. But those ancient builders were to first to leave a lasting trace of their efforts to create something that would reach for the sky. Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn wasn't just an old temple. It was a symbol, the center of the place where civilization began. And even though that civilization was long gone, their villages and fields burried under sand, their dreams of creating marvels that nature alone never would and ultimately reaching for the sky lived on.

Most likely, there were no ancient spirits roaming these places. In all probability, there were no restless souls here to listen to her tales. No reason to tell her own story, or those of her fellow kerbonauts. But some people say that Jeb himself might be a veeery distant descendant of those who have built the temple. Maaaaybe there was some spirit there, happy to hear that Jeb and some of his friends have managed to leave the sphere of influence of Kerbin. And who knew what else might the future bring? What other fantastic tales might Crisster be able to whisper to any souls lingering near the temple? Well, time will tell.


Uh, I've also landed a primitive lander on Moho. It wasn't a caveman mission, but I've launched it before landing on Minmus and I was needlessly worried about dV, so it's only got a thermometer and barometer. Don't think I've ever landed a first probe with this little instrumentation on another planet.


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4 hours ago, Hohmannson said:



There is a notable lack of ships in KSP - SunkWorks allows no more than a tiny boat, MNWS are, instead, giantic. So for Panocean canal i chose a decomissioned ASDS from KK's SpaceX Pack.

I am salivating at the sight of that ship but you are very wrong about Sunkworks. It's modular system allows you to build as large as your imagination can handle. This was something I just threw together in 10 minutes, With WASD set to no boundaries I could build it way bigger than the SPH if I wanted to.


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My first n-body interplanetary transfer. Not actually that tough to figure out, surprisingly.


This is Red Spirit 1, a science and communications satellite which will orbit Duna, collecting data and serving as the preliminary relay for the other Red Spirit missions launched in this window: two orbiters and two experimental landers.

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26 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:

I believe that's Kronal Vesel Viewer, if I'm not mistaken.

it's correct, Kronal Vessel Viewer.
Compatible with 1.9.1 only but it works with last version.


48 minutes ago, Kapitalizing Every Word said:

What is the mod for this schemes? 

They are called orthogonal or orthographic projections. Not sure which is the correct one.

Edited by antipro
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Well after a long day of digging the Panocean Canal, it's back to flight testing.

With the updated release of KAX I refitted the Sextus AP helicopter with the KH-1 Kuey Main Rotor and a new cockpit and discovered it works really nicely with Throttle Controlled Avionics.

So there's a new rescue chopper in the fleet, the Sextus KAX


Available on KerbalX: Sextus KAX



Edited by Caerfinon
Added KerbalX link
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Today I conducted my first ever Mun-orbit-rendezvous landing mission with Principia's n-body orbital dynamics. The above lander was sent to orbit Mun, and the crew soon followed in a different vessel. This method was the best option at my current point in the game due to limited launch capacities, but it also allowed me to fulfil a contract for docking in Munar orbit.

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I... got bored while designing things in a testing save and tried to come up with a craft using only cockpits... which evolved devolved into this thing. Against my better judgement, I actually launched it, and once it crashed and exploded, I started "refining" it under the experimental philosophy of "don't change, only add" until I ended up with this atrocious thing. Yes, it's a tailwheel. Yes, those SAS towers are 100% necessary. Yes, I could have stopped myself and didn't.


Even Jeb is beginning to question his life decisions.


It made it to orbit. Barely.


There's a reason I'm posting this here. I was going to just go "haha" at this adventure and then expunge it from memory until I realized that because my past playstyles never called for one, this might be my first functioning SSTO.

I'm going to go lie down.

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7 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

A playable recreationimproved adaptation of the Northern Ice Cap saucer?


That's the idea. :)With Blueshift, I created Space Anomalies- easter eggs in space, and now KFS has one. I figured that Kerbal Flying Saucers needed a Space Anomaly of its own, and what better Space Anomaly than a flying saucer like the easter eggs that @SQUAD put in the game? And then I thought, why not make it flyable? And why not have a nice IVA for it too? Well, now I have my answer. :)


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