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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. First! I like the idea. How does this tell if there is a magnetosphere present? Peace.
  2. A 2.5 styled system, so with greater difficulty... make it an optional starting position... Different planets, the kerbin equivalanet being the terminator of a solar locked world.
  3. Try the TETRIX TechTree and you'll find it a bit better i think. Same principle but it is extended, particularly for Nertea's mods. I provide support for my trees to allow modders such as Nertea to focus on their awesome work. It certainly is... thanks for the ping.
  4. Why can't these things be added now using kopernicus?
  5. I may need someone to step me through getting this working. Every altitude seems to be too close to a gavity well. But i may have set up the craft wrong?
  6. 2022 you say... with all tbe push outs... noone mention <cough> halflife 3
  7. The original mod IIRC borrowed the stock nosecone and mat bay and risezed placed them. This was an issue with ReStock. I see you have provided your own nosecone models? Thanks for bringing this through to 1.11.1. Peace.
  8. I think that is possible, but can be buggy. Peace.
  9. My resolution this year is 2560 x 1440. I upgraded last year Actually complete a Simplex based career with Kerbalism Simplex, Simplex TechTree and Simplex Resources. The only part mods being kerbalism, hullcamvds and restockplus. By complete I mean flags and footprints on all stock bodies that can be landed on. I also want to do the same in JNSQ but with the NearFuture Suite and the TETRIX TechTree. Peace.
  10. Good news everybody! I have been working hard (hardly working?) towards updating the Kerbalism Simplex mod. Long story short, i wanted NearFuture Electrical support and realised that something would have to be done as these NEEDS CRP for its funky resources. So there will be an update to this mod so Near Future Electrical is supportes without CRP. You'll love it. Uranite is replaced with RareOre. EnrichedUranium is replaced with NuclearFuel* DepletedFuel is replaced with NuclearWaste* *also thinking of changing these to FissionFuel/Waste incase anyone else uses this! so... update soonTM!
  11. 1. A HAL 9000 problem from 2001. Maybe MechJEB has gone haywire. Or a baddie is blaming somethong on MexhJeb Also 1. A solar flare has taken out communication with your Jool5 craft, but you didnt bring any pilots amd a crucial manouver is coming up. Another 1. Someone ate all the snacks? 2. People also make vids without EVE clouds. If i ever get round to it i wont as scatterer reduces usuable framerates by around 100 parts a craft. 3. Create your own special kerbal hero
  12. When I released Kerbalism Simplex i wanted to change the original. But couldn't so I started a new mod. True Story. Peace.
  13. It shoukdnt have changed the orbital values haven't been altered?
  14. Had a quiet thought... why not have side on emoticons? Then the female ponytail would be visible, grin up and frown down could be seen. ROFL would be straight forward like side on and facing us.
  15. I'm use rockets only with a max tier 2, less than 140 ton launchpad. Also using the Simplex Propulsion mod so that .7 efficiency at sea level on kerbin, needing two stages to get to orbit. Simplex Propulsion in stock should be about equivalent to a 2.5ish scaled system like JNSQ without engine nerfs. I also alwasy play career mode, and so need to update the game and start again befor getting too far. So, a typical style is non asparagus 4 skippers on first stage, 1 on second and I can get 21ishton to orbit with 2.5m tanks. The next step I think I can replace the 4 skippers with 2 mainsails for the same mass but much more power. Ideally i want to hit 25-27ton to orbit, if not 30! Peace
  16. Yes. In the profile simplex.cfg find the isru sections and delete them
  17. IMHO I think the eyes are a little small? Hard to make out on a laptop screen. They also look a little angled from the top, so not a fan yet. I feel that I should a stickler! WHY NO FEMALE EMOJI FACES? This is an oversight as bad as Val not having a visor on the menu screen when she first was introduced, or female kerbals not even having tongues for ages!
  18. That is pretty cool. I like the smaller lab. Where dod the better IVA come from?
  19. It would take a bit of work, but you could do this with the Making History DLC. Peace.
  20. Nice to see the kerbals there for scale. I wonder what kind of explosion thaey will make?
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