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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. @Paul Kingtiger have you heard from @Daishi lately? I haven't seen him post in a while.
  2. Hey y'all, today's dev notes have solidified my course of action. Given that we wont have a release this week, Friday will only be a dev release for BDB. I'm aiming to stream Friday and possibly Thursday to put the finishing touches on Saturn, and pack it up for a 1.2pre dev release. You'll be able to play with all the finished parts and test them for us while Squad finishes up the 1.2 release. Once that's out, hopefully we'll be able to push out BDB v1.0 'Eagle', and move to the Add-on Releases board.
  3. Correct. The only stuff with RO configs are most of the engines. I'm hoping the RO guys take another look at the mod in the future.
  4. Lovely! I can't think of a better way you could have done that decoupler.
  5. Yes, there are two sets of RCS blocks you need to put on. I figured he'd figure it out after seeing the manual. There are 4 that go at 45 degrees around the bottom of the SM, which provide the rotation control for the whole Gemini. And then 4 that go at the top of the SM, which have all the missing translation thrusters. I recommend disabling the attitude control on those, and disabling the translation on the 2way ones to put on the bottom of the SM. The RCS in the nose was, IRL, used for control during reentry and is disabled by default. I think that 2x is 'realistic - easy' and 3x is more 'realistic-harder'. Like, you still have a fair bit of leeway with a 2x I *think*. I don't playtest the mod that much (Maya and Photoshop 4 dayz) so that's just hearsay.
  6. Awesome mission! I love the imagery of a full MOLE getting sent, instead of just a Gemini. If you want tips for the 'intended' configurations of the rockets (or just want ideas! ) be sure to check out our manual courtesy of @DiscoSlelge.
  7. New heatshield texture, still working on revising the CM. EDIT: Oh, by way of explanation as to why I'm working on Apollo right now (supplementary information: I don't have the latest Saturn files on my laptop)
  8. Basically. And we don't want to deviate significantly from the stock X volume = Y fuel amounts = Z mass formula that we've been using for the non-CryoEngines version. Either Saturn V tanks need to basically have stats for tanks half their size, or they need to be defueled. Yes. But then you're back up to having too much deltaV for the stock scale system, and are back to needing a rescale to make things have remotely accurate capabilities...
  9. enough that they have more proper dV. and no, it should be touched. Why on earth would we leave dead weight in the rocket? It would be something like, without CryoEngines, the S-II tank only has 50% max LFO. @Foxxonius Augustus nice pic! I think I have the LEM advert somewhere as well.
  10. I can't like any more today, hopefully I'll remember to come back. That SRB is beautiful!
  11. omnomnomnomnom and I'm not sure. Its a bit of a crapshoot trying to get them to embed correctly. I use the button at the bottom right.
  12. btw, some of the uprated Saturn V proposals used interim 156inch SRBs... maybe I'll have to make 2.5m SRBs?
  13. Best of luck dude! Stick with it and don't give up! Srsly, I've been a [redacted] to you enough. I genuinely wish you all the best and would love to see the fruits of your hard work!
  14. Yes. It's near impossible to balance Saturn (with the big cryo upper stages) with stock fuel tank ratios. Cryogenic tanks are just so much lighter (due to the much less dense fuel), nevermind how much mass we have to add for structure. NOTICE So, right now - the Saturn 1B and Saturn V have too much deltaV with normal fuel/mass/volume ratios. However, their TWR is too low - because they're overfueled. What we're probably going to do, is reduce the default fuel amounts in the tanks, while leaving the max fuel amounts alone. That way, when you just try and build a Saturn, it flies fine, but then if you want, you can increase the fuel loading. Deal?
  15. Hrmm, I know @Jso fiddled with Mercury to make it float correctly. I don't know if he did it for the Gemini. Buoyancy can be offset and controlled after 1.0.5. The heatshield was separated in the last release for a number of reasons, the manual just needs to be updated... helping @DiscoSlelge update that will be a chore after this update haha. Hunter. I've never seen anyone use either of them, I usually forget they're in the mod. They'll be more useful once Atlas-Vega is available, since the Seeker is supposed to be the optional 3rd stage. @Drakenex I've updated the OP link. Prolly should leave out the Saturn 1B for now, but there are plenty of other LVs that you can build which aren't covered.
  16. I actually didn't, I was trying to figure out what engines you used for the descent stage. They've been on the roadmap for a while now tho...
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